I bought a Hypercharge for 8 gems! F2p - Ep 36! | KairosTime
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#BrawlStars #Brawl #BrawlKairos #SupercellCreator
This is the 36th episode of my Free to Play series! In this episode, I completed another season, and was able to buy a hypercharge with 8 gems! I also unlocked Clancy this episode!
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#BrawlStars #Brawl #BrawlKairos #SupercellCreator
This is the 36th episode of my Free to Play series! In this episode, I completed another season, and was able to buy a hypercharge with 8 gems! I also unlocked Clancy this episode!
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00:00This is Cheap Kairos, my completely free-to-play account that I am not allowed to spend any money on.
00:04My goal is to max out the account as fast as possible.
00:08Today is day 770, and this season we have been doing these contests,
00:12and absolutely dominating, if you compare my score to the second person's score.
00:17A big reason for that is because...
00:19I was gonna say people haven't been using their tickets, but clearly people use their tickets.
00:22Anyway, uh, Smash the Megapig.
00:24It looks empty. I promise it was full.
00:27Um, and we'll actually see that from all the resources and supplies that we got.
00:31But we got some bling, we got some coins, we got some power points, and 20 star drops.
00:36So we're gonna fly—
00:38I was—I was gonna say we're gonna fly through this really fast,
00:41but, uh, I don't—I don't know—Hypercharge?
00:46Ha ha ha ha ha!
00:51Oh my gosh!
00:52We are getting closer to unlocking fame than I thought that we would.
00:56Like, this is happening so fast.
00:58Oh, wow, that's so crazy!
01:01Okay, so we unlocked Buster.
01:05Yeah, we're—we're gonna unlock every single Brawler here pretty soon.
01:08Mythic, come on.
01:12Uh, man, it's just so funny.
01:14It's so funny.
01:15This account is just in such an interesting situation right now,
01:18where we are literally just getting Brawlers up to power 9 as soon as we unlock them,
01:23and then we are just focusing and saving our resources on maxing out Brawlers as we choose.
01:29We have so many maxed out Brawlers now.
01:31It's actually been really fun to play in, like, contests and also, uh, like, Ranked and even Megapig,
01:37because I have so many different options that I haven't had in—in the past.
01:40So we're also saving up a ton of pizza slices.
01:44Um, we got these ones right here,
01:46and we're just waiting for, hopefully, another Hypercharge star drop to pop up,
01:52or even Legendary star drop to pop up.
01:54We'll go ahead and grab this.
01:55Um, the freebies have actually been pretty nice.
01:57I know it doesn't seem like a whole lot, but each one—
02:00like, you get one every single day, and that's actually pretty decent.
02:03So, come on.
02:06No, it doesn't look like we got a Hypercharge star drop.
02:11But also, we're just competing in our contest.
02:13It's kind of weird.
02:14This season has felt a little bit strange.
02:15It's not as good as the Angels and Demons event.
02:17I mentioned this a lot in the last episode.
02:19These contests are starting to—
02:22like, they're fun.
02:23I actually really enjoy them,
02:24but the rewards just aren't that great.
02:26You get 150 pizza slices,
02:28and, like, that's great if you want cosmetics.
02:31But where I just want progression,
02:33like, you play three days, hardcore every day,
02:36use 15 single matches for your tickets,
02:39and what you can buy from that, at least today,
02:42is 250 XP Doublers, a pin, a random star drop,
02:46which are these presents, which are actually better than star drops,
02:49and then 100 coins.
02:51It's just not as good as the 20 star drops you could get in the previous one.
02:55They were buffed, actually.
02:56Anyway, I'm gonna stop complaining about it.
02:58I'm not really trying to complain.
03:00I'm just comparing them, and that's—
03:01I find that interesting.
03:02Okay, I just finished up my dailies,
03:05and I realized, after doing all that,
03:08that I forgot to upgrade Buster.
03:10So, we're gonna go ahead and get him up to Power 9.
03:14That is very nice.
03:17I can't tell you guys how much I love having every single Brawler at Power 9.
03:21It is— It just makes an incredible world of difference.
03:24Compared to, like, my skinlocked account right now,
03:27where I have a bunch of Power 2s, and, you know,
03:30Brawlers that I just cannot play,
03:32the power discrepancy is just massive in this game,
03:35compared to, like, what it was, like, you know,
03:38was it a year and a half ago when they made that change?
03:40A year ago? Something like that?
03:42I don't know. It's just been a lot harder to play underpowered Brawlers,
03:45and having every Brawler at Power 9 or higher makes a huge difference.
03:48It's still not enough to, like, just completely curb-stomp everybody,
03:51but I've got enough Power 11s that are low enough trophies
03:54that if I want to curb-stomp somebody, I can do that.
03:58Anyway, yeah, that's fun.
04:01We're gonna keep progressing and checking the Pizza Planet shop every single day
04:04in hopes for something better than this.
04:06Okay, today is day 773.
04:08I just wanted to show how fun the contests have been.
04:11I've been crushing it.
04:12We got the 150 pizza slices.
04:15Big reason why I'm recording today is because
04:17we actually have something worth buying in the Pizza Shop,
04:19so we're going to go ahead and collect those free pizza slices.
04:22We're going to scroll all the way past all these skins
04:24that we don't care about on this account.
04:25We're grabbing 10 Power Points, and we're going to the Pizza Planet shop.
04:29Let's grab this. That's some free stuff.
04:33And here it is.
04:35Boom. Hypercharge.
04:37Not this. That's Meeple.
04:39We don't really care about Meeple right now.
04:41But we do care about the free Hypercharge.
04:43This is the best way for me to spend my pizza slices,
04:45and I've got to do it because I don't know if I'll get another opportunity.
04:48So let's go ahead and buy this, see what we get.
04:51We have the Runner Nita player icon.
04:56Okay. Anyway, here we go.
04:59Doesn't really matter which Brawler it is.
05:00It would be fantastic if it were for Tick, though.
05:03Do I have Tick? No, I don't have Tick up to Power 11,
05:05so that's another Brawler up to Power 11 that I need to get.
05:08Gosh, that is 15 Brawlers that have a Hypercharge that I've gotten for free
05:14and who I do not have at Power 11.
05:17So that's actually really crazy.
05:20That saves us so many resources.
05:22That's 75,000 coins saved total, which is crazy.
05:26Granted, it has been for me playing free-to-play for a lot of time,
05:30and I've not missed any progression,
05:32or at least I haven't missed a single day of progressing.
05:36We'll say that for sure.
05:37There are like tiny minor things like I could have won more in 12-win challenges.
05:41One thing that did happen between now and the last recording was that I got a Galamortis.
05:46Galamortis dropped from an Epic Star Drop.
05:50I don't normally record Epic Star Drops because I very rarely get anything worth showing,
05:54but that happened, so that's cool.
05:55Obviously, I'm not going to be using it at all because we have Lampent Mortis.
05:59Like, I'm not gonna not pick Lampent Mortis.
06:02It's so insane.
06:04Today is day 777, which I think is a lucky number, probably somewhere.
06:09Anyway, it feels lucky because today we have a Legendary Star Drop
06:12that just happened to open up during my dailies, and I'm really excited about it.
06:18I'm only here for the trophies.
06:19I will take it.
06:22It's funny now. Every single time I open up and unlock a skin,
06:26every single time I'm like, wait, is this my skin locked account?
06:28No, this is not. This is my free-to-play account.
06:30So that's not like crazy cool, but it's worth it.
06:34And you know what, Ems? The best skin that I had for Ems was Mean Girl Ems,
06:39and I actually really like this one a lot.
06:41I've been to Harajuku in Japan, and I don't know, it's just fun.
06:45It's fun. Anyway, so that's cool.
06:48Also, I got Loopy Lola from a box.
06:53Come on. There we go. From some sort of box.
06:55Let's see. It was a freebie present in the Pizza Planet shop.
06:59Oh, so it was a present, and I opened it, and it had this, so that's cool.
07:01Also, I got a Mythic Star Drop, which happened to have Shade's Jump Scare Gadget,
07:06which is nice that I have that now. I had another Legendary Star Drop as well,
07:09and this one happened to come from Melody's Challenge, which was not great.
07:15I played pretty well. The randoms did not play so well,
07:19but we were able to get DJ Frank, which was awesome. Love that.
07:23We also had a Mythic Star Drop, which happened to have,
07:26oh yeah, 200 credits going towards Flinzie, so that was nice.
07:30So this is a little weird. There's a third Star Drop popped up in the Pizza Planet for a Hypercharge.
07:36Hypercharge Star Drop. It's 15% off. I do not have enough pizza slices.
07:42I have maximized my pizza slices as much as I possibly could,
07:46but this is the best way to spend them,
07:47and we only have, how much longer do we have of this event? Oh, event ends in nine days.
07:52Okay, very top right here. So we only have nine days left.
07:56I can't plan another Hypercharge Drop actually happening,
07:58so I'm going to do something not that great,
08:01and I'm going to, well, it's not bad, okay? I'm going to top up with eight gems.
08:07Topping up is not very worth it,
08:09but these eight gems are the equivalent of a Hypercharge for me.
08:13Yes, if I didn't do that, then I would have some extra pizza slices to spend on packs like this.
08:1950 coins, 200 bling, five power points, and a player icon.
08:24This really has not been the best event for resources, especially not for coins,
08:29and this is by far the best option because this is like 5,000 coins same, right?
08:33I mean these other ones, they're just not great packs.
08:37They're not for progression. They're great for cosmetics.
08:40This is a fantastic event for skins. It really is,
08:42but for progression, I got to do this.
08:45So we are spending eight gems, and yeah, I've already double-checked every single thing.
08:50I've checked my pizza slices for the day. I've collected everything.
08:54I've double-checked to make sure that I don't have any quests for pizza slices.
08:58This is my only option. I did forget though about this, so we'll grab that.
09:02Thank you. Overall though, I'm pretty happy with this.
09:05This is eight gems for a Hypercharge. That's fantastic.
09:08Plus I'll get 150 credits and this awesome player icon that I'll never use.
09:12So that's cool. Let's do that.
09:15We are spending it on here, and we got 150 credits. That's going towards Clancy.
09:18Clancy's going to be unlocked sooner than I thought he would be,
09:21and we have a Hypercharge Star Drop. It could be any brawler.
09:25Honestly, it'd be kind of nice to get it for Jean even though it's a terrible Hypercharge,
09:28but it's just the fact that I already have Jean maxed out,
09:31and it looks like we're getting it for Ems.
09:33Okay, I just—today is the day for Ems.
09:35We got a skin today. We also got this Hypercharge. Cool. Well, there we go.
09:40I have zero pizza slices now.
09:42We'll even see if there's anything worth me getting in the next nine days.
09:45I'll just save up and see if something pops up, I guess.
09:47Oh, man. Sometimes these contests are just brutal.
09:51Oh, I wish I would have showed you. I—anyway, it doesn't matter.
09:55But we do have a couple of Star Drops. Super rares.
09:58You know what? I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you, but let's see this really fast.
10:01This match was—this is what I wanted to show you, though.
10:04This match was just like—oh, man. It was hard.
10:09Is it really not going to show me? It's not going to show.
10:12Anyway, I got 10 kills. I didn't die a single time,
10:14and I felt like my teammate just died over and over and over again, and it's fine.
10:17I wanted the proof, but I skipped it. Anyway, it's fine.
10:19Just passed Silver 1 for ranked.
10:24I don't know why I'm showing this, but I'll show you the purple—or the epic Star Drop anyway,
10:28just because I'm here and I'm recording, so.
10:32Sorry for wasting your time.
10:33Today is day 785. We are number one in our current contest.
10:39We got 150 pizza slices. Thank you very much.
10:42Oh, and 10 gems. This is from store.supercell.com.
10:45Make sure you check that out every single month so you can get some free gems.
10:48We're going to collect our resources. Just do our daily dailies, right?
10:52We've got one day, 14 hours until—or 12 hours until Surge Lightyear is available.
10:59That will be awesome. We've been collecting some Lunar Brawl rewards,
11:04so that's cool. A bunch of player icons and pins that I'm never going to use,
11:09but it will end with 10 Star Drops and a free Legendary Star Drop, so that's really nice.
11:14Oh, that's in 12 hours, 31 minutes. Anyway, we're not going to get this.
11:17We are going to scroll all the way over here and collect that.
11:20Thank you very much for all you guys in the comment section that showed me
11:23that I could just tap daily freebie and it would bring me all the way over there.
11:26That will save me a lot of pain and frustration,
11:28scrolling past all of these special offers every single day. You guys are fantastic.
11:33Let's go ahead and open this up here.
11:34And this is pretty much the maximum amount of pizza slices that we're going to get.
11:39So if we're going to be buying anything, today is the day for us to do it.
11:44I was really hoping that there would be another hypercharge Star Drop, but there isn't.
11:53So I'm going to have to stare at this for a little bit and figure out what I want to do.
11:57Okay, I've looked things over and the choices are pretty clear.
12:00Actually, we're going to be buying this offer.
12:03That's going to give us some guaranteed progression with credits and some coins.
12:07The coins are really the big thing.
12:09And then we are also going to be buying this one as well.
12:11Guaranteed coins and five power points. We got a present.
12:15This could be huge. Okay, we are also going to be getting this special offer right here.
12:26I know some people are going to judge me for not getting the meeple thing,
12:30but meeple's fine. I'll get him eventually. He's an epic brawler.
12:36We're looking for guaranteed progression.
12:38Now, we have these two legendary skins that I've passed up.
12:40Don't really care for legendary skins on this account because it's all about progression.
12:45I could have gone for this. Again, don't really care for skins too much.
12:48So really what we're left with is this right here with 75 credits and some bling and a player icon.
12:56So that's what we're doing. We got a skin for Nita.
12:59Huzzah! We have spent our resources and that's pretty much as effective as we're going to get this season.
13:07I mean, we got, was it three hyper charges? Three hyper charges.
13:11That's fantastic. Plus we got Clancy. We'll start unlocking our next new mythic brawler.
13:16We'll go ahead and select Juju. Man, we are so close. Look at that.
13:21Oh my gosh. I know I say this every single time.
13:24Granted, meeple's going to pop up. And where will meeple pop up?
13:28I guess it'll probably be after Juju. That's just fine with me.
13:32Let's go ahead and finish up our daily quests.
13:35Well, would you look at that? I've got some ranked quests.
13:38Okay, ranked. We're playing heist. I've got a quest for Jean.
13:43I'm so sorry for my randoms. My goal here is for this loss to not be because of me.
13:48If we lose, I would like to win. So technically we're a little bit behind on damage right now,
13:52but I have been working on the kills and this, we're actually doing pretty good.
13:57So, you know what? Jean was the right play. That's right.
14:02We're winning because I picked Jean. Okay, going pretty well here.
14:07We're just, I'm just focusing on getting some kills and it's been working out nicely.
14:11And there's the victory. Love to see it. Look at that.
14:13I didn't get star player, but I got the most kills.
14:15So that's pretty good. And we got an epic star drop.
14:18So that's nice. Oh my gosh, just sprays, just get sprays out of star drops.
14:22Would you look at that? A ranked star drop that will not have any progression in it whatsoever.
14:27Okay, just got that done.
14:28I just want to point out the fact that here I am playing Jean on sneaky fields and I got star player.
14:34So I don't know what that says about me. Probably that I'm the bad random or something.
14:37I don't know. I'm sitting here waiting for somebody to attack that and here it comes.
14:42Oh, I'm not as close as I thought I was. Come on, somebody open it up.
14:46Perfect. Oh, I don't want to be the one that dies.
14:50Okay, there we go. Now I can die. It's top four.
14:56Oh, there's an 8-bit right there. I'm like not paying attention over here.
14:59Oh, let's not die to the Mr. P. Wait for the one of them to die.
15:04I can kill both of them. Oh my gosh, it's a Meg. Come on.
15:08That was not the way that I wanted that match to go, but it worked out just fine.
15:14Okay, I still am not 100% done with all of my quests.
15:16I'll be able to finish them up tomorrow. I won't be able to record tomorrow,
15:20but that's just fine. This is what I really wanted to do.
15:24Let's do our opening here. I'm going to just collect everything here.
15:27That is not a star drop. I wonder how close we're going to get to Juju.
15:31We just barely unlocked our last brawler.
15:34So that'll show us how many, you know, credits are actually going towards Juju.
15:39I can't think of a time that I've counted up
15:42how many credits you actually get in a brawl past season,
15:44but we're about to find out. So that's really nice.
15:47And it looks like about 10,000 or sorry, 1,000.
15:51I wish it was 10,000, but then we also have a bunch of star drops.
15:54Let's open up these star drops. We'll just mass open these
15:57and then we get to open up or upgrade some brawlers.
15:59Okay, that's cool. That's the gadget that I would have bought for Charlie.
16:03So that's fantastic. I really like that a lot. Give me a mythic.
16:05Okay. Okay. I will take the power points. I will use the power points.
16:09In fact, we're going to be upgrading some brawlers.
16:10I'm really excited about it. Ah, some credits. Mythic.
16:15Come on. Come on. Ooh, that's nice. That's really nice.
16:19I'm not going to lie. I am actually pretty excited to unlock fame on this account.
16:23I know that not everybody likes fame,
16:25but I have been working towards it for, you know, two years.
16:30And the fact that we're so close has me really excited about it.
16:33I know that fame is like essentially useless,
16:35but as a free to play player to have fame, that's just really hype.
16:39It really is. I'm really excited about it.
16:41Okay, we are coming up on our last couple of star drops.
16:44I think that was the last one. And now we have our legendary.
16:47Before we open this though, let's go ahead and open up all this stuff.
16:51Just from the trophy road. We got some coins from Lily's mastery.
16:54We got some power points from Barry's mastery.
16:56Ooh, some credits from Rose's mastery. And that is it.
16:59And with that we are ready for this legendary star drop.
17:01Hoping for a hyper charge. A new brawler would be kind of fun.
17:04I'm really excited about Brock's hyper charge though.
17:08That's what I really wanted.
17:10Yeah, I'm actually really excited for fame for some weird reason.
17:14So now we sort by power level and we got Clancy.
17:16Let's go ahead and get Clancy up to power 9.
17:20Boom. Clancy is power 9. And look at this.
17:22We've got some resources. You know, we mostly have coins.
17:28I got to choose some brawlers here. Don't judge me.
17:31We're going to get Dick up to power 11.
17:34Thank you for not judging me.
17:37Okay, we're going to get Thick Head and let's grab Shield Gear.
17:42That's a good build for Tick. Also, I needed to get gears for Anita.
17:45So we're going to go ahead and grab that and that should be very nice.
17:49And we'll probably let this sit.
17:51We do not have enough power points to continue upgrading any of our brawlers
17:54and that's just fine. We also need to this next season save up as much as we can
18:00in order for us to get some brawlers up to power 11
18:05for when I can gem hyper charges.
18:09Wow, that was hard to say. Yeah, this season was not the best for progression.
18:14It really was not. Angels and Demons was hard to top really really was
18:19but still we're doing really really well.
18:22I mean 84 out of 86 brawlers soon to be 88 brawlers
18:27because of Meeple as well as what's his name?
18:31Ollie. Ollie's in the shop,
18:32but we've got 27 brawlers that are maxed out with their hyper charges
18:36as well as what was it five additional brawlers that are at power 11.
18:40Oh, we can do this. We can do this.
18:43We'll go ahead and grab the damage gear and oh, yeah, we both of those.
18:48I'm going to grab a speed gear on him actually. Yeah, that'll be nice.
18:51Okay. So now we're starving for both power points and coins.
18:53Just the way it should be people just the way it should be.
18:56Anyway, this episode is probably a little bit shorter than other episodes,
18:59but also I think that I got enough here.
19:01I've been wanting to get back on the cycle of starting as an episode
19:04at the season and ending it at the end of the season.
19:06Make sure you guys subscribe for future episodes
19:08or if they're already out.
19:09There's a playlist right here that will play them all for you.
19:12Thank you guys so much for watching.
19:13This has been so much fun. Really looking forward to fame.
19:17Man, it's not going to happen for another couple months still,
19:20but I'm still so excited. We'll see you guys in the next episode.