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Teen Mom: The Next Chapter Season 2 Episode 22 | Somebody's Going to Get Hurt | Full Episode HD | March 13, 2025
00:00Next, on Teen Mom, the next chapter.
00:03When my dad went to the doctor,
00:05they found a mass on his kidney.
00:06The mass is cancer.
00:07In the past year, I haven't seen her daughter in four days.
00:10I think that's abandonment.
00:12Your heart?
00:13It hurts?
00:14With my having a rare disease,
00:16when she's sick, it terrifies me.
00:18My mom admitted that she loves me.
00:21See, we're here tonight because we love you.
00:23Oh, I'm...
00:24No, no, sit down!
00:25This is a f***ing setup!
00:26This is a f***ing setup!
00:31Previously, on Teen Mom, the next chapter.
00:34Dad wants to go into detox.
00:37Where, Florida?
00:39I haven't seen my dad in nine, ten years.
00:41I love you.
00:42After doing some research about a long-term rehab program,
00:45my dad went out of rehab and he's doing really good.
00:47I'm proud of you.
00:48I'm continuing to build on that.
00:49That's my number one, is to be with my grandkids and y'all,
00:52and y'all to trust me.
00:53Trust me.
00:54Girls, I hope we get to spend more time together.
00:56Me too.
01:00The nurse did her EKG, comes back and goes,
01:02so the doctor's going to come in to see you.
01:04She's like, you guys need to go in this week to see a cardiologist.
01:08She has to wear a heart monitor, like, on her chest right here.
01:12So this is the heart monitor.
01:14We have to figure out what's going on with the rhythm of her heart.
01:17The monitor will track the rhythm.
01:19I'm going to press a button and then I have like a diary
01:21and I have to log the time and, like, what she's doing.
01:24And the doctor was like, I want her to do everything.
01:26Here we go.
01:28I decided that I am going to go visit my parents while they're in rehab.
01:32First we're going to talk about kind of the cycle of addiction and recovery.
01:36So you ready to come home?
01:38I am more in tune with my emotions now and I have tools to use when I get home.
01:41I found out my mom relapsed and my grandma and my aunt have basically been hiding it.
01:46They're enabling her.
01:47Chloe, who all do you want to invite to your birthday party?
01:50Can Grandma Tracy come?
01:52You're all right with your mom coming?
01:54I don't want Chloe's day to be ruined, but it's like obviously I know you're doing drugs.
01:59Leah hasn't seen anyone since her birthday.
02:01Oh, that's crazy, bro.
02:04If Christina wasn't there, I mean, that's a blessing right there.
02:06Trust me, the best thing that ever happened to Leah was Christina.
02:09Like, I kind of want Christina to adopt me.
02:11Like, I've been wanting it for a while.
02:12I heard about that.
02:13I want to speak to an attorney and at least just get the information, see what that would entail.
02:17I love you, baby.
02:18I love you, too.
02:19I love you, too.
02:47Hey, you all right?
02:49Yeah, you're going to have to come get your dad.
02:51Come get my dad?
02:52Are you not claiming him today?
02:54I have to start him on laxatives today.
02:58He's going to the hospital tomorrow.
03:01My father has been doing very well in his recovery.
03:04He's been sober about a year.
03:06But recently he has been experiencing a lot of pain, blood, and his urine.
03:12When my dad went to the doctor, they found a mass on his kidney.
03:16And the mass is cancer.
03:19Why are they having him do a colonoscopy?
03:21The reason for the urgency of the colonoscopy is to really know what's going on in there.
03:26To see if the cancer has spread?
03:29I don't want to say I think the worst, but I do have those thoughts.
03:32Only because every day I'm seeing how sick he is.
03:35One day he's able to walk himself to the kitchen or to the bathroom.
03:39And the next day he's in so much pain.
03:43It really sucks that he's actually doing the right thing and then this happens.
03:47I'm not going to tell Ellie and Aaliyah and Adeline about my dad's health scares right now.
03:53My daughters are continuing to get to know their granddad.
03:57They love him and I would like to find the outcome and what we need to do going forward before I share that information with them.
04:05Am I scared?
04:08For the first time I feel like I can just pick up the phone and call my dad.
04:11That's something new to me.
04:14And I want to have many more years with my dad.
04:19I'll drive him to the colonoscopy tomorrow if that would help.
04:22Yeah, oh yeah.
04:24Alright, I love you.
04:25Alright, love you too.
04:44It's been a really rough week.
04:45About a week after Chloe's birthday party I was in a really bad car accident that shook me up.
04:52It's been hard getting back to normal so I'm making a point today to have some girls' chill time.
04:57So do you.
04:58I got a reservation.
04:59I got all of our stuff set up.
05:01And then she'll come over and give us instructions on how to do everything.
05:03And then you can put your purses here too if you want.
05:05I've been here a few times.
05:07Expert candle maker.
05:12How are you doing today, guys?
05:14My name's Lizzie.
05:15I'm going to be helping you guys out today.
05:16I'm going to get you guys started.
05:18So here's a clipboard for each of you.
05:20Smell as many candles as you like.
05:22Write down the scents you like as you go.
05:25And then go ahead and do that.
05:26Let me know if you have any questions.
05:28Thank you so much.
05:29Yeah, absolutely.
05:30This one, I feel like you would like.
05:32I love that.
05:33I love that one.
05:34Write it down.
05:36Okay, so I have those drinks for you.
05:41I'm going to name Sean's Big Wick Energy.
05:44I like that.
05:46I haven't really seen you since that day that we were together.
05:49Yeah, I was like, I'll go get Chloe really fast.
05:51I'll call you when I get home.
05:53And I got in that car accident that luckily I didn't have Chloe in the car.
05:57It was terrifying.
05:58It literally changed my perspective.
06:00It made me almost reevaluate my entire life.
06:03And how I want to show up for people.
06:06I talked to my mom right after that.
06:08Did you?
06:09For like an hour and a half.
06:11We haven't seen each other in person since the birthday party.
06:14And then she told me on the phone.
06:16She admitted that she had relapsed.
06:19And that she didn't want to tell me because she was embarrassed.
06:22I was like, why would you lie?
06:23Why wouldn't you just be honest and tell the truth?
06:25She's like, well, you're my child.
06:26I don't want you to look at me the way that I look at me.
06:31Then I'm like, you know what?
06:32She's going to do whatever she wants to do.
06:34I'm still going to love her and have a relationship with her.
06:36But it has to be in a way that's healthy and safe for me.
06:39Safe for my child.
06:40I'm obviously not going to let Chloe just go and stay the night at our house.
06:43If I feel like maybe she's not making good choices.
06:45But I'm also not going to punish her and say my love is conditional.
06:50I think that you're pretty good at communicating with her too.
06:53When you're in a safe space and when you don't.
06:56So as long as it feels healthy for you.
06:59You have to find some type of help for her.
07:01Being in a really scary car accident can really change your viewpoint on life.
07:05I love her and I care about her.
07:06Even at the end of the day, if she was going to do drugs and be crazy until the day she died.
07:10You know, I still want to be in her life in some aspect.
07:14She might not be there for everything on time.
07:16She might not show up for this or for that.
07:18But when something major goes down, I feel like my mom is going to show up.
07:29Ryder has been wearing her heart monitor for two weeks.
07:37Today's the day Ryder gets to take it off.
07:40Take it off, right?
07:42I just put it on the table.
07:44At this point, it's been going on for so long.
07:47I'm just ready to know what we're dealing with.
07:50It has my anxiety through the roof.
07:53I wanted to prep everything now because Ryder has soccer practice.
07:58And I feel like it takes forever to make.
08:00Speaking of Ryder, didn't you send an email to the doctor?
08:02Where did her results go? Or did they respond?
08:04Actually, I emailed them.
08:06They responded back and said, good morning, final results have not been finalized.
08:10Please check with us in one week.
08:13I got to tell her dad that the results still haven't come in because he's asked as well.
08:20I think with all this going on, Ryder is still so resilient with everything.
08:24She's doing everything fine.
08:26But what makes it so hard is that you look at her and she does look fine.
08:30You'd never even think that she has a genetic disease.
08:32But they cleared her to go to school. They cleared her for ballet.
08:35They cleared her for soccer.
08:37I think as a seven-year-old, she also knows a lot.
08:41She's more in tune to everything.
08:43She's very aware and very smart.
08:45She's going to be good.
08:49Are you excited for soccer back days?
09:00Your dad and Taylor are meeting us up there, too.
09:06It's her BMI A day.
09:08What's up, my family?
09:13What's up?
09:15Girl, you ready today?
09:22Ready, set, go.
09:26Ryder's in the pink.
09:32You okay?
09:33What's wrong?
09:36What is wrong?
09:39Your heart?
09:40It hurts?
09:42It's okay.
09:44She sits and her heart hurts.
09:46Ry, why don't you go sit?
09:51Oh, my God.
09:57The second she feels like something is off, she has a panic attack.
10:02You see, she gets so worked up.
10:04It's like she can't even breathe.
10:06The doctor was like, she can have, like, three things.
10:09She can have heart arrhythmias.
10:11She can have bad anxiety, and she can have racing heart.
10:14I'm like, none of those.
10:15Here's the thing, all those go hand in hand.
10:17They're all together.
10:18Your heart races and your heart flutters.
10:20She's only seven, and she's so hypersensitive.
10:23But I'm just like, at this point, we still don't have the results back from the heart monitor.
10:27And I'm like, what are we supposed to do?
10:30Figure it out, though.
10:35But the dark seeps in and it haunts you once again.
10:41I think previously I really thought about an intervention and thought that that might be helpful for my mom.
10:47As time has went on, I've really thought about my mom as a person and her personality and everything that she's been through.
10:53And, like, what makes sense to her as a person?
10:56What's going to reap positive benefits instead of negative benefits?
10:59What are you doing, babe?
11:02Can I ask you a question?
11:04You're recovered, like, what, three years now?
11:08So, I mean, what do you think would help my mom?
11:10Because you were combative as a whole.
11:13Yeah, the one-on-one sessions.
11:15Like with the therapist.
11:16Yeah, when I got to dig deeper.
11:18Yeah, so that's why I think doing any type of, like, therapy with family members, maybe that would open a door to her doing some therapy on her own
11:27and kind of being comfortable with getting herself some mental help.
11:30Do you think that grandma and your aunt are even ready or open?
11:33I don't know.
11:34Because, you know, it's a sensitive topic for grandma because it's her daughter.
11:38I think with my aunt, her loyalty probably lies more with her sister.
11:41But that isn't really what's best for my mom.
11:46I grew up cold.
11:48It's hard to crawl out of these clothes.
11:52I only float tied up in the air of inflow.
11:57Hi, baby girl.
11:59How's it going?
12:00We're going to party.
12:01If you look over the menu here.
12:03Here we go.
12:05Have you had a brown sugar latte?
12:07No, I don't have caffeine, so I've never had anything.
12:12So I've never had anything, but
12:14anyways, I had that really scary
12:17car accident where I was like hit
12:19and I was traumatized.
12:21Right after that,
12:22I talked to my mom and
12:24she finally admitted to me that she
12:26had relapsed and that she had lied
12:28and basically everything
12:30I already just knew.
12:31She did?
12:32At least she made this up to tell
12:33you the truth.
12:34I think it's more than just drug
12:35concerns, though.
12:36I'm worried about her depression.
12:38Yeah, and then I looked up some
12:40therapy places.
12:43I really think she needs to go see
12:45a psychologist, somebody that she
12:47can be honest with and private.
12:50Would help her with whatever she's
12:52got going on.
12:53She's still my mom and I love her,
12:55but I'm very worried about her.
12:56So what do you think about that
12:58idea of just being like, hey,
12:59what about I'd like you to see
13:01just like a little family
13:03She's going to be
13:03in complete defense mode.
13:05Come on, think of your mom.
13:07She's going to feel like
13:07everybody's ganging up on her.
13:08You don't think that she would be
13:10open to having some family
13:11counseling together?
13:12What if we just made an
13:14appointment and said, hey, I got
13:15an appointment for
13:16a family counselor.
13:18We got some family counseling.
13:20Thank you, sweetheart.
13:25I think we should see the
13:27counselor first.
13:29Yeah, first.
13:30We're all sitting here kind of on
13:32the same page of like just wanting
13:34the best for my mom to all have
13:36some counseling of our own.
13:38They have some ideas how to go
13:40about it.
13:41To open the door.
13:43We all want our family members to
13:45be happy and healthy.
13:47That's, I mean, what family
13:48doesn't want that for each other?
13:51I think in the long run,
13:52that would really help her.
13:53She has someone she could confide
13:55in privately too.
13:57Outside of any family counseling,
13:59just someone she could talk to.
14:01I'm feeling like a brand new me.
14:17Hello, Attorney Trina Somber
14:19Hello, Trina, my name is Gary,
14:21and I was actually calling to see
14:24if I can schedule an appointment
14:25for consultation.
14:27What type of consultation are you
14:28For a consultation type of competition
14:32My daughter wants to be done about my wife. I would like to meet both of you. I can't get you in next week
14:38Okay, that works for me. I think yeah
14:41Wednesday at 2 p.m.
14:50With the possibility of Christina documenting I'm totally on board
14:53It's not as easy as signing a check or snapping your fingers. There's a lot involved
14:57We have to go to court that puts a lot of pressure on her then
15:00What if her mom's awesome starts trying to take her, you know, it's a strain on me. Just train on poor Leah
15:06I'm not here to hurt Amber, but she shouldn't be here to hurt Leah either
15:17Somebody's gonna get hurt and the person that's hurting most right now is Leah. I'm making sure my kid doesn't suffer
15:23Please have a seat. Of course
15:28So we talked a little bit on the phone. So please just get started with some background and how old is your daughter?
15:35She'll be 16. So I have physical custody of my daughter. Amber, her mother is not really involved
15:42Mm-hmm in the past year. She has seen her daughter four days four days
15:47So there has been child support already ordered. It's not enforced in the court
15:52Has she been paid
15:54She's behind so you would like to discuss what options you have
15:58I know we talked a little bit about adoption in a perfect world. Leah would love her to be adopted
16:03Okay, because she's not had any
16:06Significant contact with her mother over the last six months that's deemed as abandonment
16:12I think that adoption would be your best option because in an adoption that severs
16:18That parent-child
16:20Relationship that she has with her mother and you have become her mother and you would also be placed on the birth certificate
16:26As her mother, but if we can show that she's abandoned
16:30her daughter
16:31Then we don't need
16:34Her mom's consent. So how do you think Amber would receive this? Will she make this a battle?
16:39Will she hire counsel? Yeah, she would contest but if we have a contested adoption hearing
16:44We're gonna be able to show that she's not been in her life. She's not provided for her financially
16:49She's not had significant contact with her in over six months. I think you have a really good case for an adoption
16:54No, it's not something we wanted to do. It's just um, if something happens to me
16:59I don't see Amber being what Leah needs. I need to know that something happens to me and Leah is safe
17:04I know this is probably more
17:06Complicated than you know the conversation that you've had with Leah
17:11So I would definitely want for you guys to have that that sit down conversation with her but the the timeline we're looking at maybe
17:1860 days to get the adoption a lot of emotions involved and it's hard
17:30Nothing is fair
17:42Now I'm really worried
17:44She better take this seriously. It's very something
17:48My mother is not gonna die because she's so worried about her daughter. I don't know why this happens
17:53We're gonna have a dinner. We're all gonna go. Oh, you want to come over to my house tomorrow Wednesday your house
17:59Do not forget my aunt seems pretty worked up and upset
18:02You know, my plan was to give my mom a therapist and let her try to take charge of her own life now
18:08It's like both her eyes are infected, you know, she could possibly lose her vision. My aunt thinks it's necessary now to like
18:15Step in and basically tell her like you need help
18:18My mom needs that spark like inside for something like a light to come back on like hey
18:24Let my life is worth living. It's worth, you know fighting for it's hard. It's it's a journey for sure
18:47Just arranged all my children to be picked up so I can take my dad to an appointment
18:54He's having his colonoscopy and I know he's very nervous
18:58I'll let you know how it goes
19:06Yeah, I'll set this back here for you
19:27I'm so fine. Yeah. Yeah, that's real messy for your mind
19:39Because it masks your pain you don't feel anything
19:57Apologize my mind is just not all the way
20:00Where it needs to be at this current moment, but that's fine. He's resting in the tiny house now
20:05This is his dish discharge paperwork the doctor said as far as his colon that he did take two biopsy
20:12I think the biopsy will tell us a hundred percent if the cancer has spread
20:17all of these issues and these pains and these elements might be
20:21Coming up after years and years of right neglecting his house help. Yeah dad said in the car
20:28You know, I was fine when I was on the pain medication
20:31And that's where I was like, yeah because they you were it was being mass
20:34I know one night when he was in a lot of pain. He was like what I need is a pain pill
20:38I said no, you don't
20:40Yeah, no, I said how about a Tylenol or a pro for now? I would hate to see one thing spiral everything
20:46Yeah, when you are masking pain for many many years with prescription pain medication
20:52You have to rewire your brain and that's happens actively in recovery, but it doesn't happen overnight. It takes time
20:57And my dad being in pain can trigger relapse and that's the last thing I want is for my dad to relapse
21:27Was gonna come and bring
21:33Heart monitor stuff. All right. All right. I'll be there shortly
21:54That's miss Ryder
22:04I don't think you've seen it with all the toys. I mean you have seen it
22:15You hang out in here it's okay. Oh my gosh, I'm so tired. I know get to what we really came here for
22:23Yeah, yeah, what's going on? So her doctor?
22:26Called me and said that her heart monitor results came back
22:30Basically, she said that what Ryder is feeling is not dangerous
22:35But she does have they call it an ectopic rhythm. It can feel scary
22:39She said the scariness of it is that it will leave lead to her having a panic attack
22:45She sent me a page, but it was like a family
22:47Like yoga type of person who would come to the house and you would do like family yoga together
22:53And kind of just teach her like different breathing techniques. Have you guys ever had a yoga class?
22:57She takes yoga at school
22:59I found one that I really like so I messaged her and then I thought it would be good if we did it like our
23:05Household maybe one week with me and Zach and then she comes here and does it with you guys the next week
23:09So she feels like you know, this is something that's good for all of us. What do you think?
23:13I mean, I would just look up YouTube and look up breathing technique
23:16I mean I do breathing techniques and I panic like that
23:19I think by you finding like a yoga coach and stuff and taking that initiative is big like thank you for doing that
23:26Let me get a few days to lock somebody in and then from there
23:29I'll let you guys know and then I think from that it's just having a conversation with right
23:43Ready open your eyes
23:52Looks like a big brownie in here
23:57How have you been feeling good you want to talk about what happened with the heart monitor
24:04So, you know how you feel your heart and you kept telling me I feel it
24:09So the doctor told me that you definitely are right, but there's nothing wrong
24:15Sometimes your heart just skips a beat
24:16It is something that we can take some classes to learn how to like control a little better because you get anxious
24:24What if you and me and ace and Zach took like a meditation or like a yoga class together, would you like that?
24:32I love it. Yeah
24:37Yoga sounds good
24:41I'm really happy that we're able to rule out that her heart is enlarged or there's any structural problems with by having a rare disease
24:48When she is sick, it's very scary. It terrifies me
24:52It's just like I feel like a constant like mind game
24:56That's like a game that I never signed up to play but I will continue to be her biggest advocate for herself in her health
25:17Are you ready for your follow-up
25:23Make it to the kid
25:33That was great news, oh it's been a stressful day a long day. I'm gonna pull in you want to go right here and get some coffee
25:53All right
25:59Thank you, thank you guys the cancer mass on your kidney didn't spread to any other organs that's
26:06Great news and to remove the spot that's on your kidney. They'd want to do an application. So
26:15Quick procedure you leave the same day. I have faith that you'll go better. I was worried when you said that
26:21Felt better when you were taking the prescription pain medication
26:27That's something that would affect your recovery and create a relapse I
26:32Told you my mom. No, you know, I don't know this rest your life. You won't be free
26:40Why would I go back? It's scary with someone that is just fresh in recovery
26:44I know it's not easy just from my own personal personal experiences. It takes continuous effort
26:51and discipline
26:53Babe, I gotta get better. You won't
26:56You will get better
27:01I'll be back all new Tuesdays at 8
27:28Called my mom's counselor from Texas
27:31Recommended basically what we're doing tomorrow is like sit down as a family and address the situation
27:36What do you think the best course of action is? I think she's gonna be very explosive
27:41During this she used to see when she gets big they stand their ground
27:45Because if they don't they're just gonna falter and we're gonna be right back in the same conversation in another few months
27:51But she was like obviously you can't do it on your own
27:54That if you don't have multiple family members that are gonna be able to stand by you and say how they feel
27:59It really isn't gonna go nowhere. So don't waste your time. Where are the kids gonna be?
28:02Yeah, I told Jasmine that she could take him upstairs to the room and they could put on like a movie or something
28:09Another question. My brother-in-law has to be here. Yes. He's coming. He's bringing her and he's gonna sit in on it
28:15Yes, I'm a little scared of her Kathy said everybody needs to get over this hole. I'm worried about her being
28:21Jane quick
28:30If I start a conversation like that with her, okay, well, let me start I'll start conversation
28:35What would you say to get it started? Yeah, I would just tell you know, like
28:38Everybody, you know has something to say and you're not fooling nobody
28:43Yeah, just sit down. All you gotta do is let here like yeah, like all you gotta do is listen
28:46So we're gonna have dinner and then when I say, all right, it's time for dessert
28:50That's your cue to sit and use, you know, say what you need to say then
28:56Boom you and I can try to mediate the whole time of like keeping it cool. Just keeping it calm keeping it collected
29:02I'm really really worried about okay
29:03We all gotta say how we feel I'm not gonna participate in you killing yourself and me looking the other way
29:08No, I think this is a good plan
29:33The cheese cheese cheese
29:37We work it on homework
29:40Well, we had a chance to speak with attorney about the big option trying to figure out what that would
29:46Intel if everything was to go smoothly after filing paperwork, which you'd have to sign some stuff, too
29:51It could take three months if amber contests then it could take like a year. It could take longer
29:57so I
29:59Think the goal here is to make sure you're healthy and happy and taken care of and you have what you want
30:03If we say something or like do something she might try to like do stuff and make it harder
30:10And then by then it might take two years and at that point there's really no point even going through all the trouble for
30:15I want to be adopted because
30:18Christina's been there my whole life. I mean, I really want to do it, but I'm scared it would make Amber mad
30:23I don't like being mean to people but I don't know
30:26I just feel like it should be official and it's more than a piece of paper to me
30:31So, I don't know
30:32I'll have to think about it
30:35This is a it's a big a lot of stuff to think about is all you can even talk with your therapist about it
30:41You know kind of see what would emotionally invest for you with the healthiest option
30:46I know that your mom loves you, but for some reason she doesn't have to show it
30:51You know, if it wasn't for Christina being in her life as much. She was Leah would have a mom it would be nobody
30:57Leah is going to weigh her options talk to her therapist and
31:02Decide what route she wants to go. I will do whatever she wants
31:06Nothing will change the way that I love that girl, but I want you know that we're here to help you
31:13I want you to call your ride-or-die
31:16Me too. I'm not going anywhere. I love you, and I'm there for you and
31:23We'll get through it
31:37Initially I didn't want to approach
31:39Allie Aaliyah and Adeline with the news that my dad had cancer
31:44Now that we have more answers, and we know what my dad's treatment plan will look like and that he told me that he's committed
31:50To his recovery. I'm ready to have that conversation with my daughters
31:57I wanted to get all the answers and figure out what was going on, but
32:00A month ago they diagnosed granddad with cancer
32:05What type of cancer? His kidneys
32:07He wasn't feeling well. He wasn't throwing up or like yeah, throwing up
32:12Trying to use the bathroom couldn't use the bathroom
32:15Because they were worried about it spreading to his colon. They'd done a biopsy and it didn't show results of it spreading
32:22Anywhere else thank God, so what are they gonna do next for it?
32:26They're gonna do an ablation where they go in they will burn that spot
32:31Of his kidney and then he'll just have a treatment plan after that to keep checking up to make sure it doesn't grow back or
32:36Spread it was very scary. Yeah, especially because he just got back
32:40He just started coming around and then now he has whatever cancer. I know this seems scary
32:46But I want you guys to know that granddad's okay
32:50Could have been from like where he didn't like really take care of himself
32:53Possibly not going to the doctor checking up and then you know when he was taking the prescription medication
32:59It was pain medication
33:01So any pain that he could have had was being masked with that medication
33:05So you have had it like forever so he could have been feeling that but the medicine was just masking it
33:12You guys know the doors open if you have any questions if you want to see him whatever that might be
33:17Yeah, whatever you might have on your heart on your mind, just let me know
33:37Can't see
33:44So the lights are very bright
33:57Was aware of right here, I thought it was me and rain
34:02What we told to come in because they want to see me
34:07All right guys upstairs
34:21Isn't this so great guys being together
34:34When I can't I only got one eye I mean I'm just not this I'm just I'm not to say
34:40Perfect I
34:43Mean you're the only one who can't I can't change you for not from not being the same
34:49Okay, can I just say something please yes, please okay Chrissy we're here tonight because we love you
35:10All we want to do it's just you know, let's you know how we're feeling, you know
35:15I'm not here to hurt your feelings or make you mad at me. I love you. That's why the hell I'm here
35:21Everybody knows ain't living your life, right? That's what everybody knows the lifestyle that you live. It ain't sustainable
35:27It's not healthy for you. Your mental health ain't healthy. You got kids and you got people you got grandkids
35:32It's not always about you and you waller and in your own feelings life moves on. You've got to move on
35:40That's why they go get help from somebody that can help them
35:49Do I think you have a drug problem substance problem? Hell, yeah, do I think you have a mental health problem?
35:54Absolutely. I think a lot of your mental health problems are the reason you go back to substances. Yes
35:58I'm not on substances. You know that you don't have much to do with me
36:02You don't really know what's going on with me. Nothing else is working Christy. I'm just hear me out
36:10Damn time
36:21I'm not
36:23All worked up and upset
36:25With my mom
36:26There's so many times that I felt like I didn't say a lot of how I was feeling on the inside like
36:30General raw feelings or just standing up for myself. I'm very much except what's going on and what kind of choices people make
36:37I don't have to live like that. I need to love myself more and put myself first. I'm an adult. I'm a mother
36:44I just don't want her choices to impact me anymore as much as they used to
36:56No strangers to
37:11I feel like I've known
37:33If you are someone, you know is struggling emotionally or with substance misuse
37:37You are not alone visit mental health is health us for more info and ways to get help
37:43Next on team mom the next chapter you have lots of sperm, but they weren't swimming
37:51Oh my gosh, we just inserted two embryos
37:53We're gonna be able to have a video call with daddy. I know you wanted to go visit
37:57But do you understand why we can't do that?
38:01Therapist has some things to discuss with me. I don't know. This is something that they do with every child
38:05You got real mommy problems Christy. It's the only can get you help
38:09I can't give I'll take your ass on I am
38:16Previous they could have had one more junior. You just said home. I don't got
38:22Home, but I don't got you know, it's an inch on team. That's how you know, I don't got food in one hand. I'm hot
38:33Get your dinner to it. I don't think I'm not wrong. I'm being some high-tech sang
38:38I don't say that. I'm your heart. I don't think I'm I'm being fun. Why you ready?
38:42I don't love me. He's gonna do check on home. I don't quit man
38:46I'm a baby. I'm gonna do say such fun. I'm gonna go so
38:51I'm hot. I'm hot. Oh, yeah, I don't think I got that. I don't get both of you
38:56With one or two tons. Oh, I'm being on this one. I don't got that
39:03What do you say to come home my plan about what say you know, you're being with me
39:09I'm sure
39:10I'll be can say
39:13Talk about being back. I'll be can't bow
39:17Open hot and on and on your team home for me. I'm so
39:21single you come to
39:23Come to our party. We need a giant
39:55to become a source of information for children to create a scary atmosphere and prevent them from studying.
40:07An environment will have to choose where to focus the precious resources among a variety of problems.
40:13It may temporarily ignore the actions that cause serious or long-term confusion.
40:21The student survey system is one of the problems that schools often do not consider in criminal cases,
40:27at least until it becomes a common form.
40:32When the school implements the methods to deal with it,
40:35the child may deny the absence of school,
40:38self-written leave of absence, and dismissal of parents.
40:41Parents do not know that their child is absent from school,
40:44as well as how to use the time during that time.
40:51Some school employees have to face the consequences of their actions,
40:55such as dismissal of parents,
40:57dismissal of parents,
40:59dismissal of parents,
41:01dismissal of parents,
41:03dismissal of parents,
41:05dismissal of parents,
41:07dismissal of parents,
41:09dismissal of parents,
41:11dismissal of parents,
41:13dismissal of parents,
41:15dismissal of parents,
41:17dismissal of parents,
