Today in Roblox, Johnny has a sleepwalking problem that his friends have to try and fix! Will they be able to save him?! Watch till the end to find out!
#roblox #johnny
#roblox #johnny
00:00Ugh, it's morning time already!
00:02Ah, the sun is so bright and the birds are chirping!
00:06Time to go downstairs and see what my daddy's been up to this morning.
00:11Daddy, why are you screaming?
00:13Who did this?
00:14Who did this, huh?
00:15Really early in the morning.
00:17Ow, you're hurting my brain, daddy.
00:19Why is there food all over the kitchen like someone was eating this?
00:22I don't know!
00:23I don't eat a lot of food.
00:24You eat a lot of food.
00:25This is you, daddy.
00:27Why is there mustard and ketchup on your shirt?
00:28There's not mustard and ketchup on my shirt.
00:31There is!
00:32I see it!
00:33Daddy, are you trying to blame this mess on me?
00:34Hold on a second.
00:35There's no way that's what you're trying to do right now!
00:37Let me see your hands.
00:38Why do you have syrup all over your hands?
00:39Daddy, this is not me.
00:41It is you!
00:42You were definitely sleepwalking again.
00:43Daddy, I do not sleepwalk.
00:45Hold on, you hear that?
00:47It sounds like water running.
00:49Hold on a second.
00:50Where's the bathroom?
00:51I don't hear water running.
00:52Let me open this door.
00:54Oh my gosh!
00:55Why is there water all over the place?
00:56I don't know, daddy!
00:57Daddy, why would you do that?
00:59Why would I do that?
01:00I didn't go in here.
01:01I was sleeping last night.
01:02Daddy, I have no clue.
01:03What's with the hammer?
01:04What hammer?
01:05You have a hammer in your hand.
01:06You just pulled that out of your pocket.
01:07Yeah, I don't know.
01:08I think, uh, I don't know.
01:10I think I was trying to build a toy last night.
01:12Build a toy?
01:13Why is the car on the lawn?
01:15Car's on the lawn?
01:16Oh, daddy, you're just really, really bad at driving.
01:20No, not at all.
01:21Now you need to help me put it in the garage.
01:23All right, daddy, let me help you.
01:25Let me just back this thing up.
01:26All right, there we go.
01:28All right, put it in there.
01:29Coming in, daddy, coming in hot.
01:31You idiot!
01:31Oh, god.
01:32That's fine.
01:32That's good.
01:33You just hit the house.
01:34Now it's standing up.
01:35That's good.
01:35Let me shut the garage, make sure the neighbors didn't see that.
01:38I can't believe you.
01:39You've definitely been sleepwalking again.
01:41Because you don't even know that you did this.
01:43Uh, well, daddy, it looks like you've got to do a lot of cleaning up in here.
01:46So I'm going to go play some video games.
01:47No, you're cleaning this up.
01:49This is definitely you.
01:50I do not eat food like that.
01:51Or I don't take showers, OK?
01:53You know that.
01:54Hey, you need to take a shower because you got stuff all over you.
01:56You got food all over you.
01:57You got crumbs in your ears.
01:58Um, nope.
01:59I'm good.
02:00I'm just going to go over here.
02:01Zip on your hands.
02:02Oh, who's at the door?
02:03Daddy, get the door.
02:05Oh, hey, Daisy.
02:06Marty, daddy left a note on my doorstep.
02:08What did he leave?
02:10What did he say?
02:10It says, dear Daisy and Gooby, I hope you enjoy this breakfast.
02:15And Daisy, I love you.
02:17Uh, daddy, shut up.
02:19I'm watching a cooking show.
02:20You went to Daisy and Gooby's house last night and you wrote them a weird note.
02:24Wait, what?
02:25What are you talking about?
02:26It has your signature on it.
02:28You also left pancakes on my doorstep?
02:30Daisy, I was not, I didn't even see you last night.
02:32What are you talking about?
02:34I saw it on my ring camera.
02:35Wait, there's video footage of me going to your door and leaving a note.
02:40You confessed your love and you left pancakes.
02:43You know, daddy, the AI has been getting pretty good these days.
02:45That's fake.
02:46No, it's not.
02:47It literally says, I love you, Daisy, on it.
02:49Who else would say, I love you, Daisy?
02:51I don't know.
02:51Maybe, I don't know, some other kid at school or something.
02:54I don't know.
02:54Guys, where's Gooby?
02:55What is Gooby doing outside?
02:57He was just right behind me.
02:58He has like a bag on his head.
03:00Gooby, this way.
03:01I'm blind.
03:02I woke up this morning and I'm blind.
03:05Gooby, you have something on your head.
03:07I don't, it's like a mask or something.
03:09Get that off.
03:09I do?
03:11Wait a minute, let me see this.
03:14Who put that on my head?
03:15Oh, wait, Johnny.
03:17Hey, Daisy, why are you starting to blame stuff on me?
03:19That was obviously Gooby.
03:20You walked into our house last night.
03:22Wait, I was inside your house?
03:25Oh, no, was he sleepwalking again?
03:28I think so.
03:29Yes, he was, Gooby.
03:30He was.
03:31No, no, I do not sleepwalk.
03:33I hate when he does that.
03:35I do not sleepwalk.
03:36I don't do this.
03:37Yes, you do.
03:37You obviously do because you've been causing chaos in the neighborhood.
03:40Nope, that was not me.
03:41And there's explanations for all these weird things that have been happening.
03:44And you guys know that.
03:45Oh, yeah.
03:46You know what?
03:47I agree.
03:48Johnny, you have a problem.
03:49You have a problem that he's fixing.
03:50I need to take you to the doctor or something.
03:52Marty, are you having a party?
03:53No, I'm not having a party.
03:54This is all Johnny last night.
03:55He came down here and had a buffet.
03:57Oh, so that's why we had pancakes.
04:00Guys, it's not me.
04:02You guys are starting to make me really angry.
04:04Blaming stuff on me that's not actually me.
04:07I'm going to my room.
04:08I'm not talking to my friends anymore.
04:09I was charging $100 last night.
04:11Johnny, don't be like that.
04:14I'm going back to bed.
04:15Shut the blinds.
04:16Shut the lights.
04:16Daisy, Gooby, come down here.
04:17Come down here.
04:18Let's have a talk.
04:18We need to prove to Johnny that he's a sleepwalker.
04:21So you guys need to stay over and have a sleepover party.
04:23Sleepover party?
04:25Oh, yes.
04:26I'm in.
04:26Look, all the food's here already.
04:28You guys can buy whatever you want.
04:30You just need to keep Johnny occupied.
04:32And you need to get him to sleep early so we can catch him on the ring cameras.
04:35We can do that.
04:37Whatever you say, Marty.
04:39Stop eating my food.
04:40Not yet.
04:41Not until Johnny's down here.
04:42You need to make it so he eats so much food that he hits a food coma.
04:44OK, guys, let's go up in his room and surprise him.
04:47Oh, Johnny, we want to apologize.
04:50Where are you?
04:50Oh, you're sleeping.
04:52Oh, hey, hey.
04:54Oh, what's going on in here?
04:55Wake up.
04:56We want you to apologize.
04:58Let's go back to bed, Daddy.
04:59I don't want your apology.
05:00Everyone out.
05:01Sleepover party.
05:02We're having a sleepover party.
05:04OK, that's it.
05:04All right, I'm just going to make my room really hot.
05:07And then everyone's going to leave.
05:08It's burning right now.
05:09Hey, hey, stop that.
05:11Get out.
05:12You don't want a sleepover party?
05:13A sleepover party with my friends?
05:16Yeah, and me, your favorite dad.
05:18Wait, actually, you guys want to have a sleepover party,
05:21like a for real one?
05:22Of course we do.
05:23Yeah, it'll be so much fun.
05:25OK, OK, I'm in.
05:27Wow, today's turning out to be a really great day
05:29for having a sleepover party.
05:30We seem to set everything up.
05:32We can eat a bunch of food.
05:33We can go on the scooters, right?
05:35We can go in the pool.
05:36Anything to really get you tired.
05:38I mean, not tired.
05:39Have a lot of fun.
05:40OK, OK.
05:41Whoa, Daisy!
05:42Whoa, what is this?
05:43We're having a party.
05:45Oh, my god.
05:45That's flames in the house.
05:46You're going to burn the house down.
05:48Yeah, you might want to calm down.
05:49Fine, I'll put them outside.
05:51Get out of my house.
05:52Come on, Johnny, let's go in the pool.
05:54I want to teach you a new swimming joke.
05:57All right, uh, Gooby, where'd you go?
05:59Can't, I actually cannot even see you.
06:00Oh, there we go.
06:01OK, this one is called the go to sleep.
06:05Go to sleep?
06:06There you go.
06:06I'm going to cook some food on the grill.
06:08Yep, you have to, you have to jump out of the pool
06:10and sleep on the sail.
06:12Gooby, it's like the middle of the day.
06:14I'm not going back to bed.
06:15Come on, it's a fun game.
06:17No, I'm not doing that, bro.
06:19You can have fun doing that.
06:20I'm swimming in the pool.
06:21Man, I'm trying to get some sleep.
06:23Oh, guys, I'm getting a little thirsty and hungry.
06:25You guys want anything or no?
06:27No, I think we should just go to sleep.
06:29I'm making burgers.
06:30You want to eat a lot of burgers?
06:31Yes, I will, Daddy.
06:32I'll be right back.
06:32Just give me a second.
06:33I'm just going to drink out of the fridge.
06:35Maybe you should have some warm milk.
06:37That'll tire you out.
06:39Oh, nice.
06:41I got some nice caffeine coffee bright and early in the morning.
06:44Hey, no.
06:45I was going for a sip here.
06:47I'm going to slap that.
06:48Hey, hey, hey.
06:49No, Daddy, it's my coffee.
06:51Get away from me.
06:52Johnny, do you think that I could try that?
06:54I mean, yeah, I guess.
06:56Here you go.
06:56You can have a sip.
06:58Oh, I want to try it too.
06:59OK, just make sure to give it back, though.
07:01Here, I got some milk.
07:02You want some of this?
07:03I don't want milk.
07:04Daddy, I want my coffee.
07:05You can drink this milk.
07:06You can have some milk.
07:06Daisy, get back over here right now.
07:09He's coming.
07:10He's coming.
07:11Where'd she just go?
07:13Hey, she's going through the house again.
07:14Hey, what is going on?
07:16Get out of the way.
07:17Why'd you throw away my coffee?
07:19Caffeine is bad for you.
07:21Yeah, that'll keep you up all night.
07:23We don't want that.
07:23You got to have a nice sleep.
07:25What are you guys actually on about?
07:28You know what?
07:29Ugh, fine.
07:29Getting pretty tired.
07:31How are you getting tired?
07:32OK, I'm getting pretty tired too.
07:35Maybe we should go sleep in this room over here.
07:37Yeah, the spare bedroom.
07:38There's still a lot of daylight.
07:40I don't know what you guys are talking about.
07:42I'm definitely not tired.
07:43OK, you know what?
07:44Everyone in the front.
07:45What are we doing in the front?
07:46Everyone get a scooter.
07:48What about this one?
07:50This is my scooter.
07:51Bought it from my house.
07:52OK, fine.
07:53I'll get my own scooter.
07:54We're doing some outdoor activities.
07:56This is fun, Daddy.
07:58This is a lot of fun.
08:00Look at this.
08:00I'm going to go up this hill, and I'm going to go down it.
08:03Oh, my god.
08:03Oh, my god.
08:04Maybe I'll do a trick into the pool.
08:05You want to jump in the pool?
08:07Wait, that could be nuts.
08:08All right, here we go.
08:09I've got to line this up.
08:11You got it.
08:12Do it.
08:12Do it.
08:13Do it.
08:15No, he actually did it.
08:17That was actually sick.
08:18I didn't die.
08:19All right, Daddy, I'm going to go next,
08:20but I've got to just increase my speed a little bit.
08:22Wait, don't hit the house.
08:23Here we go.
08:24Just going to put it to 200.
08:27Where'd you just go?
08:28I just flew over the house.
08:29I flew over the house, Daddy.
08:31You just trick shot it over the house?
08:32That was actually the coolest moment of my life.
08:34Are you sleepy yet?
08:35No, I'm wired.
08:37Oh, my god.
08:37I have so much energy.
08:38Look how fast I can go.
08:39It just isn't working.
08:41We need to make him sleepy-o.
08:42He's got, like, the energy of a puppy.
08:44I don't get it.
08:46Oh, yeah.
08:47I'm going 200 miles per hour right now.
08:49This isn't good.
08:51Oh, bye, Daisy.
08:52You're in my way.
08:54Guys, we need to punch him in the face.
08:56I'm not going to hit him.
08:57You hit him.
08:57Smack him.
08:58Come here.
08:59I've got to tell you something.
09:00Where are you?
09:01Daddy, that was a lot of fun.
09:02All right.
09:03Let me just.
09:04What are you doing?
09:06Daddy, what are you?
09:07Why'd you hit me?
09:08Because I'm trying to wake you up.
09:11Daddy, stop it!
09:13Someone call 911.
09:14My daddy just hit me.
09:15Do you feel sleepy yet?
09:16No, I don't feel sleep.
09:18I'm not going to bed, Daddy.
09:19All right.
09:20Let's see what's in here.
09:21Hey, Daddy, stop it.
09:22You're going to sit here, and you're
09:23going to do some gaming.
09:26Why do you want me to game right now?
09:27I thought we were playing on scooters.
09:29I need you to focus.
09:30Laser focus right now.
09:31OK, OK.
09:32Ooh, thank you, Gooby.
09:33There you go.
09:34Some other foods that we can put them into food coma with.
09:37More milk.
09:38Some pancakes.
09:39Mm, mm, mm.
09:40Mm, I love gaming and then eating popcorn at the same time.
09:43It's actually my favorite.
09:45Mm, where's some more carbs?
09:46Ooh, waffles?
09:47You want some waffles?
09:48Maybe you should watch a really scary movie,
09:51because you would want to close your eyes.
09:53Why are you guys giving me a bunch of food?
09:55And I-
09:55You know what?
09:56I agree, Gooby.
09:56Gooby, that's a smart idea.
09:57Let's go downstairs, everybody.
09:58But, Daddy, what about the gaming?
10:00Nope, nope.
10:00There's too- you didn't get tired enough.
10:03I guess now we're watching a movie?
10:05Daddy, these are not scary movies.
10:07You're literally just going through commercials.
10:08Guys, I have an idea.
10:09Ooh, woman goes missing for years.
10:11How scary, hmm?
10:13Do you want to see a magic trick?
10:14Daisy, you're in our way.
10:15What is it?
10:16Johnny, stare into this ball.
10:18OK, I'm staring at the fuzzy ball.
10:21Just keep staring.
10:22Oh, I'm tired.
10:24Your eyes are getting sleepy.
10:26Oh, I'm kind of getting tired here, guys.
10:29Your eyes are super heavy.
10:32Oh, God.
10:34I gotta go to the bathroom.
10:35Oh, God.
10:36Come on.
10:37Oh, God.
10:39I'll be right out, guys.
10:41Just give me a few minutes in here.
10:42Are you kidding me?
10:43Oh, God.
10:46You know what, guys?
10:47I'm going to have to go to the last resort.
10:49I'm going to have to sing him a lullaby.
10:50Why don't you sing to him?
10:51I'm going to have to.
10:52Look, I'm already playing my song.
10:54I'm just going to go in there.
10:55And I'm going to get him really tired.
10:57Here we go.
10:58Good luck.
10:58Oh, Johnny, are you in here?
11:01Where are you?
11:02I'm here to sing you a lullaby.
11:05Oh, my gosh.
11:06He's sleeping.
11:07He's actually sleeping.
11:08Okay, I gotta take him to his bed.
11:09Hey, Johnny.
11:12I need you to stand up real quick.
11:14There you go.
11:15Oh, yeah.
11:16I'm going to take you right to bed.
11:18I'm going to take you right into this bed.
11:19There you go, Johnny.
11:20Take some ZZs.
11:24Close all the doors.
11:25Guys, he's sleeping.
11:26He's asleep?
11:27He's asleep.
11:28It's good because we can see him because there's glass here.
11:29Okay, so are we just going to watch him?
11:31We're going to sit outside and we're going to watch him and see what he does.
11:33We'll see exactly what he's done sleepwalking.
11:40What the heck?
11:41He's making bear noises.
11:42He's getting up.
11:43His eyes are open.
11:44Oh, my gosh.
11:45He's like a zombie.
11:46Look at him.
11:47Going to get some cereal.
11:50Did you hear that?
11:51He's talking.
11:52He's sleep talking, too.
11:53I'm going to eat some food.
11:56Don't talk to him.
11:57Don't talk to him.
11:58You don't want to wake up a sleepwalker.
11:59Okay, what do we got here?
12:00Scream and shout and try to kill you.
12:02He just threw the pizza on the floor.
12:04He's throwing pizza.
12:05He's throwing plates.
12:06He's throwing my plates.
12:07Are you kidding me?
12:08I'm going to set up a date with Daisy.
12:10I'm going to kiss her on the lips.
12:13There we go.
12:14Okay, that was crazy.
12:15Did you just hear that?
12:16That was crazy.
12:17That was nuts.
12:18Hey, Daisy, I got you a cookie.
12:20Here you go.
12:21He just threw the cookie.
12:23For real?
12:24I think he's really messed up, guys.
12:26I'm going to go take a ride in the car.
12:28No, no, no.
12:29I'm going to take a ride in the car.
12:30I'm going to lock the garage.
12:31Lock the door behind me.
12:34He's on the move, you guys.
12:35I locked the door.
12:36I locked the door.
12:37I'm getting photos of this.
12:38Yeah, record it.
12:39Record it.
12:40Where's my Uber driver at?
12:43He's trying to Uber somewhere?
12:44What is he trying to do?
12:45I can't.
12:46I'm sitting in the middle of the road.
12:47Someone pick him up.
12:48Here's the Uber driver right here.
12:51I found a little Uber.
12:54There we go.
12:55I don't get this.
12:56I'm going to get all the footage, Daisy.
12:58We've got to show him this in the morning.
12:59This is hilarious.
13:00He's going super slow.
13:01Are you sure we shouldn't stop him?
13:03I don't know where I'm going.
13:04He's trying to hit me.
13:05Get out of my way, tree.
13:06There you go.
13:07He just called me a tree.
13:08You look like a tree.
13:09You just hit a tree.
13:12Hey, I don't like you.
13:14You're stupid.
13:15Okay, he's yelling at a tree now.
13:17Are you for real?
13:19I can't believe he doesn't know what's going on.
13:21You have a bad day, too.
13:23I'm going to go this way.
13:24All right, Gooby.
13:25You have to pretend to be Daisy and try to bring him back in the house.
13:28Why can't Daisy pretend to be Daisy?
13:29Because that would just be weird.
13:31Yeah, you be Daisy.
13:33Oh, I'm fine.
13:34Oh, Johnny.
13:36It's time for our date.
13:38I'm Daisy.
13:39Let's go back to your house.
13:42Wait, Grandma, is that you?
13:43Oh, gosh, no.
13:44It backfired.
13:45You sounded too much like an old woman.
13:48Where's Grandma?
13:49Oh, yes.
13:50It's me, your Grandma.
13:51Hello, Grandma.
13:52I love you.
13:53You've got to get out of the street, young man.
13:55Come back to the house.
13:57But I like the street.
13:58I know you're going to get him cookies.
13:59Cookies and milk.
14:00I'm going to drive a car, Grandma.
14:02I'll pick you up.
14:03I'm going to get a car for you.
14:04I'm going to get you.
14:05Oh, but I don't know if you should be driving a car right now.
14:08Let me just get my Lamborghini out.
14:10What the heck?
14:11That's a Ferrari.
14:12There we go.
14:14How does he actually have that?
14:15That's not good.
14:17There's something.
14:18We're driving.
14:20We're in the car.
14:21We've got a sleep driver.
14:22We've got a sleep driver.
14:23Oh, no.
14:24Oh, no.
14:25Oh, no.
14:26We have to figure out where he went.
14:27Wee woo.
14:28Wee woo.
14:29Wee woo.
14:31This is all your fault.
14:32This is not my fault.
14:33How am I supposed to take control of a sleepwalker?
14:34It's your son.
14:35I see him.
14:36I see him.
14:37He's ahead.
14:38Go this way.
14:39Oh, no.
14:40He's driving too fast with my car.
14:41I'm going to go to the beach.
14:42I'm going to see a shark.
14:43Oh, no.
14:44Oh, no.
14:45Oh, no.
14:46Where is he?
14:47I see the car.
14:48I see his car.
14:49He's right there.
14:50They're driving on the beach.
14:51There we go.
14:52Just get out of there.
14:53There we go.
14:58Oh, gosh.
14:59I'll pretend to be Daisy.
15:01Beach time.
15:03I'm Daisy.
15:04I'm on the beach.
15:07Daisy, you're at the beach with me?
15:08Oh, yeah.
15:09I'm here with you.
15:10You want to hop in my cool car?
15:11We can go back to your house.
15:12Oh, my God.
15:13This is so hot.
15:14Me and Daisy are on a beach date.
15:15We can make cookies and bake.
15:16Oh, my God.
15:17Daisy, you're so hot.
15:19This is getting weird.
15:20I don't want to be Daisy anymore.
15:21This is cringe.
15:22Daisy, you be Daisy.
15:23Johnny, follow me.
15:24Where are we going, Daisy?
15:25To get ice cream?
15:27You just got to get in the car.
15:28Oh, my gosh.
15:29I love ice cream.
15:30Come on.
15:31Get in.
15:32Hold on.
15:33I got to do some pull-ups.
15:34Oh, I got to look hot for Daisy.
15:35Oh, my gosh.
15:36He's trying to get a pump.
15:37No, no, no.
15:38Marty, the car is stuck.
15:39Get in the car.
15:40Oh, my gosh.
15:41Oh, my gosh.
15:42Oh, my gosh.
15:43Oh, my gosh.
15:44Get in the car.
15:45Get in the car.
15:46Get in the car.
15:47Get in the car.
15:48Get in the car.
15:49Get in the car.
15:50Get in the car.
15:51Get in the car.
15:52Get in the car.
15:53Get in the car.
15:54Get in the car.
15:55Okay, I'm in a car.
15:56Okay, just sit there.
15:57How does he even know he's in a car?
15:58Where are we going, Daisy?
15:59Going to get ice cream.
16:00You're going very fast.
16:01I don't know.
16:02I don't like this.
16:03I might throw up a little bit.
16:04Do not throw up.
16:05Johnny, hold it in.
16:06You're going really fast.
16:07No, I'm going slow, okay?
16:08Oh, God.
16:09Oh, no.
16:12Daisy made me throw up
16:14Marty! Marty can you hear me?
16:16Drive him back to the house!
16:18I can't!
16:20Why? He threw up!
16:22Oh my gosh, where are you?
16:24By the police station
16:28Get in the car!
16:30He's on the loose!
16:32The cops are not gonna catch me!
16:34I don't care about the cops, I'm a prisoner
16:36He's really running for the po-po right now
16:38Get in the car!
16:42No, the cops got me!
16:44I'm closing behind you, Daisy
16:46He's in the house
16:48Everyone in the house, close the doors and lock them
16:50They're not gonna catch me!
16:52I'm gonna throw pancakes at them!
16:54Are you for real?
16:56All right, I think we have to wake him up
16:58Daddy! Wake up!
17:00No, no, no, we need to scare him at the same time
17:02He's talking to me
17:04All right, everyone go up next to him
17:06Daddy, this is a monster speaking
17:08We didn't lock the door!
17:10All right, you know what? We're all gonna cannonball at him
17:143, 2, 1, GO!
17:18Ow, ow, I got it!
17:20Guys, why did you put me in the pool?
17:22Oh gosh!
17:24I'm all wet now, great, thanks daddy
17:26Daddy, you were sleepwalking
17:28Oh no, not this again
17:30Daddy, you just threw me into the pool
17:32to prank me
17:34Wow, good one Gooby and Daisy
17:36That's what you think until
17:38Daisy shows you the camera footage
17:42Let me see, it wants to give you something
17:44What is this?
17:46Guys, what did you record?
17:48Wow, I see what you guys did
17:50You put me on this and then you
17:52put me outside and got a photo of it
17:54to go for a little prank
17:56No, you were walking around
17:58Look at the other videos I see
18:00You know what? Let's go in the garage
18:02Car with a throw up? What are you talking about?
18:04Daddy, look, it's the next day
18:06It's been the whole night
18:08You've been sleepwalking
18:10It's the next day?
18:12Look at this car, you just have to walk past it and smell it
18:14That's how bad it smells, because it's vomit from you
18:16No, daddy, that's just the car color, okay?
18:18It's just because it's green, we get it, you don't like the color green
18:20Okay, let me get you another one
18:22How about the sand in your shoes, huh? You feel it?
18:24You feel it between your toes?
18:26Why is there sand in my shoes? Daddy, why did you do that?
18:28You drove to the beach
18:30What? I did not drive to the beach
18:32Yes, you did
18:34Guys, this makes no sense, because I was trying to go through the McDonald's drive-thru
18:36to get a Big Mac and a vanilla shake
18:38Wait, what?
18:40Yeah, daddy
18:42You're up?
18:44I was just trying to see what I could do with my eyes closed
18:46Guys, there's no way
18:48That makes no sense
18:50Then I must have accidentally went to the beach
18:52And then I must have made a mess trying to get down the stairs
18:54You're so stupid
18:56So when we were talking to you, you knew it was us
18:58You were pranking us, basically
19:00Well, no, I couldn't see you guys
19:02My eyes were closed
19:04You can tell if this is me talking to you
19:06So you did know you were confessing your love to me?
19:08Um, yeah, I was just practicing for when I actually see you
19:10But, wait, did you guys actually hear that?
19:14You heard everything
19:16But you were talking to Margie
19:18Oh, no, that's embarrassing
19:20I said some crazy stuff
19:22You said I was your grandma
19:24Oh, yep, I did think that
19:26It was really there
19:28I went to the hospital to go say hi to her
19:30In the middle of the night, in the streets?
19:32Um, I didn't know I was in the streets
19:34Because my eyes were closed, Gooby
19:36Oh, yeah, that makes sense
19:38Well, guys, I think I've had enough talking with you
19:40I'm going to go to bed for reals this time, okay?
19:42No, we need to still talk about this
19:46No, no, no, I'm not saying any more
19:48I didn't say all those things
19:50Get back here
19:52You said that your daddy was hot when you thought that he was zazzy
19:54Hey, let us in
19:56Sorry, guys, I'm going to bed
19:58We got more questions for you
20:00No, that wasn't me
20:02Well, if you guys enjoyed watching this Roblox video
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