The Young and the Restless March 14, 2025 | Full Episode HD | Drama and Intrigue
00:00Sharon, we need to find that surveillance camera.
00:04We've already looked, Phyllis.
00:06Yeah, not hard enough and they're watching everything we do.
00:09Yeah, I know they are, which means they can also see us searching for the camera.
00:13Not if we're smart.
00:15What? What do you want us to do? Sort of casually stroll through the room like we're, I don't know, measuring for wallpaper?
00:23What do you want to do? Just stand here and wait for them to do what they plan to do, which is probably kill us?
00:30They've had their fun?
00:32No, I say we just do it right out in the open.
00:38I don't follow that.
00:40I mean, who cares? If they can see that we're trying to dismantle the camera, let them. Let them come here and try to stop us.
00:48Oh, wait. You have something there. I like that. So what you're saying is we shouldn't pretend to sleep.
00:56We should just dismantle the camera in the open and sort of dare them to come in here.
01:04At least it'll give us a chance to try to get out of here.
01:08This is a good idea and it just builds upon my idea.
01:12But you're talking about doing everything out in the open and sort of lure them in, right?
01:19I like this. You're taking it a step further.
01:22Okay. Should we get looking?
01:24Should we get looking?
01:26No, no, no.
01:30Let's take it even one step further.
01:34What do you mean?
01:36Let's just trash the place.
01:39Let's trash it like a rock star hotel room on New Year's Eve.
01:46We'll really get them down here. Let's do it.
01:49I have some aggression to get out of my system. I'm sure you do too.
01:55What are you waiting for?
02:25New Year's Eve
02:56You know what? I better give Summer a call.
03:03I talked to Daniel and Summer. There's no update on Phyllis.
03:08Nobody's heard anything.
03:09Damn it.
03:11I'm sorry, Nick.
03:12Yeah, it's just with every lead that doesn't pan out, with every hour that goes by, our worst suspicions are being confirmed.
03:20There's something wrong here.
03:22You know, when you first mentioned the idea that maybe Sharon and Phyllis were kidnapped, I'm really starting to think that's a possibility.
03:32Well, I know that Chance is going to really lean into that angle. He's already talked to the highway patrol, all the hospitals, the local clinics. Maybe that'll turn something up.
03:39Look at us, huh?
03:42Coming together to try and find Phyllis and Sharon. It's a little ironic, given our history.
03:51It's kind of crazy.
03:53Chance is going over some security footage. It might narrow down the search area for where Sharon and Phyllis are being held.
03:59Okay, well that's great. Whereabouts?
04:01It's an old warehouse district. A lot of abandoned buildings, a lot of places in the shadows to hide where nobody can hear you.
04:07Does that make any sense to you?
04:10Click here for information on the Havenhurst Psychiatric Clinic.
04:15You don't think this is spam, Nick?
04:17Let's see if this is even a real place to start with.
04:22Hmm. So, Havenhurst Clinic is an actual clinic. It seems like it's permanently closed, though. I've got a map of the warehouse district that Chance's team can search.
04:37Let me guess. Havenhurst is in there.
04:40It is. And that can't possibly be a coincidence.
04:44If this is, this confirms that Phyllis and Sharon are being held hostage in the facility.
04:50They already shared their location, Nick. We can go to them now. We can help.
04:54I love you too, Supergirl. I will call you once I get to Havenhurst and figure out what's going on.
04:59I promise you we're going to find your mother and Sharon and bring them home. You just have to hang in there. Bye.
05:08Summer sounds scared.
05:10She's terrified. The whole family is.
05:14Well, it's been a nightmare for months for Phyllis and Sharon's family. You've been at the Nexus both.
05:18Man, you aren't kidding. First, Ian Ward shows up out of nowhere, links up with Jordan, somehow breaks her out of prison, and they do all of this to just terrorize Sharon?
05:28Go after the Newmans again, too.
05:30Man, straight up evil. Now we've got this other lunatic on the loose who kidnaps both Sharon and Phyllis. Man, it's just, it's too much.
05:38Can't argue with that.
05:40I just hope we get there in time.
05:43And what's the plan when we get there?
05:46I don't know, but chance sure as hell is not going to like it that we're there. I think the best thing we can do is just follow his lead.
05:54What if he tells us to turn around and go home?
05:57That is not happening.
06:00I agree. Just wanted to hear you say it.
06:04I just can't stop trying to wrap my head around this whole thing. I don't get it. This person kidnapped Sharon and Phyllis.
06:12They put them in an old, abandoned psychiatric clinic. For what? There's no ransom demand. There's no notes. Just a riddle on an e-card.
06:21Who will pay the price to save the life of a mind?
06:25Still trying to figure out what that means.
06:27It can't possibly be just a random comment.
06:31I mean, clearly someone is going to pay the price for saving them. Is it going to be Phyllis? Sharon? Is it us?
06:39I mean, he's leading us directly to them. What does that mean?
06:43I don't know. I wish I had an answer for you. But something tells me we're going to get an answer very, very soon.
06:57What are you two doing here?
06:58The same thing that you are.
07:00Nick, do not do that. What did I say? I said wait for me to call you.
07:03Yeah, I don't remember you mentioning that.
07:05And it wouldn't have mattered if we did.
07:07No, it wouldn't have. If they're in there, Chance, we're not leaving. In fact, I'll get the Newman security team to come out here and back us up.
07:12No, you are not. Now, I don't need more complications around here, okay? I am in contact with them. Do not fight me on this either.
07:19Chance, what are these cops standing around for? Why are we busting down the door?
07:22Billy, we are waiting for the landlord to let us in, okay? Now, we don't even know if Phyllis and Sharon are even in here.
07:28We got a text about this location from Phyllis' burner phone. Where the hell else could they be?
07:33Billy, we will find out when the landlord gets here. Now, we're also waiting for a search warrant.
07:38A search warrant?
07:39Yes, Billy. A search warrant. That's how we do things. That's the law.
07:42If they're in there, we don't know if they're alive or what kind of condition they're in.
07:45The last thing we have is a screenshot, okay? We don't know what's going on in there, Chance.
07:50I understand that you two are frustrated, okay?
07:53No, I don't think you do. These women have been through hell the past six months. If they're alive, it's only from sheer luck and determination.
08:00Now, you're asking us to stand around and wait for permission to go in?
08:03I'm not asking, Nick. I'm ordering it, okay? Now, we don't know what's in there.
08:07This whole thing could be a diversion that this bastard cooked up. It could be a trap. We don't know.
08:11My gut tells me it's not.
08:13Okay, that's great, but we're not going to smash our way in. This is a police matter. We're going to follow police procedure. You got it?
08:20Did you look at that? Search warrant got approved.
08:32Okay, so does that mean...
08:34Like I said, Billy, we're going to wait for the landlord to open the door.
08:38Ah! This feels great!
08:50Doesn't it?
08:52I can't believe we didn't think about this before.
08:56We both got so tired of being lab rats.
09:01I am not a rodent.
09:04You know what? You're right, Phyllis. You're not. You have always just been you.
09:10You know what that is? I'll tell you. A holy...
09:17A holy pear. That's more like it.
09:19Ah! This is so cathartic!
09:23You know what? This one is for Ian Ward.
09:30You sick son of a bitch! You wanted a family? My family!
09:37Well, you were willing to kill for it. You almost killed me!
09:43Oh, and you know what you got from that? Your own funeral.
09:47Yeah, that's right. A sad and lonely death because there was no one there to mourn you. Now that is real justice.
09:54That is justice. And guess what? This is for you, Jordan! Jordan, the devil's bride!
10:03Yeah, that's right. This is for you, Jordan.
10:08Jordan, thanks a lot for drugging me and sticking me in the sewer!
10:13Yeah, Jordan! And guess what? Thanks a lot for running me off the road!
10:20And you know what? This, this one, this one, this is for poisoning my medication.
10:29Making me out of my mind. I didn't know what I was doing.
10:33This is for Heather's death! For me blaming Daniel and putting you and your family through so much pain!
10:42I'm, I'm really sorry about all of that.
10:52We don't need to go there, Sharon. We don't. We don't need to go there anymore. We don't.
11:02We don't need to go there anymore. We don't.
11:08Honestly, I, I, I think that part, it's good that I, I, I was stuck here with you.
11:16Because I realized I wasted so much of my life trying to get you to pay for all the crimes you committed.
11:23That you thought I committed.
11:26You know, we both have had a lot of time here to think about us, you and me, and what our hatred has cost us.
11:39I guess it took being imprisoned here by some psychotic and all of our history being thrown in our face for us to realize.
11:50I've heard of tough love, but you know, this is kind of ridiculous.
11:58Ah, this is very sweet and warm and runny, but we got a job to do. We gotta, we gotta keep on going.
12:04Yeah. Let's keep going.
12:07Hey, do you think that, do you think they're watching us?
12:10Oh! Oh! Listening. Definitely listening.
12:16Hey! Listen to this. This isn't a game anymore. We're not going down without a fight.
12:23No, we are not going down.
12:26No, we can't.
12:28We gotta do this for our families.
12:31Yeah, for our family, for sure.
12:33We have put them through too much already.
12:35Oh my gosh, they're scarred for life.
12:37And things were finally getting back on track. Almost back to normal.
12:42Almost back to normal? Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! But you had to bring us here to teach us a lesson.
12:48Yeah, well, lesson learned, sicko. Thanks for that.
12:51You can go to hell.
12:52Because we're not done.
12:54We are not done.
12:56We have too much to live for.
12:58Too much. We have our families to live for. We have our families to live for.
13:03We have our families to live for.
13:05Daniel, Summer, Lucy, Noah, Mariah, Faith, Aria, Cassidy's memory, and Nick.
13:31Cassidy first.
13:33Yes, yes, Cassidy first and your new job with Philly. You have to fight for that.
13:37I have to fight for my job. I definitely have to fight for my job.
13:42Okay, you listening to that? I have to fight for my job. Come on. Did you hear that?
13:48Yeah, what are you gonna do now?
13:50Now you're not gonna be able to see us. You won't know what we're thinking or planning.
13:54Now it's your turn to wonder what's going on.
13:57Haha, there's no stopping us. You want to try to stop us? There's no stopping us. You try.
14:23Where is this guy?
14:24He said he's on his way.
14:25Is he walking?
14:26He will be here.
14:28Now we are as close to the middle of nowhere as one could possibly be without a map, so let's just hang on a little bit longer.
14:33We have been hanging on. What are we supposed to tell the women if they're in there? And I believe they are. You gotta hang on too?
14:38Hey, I know you're anxious, okay? I am too. We all are.
14:42I want to get this guy too. I want them locked away forever.
14:45But what I do not want is for them to escape by on some kind of legal technicality.
14:50No, what we don't want is to finally get in and realize Sharon and Phyllis are dead because we're out here deciding if we're gonna break the law.
14:56I swear to God, if that landlord doesn't show up, we're busting down this door, Chance.
15:01Are you his detective, Chancellor?
15:02No, he is.
15:03That's me.
15:05What do you want me to do?
15:06Open the damn door!
15:07Hey, wait a minute.
15:11Now, has anyone contacted you in the past few weeks showing interest in this place?
15:16I mean, think about it, man. Anything. A phone call, a text message.
15:19This place has been out of business for years.
15:21Give me the keys.
15:32This isn't working.
15:36What's the problem?
15:38Somebody must have changed the locks.
15:39Well, that's not possible because you just said nobody's inquired about this building for years, didn't you?
15:43Man, we are wasting time.
15:45We need to get in there.
15:46Look, we're gonna break this lock right now or smash through that door. You got a problem with that?
15:56I can't believe we actually found the camera.
16:01This freak must be so good at hiding Easter eggs.
16:05Hey, there you go. I think you just solved the riddle. We were kidnapped by the Easter Bunny.
16:11That's a great story to tell our kids.
16:14You know what would be no crazier than anything else?
16:16Oh, isn't that the truth?
16:20Place looks great.
16:21Yeah. Yeah.
16:24I like our personal touch.
16:27Junkyard chic.
16:31That's so funny.
16:33You're funny.
16:35That's a good thing, right?
16:38It's such a good thing.
16:40As a compliment.
16:41I was just checking because I don't usually get that from you.
16:44Yeah, I mean, I didn't ever think you were particularly amusing, so, you know, but you are.
16:50You know, it's not like we bring out the laughs in each other, right?
16:53That's for sure.
16:54It took us to be here in this hellhole to realize that, right?
16:58Because this was hilarious.
17:00Yeah. Oh, just a barrel of monkeys, right?
17:03There is a fine line between tragedy and comedy.
17:07We should have thought to do this on day one.
17:10If we did it on day one.
17:11We would have made ourselves a lot of music.
17:13No, we would have clocked each other with a lamp or something.
17:16Oh, you know, you're probably right.
17:22So, what happens now?
17:28Um, well, the voice can't see us.
17:35So, I assume the voice will be very, very upset.
17:41We should expect a visit.
17:43Yeah, but this time we will be ready for them.
17:46This time we will have the upper hand.
17:48Damn straight, we will.
17:52You know?
17:54Probably, they're going to show up with some kind of weapon though, right?
17:59I don't know.
18:01Yeah, maybe.
18:04We should get something to protect ourselves.
18:13I got this.
18:14I got this.
18:15Oh, this.
18:16Oh, this.
18:18Oh, yeah, that's good.
18:19That works.
18:21Let's get ready.
18:23We should hit the lights.
18:29So, we wait, right?
18:30We wait.
18:35Please just smash this door.
18:37Shatterproof glass, Billy.
18:38Knock yourself out.
18:44There you go.
18:45Hold on.
18:46Hold on.
18:47What's the problem?
18:48We don't know what's in there, Nick.
18:49My people go first.
18:50Fine, but we're right behind them.
19:12Did you hear that?
19:15It was definitely a door closing.
19:17Are you sure?
19:18It just sounded so far away.
19:20No, no, definitely.
19:22Come on, get ready.
19:31Stay here just in case someone comes.
19:38What's it say?
19:39It's another riddle.
19:40Not very sportsmanlike, ladies.
19:42You lose.
19:45It's not a riddle.
19:47That is a threat.
19:49More like a death sentence.
19:53Are you having second thoughts?
19:55Just saying.
19:56Feels like we took the wrong bet.
19:59No, we didn't.
20:00We smoked him out.
20:01We smoked the voice out.
20:02He's coming for us.
20:03Come on, get ready.
20:04Come on.
20:05No turning back now.
20:07No turning back now.
20:08He's coming for us, and we are armed.
20:11We're ready.
20:12All right?
20:13We're gonna take him down.
20:14We're gonna take him down.
20:15Yeah, yeah.
20:16It's us against them.
20:17It is us against them, Sharon.
20:18It is us against them.
20:20We are badasses, and you know it.
20:24Everything that we've done in our lives.
20:26Everything that we've done to survive.
20:30Everything that we did to protect our family.
20:34We're survivors.
20:35Yes, we are survivors.
20:36Take my hand.
20:38Take my hand.
20:39All right?
20:40We got this.
20:41Deep breaths.
20:42We got this.
20:45We got this.
20:51What's that?
20:53I don't know.
20:57What is that?
21:04Oh, God.
21:06It's gas.
21:15Where is the gas coming from?
21:17I don't know.
21:18We gotta find it.
21:19Yes, we have to find it now.
21:26Oh, here.
21:27You found it?
21:28Yeah, behind the fridge.
21:30Okay, good.
21:31Turn it off.
21:32Turn it off.
21:33Oh, it's there.
21:34Damn it.
21:36It's not pushing.
21:38Oh, my God.
21:40Oh, my God.
21:42Oh, my God.
21:44It's not...
21:45Oh, God.
21:46What are you doing?
21:47We gotta find something.
21:48Right here.
21:49Use this to try to stop it.
22:01What's that music?
22:03They're here.
22:04I know it.
22:07Come on.
22:09Come on!
22:10It isn't working.
22:11I know.
22:12It's not working.
22:16I'm choking on the back.
22:17It's not working.
22:18Hey, calm down.
22:19Calm down.
22:20I can't be calm.
22:21Come on.
22:22Oh, my God.
22:23We need something.
22:24We need, like, electrical tape or something.
22:27Okay, I'll find something.
22:29Come on.
22:31Is this your goal?
22:32You're trying to snuff us out?
22:34You're not gonna win.
22:36I will never let you win.
22:37We're getting out of here.
22:39Use this.
22:40Oh, God.
22:45Oh, my God.
22:46It's not working.
22:50Get back.
22:51Get back.
22:56Wait a minute.
22:58Did you hear that?
23:00It sounded like voices.
23:01Someone talking.
23:02Oh, God.
23:03It's nothing.
23:04Just like I thought I heard the door close.
23:06It's nothing.
23:07It's nothing.
23:08They would have found us by now if it was someone.
23:10Phyllis, I mean it.
23:11I heard someone.
23:13I didn't hear someone.
23:15Find electrical tape.
23:17Come on.
23:18We don't have a lot of time.
23:19No, Phyllis.
23:21You know there isn't any.
23:23Yes, there is.
23:24Look for it.
23:26Phyllis, get away from there.
23:30I can't.
23:32You are gonna pass out if you don't move.
23:35Move away!
23:45None of the other rooms were locked.
23:51Oh, my God.
23:55The voice is here.
23:59Come on.
24:00You've got to get over here and help me.
24:03Help me.
24:04I can't.
24:21Phyllis, you need to keep your nose and mouth covered.
24:30Oh, my God.
24:31Thank God.
24:33It's Nick.
24:37We're in here.
24:38Are you okay?
24:39Yes, but you need to hurry.
24:41Sharon, is Phyllis with you?
24:43Yes, she is.
24:45But she's not doing so well.
24:46You have to hurry up.
24:48Phyllis, stay strong.
24:49We're here.
24:50Stand back.
24:51We're gonna shoot the lock.
24:55There's been a gas leak.
24:56You'll cause an explosion.
24:58Okay, then back up.
25:08Stay with me.
25:09You're safe.
25:11I've been looking for you.
25:14Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
25:16Phyllis, okay, I got you.
25:18Is she okay, Billy?
25:20I don't know.
25:21We gotta get him out of here.
25:33I still think we should take them to the hospital.
25:35Just in case.
25:36Just to be safe.
25:37I don't disagree, but the EMTs checked him out.
25:39They said they could go home.
25:40For as long as they were stuck in that room, they just want to feel something familiar.
25:46Being in a safe place.
25:47You got anything new on that building?
25:49No, nothing new.
25:50But my guess, this guy didn't leave much of a trail.
25:53I mean, seriously, this thing was carefully plotted out.
25:56What about the gas leak?
25:57It was programmed to go off.
25:58We found a trigger.
26:00That's crazy.
26:01It's diabolical.
26:02I mean, there was a lot of thought and a lot of preparation that went into this.
26:05I'm telling you, it's not just some random kidnapping.
26:08I don't understand.
26:09I mean, why would they do this?
26:12And who?
26:17How are you two feeling?
26:19Better, thanks.
26:22Which we didn't think was going to happen until you guys showed up.
26:25We had all but given up hope that anyone would be able to track us down in that horrible place.
26:31Look, we're going to fill you in on everything that's happened later on, but right now, I need you to tell us.
26:37How did this happen?
26:38How did you end up in that clinic?
26:40We don't know.
26:41We were drugged and we were taken there.
26:44Uh, yeah.
26:45I mean, we didn't even know the other was there until we woke up, that's for sure.
26:50We thought it was somebody's idea of, um, a joke.
26:55Yeah, given our relationship.
26:58I mean, you guys probably thought we took each other out, right?
27:03Actually, I'll rephrase that.
27:04You probably thought I took Sharon out, didn't you?
27:11I mean, it may have come up.
27:14I gave you ample reason to think that.
27:17You know, I certainly threatened it for a long time.
27:20Which I'm sure this lunatic was betting on people thinking that way.
27:24Do you know who this lunatic is?
27:29No, we have no clue.
27:30We never even saw whoever it was.
27:33We did hear their voice, though.
27:35Yeah, and they spoke to us in this distorted voice.
27:39We don't know if it was a man or a woman.
27:42And then we got the idea that maybe it could be that Jordan or Ian were still alive.
27:50They're not alive, are they?
27:52No, I can vouch for that.
27:54Thank God. That is a blessing.
27:57Well, what that means is whoever this was is just as sick as they were, if not more so, if that's even possible.
28:05Ian and Jordan are your garden variety psychopaths.
28:11Whoever this person is, they are sick.
28:17It was like they...
28:19They like to watch us suffer.
28:22That they like the game.
28:25For their own entertainment, the game of cat and mouse.
28:28And you know how that game ends.
28:31The mouse dies.
28:42Who is this person?
28:44And it was just one person.
28:46We have no idea.
28:48Yeah, and they always spoke to us in the distorted voice.
28:51Playing psychological games with us.
28:54What kind of games, exactly?
28:56They were riddles, mostly.
28:59The voice, if that's what we called him or whoever it was, would put us to a test to see if we could answer them.
29:07Yeah, and they knew about our history and our hostility toward each other through the years, and they were using that.
29:13They knew a lot about us, which got us to thinking, who would even care whether or not we got along?
29:22For a second, I thought it was you.
29:24Me? Seriously?
29:26Yeah. I mean, for years, you were trying to broker peace between us.
29:31I thought that.
29:33It was you. I mean, for a fleeting second, I did.
29:37Look, of course, I want you two to get along, but I promise you I didn't drug or kidnap you to make that happen.
29:43Okay, well, it was just for a second I thought that.
29:45You know, when you're in a dungeon being trapped, your mind plays tricks on you?
29:52Answered them.
29:54We were promised our freedom.
29:55And that was a lie. It only led to more riddles, which eventually escalated into us having to save each other's lives.
30:05You know, they poisoned us.
30:08I just wanted to see if our hatred toward each other was stronger than actually saving each other.
30:16They were playing games with us.
30:18They were psychological games. We were like rats in a maze being watched for somebody's entertainment.
30:25It was like a science project.
30:28Well, we're confident that whoever did this to you, they never intended to keep you there forever.
30:34Why would you say that?
30:35Because they basically led us directly to you.
30:38You're kidding me.
30:39They gave us riddles as well.
30:42They weren't very difficult to answer. I mean, especially the one that said, click here.
30:47Just like lab rats forcing you to push the lever to get more. It's twisted.
30:54What do you think they do? Almost let us win? I mean, the gas is the answer to that.
30:58Maybe their endgame was having us be almost rescued.
31:04I'm sure both of you are absolutely exhausted. There'll be plenty of time for questioning after you've had some time to recover.
31:10What matters now is that you're both safe, and that part of this whole ordeal is over.
31:16Is it over?
31:22What if the voice is pissed off that we're rescued that way?
31:25What if being rescued was never part of the plan at all?
31:30This isn't over for us. Whoever that is, they're still out there.
31:36We have to find them before they strike again.
32:09They won't stop.
32:26Next week on The Young and the Restless.
32:30Hey, um, what's going on?
32:33You tell me, is it true? Is my mom being admitted to a hospital in Chicago?
32:37Nick, I want you to be honest with me about your feelings.
32:44Do you ever think about us getting back together?
32:48So the kidnapper wanted you to be found?
32:51Yeah. Whoever did it is a total whack job.
32:53This person hasn't been caught yet. That means that you're still in danger.
32:59You know, I see we do the town. Go big.
33:03I want to show the woman I love...
33:06What are you doing?