• 16 hours ago
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Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

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OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

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00:00Huh? What happened here? Was there an earthquake?
00:04Are you looking at the situation here?
00:06There was an earthquake. I am telling the truth.
00:09Oh, Sammy! Do you want to say something?
00:12Anyway, you know my new hobby. Drawing sheets. Right?
00:16Anyway, I am not good at it.
00:18I have tried many times.
00:26Oops! Sorry, I made a mistake.
00:28Whatever! I will never draw sheets again.
00:32But it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes for the first time.
00:35So, you mean to say that I should keep trying?
00:38Maybe I need a reference.
00:40Exactly! That's why we are going to make a sheet desk organizer.
00:44So, let's start.
00:45Wow! It sounds interesting. I will also help.
00:51First, let's make a base.
00:53It's a good idea, Suzy.
00:55And I got this post to tie my future sheet.
00:58This is not a post. This is a compass.
01:02And it's very sharp. So, you should use it carefully.
01:09Look at this, Suzy. I can use this to cut my sheet.
01:13Sammy, stop moving your leg.
01:16Scissors are also very sharp. This is not a toy.
01:19Whatever! Let's make a craft again.
01:22Wow! What a beautiful circle!
01:25One sheet, two sheets, three sheets.
01:30Hey! This is very good. How did you do this?
01:33Counting sheets.
01:34By the way, there are more than a thousand sheets.
01:38Really? I want to know more about it.
01:41Okay. Till Sam is busy, I will make more cardboard pieces.
01:46This is my favorite way. And it's done.
01:49It was very easy.
01:51It will be good if I get ready to meet different sheets.
01:54We need a shepherd.
01:56Yes, it's good. But it will only work with a hat.
02:01Now, I will need something to attract the sheep.
02:06Hmm. Maybe I have to adjust these pieces.
02:09This is good.
02:12Hey, Stu! When I was looking for a sheet, I found this.
02:15Oh! You have come at the right time, Sammy.
02:18We will use this to stick the details.
02:21Look carefully.
02:30Stop! Stop! I think you are doing it wrong.
02:33Let me see.
02:35This place will be less for my fine wool sheep.
02:39Don't worry. Your fine wool sheep will fit in this.
02:43The work is not done yet.
02:45I can use this.
02:47Sammy, do you know? I can also use this.
02:51Give it to Simba.
02:52But Stu, I will make a tank for my future sheep.
02:56Don't you want me to complete this craft?
02:59Hey! What have you done?
03:01Now it's ruined. How can I do this?
03:04Give it to Simba.
03:05Okay. Okay. You are not patient at all.
03:08You know, if I had extra cardboard, I would have given it to you.
03:13This place is good for my sheep tank.
03:17Okay. So, the gate will be here.
03:21And this will be its side wall.
03:25Give me the way, Suzie.
03:26Be careful.
03:29What are you saying? I am the master of parking.
03:32You will come to know right now.
03:34I don't need to be careful.
03:37Oh! By the way, at least everything is in place.
03:41And my sheep tank is ready.
03:48Is it okay?
03:50Base is ready.
03:51It's looking good.
03:52Hey, Stu!
03:53Where do sheep make their shoes?
03:55To be honest, I don't know.
03:57Wow! I missed me.
04:02Now we can start making the next part of the organizer.
04:05Let's draw.
04:08Great! It's ready.
04:10Wait a second.
04:11Where is the ruler?
04:12No! Really?
04:14Oh! What a beautiful color!
04:16I am sure my sheep will like it.
04:19Here it is.
04:20We have to make some straight lines on this piece.
04:27Oh! I am so good at this.
04:29My sheep will be very happy.
04:32I like this.
04:33Everything is done.
04:34Wait! Where is the hammer?
04:36Oh! Let's go.
04:37Oh! Today is a very lucky day for me.
04:40I needed these pieces.
04:42Now I will work on the hammer.
04:47Where are my pieces?
04:48Where did they go?
04:50I am happy that I found them.
04:52This is right.
04:54What? How can she do all this?
04:56Okay. I will show you, Susan.
04:59Okay. Now it's Chiptani's turn.
05:02Apply glue on the edges carefully, friends.
05:12This piece will go here.
05:14It's looking good.
05:19Did you understand?
05:21But Sam, what if RP finds out?
05:23That's it. Go.
05:26Oh! My dear Susan.
05:27This flower is for you.
05:29Wow! Really?
05:31What are you doing?
05:34It's as beautiful as you.
05:36Yes. Where is the drawer?
05:38Oops! I have to go.
05:41Now you will know.
05:42Sammy, wait.
05:43I needed this.
05:45Give it back.
05:46This is for our craft.
05:47Find something else.
05:49Okay. Fine.
05:50You can take it.
05:53So, where was I?
05:54Yes. I will stick these partitions here.
05:57Take this.
05:58I also want to help in making the main craft.
06:00That's it, Sammy.
06:02I like to help you.
06:04Look, this small piece is very important.
06:07This will go here.
06:09And this is the second one.
06:12Now look at this magic.
06:14Balla, the drawers are rotating.
06:16Isn't it great?
06:20Sam, you will need this.
06:23You are right.
06:24This will act as a barrier.
06:25So that nothing falls.
06:27This is going to be completed, friends.
06:30And look, it is ready.
06:34Hey, Steve!
06:35Does sheep need a dentist?
06:38I don't know. Why?
06:40For bad teeth.
06:42I am so funny.
06:43Yes, Sammy. Very funny.
06:47Everything is working fine.
06:49So, now it's time for the next stage.
06:51Let's add some more details.
06:53Yes, Sammy.
06:54Let's add some more details.
06:56So, now it's time for the next stage.
06:58Let's add some more details to keep them together.
07:00Let's add some more details to keep them together.
07:06Steve, help!
07:07Something has happened to me.
07:11I think you are stuck in the cardboard piece.
07:14This is not funny.
07:16I was just walking.
07:17I was thinking that I should keep two sheep.
07:19Will they be able to stay together?
07:20What do you think?
07:22Don't worry.
07:23Sheep are very friendly.
07:25They wag their tails like a dog.
07:27And they make good bonds with other sheep.
07:34I think I should make a big fan.
07:38This is a very important piece.
07:41You can't take it.
07:42Sorry for this.
07:43But I need it to make the top drawer wall.
07:47Do you need it too?
07:50You will get it only when you give me candy.
07:53Do you?
07:56Where is my candy?
07:57I will give you candy after completing this craft.
08:00So, you made a fool out of me.
08:03By the way, this is looking very nice.
08:05Steve, why don't you become an engineer?
08:07Thank you, Sammy.
08:08Now, look at this.
08:09This is the top lid.
08:12This will open and close.
08:14Like this.
08:16This place is very nice.
08:18This place is enough to count sheep.
08:20Sammy, you scared me.
08:22Don't do this again.
08:26Now, I will make the biggest drawer.
08:28This is the most important part of our sheep organizer.
08:42This is not difficult.
08:43Isn't it?
08:44I think something is wrong here.
08:48Let me see.
08:52I got it.
08:53The drawer is too big.
08:56Steve, how will this fit there?
08:58Can you tell me?
09:00Sammy, give me some time.
09:02I will fix everything.
09:04We always say that measurements are very important.
09:06What about you?
09:08Sammy, look.
09:09This fits.
09:10See, everything is fine.
09:12This time, everything is fine.
09:14Now, the most interesting part.
09:15Let's make the hooves.
09:17This is not difficult at all.
09:18Just watch carefully.
09:21This is one and this is two.
09:25Finally, we will color my favorite mango.
09:43I got a very comfortable back chair.
09:45This is the best thing.
09:46If you can't sit on it, I will sit on it.
09:49Hey, stop there.
09:51Go, go.
09:52But a little more.
09:54Excuse me.
09:55What is happening here?
09:56Where are you taking my sheep bag?
09:59You don't have building permission.
10:01You will have to pay a fine.
10:04200 cat coins?
10:06Let's go.
10:08Do you know?
10:09Hey, I am coloring.
10:10Let me see.
10:12I have just started.
10:13Take your brush and try it.
10:14There is a lot to do.
10:16Oh, I am coming.
10:19It is so fun.
10:21Oh, what were you going to tell me?
10:24Do you know?
10:25I made my fan in Roger's place by mistake.
10:29I am sure Roger must have been very angry.
10:32Now see how we make it.
10:34It looks like a sheep's wool.
10:36This is done.
10:37And yes, a cute little sheep is incomplete without a muzzle.
10:41Let's make it here.
10:43Make it?
10:45I can't see anything.
10:47Follow my voice.
10:49Oh, Sammy.
10:51Oh, thank you for saving me.
10:53It was my duty.
10:55And it is looking good.
10:56Isn't it?
10:58Here is a fabulous hairstyle and a muzzle.
11:01It is obvious.
11:03Now we can keep all kinds of things in our organizer.
11:06This is a good place to keep the paper.
11:09It won't work without it.
11:11And there will be a drawer here.
11:15Anyway, Sammy, what do you say?
11:18Oh, I liked it very much.
11:20See you.
11:22And I have a new sheep joke.
11:24Sure, tell me.
11:26Where is the sheep without a muzzle?
11:30I don't know.
11:32Oh, I see.
11:33Where is the sheep without a muzzle?
11:37There is a cloud.
12:04Finally, everything is ready.
12:07Don't say that, Suzy.
12:09Do you know?
12:11I will use this organizer every day.
12:15But there is one more thing.
12:17Can we make one more?
12:19Oh, please.
12:21I will think about it.
12:25But first, go and pay your fine.
12:27Oh, yes.
12:29Friends, thank you for watching this video.
12:31If you liked it, then like it.
12:35See you soon.
12:37No way!
12:39Did you find the recipe for the Tibidaba cake?
12:41Wait a second, Roger.
12:43I have to find a pen to write it.
12:49Oh, let's see.
12:51I'll call you back.
12:53Be careful!
12:55Candy rain!
12:57Sam, where are all the pens?
12:59Oh, they are all in the fridge.
13:01They were on the way to my candy reserve.
13:03And you will help a lot.
13:06Hey, my candies!
13:08It's okay, I'll help you.
13:10But only in exchange for the legendary recipe for the Tibidaba cake.
13:14Oh, yes, I heard you on the phone.
13:16I can't hide anything from you.
13:18Okay, deal.
13:20What should our organizer look like?
13:23Oh, my dear Tibidaba cake,
13:25I will finally meet you
13:27and I could take one or two bites.
13:29Your passion for sweets is really remarkable, Sam.
13:33I know.
13:35And it gave me the idea of ​​creating a heart-shaped organizer.
13:38In honor of my love for the Tibidaba cake?
13:40Yes, and also because I love our well-arranged desk.
13:43I think a frame like this should do the trick.
13:46Hmm, Sammy?
13:48Oh, just a little more.
13:50And you and I, dear Tibidaba cake,
13:52will spend all our time together,
13:54eating sweets
13:56and having fun like never before.
14:01Oh, it's beautiful!
14:03Sammy, focus!
14:05Oh, that's right, I'm going to get the glue.
14:07In the meantime, I'm going to cut some strips of paper.
14:10We'll need it to cover the edges.
14:12Here's the glue.
14:14Good job!
14:16Exactly what we need to mask the cardboard cuts.
14:25And on the frame too.
14:30Now we have to color everything.
14:31I think pink will do the trick.
14:33But I don't think we have any paint left.
14:35Would you mind giving me a hand?
14:39You bet!
14:41Ha ha ha!
14:43That tickles! Put me down!
14:45Oh, I've already done so many things.
14:47You can give me the recipe.
14:49How can I tell you things I don't know?
14:51You don't do it?
14:53You lied to me!
14:55How could you, Suzanne?
14:57I only know part of the recipe.
14:59The rest must be in Roger's notes.
15:01Now we have to make the side wall of our organizer.
15:03It's pretty easy.
15:13Yes, I found icing for the cake.
15:17Oh, Sammy, it's paint for our organizer.
15:19But thank you for bringing it anyway.
15:25Ah, I also brought these things.
15:27I hope you need them.
15:29Sammy, they're great!
15:31They'll make amazing shelves.
15:33And here's another one.
15:37Let's move on to the next step.
15:39I think this thing is supposed to be attached here.
15:41Aha, perfect!
15:48He he he!
15:50OK, let's test our organizer.
15:54Come on, come on!
15:56Come in!
15:58What kind of organizer can't even hide candy?
16:00Oh, Sammy, come on!
16:02We're not done yet!
16:04And you should really stop hiding candy
16:06in all the wrong places.
16:14It's the perfect place to hide candy!
16:16If you say so.
16:18But don't be surprised when Roger finds it.
16:20Here's our door.
16:22Now we can really hide something in there.
16:26Sammy, you have the rest of the pieces, don't you?
16:27Yes, here they are.
16:29Oh, Sammy!
16:31That's not even what I asked for!
16:33You know what?
16:35I'm going to look for the recipe for Timmy Dabba's cake myself.
16:37OK, go ahead.
16:39And I have to take care of the lower part of the organizer.
16:42He he he!
16:44The recipe for Timmy Dabba's cake test begins!
16:49If my calculations are correct,
16:51it should work perfectly.
16:57If you bring me some paper,
16:59I'll tell you everything I know about the recipe, OK?
17:01Of course!
17:03Oh, that was fast!
17:05Thank you!
17:07Now we're going to do this.
17:16We can put everything together.
17:18OK, I know I had other pieces here.
17:24I'm here to know the recipe.
17:34Is that all?
17:36Long live Timmy Dabba!
17:38This recipe is not cake.
17:40You said it.
17:42And I remember Roger mentioned a secret ingredient.
17:44But I don't know anything about it.
17:46A secret ingredient, you say?
17:48It must be somewhere around here.
17:50OK, tell me when you find something.
17:52Do you think the box could be this secret ingredient?
17:55Ha ha ha!
17:57I don't think the box would make a delicious cake.
17:59But it will certainly be useful for our craft.
18:04Like for the drawers.
18:06Look, we're going to put all the pieces together like this.
18:10And you can put all kinds of little things in there.
18:16Like candy, right?
18:18He he he!
18:19Oh, that's a good idea.
18:21It is.
18:23But I was thinking of marbles and gums.
18:30And the pearls?
18:32Do you think they could be a secret ingredient?
18:34I don't think so.
18:36They are made to be used as drawers handles.
18:38There you go.
18:43Our organizer is starting to take shape.
18:45We still need more storage space
18:47where my candy won't fit in there.
18:49Well, if I were a secret ingredient,
18:51where would I hide?
18:55Let's see, let's see.
18:58Oh, what are you doing over there?
19:01Wait! Don't eat my candy without me!
19:03Ha ha ha!
19:05Sammy, I was just kidding.
19:09Candy is not a joke, Susan.
19:11I know, I know. I'm sorry.
19:13I just needed your telescope.
19:15You should have just said,
19:17I'm happy to share.
19:19Oh, thank you, Sammy.
19:21That's really kind of you.
19:23Friends, give this video a like
19:25if you agree.
19:30Look at that!
19:32I made more!
19:34But what are they for?
19:36That's why.
19:38But what can we put on this side?
19:40Leave that to a pro.
19:42We have cheese.
19:44Origami skills are too good.
19:50let's leave your origami skills
19:52for another creation, okay?
19:54And a little decoration.
20:00What's all this?
20:02Sammy, stop throwing things all over the place!
20:04I was looking for Roger's notes
20:06on the secret ingredient.
20:08Why don't you just call him?
20:12Why didn't I think of that earlier?
20:16Oh, hi.
20:18What's new, Sammy?
20:20Hi, Roger.
20:22Tell me about this secret ingredient
20:24for the tibidaba cake.
20:26Sorry, buddy.
20:28I'm too busy looking for the rainbow.
20:30I'll call you back later, okay?
20:32Wow! A rainbow!
20:36What a beautiful motif you have there, Sammy.
20:38We have to use it for our organizer.
20:41The office organizer
20:42is the ultimate study companion.
20:45Let's add a cute face to it.
20:50Hey, Suzy,
20:52what do you think of…
20:56Huh? Did you say something?
21:00thanks for the delivery, girls.
21:02And this is where we can put
21:04a portrait of our best friend.
21:06Uh, what was that?
21:10Is that my printed face?
21:14Here's a portrait of my best friend.
21:17It's perfect!
21:21Oh, my!
21:23You're making me blush!
21:25Now let's make it the most presentable.
21:31We're almost done, my friends.
21:33Now we just have to stick
21:35a piece of Velcro
21:37to hold the organizer's door closed.
21:40And we can start filling it up.
21:52There you go!
21:56Now it's done!
21:59Wow! This organizer is so cute
22:01and there are so many hearts on it!
22:03Wait a minute!
22:05I get it!
22:07The secret ingredient is love!
22:36I'm so happy
22:38we did this today!
22:42Now the organizer is ready,
22:44the mess is clean
22:46and the cake is done!
22:48I can't wait to taste it!
22:50Hey, Roger!
22:52We made the cake!
22:54We even added the secret ingredient,
22:58But the secret ingredient
23:00was the vanilla extract!
23:04What's going on?
23:06Sam, what's going on?
23:07Thank you for being with us today, my friends!
23:09Don't forget to like this video
23:11and subscribe to our channel
23:13so you don't miss the new videos
23:15we make for you!
23:17OK, Roger,
23:19after all this,
23:21you have to give me the recipe!
23:23I think I already forgot it.
