Grey's Anatomy Season 21 Episode 10 | Jump (for My Love) | Full Episode HD | March 14, 2025
00:00The implication being, the quicker the better.
00:02Fancy car or the private jet?
00:05It's a nice way to distract from the ick factor of being flown in for an F.O.C.
00:10That's a friend of Catherine.
00:12Her friends deserve liver transplants too.
00:15Right. Okay.
00:16So we're doing that in fairness?
00:18I missed the O.R.
00:21And this has nothing to do with Ellis' school fundraiser tonight?
00:24I spend all my time fundraising for Alzheimer's research.
00:27That's 100% of my focus.
00:28And I can donate to the school online.
00:30Okay. I get it.
00:32You're scared of the other moms, aren't you?
00:34They're scared of me.
00:35Oh, that's true. That is true.
00:37Plus, this gives me a chance to check on Catherine's front.
00:40And Richard?
00:42Maybe check on him?
00:44Well, I didn't operate on him.
00:49Search online and you'll find advice from all kinds of people without medical degrees about how to heal faster.
00:56An intern retreat morning?
00:58Yeah. A whole day out of the O.R.
01:00Why do you sound happy?
01:01No morning rounds?
01:02Why do you sound miserable?
01:04Interns all day?
01:05You're still avoiding Millen, huh?
01:06She threw me under the bus with Altman.
01:08Has barely acknowledged me since.
01:09It's kind of hard to do that when you're avoiding her.
01:11Whose side are you on?
01:14What are we supposed to wear to this thing?
01:16Uh, clothes?
01:18But do you have to put them on right now?
01:26All we ever want is love.
01:32Because most people don't want to hear what we say.
01:34Which is to rest.
01:36And let your body heal on its own time.
01:39All we ever do is love.
01:42Oh, this is great!
01:44Well, it's not Cottonwood Resort, but, you know, you gotta do what you gotta do.
01:47Oh, I loved when Richard would invite my residency class to his home.
01:52For a party or a meal, but, you know, retreat is supposed to be a change of pace.
01:56This is change.
01:57You rearranged the whole living room.
02:00The help is fun.
02:02They need it.
02:03I gotta go.
02:04Altman's been watching me like a hawk ever since the heat dome.
02:06You should be happy that's all she's doing.
02:08What happened to staying out of it?
02:10I'll see you tonight.
02:11Good luck with your retreat.
02:13Oh, no luck needed.
02:15Danny Ford, retreat facilitator.
02:17I've got a curriculum that's worked for its clients from Fortune 100 CEOs to at-risk teens.
02:22So you're in good hands.
02:24Well, then I'll keep my luck to myself, okay?
02:28I appreciate it.
02:30Oh, I'll take that.
02:31Thank you, Dr. Bailey.
02:35Good morning, sleepyhead.
02:37I am beat.
02:38Scout woke me up twice last night asking for Wawa.
02:41And I brought him water and he spiraled his cup across the room.
02:45I thought you were supposed to be resting.
02:47Yeah, well, most of my patients would be back at work by now, but Bailey's strong-armed me into taking more time.
02:54It's been less than a week since your procedure.
02:56I am fine.
02:58I just, I feel a little pressure when I go up and down the stairs.
03:03Want me to carry you?
03:05Like when I sprained my ankle and you carried me to the campus health center?
03:09No, thank you.
03:10I only dropped you once.
03:11Yeah, I wouldn't brag about that.
03:19I don't hate it, but what is it?
03:21Bacon, egg, cheese, a pancake between two donuts.
03:25It's a sandwich of my favorite breakfast foods.
03:31Okay, you just, you, yeah, so you just kind of just squish it down like that.
03:39It'll fix bones.
03:46My Aunt Jeannie brings potato salad to family picnics in a cooler like this.
03:49Well, this one's from Precious Cargo. Katie Ramsey's waited six months for this heart.
03:54Well, I won't tell my Aunt Jeannie that you don't think a potato salad is precious.
03:57I won't tell our patient that you compare a heart to potato salad.
04:01Fair enough.
04:09Dr. Ndugu?
04:14I thought I missed you.
04:16Jackie said that you had already checked out.
04:19Oh, yeah, I got an early start on rounds today.
04:21Jackie's doing well.
04:23So, I'm now picking up a heart for a transplant patient.
04:29That's impressive.
04:30That's impressive.
04:35I'm actually glad I ran into you.
04:37We've been here so long.
04:38It was kind of weird not to start my day with you.
04:48She seems nice.
04:50Yeah, I hope to save her daughter.
04:53Good to see you.
04:54That's why.
04:58Hey, Amelia.
04:59Hey, how's Joe?
05:00Not answering my text about lowering my rent now that Levi spoke out.
05:04That wasn't for me.
05:07Marley Frank, 37.
05:08Jumped off a 15-foot high bridge into shallow water.
05:11No LOC. Complains of neck and back pain. Vitals stable.
05:13I'm almost freaking freezing.
05:15Hello, Marley. I'm Dr. Lincoln. This is Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Helm.
05:18We're here to help.
05:19I do need to ask, did you hurt yourself on purpose?
05:22We can find somebody for you to talk to.
05:24No, it wasn't that kind of jump. I swear.
05:26Marley, we're here!
05:28Are you a runaway bride?
05:30Divorcee. Just finalized it.
05:32I'm having a divorce party to ring in my good riddance, Sarah.
05:37I was tossing my ring into Lake Union when I remembered how expensive it was.
05:40We tried to stop her, but we didn't make it in time.
05:42We had a few celebratory mimosas.
05:44I can make more.
05:46They were my bridal party.
05:47Now we'll have divorce party.
05:50Okay, let's go to trauma three.
05:52No, no, no. You take them to the waiting room.
05:54No alcohol in the hospital.
05:56This way!
05:57So what happened to the case you mentioned last week?
05:59The patient's thigh skin graft worked because it was thicker and stronger.
06:02Are you talking about the thigh skin or his new penis?
06:05You knew us both.
06:07Are we interrupting?
06:08Oh, no, Dr. Marsh. Please, meet my former student, Dr. Evan Moore.
06:12And a lovely wife, Professor Tasha Lawson.
06:15Hi. Nice to meet you. A urologist.
06:18Oh, leader in penile reconstruction.
06:21She thinks she taught me everything I know.
06:23Child, please. You couldn't have cared less about a penis before you met me and you know it.
06:27She's not wrong.
06:29Tasha? Evan?
06:31It's good to see you again.
06:32Dr. Webber.
06:33Good to see you.
06:34Good to see you, too.
06:37I see you already have a general surgeon on the case.
06:39Tasha's case is complicated.
06:41She needs a real team.
06:43On top of her bile ducts being scarred because of the primary sclerosing cholangitis,
06:48she has situs inversus.
06:50I thought my sinuses were okay.
06:51They are, babe.
06:52We're talking about your abdominal organs being reversed.
06:55Don't let her confusion fool you.
06:57She's a polysci professor, the smartest person I know.
07:00We might be looking at hepatic encephalopathy.
07:02That's why she needs a new liver.
07:05I need a new liver?
07:06Yeah, baby. That's why we're here.
07:08Your liver's failing because it's not draining properly.
07:12But what about my sinuses?
07:13They're okay, T.
07:14We're grateful Dr. Box got us listed here and the liver's finally become available.
07:18The Portland hospitals are giving us the run around.
07:20You're with the best now, Tasha.
07:22Okay, well then I'd like Tasha's consent to have her record sent over.
07:26I already got it.
07:27We've had issues with hospitals losing things.
07:29Dr. Fox always said we have to take care of ourselves because no one else cares as much.
07:34Okay, let's get started then.
07:35Okay, I'll see you soon.
07:43Richard, where are you going?
07:45Marsha and Gray, they can handle this.
07:47Evan is expecting you.
07:50I can go. He clearly doesn't want to work with me.
07:52Well, I know Meredith prefers to keep her cases close to the vest.
07:56I'll work with you after.
07:57Stop. Everybody, just stop.
07:58Do you know what happened to Evan and Tasha before they came here with us?
08:02They were rejected by not one but two hospitals that were thrown by the situs inversus.
08:07And when Evan pushed on them, they questioned her medical credentials.
08:11They said whatever they could to make her feel lesser, make her feel small.
08:14To make her go away.
08:17I promised them top-notch doctors.
08:20I promised them A-plus care.
08:22Make me rescind those promises and you know what will happen.
08:26Put it aside.
08:31Okay, shall we go look at the scans?
08:47It's good to be back in the field, huh?
08:49Yeah. I barely get out.
08:51Even near the hospital.
08:53Well, that woman in the elevator could probably show you around.
08:56All right. She's... Her daughter's my patient.
08:59Not forever.
09:00Yeah, well, we already went out once.
09:05You didn't buy it?
09:06I think once is kind of my max right now.
09:13You ever been divorced?
09:14Uh, no.
09:16Okay, well, when a date finds out I'm divorced, the conversation shifts.
09:22Like, she's trying to figure out why my ex left, you know?
09:25So she can decide whether to cut and run.
09:27Sounds like you just haven't met the right woman.
09:29Or maybe this is my life now.
09:31If you want it to be.
09:33But years ago, I dated a woman who was divorced.
09:35And, you know, I had to wait a minute for her to be ready for me.
09:38But it was worth it.
09:39You ever wonder what happened to her?
09:40She is at our house running an intern retreat.
09:47That's something that always happens.
09:49Well, I realize that.
09:51Hey, can you not stab me?
09:53Molly sent me a picture of her toothbrush.
09:55I'm trying to send something back.
09:57Wow, you two are terrible at sexy.
09:59Eh, I don't care.
10:01I'll get the real thing after she comes back after breaking up with her boyfriend.
10:04She walked right by me.
10:06Didn't even say hi.
10:09She owes one an apology.
10:11Do I mean one and a what?
10:14Is this where the caffeine is?
10:16Hey, good morning to you too.
10:20Oh, crap. I'm sorry.
10:22That's okay.
10:23I accept your apology.
10:24Let's forget about it.
10:26And move forward.
10:27Did she know what she did?
10:29I'm sorry I asked.
10:32See, even you can say it.
10:37Who do you have eyes on?
10:38Not us.
10:39Hey, let's go everyone.
10:41Come on.
10:44All right, come on in.
10:45Take a seat.
10:47Any seat.
10:49But don't get comfortable.
10:50Today isn't about being stuck behind a desk writing progress notes.
10:53Is it about working with patients or improving technical skills?
10:56Yes and yes.
10:58Today has been designed by Danny and myself to help you become better surgeons.
11:06Why don't we start with an icebreaker to get to know each other?
11:08Wow, we know each other pretty well.
11:10Can we skip that part?
11:11No, you cannot.
11:12All right.
11:13We're going to break into pairs.
11:14So turn to the person sitting next to you.
11:16Or we could count off ones and twos so we can mingle more.
11:21That's an excellent idea.
11:23Let's start.
11:31Dr. Margarita Peets.
11:32Dr. Barbara Margarita Peets.
11:37These scans are from three months ago.
11:39She has some beating in the common bile duct.
11:41But the common hepatic vein should be long enough to do a proper anastomosis.
11:45Yeah, sure.
11:47Previous stent is in place.
11:52We can transplant the liver at 90 degrees with the right lobe up to accommodate the
11:56situs inversus.
12:00We're going to operate together.
12:02You're going to have to speak to me eventually.
12:05Hey, sorry, excuse me.
12:06So Valley Green Hospital sent images of the donor liver.
12:09Any strictures or anomalies that would prevent us from grafting the liver at 180 degrees horizontally?
12:16I just said we should transplant at 90 degrees.
12:18So we need to discuss it.
12:20I didn't think you liked discussing medical procedures with me.
12:23What do you think that I've been doing?
12:25I just came to tell you I'm passing on the liver.
12:28Yeah, it's too big.
12:29I want to hold out for a better fit for Tasha.
12:31They'll be disappointed.
12:32But at least it gives us extra time to get some updated imaging.
12:40Marley, I'm sorry that we had to cut your wedding dress.
12:47Don't be.
12:48I can't believe they paid to have it cleaned and boxed.
12:51Why did I think I was going to wear it again?
12:53Let me know if you feel any pain.
12:55All I wanted was a clean break.
12:57It's such an ugly divorce.
12:59Brad and I argued over every soup spoon.
13:02I don't even like soup.
13:04Doesn't mean you don't like spoons.
13:06Okay, you're feeling pain at the thoracolumbar junction.
13:09I think I feel a step off.
13:11It could be a chance fracture.
13:12Did she say France fracture?
13:14No, chance.
13:15Like you took a chance on love and it didn't work out.
13:17It's a specific kind of vertebral fracture.
13:20It's hard to say.
13:21We'll know more once we get some scans.
13:22You said you wanted a clean break.
13:30Hi, Dr. Gray.
13:31That's Dr. Marshtey.
13:33That's what I said.
13:35Very bad.
13:36Sorry about that.
13:37That's okay.
13:38I'm terrible with names and I don't have encephalopathy.
13:40Are you going to get the liver?
13:41So I took a look at the donor scans and I think we should hold out for a better one.
13:45It's a good match.
13:46Dr. Fox, let me see the scans too.
13:50Well, in terms of blood work and viral serology, it could work, but the graft is too big.
13:54We're talking about three millimeters.
13:56However, several case reports have successful transplants with bigger grafts.
13:59There's also plenty of cases where it's caused complications.
14:02Borderline hypertension, delayed graft function, not being able to close up the abdomen.
14:06There are always risks.
14:07Yeah, and I'm a transplant surgeon.
14:08It's my job to minimize those risks.
14:10The doctor is stable.
14:11We should wait.
14:12We have time.
14:13Every day that goes by is another chance for her liver to fail.
14:16We could wait weeks for another match.
14:18You don't even know transplants?
14:19I know my wife.
14:20She needs this.
14:22Evan, something's wrong with the phone.
14:24It keeps buzzing.
14:25Okay, I'll be right there.
14:26You're supposed to be the best.
14:28Make it happen.
14:31Let me see.
14:35Baby's just met you.
14:36Her and Bart said get well soon.
14:38They sent pictures.
14:39That's them?
14:40That's their kids.
14:41It's your niece and your nephew.
14:54Untying the human knot takes teamwork and direct communication.
14:59Adams, your elbow is pretty close to my testicles.
15:02Believe me, it doesn't want to be.
15:04Come on.
15:05I'm communicating directly.
15:06Step over my arm.
15:10This is some untangling.
15:11Honestly, this is a great exercise.
15:13You can do whatever you need.
15:14A little brush up on cooperation skills.
15:16We should be practicing square knots, not human knots.
15:19Can you turn right?
15:20No, your other right.
15:21Well, my right or your right?
15:22I can't tell.
15:23I don't know which way to move.
15:24Can you turn under my arm?
15:26Yeah, yeah.
15:27No, no, no.
15:33Good try.
15:34Learning how to laugh at our mistakes is also a part of this.
15:37Next, we're going to work on problem solving.
15:39So pick a number and find your partner.
15:42Oh, that's good.
15:52Spinal fractures just require a brace or a cast, right?
15:55We Googled.
15:57Sometimes, unfortunately, yours is unstable.
16:01We need to surgically place screws and rods in your spine for support.
16:05That sounds like a lot.
16:07Are there other options?
16:09Risky paralysis, unfortunately.
16:13I was 23 when I married Brad.
16:15I went straight from living with college friends to moving into his condo.
16:19This is the first time I haven't ever had to share a bathroom.
16:23I finally have white towels because I don't care that they're not practical.
16:27I'm supposed to be living my best life, not worried I'm never going to walk again.
16:32You've got this, Marles.
16:33You'll get anesthesia.
16:34Much better than cheap champagne.
16:36It wasn't cheap.
16:37Plus, this guy will be taking care of you.
16:40You single, right?
16:42No way.
16:44I just got divorced.
16:46We weren't thinking for you.
16:48Um, we need to prep her for the ORs.
16:51I will let you know when she's done.
16:54We'll be here the whole time.
16:55Don't be scared.
16:56Oh, think about how you got the dog and Brad did it.
17:03The scan's not done?
17:05Then why'd you page me?
17:06Because we're working together.
17:09I apologized to you.
17:10I told you I hated lying to you.
17:12Catherine was my patient.
17:13What did you expect me to do?
17:15I expected you to tell me.
17:16And break every oath I've ever taken?
17:18It hasn't stopped you before.
17:21Dugu's picking up the liver since he's already on his way for the heart.
17:24I'm booking us an OR.
17:25I thought it was too big.
17:26I can make it work.
17:27Her encephalopathy is only going to get worse if we wait.
17:29So we gotta do it.
17:30Scans are in new labs, too.
17:32Let's take a look.
17:34Her biliary tree is draining.
17:35That's good.
17:36Her stent still seems to be working well.
17:39LFTs are elevated, but...
17:40Not high enough to cause altered mentation.
17:43What if it isn't encephalopathy?
17:44What if it's a stroke?
17:45If it's acute, we shouldn't do the transplant.
17:47We should scan her brain.
17:48We should consult Evan first.
17:50We don't need her consent.
17:51She's in the scanner already.
17:52Tasha isn't in a position to understand.
17:54We should talk to her caregiver.
17:56Will you stop walking out on me?
17:59You should stop giving me reasons to walk out.
18:06Remember, the goal is to build the tallest tower that can support a marshmallow on top.
18:11Wait, is this one spaghetti or two?
18:14I spilled water on the blueprint.
18:15Or should I say, Lucasprint?
18:19We don't think your jokes are funny like Wally does.
18:23We should have drawn a plan.
18:24Ours is almost as tall as theirs.
18:26Yeah, and they're building faster because they have a plan.
18:28Okay, well, here's a plan.
18:29Why don't you stop complaining and stick more of these things together?
18:33This is too wobbly.
18:35It's made of spaghetti.
18:36Okay, time's almost up.
18:37You might want to stop debating.
18:39Resolving conflict is also part of this.
18:41Figure it out yourselves.
18:43Fifteen seconds.
18:44Okay, we need to figure out where to put the last marshmallow, Wally.
18:46I just put this here, like...
18:48I haven't figured it out.
18:51Should have seen that coming.
18:52What's that supposed to mean?
18:53It wasn't secure.
18:54It's a bell.
18:55We built this together.
18:56It's not just my fault.
18:58It's never your fault.
18:59Are you done?
19:00Okay, time!
19:03Okay, uh...
19:05We have a winner!
19:07Good job, gents, and good teamwork, too.
19:10I texted Marsh to let him know we're on our way back.
19:15You ever consider using a professional matchmaker?
19:20I will be quiet.
19:22Sir, are you okay?
19:23Pull over, pull over.
19:27My dad, he's...
19:28Take a breath, take a breath.
19:29Try again.
19:30My dad, his bike skidded off the road and it crushed him,
19:32and I called the paramedics and they're on their way,
19:34but he looks so bad.
19:35We're doctors.
19:36We can help.
19:37We gotta be quick.
19:38We got organs on ice.
19:41Yes, they're doctors.
19:47We're doing a father-daughter ride.
19:49We do one state every year.
19:50Five so far.
19:51No problems until now.
19:53I'm here, I'm here.
19:54These men are doctors.
19:55His name is Arash.
19:56I'm Dr. Ndugu.
19:57This is Dr. Warren.
19:58His chest looks crushed.
19:59Multiple contusions.
20:00Crepitus on palpation.
20:01He must have an injury to his lung or his airway.
20:03How long until the paramedics get here?
20:04They just said that they're on their way.
20:05You're not leaving, are you?
20:07We got patients waiting for life-saving organs.
20:09The heart's gonna pull a few out.
20:10Rest will be a little longer.
20:14Okay, all right.
20:15We'll stabilize his neck and check the leg
20:16and go from there, okay?
20:20Here we go.
20:21We got you.
20:22We got you, Arash.
20:23All right.
20:24There we go.
20:25Nice and tight.
20:27We got you.
20:29The tourniquet is on.
20:31Bleeding stopped.
20:32We'll take an ambulance.
20:33We'll take an ambulance.
20:34The pulse is getting 3D.
20:35Do you see any more sources of bleeding?
20:38Is that JVD?
20:39Could be cardiac tamponade.
20:43Why aren't you guys helping him?
20:45We have no supplies.
20:46We've done all we can do.
20:47Now we have to just wait for the paramedics.
20:48They're still 5 to 10 minutes out.
20:52He lost pulses.
20:53Starting CPR.
20:57Don't die, please!
20:59We got you.
21:00We got you.
21:01We got you.
21:02We got you.
21:04Breathe in.
21:11I reviewed your most recent labs.
21:13Everything looks normal.
21:15Any pain or nausea?
21:16I feel exactly the same way I did when you asked two weeks ago.
21:21Lord, okay.
21:22No pain, no nausea.
21:23Happy now?
21:25Where's the rest of your team?
21:27We're dividing and conquering.
21:28Nick is studying the donor liver.
21:30And Richard?
21:33You can't be mad at me.
21:34He's upset because I was keeping your secret.
21:38You know, Evan's first ever surgery was on my service.
21:42We were doing a hernia repair.
21:44And I cut the vas.
21:46It took me a moment to notice.
21:47We repaired it, but later on I found out she saw it all happen.
21:51She didn't say anything.
21:52She was worried that I would be mad.
21:55That's when I taught her to speak up.
21:58To call people out.
21:59Even me.
22:00She seems pretty comfortable with you now.
22:02Maybe too comfortable.
22:04She's like family.
22:05When you nurture family, when you train family, the lines become blurred.
22:10Especially when they use the skills you taught them against you.
22:14It hits harder.
22:15That means it takes longer to get over.
22:20All right.
22:21Get your team together.
22:23Dr. Sellers.
22:24Dr. Monty Sellers.
22:26Dr. Monty Sellers.
22:29I just elected me counsel.
22:31Don't judge me.
22:32I know I should be taking time off, but it's how I cope.
22:35You really are Katherine's brother, sir.
22:37When I was a resident, they called me Kit.
22:39Like we were Kit-Kat.
22:40Not that we'd ever call her Kat to her face.
22:44Tasha's cancer went down.
22:45She's in the hospital.
22:46She's in the hospital.
22:47She's in the hospital.
22:48She's in the hospital.
22:49She's in the hospital.
22:50She's in the hospital.
22:51Tasha's cancer aren't done yet?
22:52Dr. Gray didn't find you?
22:55Is there a problem?
22:56Tasha's tests aren't adding up.
22:59We're concerned she's had a stroke.
23:01Dr. Gray wants another MRI.
23:03Tasha's already been through hundreds of tests.
23:04We're not doing that.
23:05Absolutely not.
23:08I'm sorry.
23:10She'd been managing her PSC just fine for 12 years.
23:13But lately, I'm scared for her.
23:16I don't blame you.
23:17Two years ago, she was accepting the Marble Prize for Distinguished Faculty,
23:21publishing her third book,
23:22doing political commentary for the local NPR station.
23:25She's deteriorating before my very eyes.
23:28I'd do anything to save her.
23:36Alright, no displaced bone fragments or swelling.
23:39No need for decompression.
23:40Let's move on to fixation.
23:42We'll place the first screw.
23:43Now her vertebrae will be bonded forever.
23:46Better than being paralyzed.
23:48Well, she'll have scar tissue and less flexibility.
23:50Some unions are just not meant to be permanent.
23:52That's why I'm never getting married.
23:54Okay, wait.
23:57A lot of people have avoided.
23:59I think it's best to say no,
24:00no matter how many proposals or rings are involved.
24:04You spilled your guts to Wilson back there.
24:06She had to talk to someone.
24:10Okay, I recommend more work, less chatter.
24:16Oh, you're here.
24:18You swung out with me.
24:19Thank God.
24:21What's going on?
24:22You got blunt trauma to the left chest.
24:23No palpable pulse.
24:25Let's try decompressing him.
24:26Here's the needle.
24:28Don't grab the leg.
24:29Help her, please.
24:30Can you give me an LMA?
24:31On it.
24:34No rush of air.
24:35No pulse.
24:36Still has JVD.
24:37I need a stethoscope.
24:38Give me it.
24:41Is he going to be okay?
24:42Tell me.
24:44Is he going to be okay?
24:45Tell me he's going to be okay.
24:46It's definitely cardiac tamponade.
24:47Please tell me.
24:48I think we should open him right here.
24:49What do you mean, open him?
24:50These chest injuries have caused blood to fill up the sac around his heart.
24:53That pressure is keeping his heart from pumping properly.
24:55In the ER, we would cut open the sac to relieve the pressure.
24:57You want to do that here?
24:58He won't make it to the hospital.
24:59Oh, my God.
25:00Carry your dad is moments away from death,
25:01but we could do this procedure right here, right now.
25:03We just need to move fast.
25:04And you really think that this will work?
25:05We'll give him a chance.
25:06If they take him, his chances are zero.
25:10Okay, okay.
25:11Do it.
25:14I'll be packing gloves.
25:15Hang on, Dad.
25:17Silver linings might be my favorite exercise.
25:20When we're facing a challenge,
25:22this can be a helpful tool to remind ourselves
25:27how well-equipped we are to handle tough situations.
25:31So, who wants to start?
25:36Someone volunteer before they're violent old.
25:40Um, I was struggling to connect to a gunshot wound patient.
25:47But now that I've experienced it myself,
25:50I think maybe I'll be able to help more.
25:53You were shot?
25:59Quan and I talked to a med student off the ledge.
26:02It's a good reminder that we can save lives both in and out of the ER.
26:07Oh, this ledge is metaphorical, or...?
26:09Hospital roof.
26:12Oh, this is some heavy stuff.
26:14Um, next.
26:18Uh, yeah, I'm actually feeling pretty great.
26:22But it's nice to have a moment to reflect.
26:29I don't want to do this.
26:31Listen, this is a safe space if you have an aversion to public speaking.
26:34I, um, just don't want to put a positive spin on terrible things.
26:39I mean, we lost a classmate.
26:41Oh, my God, she's still alive.
26:43She's still alive.
26:45She dropped out of the program,
26:47and everybody's acting like nothing has changed,
26:49and everything has changed.
26:51No, Milan, that's not true.
26:52We're playing games!
26:54I mean, these two are making out all over the place.
26:56Blue is texting his ex or his girlfriend or whatever she is,
27:01and you're only doing this to protect yourself
27:03in case another one of us flames out or kills someone in the OR.
27:07What's the point in team bonding if we don't have a team?
27:11Our team is broken.
27:13I'm sorry.
27:24All right, almost there.
27:26Help me retract the chest.
27:28When we get through, I'll release the pressure around the heart.
27:32Wait, what is that? What are you doing?
27:34We're opening the sac around his heart to get it pumping again.
27:38Oh, my God.
27:40You might want to look away.
27:42Incision on the pericardium.
27:45All right, done.
27:46I see a small hole in the heart. Give me a suture.
27:49Wait, a suture?
27:50Are you sure you know what you're doing?
27:52I'm the chief of cardiothoracic surgery at Grey Sloan at MTS.
27:56Just a quick figure-of-eight stitch.
27:59All right.
28:02Warren, come for me.
28:04Right there.
28:06Bleeding stopped. Start cardiac massage.
28:12Yeah, BP's coming up.
28:14Does that mean you did it?
28:16Please say you did it.
28:20We got a rhythm. You did it.
28:26Where is T's liver?
28:28It got delayed.
28:29It's taken so damn long.
28:30The doctor's transporting it. Stopped to save a life on the side of the road.
28:33You know I don't care about anyone else right now.
28:35You're getting mad. It's not going to make it get here any faster.
28:38It do go says that the liver should be here within 30 minutes.
28:41I stand corrected.
28:43Oh, my God.
28:45Is it actually happening?
28:46It is.
28:48I told you it would.
28:52I told you it would.
28:55You got to learn to trust.
28:57I know, I know.
28:58Okay, I'm going to go get ready.
29:00Would you mind if I watch from the gallery?
29:02I just want to see the first incision so I know it's actually going to happen.
29:06I mean, typically we...
29:10Fine with me. Absolutely.
29:21No matter where I am or what I do.
29:28How's she doing?
29:30She's fine.
29:37Okay, you want to yell at somebody?
29:40Yell at me.
29:42Come on.
29:43Come on.
29:46I know you're still angry with me.
29:49I never said that.
29:50You don't think I can see the anger?
29:54The hurt?
29:56The frustration?
29:59That's why I scheduled this retreat.
30:02I thought we could have a day away from the hospital.
30:08Polish up on some skills.
30:11Have some fun.
30:14Cook a meal.
30:16It may be too soon, but I had to do something.
30:21Because I'm feeling all of that, too.
30:28You were right.
30:31Your team is broken.
30:33And I want to help fix that.
30:40Do you?
30:46Don't miss where you are.
30:52This is the patient we called in for Fenton.
30:55I'll get this one rid of Marsha's OR and then print Ms. Ramsey.
30:58Great work today.
30:59I'll be sure to tell all of you when I see her.
31:02Have you ever done anything like that before?
31:06Are you sure you can't stay?
31:08We planned a few more activities.
31:10Listen, your interns have been through way more than I'm equipped to handle.
31:13What about all those CEOs you helped?
31:15Are you a psychologist who specializes in workplace stress?
31:18Or trauma?
31:19I'm good with all of that.
31:20Good luck.
31:28Silver lining.
31:29The traffic should be light.
31:31Thank you for hosting the retreat.
31:33Your home is lovely.
31:35The bagels were good.
31:39I've never done the human knot before.
31:43Also, honestly, what Kwan said-
31:45The bagels were fine.
31:47Go home.
31:50I thought we were going to make a meal together.
31:58Yes, we are.
32:04It's not optional.
32:21I scanned Tasha's brain.
32:24Hear me out.
32:25Her brain is atrophied.
32:26The confusion, the memory loss, the disorientation.
32:29I think it's dementia.
32:31I don't need to see it because I have these.
32:35After speaking with Evan, I had some questions.
32:38So I had Tasha's full medical records faxed to me from Portland.
32:42She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's two years ago.
32:45It's probably why the hospital's transplant committee rejected her.
32:49Evan was mentioning Tasha's recent accomplishments,
32:52the awards, the books, the public recognition.
32:56That made me think of your mother.
33:00Do you think Catherine knows about this?
33:02You think she doesn't?
33:12You okay?
33:13No, I'm pissed at Quan's pile of onions.
33:15We don't need that many.
33:16The recipe said two, so I cut two.
33:21I'll take those.
33:22Use them for the chili.
33:36I'll wash it.
33:38I'll dry.
33:47If you want to visit her, I have airline miles.
33:50It might not be enough, but you can have them.
33:58I don't know.
34:00I was trying to plan a visit.
34:04She said she needs space.
34:07I'm sorry.
34:12You're beautiful.
34:17Surgery worked?
34:18We were able to fuse your spine and stabilize your fracture.
34:21How long until I can walk?
34:23PT starts tomorrow.
34:25Might be painful, but it's good for you.
34:28You sound like my friend telling me to get back in the dating pool.
34:31Sometimes you just gotta dive in, you know?
34:34Right, sorry.
34:36Guess what the Seattle Fire Department found?
34:39Oh my God, is that you again?
34:41A box at the hospital gift shop.
34:42It's ready to sell.
34:48I'm sorry for your divorce.
34:50It's for the best.
34:52No, I don't doubt that.
34:53You were married.
34:54I'm sure at some point you loved him and he loved you.
34:57It's okay to mourn that loss.
35:02He was an ass from the start, right?
35:04Like, really horrible.
35:06He made you split the check on your first date at that sandwich place.
35:09He never remembered your birthday.
35:11He texted me the day of asking for gift ideas under 50 bucks.
35:15He wore sandals at my wedding.
35:18You don't need him.
35:19We're your besties and your soulmates.
35:21We'll trade off taking care of you.
35:22I'm this week.
35:23Get ready to watch a lot of Housewives.
35:25Alright, I'll check her labs and write her post-op notes.
35:28And when you're ready, Jeremiah's jewelry downtown pays good prices.
35:37I always wondered what happened to those rings.
35:39Yeah, two of the jewelers let me return it.
35:42The other guy was a jerk.
35:43Well, thank goodness for Jeremiah.
35:47Hey, for what it's worth, I thought what you said was nice.
35:51A friend of mine promised me that if I took time to grieve a broken relationship,
35:57it'd eventually be okay.
35:58Eventually, it'd be better.
36:01Well, it sounds like a good friend.
36:06Um, hey, would you watch Marley's post-op?
36:10Can we have her?
36:21Jackie just fell asleep.
36:24Does she need a procedure?
36:26No, I was actually looking for you.
36:29Do I need a procedure?
36:32No, but, uh, transplant that heart I mentioned.
36:35I wanted to ask if maybe you'd like to have dinner sometime.
36:41You know, um, if this were a few months ago, I would've loved that.
36:46But Jackie knows you now, and that just creates a set of expectations I'm not sure you're ready for.
36:55Okay, yeah, I, I respect that.
37:00But if you change your mind, then we're fine.
37:12Aren't you two supposed to be in an OR?
37:16We had a few issues to work out first.
37:19Like why you lied.
37:20I told you I didn't want you to worry.
37:22This is not about the cancer.
37:23That's bad enough.
37:24Now you're implicating Grey and me in God knows what.
37:28Falsifying medical records.
37:30What are you talking about?
37:34Tasha's Alzheimer's.
37:36Her what?
37:38Tasha has Alzheimer's.
37:41Evan left it off the electronic records she gave us.
37:44She had me vouch for Tasha to the transplant committee.
37:48If they had known, they might have made a very different decision.
37:52Evan played all of us.
37:54Well, she learned from the best.
37:58Where is she now?
38:04Paige Grey and Winter again.
38:08Hey, where you been?
38:09We need to talk.
38:10I'm just about to.
38:11I know.
38:13We need to talk.
38:16They say patience is a virtue.
38:20But it often feels overrated.
38:27Especially when we're in pain.
38:31When we're recovering from a fractured leg, a bruised ego, a broken heart.
38:36All we want is to feel better now.
38:38How are you still eating?
38:40It's true.
38:41It's true.
38:42How are you still eating?
38:44It's true.
38:45It goes in a different stomach.
38:49Now I know where all our cereal goes.
38:59Do you want a drink?
39:01Maxine's hosting Canasta at our place.
39:04It's kind of a lot.
39:07Come on.
39:12We can look for shortcuts to speed things up.
39:15Is he still eating?
39:16That's what I said.
39:17It goes in a different stomach.
39:19But more often than not, it's best to let things play out in their own time.
39:28So, uh, dinner is on the counter, but you might have to reheat it.
39:33This bedtime took forever.
39:35Luna started crying, and then Scout started sympathy crying, and it was...
39:42You are my best friend.
39:44Are you making fun of my hair?
39:45Would you just let me talk?
39:46Can you make it quick?
39:47I have to shower.
39:50Marry me.
39:58What's happening?
40:00You said make it quick, so I love you, you love me.
40:05And I know that it takes more than that to make a marriage work,
40:08but what do couples who've been together for a long time say?
40:11I married my best friend.
40:13That's us.
40:15It's been us.
40:18Since you sprained your ankle and I dropped you on Cannon Green.
40:22You know, since we stayed up all night studying, eating Jimmy's cheesy bread.
40:29It's been us since that summer of epic phone calls when you nannied in West Windsor.
40:35It's still us.
40:38You're my soulmate.
40:42And years from now, we'll tell our kids, our grandkids,
40:47that the secret to our marriage is that we were best friends.
41:02Joe's feeding you.
41:15What are you doing?
41:21Based on my experience, it's probably better if you picked your own ring.
41:31It's usually worth the wait.
41:42I love you.
41:43I love you too.
41:44I love you.
41:45I love you too.
41:46I love you.
41:47I love you.
41:48I love you.
41:49I love you.
41:50I love you.
41:51I love you.
41:52I love you.
41:53I love you.
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48:52I love you.
48:53I love you.
48:54I love you.
48:55I love you.
48:56I love you.
48:57I love you.
48:58I love you.
48:59I love you.
49:00I love you.
49:01I love you.
49:02I love you.
49:03I love you.
49:04I love you.
49:05I love you.
49:06I love you.
49:07I love you.
49:08I love you.
49:09I love you.
49:10I love you.
49:11I love you.
49:12I love you.
49:13I love you.
49:14I love you.
49:15I love you.
49:16I love you.
49:17I love you.
49:18I love you.
49:19I love you.
49:20I love you.
49:21I love you.
49:22I love you.
49:23I love you.
49:24I love you.