• last week
00:00While Colin and the boys embrace the extra landscaping challenge,
00:05Charlie's busy adding colour to the new line of hedging.
00:10Chris has chosen a big range of roses for this garden.
00:19Lots of different types.
00:21But colour-wise, he's gone for a very soft, gentle colouring.
00:26So white, soft pinks and creams to pick up the colours of the hydrangeas.
00:32And when you go to buy roses, there is a vast, vast number of them to choose from.
00:39So he's got hybrid teas.
00:41So hybrid teas, they have these sort of pointed buds.
00:44The type of rose that if you get a Valentine's Day with the points to them.
00:49This one here is called Whiter Shade of Pale and it's fragrant.
00:54And all of them are repeat flowerers.
00:57So what that means is yes, they'll flower at the end of May, early June.