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Results prior to this episode:
+$27,572 - $10,033 LOSS 😩 last episode
= +$17,539 YTD

YTD Side bet totals:
Vegas Matt +$812
EJ +$3,915
WBG -$5,898
W2Jesus $ +$1,016
Kevin $1,555
Poofesure +$200
Coach Z -$1,000
Big Mike -$300
Annie L -$300

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00:00Alright, new hot pots. We love us some hot pots. Let's get a big beautiful bonus get that new feature with the three things
00:06I forget what it's called super jackpot. I think it's winning some big money
00:10super hot flaming pots 50 cents is
00:15$57 per spin and I don't know if you guys have noticed this the chef has a name. It's mr. Lee
00:22And mrs. Wong is the other one
00:30Well, maybe they're just like, you know, she's she's a feminist or something I don't know so you're saying he might be mr. Right
00:41The super lantern is the feature I was thinking of
00:47It feels like a side bed is in order sure a side dish I'll take spicy
00:53I'll take super Lantern. I'll take double or triple
01:03Okay, well I still want it not no more sure was not really
01:07Right, so I'll take you on me. That's what I usually take good
01:10I secretly want enough size because it's got the most perceived progress. I know that I
01:15Was very perceptive and I'm a big guy
01:19Never never gotten that all for one time. We never have never
01:25Must be hard to get
01:26What's the image three grand? Yeah, GV and Christy got it
01:34If you want to dance with me
01:44Can you try to get the upsides man, I really need to win this hundred dollars
01:54Who has super lantern I do I wouldn't hate it if you want
02:02We got you showed up after we got it that day
02:06Three thousand in each. Yes
02:13Spicy let's go
02:18How long do you think that blemish will take to I don't know man, it's my third eye
02:23Like when I was sick, it's like a cold sore on my forehead. Yeah, I don't know. That's kind of weird
02:27What was it just a big zit or something? I don't know. Yeah something hurt
02:37Aware of those things. Well, you know when you get people commenting on every little thing
02:44Well, it's just you know, every little thing is gonna be all right, yeah
02:48every thing gonna be all right
02:58On the river a triple sweat
03:06Disappointing quite
03:11Mr. Wong is not being very generous thus far
03:16Or is it mr. Lee and mrs. Wong
03:20Where does it say that
03:27Also, they can't be married she's miss
03:29Where's they miss I said miss I don't know
03:33You might have to try that machine
03:35This is the one that we won the Super Lantern on though
03:40We usually do better with him
03:44I think that's just confirmation bias confirmed
03:53Like right now we're not doing very well. No, we are not he's running up the bill on us
03:59He's up selling us instead of upsizing us
04:04Come on bonus
04:08Remember when they started doing that upsizing meals right like for $2 extra you get the big fries the big drink
04:19Didn't that guy that made the supersize movie died he did. Yeah. Well, how do you die? He did recently? Yeah, we're getting Spurlock. Yes
04:28It wasn't there like some questions about that documentary like people who are having difficulty replicating it and stuff. Yes also true
04:35What do you mean? What do you mean replicating it?
04:37He said he put on like a bunch of weight and all he did was just eat upsized
04:41McDonald's meals all the time and he got like fatty liver and stuff after a month or two of doing it and then it
04:48Turns out he was also drinking a lot or something. I don't remember the whole thing. What did he die from?
04:58Killing me too spicy. Let's go
05:03This reminds me of that time in Atlantic City, we got wrecked on this you try the other one. I think so
05:08Mrs. Wong, so she is married
05:11Let's see if she treats us better and I'm assuming the bed just rolls over
05:17Spicy is looking looking better on this machine. I
05:24I'll be changing machines. It's probably a good idea. That machine was ice-cold. The soup was cold
05:31Side that's all carry over exactly the same. Yeah
05:36We just had hot nudes some Chinese food
05:39That's such a clever name for a place hot new to remember that eating Chinese food before gambling is bad luck
05:45Oh, is that true? Remember we did that once and we got absolutely wrecked. Everybody gets full and bad vibes
05:53In my experience it is what kind of food is good luck like Italian
05:58Just food that doesn't make you feel tired and man
06:03Well, that's you didn't eat anything I had edamame and cucumber salad, oh
06:09had shrimp tempura and potstickers and soup and
06:15Fried green beans and crab soft-shell crab
06:19Matt is an aggressive orderer at restaurants. Yeah, his favorite line is bring us one of each appetizer. Yes
06:26one spicy
06:29That's not it
06:33Spicy I do
06:36Let's go. Yeah, they slow rolls y'all man. It's not one to pay today
06:42There are like literally no line pays in this you just had eight times 27 and it paid like three vets, yeah
06:52They're very small we really need something here we need a huge bonus
07:02Come on please he said, please
07:05You would think they would give it to you since you said, please
07:17Hopefully there was some way to summon a bonus not the day for hot pots, huh? It appears not
07:28Hopefully we can salvage it here the next few days
07:40Minor let's go good. That would have been really good
07:57Yeah, we really need something
08:04One bet
08:07Come on go, please
08:12Boy kind of got that hug feeling, huh?
08:20Halftime report. Wow, that was a quick first quarter. We got wrecked on hot pots when that game isn't paying
08:25It's just no good. So we're off that on the Monopoly. The majors about where we hit it last time
08:30So let's just hit that and get back to winning. Let's go
08:34Monopoly Express that major is due two dollars. What do you think $60 a spin? Well, we need to do something
08:45What do you got wheels like that
08:47Are expensive with this help. Oh, yeah
08:53Oh, same same look at those wilds
09:00Help 480 bucks for the help
09:10Yeah, then when they cost five grand
09:14No, it's not over
09:16When it back here the dog of the train
09:20We need the red. I
09:22Would love the red. Oh speaking. Which are we?
09:27We had to redo it
09:30So it's uh, I want green. Yeah, you can't really do a side bit on this Kenya
09:36Oh, yeah
09:41We do like yes or no if we get a red in the hole, let's go when we get one, yeah
09:49I'm happy to take either side of that if anybody wants to bet it. I'll bet the nose
09:55We don't get it as often as we should but it's just be clear. It's the hold and spin not the random feature
10:06We're still good for that. Oh, yeah. Sure. All right. Yeah, let's get the hold and spin. How about that?
10:13So, what are we in eight grand yes, yes
10:20We need something here
10:24So I haven't seen you guys since your ski trip was that a great success
10:30Nobody fell or ran into a tree or got hurt. I mean he's you got dragged
10:35Yeah, I saw that
10:37That's how that's designed to go
10:39You're not meant to get dragged. It's hard to ride that thing on a snowboard though. It's like your back foots not strapped in
10:46On a ski you can kind of just put the little seat between your legs and it pulls you up
10:50But on a snowboard it's different. The snow was better in March than it usually is in December when we go
10:57There for a couple days, yeah
10:59So you were like shredding up the powder, huh?
11:02I heard you got like a lot of air one time
11:07Come on
11:09How much skiing or snowboarding did you do I did a zero
11:13Well, you were sick, right? Yeah, I was really sick the whole time
11:16It's kind of a bummer to be sick on the like one vacation
11:19I take I think it was just like my body just gave out when I stopped
11:25Gambling every second and ran out of adrenaline or something
11:33Yeah, I see we need to win something here fellas
11:43Haven't even got the green features yet, huh? No, it's a complete disaster
11:51That's a little something
11:54Like this like many games these days very
12:02What how many trains you need to get a bonus automatically for
12:10But I'm not the only one who doesn't know it's unusual
12:28Mean we haven't even gotten the green that's unusual
12:33Not frequent enough it appears
12:37Maybe they just change the train schedule
12:43Now what oh, okay
12:47Already have
12:51Collect as many trains as you can. Can you get upgrades?
12:56But it's gonna be like one bad time
13:18Little ammo
13:21Congratulations, look at that. Yeah, look at that. Let's look at the red
13:31You like we should be getting the feature with the wild
13:34Yeah, well this help thing
13:37We should be getting something more often
13:40That's a rhetorical question, right he knows that it will help yeah
13:48It doesn't have to help
13:51I think it can come down on the right-hand side and not connect
13:56Where you get a full screen of the top symbol and then it's a while to make no difference
14:03We got our bets alive here
14:09I don't like my chances
14:14$100 for a red
14:18We need upgrades, right
14:21Upgrade tickets, it'll never upgrade
14:33Let's get that train upgraded
14:40A lot of trains grades upgrades upgrades
14:53What happened
14:58Let's do that
15:01Come on
15:05Yeah, all right could use a grand 24,000 Wow
15:31It always does that we had this before these trains rule
15:41Less than optimal there
16:00Couple grand
16:06Nice one
16:11I like it. We broke the hold straight
16:19Fire it back in there. Let's go. We like this bet range still we gotta get
16:24We got it. Yeah next in Johnson. It is this a
16:27Holden spinner. I don't want to do it again
16:32Don't know
16:34We purple set red, can you get a red?
16:46Where the upgrades
16:52That was cool, we were alive for the grand I'm not sure
16:57Oh for sure, but it it always looks like it's on their own
17:13680 bucks good one
17:19Way to go
17:22Hit it right on the head
17:23That's enough
17:25Like a nail I nailed the express
17:28All right, let's get the red
17:31Waiting on this game. Yeah
17:34What I was saying about being alive, I don't think let's say half the real had them. I don't think we were 50-50
17:42Yeah, it's not like on dragon link where if there's half of them on the real
17:53Think it's a weighted weighted real. They should kind of have to show you more or less what the odds are in my opinion
18:00I agree, which is it? I don't want the major flying by 18 times. Can you never get it?
18:05You don't have it. It's like on that a lot of games
18:09With wheels or whatever and you always get the $50. Yeah
18:14Real should have to reflect the pie slices where you can have the various prices
18:19Wasn't there some kind of a thing against wheel of fortune for the thousand never coming up like a lawsuit or something?
18:25It didn't represent an actual wheel. Yeah, I was like, yeah
18:32Yeah, I don't know if there's any merit to that but I think there might be I think there was like a settlement like they
18:37Had because it never is the thousand never came up
18:39It didn't come up an actual amount of times it would if it was a real wheel, right?
18:44I don't think wheels have to be represented
18:47Well, there's no way they have the grand has some huge slice a lot of the time, right?
18:55Promotional wheels that they have a players clubs that are definitely not actual wheels and I think that's perfectly
19:02I'm not saying it's what I would do, but I think according to the laws regulations
19:08A promotional wheels different than one where you're actually wagering money
19:15Headed killer had some slot machine many years ago and they actually did that. Here's the wheel
19:19Here's your prizes and then they changed it to show the actual
19:24They made a big deal out of that come on
19:28I'm that which one's the quiet one. Tell her he was on the boardwalk in last time. We were Atlantic City
19:35You know what I'll dig out that picture EJ you got some work there we go can't wait
19:42I'm a fan of theirs
19:45And their show they are constantly updating their shows so even though that we've been there 20 years you could go every year or two
19:51and see some new stuff
19:53So you can teach an old place a matrix
20:01He seemed like he's not young that's for sure
20:04How old do you think those guys are?
20:09Tell her for sure I think it's yeah tellers older didn't pen win the Apprentice I
20:15Think so celebrity Apprentice. I got it
20:19Hey, give us a red one, please red one time
20:28What you say
20:31I don't yeah, I don't remember who won. I'll never when we saw Arsenio and he talked about that
20:41Yeah, Oh
20:49If we only have one red I bet we have a chance to get the major
21:03Keep it alive for a little bit here
21:22Bigot bigot bigot
21:26Not a very big it so this this is all
21:28It's all up to the red
21:44Reds are so valuable 2100 to shabby
22:04Want to try one more sure
22:12What do you think WBG
22:15Kind of feels like we're on the boardwalk with these sandals and hamburgers about this game in general. Yeah, what do you feel?
22:31You said there were no line phase or something I think so it's $400 a lot
22:36Thank you. Yeah, it's weird how sometimes you just can't get anything and then sometimes
22:42Everything yeah, it's weird. I think it's whether or not you pick the right thing off
22:48Yeah, the right machine. Let's take a ride
22:54All right, let's do it here we go great
23:01I'll take that take the no, right? I'll take the dough
23:11WBG needs to win some side bets
23:17Yeah, 100 bucks on even what do we have to get to 10 grand
23:24All right, well, let's let's hope I hope I lose 100 bucks are you in on it too are we both in on it?
23:32I think at this point, it's so late. It's not really fair. All right
23:43All right, it gave us an upgrade
24:11Not gonna get there well the purple might be aggressive maybe that's 1,200
24:29Did I win
24:32I love winning
24:38That's beautiful
24:40You think we're this machines hot or are we pushing our luck down? That's the biggest question ever the age-old question
24:48the hot machine or the
24:50Don't push your luck
24:51So we have to make a decision here keep going
24:54Or we could also play maybe that Jumanji game and try to get the hold and spin again or the Dracula or this
25:00I feel like this is hot. Let's just go another little while on this. I
25:05Want to get a big red train? Yeah, what about just the red feature by itself that I mean, how do you get that?
25:11We've had it
25:16But like do you get like five reds or how do you get it? Oh
25:20No, it just you can pop the red bit thing and then it does the one spin of all reds. Oh, really? Yeah
25:26Oh, I'd like that which means you have multiple reds to start
25:34That's really being in the red zone
25:41But we haven't really popped anything yet
25:45Got the green once or twice, right? But we've been getting five a lot, which is probably unusual
25:51I think we've got the hold and spin more than we've got the green feature. Yeah, that's true
25:56That's highly irregular, isn't it? Are we pushing our luck here? Probably. Probably. Yeah
26:01That's what playing a slot machine is
26:03Oh, I get it
26:18Well, that was a thousand bucks
26:21Once again, EJ you were right we should have quit
26:28All right, let's go try Jumanji. I am Dracula. Jumanji wasn't available. So we'll play this but I have a feeling about
26:37That Jumanji. Oh, yeah. What do you got? I just have a feeling we're gonna do good on it. Now W2
26:42You've never played this game with us. That's correct. It looks kind of like it's
26:47Frankenstein except it's Dracula instead. So it's the heart the
26:52Heart is the it's alive. He is Frankenstein
26:56It's different though, it's better I would argue way better what makes it better the real one on it
27:06Now we get Dracula are you batting a thousand on it? Yes
27:13Three games the same thing you need three
27:16It's one three five three games. It feels like a much smoother ride
27:22It has felt that way although right now it's starting to feel a little different. So this is six of eight right now
27:28Yes, our five of eight
27:34It's over three
27:38No multipliers on this one, it's interesting you get power-ups
27:44I'd like to show you
27:46Right here. Oh for four
27:51That's unusual
27:56Bad sign
27:59Never good when the game you want isn't available. Yeah, that is kind of a
28:06Off in a sando
28:19We've be bombed around on this we played this machine the first time
28:26Well, we got it
28:31No free games on the sweat you can see why you like this game, huh?
28:38Yeah, not optimal this time
28:41It looks like somebody hit the mega the grand or whatever it's called
28:47Yeah, that's the light wonder white area progressive it's reset it was up over a million I think
28:53What's it at now?
28:55Come on
29:01You know, I'm gonna look for a question there you go, I think it's early
29:09How do you get the wheel the free games you'll see the year the wheel when you get the heart right here
29:16Let's see. Let's see. Oh
29:19For crying out loud. Yeah. Oh, there we go. There we go. Listen to what he says here. I am dropping
29:26So now you get three spins because you got three heads, okay
29:31Our ups are better in the bonus because those multipliers will stay on the wheel the entire bonus and you get hearts most spins
29:3950 as we were talking about earlier with wheels
29:43Very common to get the smallest
29:47But we've gotten the big slices, yeah we have
29:52He's here with that grand a lot done that you should get it like one out of every 30 times
30:01Well, we got a little something that's what I was saying like about the wheel of fortune
30:05I think it's fine to have a bias wheel and when I say fine, I'm not saying I can don't that I'm saying that I
30:10Think for the regular for the regulations are allowed to I don't think I think it should be a farewell. I mean
30:17Sure with the grand slice be so small that you couldn't even see it though
30:22I mean if they make the grand a quarter of the wheel or something
30:25Hypothetically, it should be obvious to someone that they don't have a one-in-four shot at it
30:35Yeah, I mean it should be but you aren't looking at it right I mean it does look like it's a proportionate wheel
30:44Dracula is not doing it today, huh? No, we've got lost all of our what's it called money already?
30:51Monopoly money. Yeah. Hey, I
30:54Thought it was real money. I mean we're so I were six out of seven. We've gotten zero
31:02Russ has gotten unusually lucky. Oh my god in here finally Oh for two on those
31:24Come on there it is a lot of heads a lot of heads. Oh
31:31Wow, well, let's hope it's a good one
31:42One and a half bets should I go see if the other game is available or I
31:48Can just go glance that's right around the corner. All right, let's do it
31:54He's riding his bike over there, I don't get it
32:03No good no good. Oh look at all those heads where was that with the feature?
32:14All right, I found a question of the day, all right, let's go
32:17So the WBG's question of the day from the YouTube comments comes from Ryan Painter 6811
32:24And he asked he says it's been watching all year
32:28Love the stats
32:30Question do you guys ever play the old style slots like top dollar or the mechanical real styles? Do you like them?
32:36Why or why not? It sounds like Ryan might be a newer
32:38A lot of heads. There we go
32:45Picking up on it already. Yeah figure this game out
32:52200 is a good result. I'd like to see the more jackpots
32:57200 is a good result
32:59I like to see more jackpots
33:01I like to see more jackpots
33:03I'd like to see more jackpots
33:07200 is a good result. That's not bad
33:14Generally it's more jackpot
33:21All right a little ammo, but you see like in the bonus that wheel just keeps improving every time you get heads
33:27So Vegas Matt, what is your opinion of the old hub like top dollar on stepper real machines?
33:32I don't play top dollar a lot. I've never gotten the thousand as we've tried many times
33:39Similar I find I get wrecked a lot
33:41Not much in the way of line pays and you get a bonus and they're not that great
33:45So those those games are not on my list. I very rarely play them
33:52Not really, it doesn't seem like you can win all that much
33:55Even if you get it in and it's just so impossible to get it. So not a big fan
34:00I'm more of a new school guy. They're definitely a much lower variance. Yeah
34:05W-2 how about you ever play? Not really?
34:09Some of those games sometimes I do
34:12I'm not opposed to all stepper real games. Certainly the older ones though. I don't I don't play pinball or
34:19dollar I
34:20Like Diamond Queen does that count?
34:22Kind of an old-school cabinet. Remember the $5,000 real game that we played. Yeah
34:28one spin and we
34:31I am we didn't get it. That would have been so cool. If we had gotten like three double diamonds on 5,000
34:38More jackpot
34:46How about a power up
34:50Jack Bob
34:51So it's at least mini. Yeah
34:53All right, let's take that
34:55See the game starting to warm up so that's the fire head equivalent essentially. Yes. Oh, oh close to the grand there
35:05All right
35:07Well, we started with 6,000. Yeah, so I would
35:11Yeah, no, that was great. This is we got still got work to do. I'm kind of most interested in your
35:17Your opinion
35:20But the oldest old-school games I
35:22find them
35:24Yeah, like he said, I know there are big results and there are people who like them
35:28The professor is one of them who really likes those games. I
35:33Just find them a little bit slow. Yeah, I know that there's been some that we really like but the way that the design
35:41Yeah, bad bad viewing experience
35:47You think we're gonna keep going until we get the
35:53Experimenting until we get the top offer
35:57Every once in a while. It's not my favorite thing to do
36:00Did we do our biggest spin ever on one of those the five thousand? Yeah
36:06It was a red white and blue sevens game and we got absolutely nothing we should do that
36:11On a regular basis like once a month or something, where do they have it in Vegas a few places?
36:31Maybe we've gotten smoked
36:35We got smoked get it
36:38full screen
36:44Maybe it's good though. No
36:48Wow, I
36:51Am Sandow
37:00In any event Ryan, please send a screenshot of your question to inflate Vegas Matt calm
37:05So we can send you a gift card to the Vegas Matt commerce store. Thank you for the question
37:09I remember last time we tried to play those games
37:13We ended up not hitting anything played it for 10 minutes and we were all just kind of not interested
37:20It's hard to compete with these
37:29Speak of the Dracula
37:32This typically is what at least
37:34Yeah, it has been so you'll see now the wheel everything stays ready at hearts every spin it's gonna be
37:42We're going to hearts and head every spin and the heart
37:50The Sandow Street continues on the hearts
37:58Let's get five heads here
38:04That's good
38:14Power it up a couple times here. Oh, that's good. All right, I get it again. Oh
38:25Come on
38:29This machine just isn't itself today
38:34All right, we should move on yeah, this game's a sand other day what is a sandula
38:51All right, what is this 6700 57 57 that's how much we're down
38:55Yes, so all we have to do is win a hand of Baccarat and we're even and then we're gonna go play that other game
38:59Do you think it'll be available? Yes. All right. Let's hope we win and then the game is available
39:04Come on two for two fifty seven hundred
39:06All right
39:08Let's see. Let's go banker this time. Yeah, I think that's a good choice. I think we're gonna win. I I think so
39:15All right, because we've got a two yeah, I mean what one of your cards and she has a five
39:21So she's gonna have two fives for zero and we have two seven four nine. Oh two twos. Oh, let's hope you have two fives
39:29Do we lose don't draw they do but?
39:35But then we need a three four or five four
39:42Wow, I guaranteed it you did didn't you I knew we were gonna win
39:47That's a tough one to win. Yeah, that was tough. That was good. I'll take it house of the dragon
39:54WBG when we hit that big bonus on this game last time you said let's quit and you were like very adamant about it
40:02Do you just think that this game is ridiculously volatile it's there's no question. It's a it's a themed game. Yeah
40:13How many eggs are up there five it looks like they all in one basket
40:20On the other side it is the house of the dragon and dragons are
40:25That dude kind of looks like Dracula, but wait now it's a girl
40:31So, yeah, Jumanji some guys having a good time over there playing it. Oh wait, it looks like you finally quit
40:37All right. Well, let's go grab that machine
40:40And then if we don't do great here, we'll go there
40:43Kind of invested in the dragon. The other question I had now is this you said that five four
40:50There's a very bad spot. Can you explain why?
40:53Yeah, that should be something in Baccarat the player always hits on five and stands
40:59Very good
41:02What's that the bankers rules are a lot more complicated and it's dependent on the Banker's total and the value of the third card
41:10the players draws
41:11So for example, if if banker has a four and the player draws a zero value card banker will just stand
41:18So when it's player five banker for those rules go pretty hard against the banker
41:24For example, if the player draws a zero the banker will just stand on his four
41:30So it's just it's a really rough setup for the bank. So the banker improving there or the player
41:36Sorry, getting not attend was really good for us. Oh my gosh
41:40This is good
41:45Is that good I don't remember exactly good instant wins sounds good
41:53Look at the dragon bro Wow
42:01All right, so now we want more eggs, right yeah, and we're gonna collect it again, right
42:05Thank you. I land another 2x and redouble everything. Oh, yeah
42:12What did that just do oh it saved real estate
42:18Interesting I like that. Oh, no, it didn't
42:22Eggs eggs
42:24Eggs fire and egg in there get something here
42:34Not very good, huh
42:43Those two moms need to call that or what? I mean, let's see
42:48I think we should I'm actually advocating for one more bonus at least really. Okay, let's go
42:56Mega prize is glowing
42:59The mega price is cool. We got that last time
43:02And we got double in collect all or something with it. It was huge
43:06Well, it's got like four didn't we you said the instant win as a collect all but there's also an award. Oh, I
43:12Wonder what the difference is. I think I I don't think the instant one was
43:16Maybe the instant win is you just collect everything that's on the screen in the beginning and that's it or just
43:27I'm sure we'll figure it out. Eventually or we won't I'm just happy we won the Baccarat hand. We started with 2335 here. Yes
43:37So cool, we won that Baccarat hand
43:39The five four rules against us then the two and then we got a four
43:43Drawing to a seven puts us in a really bad spot. Yeah
43:46There's only a couple cards that help us three four or five. We got a four. Oh
43:53There's something about winning 5700 that always helps my mood
43:59I love that game. No, it's a dramatic game. You're never totally out of it
44:03If we had lost we'd have been down like a lot. I don't know. I don't think we would have won
44:07If we had lost we'd have been down like a lot, huh?
44:12Yeah, that wouldn't have been good I
44:15Like being just a little bit behind better. We've been navigating the gold slots pretty well today
44:22The switch to Monopoly was good and then we got wrecked on the what's it called?
44:27But then we came back on the Baccarat. Yeah Dracula
44:31Kind of drained the life out of us this time. It's like the blood out of your bankroll. Yeah
44:38It's aggressive
44:46There's an egg shortage, too
44:52Interesting that there can be an egg shortage, but it never seems like there's a shortage of chicken. Yeah, exactly
44:58Which came first the egg shortage or the chicken shortage
45:01I think the chicken shortage because I had to kill a bunch of chickens for the bird flu or something
45:05I heard I don't remember
45:13Figure if there's an egg shortage, I'll just have like a yogurt parfait for breakfast instead healthier like some granola, you know
45:27Duck eggs are big too. Oh
45:29See that I'm hearing about duck eggs now
45:31I don't know that I've ever had one friend of mine has ducks at his house and he has duck eggs
45:36How do they miss scoby-ducks? I?
45:39Don't know what's in the sky. I follow on tik-tok. He has miss scoby-ducks
45:45He's a homestead guy
45:47The guy with the face tattoos. No, you know, what's funny is because because we all look at the
45:54Stats and stuff. I get to see the
45:56The shorts and things that you guys watch yeah, he's cool. Yeah, he's got a lot of personality. Yeah
46:07No, he's very charismatic
46:09That's why he's so popular when I was watching the UFC last on a couple times
46:13I felt like I didn't have enough tattoos, you know
46:16Feel like it would have any tattoos. I know but it would make me look tougher. I just wondered
46:21Yeah, I was thinking I was kind of like getting a tattoo. I was thinking of getting a personalized license plate
46:26Do you think I should have it say Vegas Matt or Sando or what? Do you recommend for a personalized?
46:39What would be the most clever personalized plate for me
46:43How about
46:45Luv the number two WIA
46:48What about now? What about this though idiot idiot?
46:54They probably wouldn't let you get that
47:00I'll bet you we get them all. So is it gonna give us value to start? Yeah
47:13Feels a lot like a collect all oh, let's get another blue
47:17I wonder if we can collect the other color eggs. Probably not. Huh? Come on blue. I'm not seeing him live. I
47:26Supply by night operation
47:30Hey, how'd you you called it? I thought you were gonna blew it. He didn't blow it. I blew it
47:39Still full from that Chinese food they say it only lasts like 20 minutes
47:42I got you some souvenirs
47:48Something here
47:52Hey, that is a massive
47:54The best something. Oh, yeah
47:57Let's say uh, yes
47:59All positions for the grand situation Vegas, man. Yes
48:03I'm gonna go for the big one. I'm gonna go for the big one. I'm gonna go for the big one
48:06I'm gonna go for the big one. I'm gonna go for the big one. I'm gonna go for the big one
48:10Vegas man. Yes, let me be the first
48:16Welcome back to Front Street, I think we'll get another award all
48:21We're gonna get it we're gonna get a coin here I know it
48:33Kind of a miracle after that hot pot start today
48:41Should we go to Jumanji here or just call it a good luck deal maybe one Jumanji around
48:59He said Jumanji. I thought it was Jumanji best
49:03Is it Jumanji or Jumanji? I think it's Jumanji. Why'd this guy say Jumanji? I don't know
49:07Oh, yeah, this is when you don't get to press the button. Oh
49:09This button doesn't work
49:12Let's see if he's got the lucky breath I'm at the roll is the one that'll come up
49:24So this button doesn't work, huh, I mean you can press it I'm pressing it
49:28Anyway, you could do it gov style
49:29I was gonna say do you remember the gov when there were two buttons and you just firing away on the one and
49:40Thought we had it. What's the plan here with any bonus? I think we are I'd like to hold it spin
49:46What about a feature? I take it you need six
49:49Yeah, and you need the green thing in the middle with any coin to get
49:57Yes, oh we got it we good
50:01All right, now I don't remember what happens on this oh, yes you do
50:05It's not a rocker up keep spinning right you just keep spinning until you get a snake I didn't like this movie
50:21Very suspect read read
50:26But we gonna keep going though I
50:29Just push the button for no reason. Oh, we don't want snakes. Is that the idea? Yeah
50:34the snakes
50:36dogs and snakes
50:39Stop go
50:41Stop we don't oh, yeah, we do
50:47500 already
50:50Land on a colored thing
50:55We're coming up to a big pile of snakes here
50:57We're going 500 stop yeah, yeah, is that $2.00 is yeah
51:08Rough numbers come on. I think we get another one. I hope so
51:15Dodge those snakes
51:24Like a witness to dodge the serpent
51:28Oh, we got uh, what's the difference this is good if we got our work cut out for us here
51:38We got real probably it's like the Viper den here
51:53I don't get it
51:58I was watching the new season of White Lotus and the girl got bit by a cobra
52:06All right for those of you following along that was quite a day
52:10Miraculously, we ended up winning twenty two hundred dollars
52:13I think it had a lot to do with the fifty seven hundred dollar hand of Baccarat with a four five
52:17or five four and the lucky four draw and
52:20Yeah, just a lot of good things a couple of bad things, you know all in all a good day
52:25I'm feeling about 90% better. My ears are still kind of plugged up. Hopefully tomorrow
52:30I'll be firing it in there at a hundred and we'll get a grand or something exciting
52:33I hope you'll be watching I met so many of you again today. Everybody's so nice. Thanks everybody for watching
52:39You know, it makes me feel better. Even when I don't feel good to meet all of you and say hello and thank you
52:44I mean, it's awesome. It's a big responsibility all of you watching us every day. Good job BJ today
52:50WBG w2 Jesus the whole team
52:53Quite a nice group of guys and just think we almost never fight
52:57Except for me and AJ a little bit, but you know, we always make up pretty quick
53:02I have an idea what about you guys should go fight split funnel cake
53:06You know, we should do we should to do UFC and like bare knuckle. Yes you I'm in
53:10Yeah, where do I bet I should get some kind of like advantage?
53:13Like you have to have both hands tied behind your back and let's get to punch you
53:17That was power slap one round you hit me we were watching power slap and yeah, that was crazy
53:22I don't know. I wouldn't want to get slapped like and they get like poked in the eye and hitting the ear
53:27It just doesn't look fun. Yeah, I guess some people like that kind of stuff, but this isn't that kind of channel
53:33So anyway, we'll see you tomorrow. If you haven't subscribed, please do so we're getting close to I think 1.1 million, right?
53:40Yeah, what do you think we're gonna do at 1.1 million? We're gonna come up with something fun
53:43I'll bet you we're gonna fire it in there. We'll see you tomorrow
