Sehri Ka Dastarkhwan & Azaan e Fajar | Shan-e- Sehr | Waseem Badami | 14 March 2025 | ARY Digital
Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
00:00The mercy of the mind has spread again, how can I face you?
00:12Welcome to our session with the Ulema at the Dastarkhwan of Sahar.
00:17The second Ashrah is Ashrah-e-Maghfirat.
00:19Today we will be observing the 13th day in Pakistan and the 14th day in many countries of the world.
00:23So today's topic is also brief but the essence of this session is
00:26Ashrah-e-Maghfirat, the pride and glory of Allah.
00:30We will talk about this today.
00:32Inshallah, Qibla Mufti Amir Sahib will tell us.
00:36Indeed, Wasim Bhai, Allah is Most Forgiving and Merciful.
00:40And the topic of mentioning the pride and glory of Allah,
00:44should be in the knowledge of every believer.
00:48That Allah is Most Forgiving and Merciful.
00:58The reason why we love Allah is mentioned by the scholars.
01:04This is one reason.
01:06Obviously, He is the Creator, we should love Him.
01:09He is the Provider, we should love Him.
01:11And because He is the Forgiver, He forgives.
01:15That is why people should love their Lord.
01:20And then you see how forgiving He is.
01:23He is the Owner and He Himself says, I will forgive you.
01:27You must have seen that if an owner has a servant,
01:31he says, do the work properly.
01:34If you take leave, I will deduct your salary.
01:36If you don't do the work properly, I will break your legs.
01:39Like today, the attitude and behavior with a servant,
01:44you are an owner.
01:46That means, he can behave with his servant.
01:52But what kind of an owner is he?
01:54He is giving us guidance, he is giving us instructions,
01:58but he is saying, don't worry, I will forgive you.
02:02If there is a mistake, I will remove it.
02:05I will give you such incidents,
02:07that will erase your mistakes.
02:11I will give you ten days of forgiveness.
02:13I will give you Shab-e-Qadr.
02:15I will give you Shab-e-Baraat.
02:17I will forgive you for a small thing.
02:20If you do a good deed, I will wash it away in your sin.
02:24What kind of forgiveness is this?
02:26What to say?
02:28Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
02:29There are four things you should never leave in life.
02:31These are four instructions.
02:33Zikr, Shukr, Dua, Tauba.
02:36There are four things in life.
02:38Because if you leave Zikr,
02:41you will be deprived of the fact that Allah mentions it.
02:44I will mention yours in Surah Baqarah.
02:48The one who leaves Shukr,
02:50he will be deprived of the fact that Allah mentions it.
02:52In Surah Ibrahim.
02:55The one who leaves Dua,
02:57he will be deprived of the fact that Allah mentions it.
02:59In Surah Mu'min.
03:02And the one who leaves Tauba,
03:04he will be deprived of salvation.
03:06Allah says in Surah Anfal,
03:09Allah does not punish until they ask for forgiveness.
03:16A person can make a mistake.
03:18A person can also make a mistake with Satan.
03:20A person can also make a mistake with Tariq-e-Aula.
03:23A person can also make a mistake with Adam.
03:27Our belief is that the Prophets are innocent.
03:29There can be no sin with them.
03:31But why did Tariq-e-Aula happen?
03:33He left a better thing.
03:35Satan made a mistake and became arrogant.
03:37He said, I am better than you.
03:39Why should I prostrate?
03:41You created me from fire and made me from clay.
03:44He became arrogant.
03:46The difference between Iblis and Adam is that
03:48after committing a mistake, the one who becomes arrogant is Iblis.
03:51And the one who bows down is Adam.
03:53That I made a mistake.
03:55I confess that I made a mistake.
03:58I committed a sin on myself.
04:04If you do not forgive and have mercy on me,
04:06I will be one of the losers.
04:08The one who bows down and surrenders,
04:10Allah teaches him the way of repentance.
04:12I am telling you how to repent.
04:14How is our religion?
04:16These are the four methods.
04:18Zikr, Shukr, Dua and Tauba.
04:21We will keep them alive and live in peace.
04:28The Prophet peace and blessings be upon him,
04:30says in the Holy Qur'an,
04:32Say, O My servants who have transgressed against yourselves,
04:35do not despair of the mercy of Allah.
04:37Indeed, Allah forgives all sins.
04:39Indeed, He is Most Forgiving and Merciful.
04:41Say, O My servants who have transgressed against yourselves,
04:45do not despair of the mercy of Allah.
04:47Undoubtedly, Allah will forgive all sins.
04:50Undoubtedly, He is Most Forgiving and Merciful.
04:55This is the greatness of Allah,
04:57that we commit a sin,
04:59yet Allah promises to forgive us.
05:02That is, do not rebel.
05:04Allah does not forgive Kufr,
05:06when a person does not repent.
05:08If a person repents, Allah forgives Kufr as well.
05:10But regarding other sins,
05:12it is the grace of Allah that some things become Kuffara.
05:15Allah forgives Tauba,
05:17but besides Tauba,
05:19Allah shows His greatness
05:23that He also deletes with Tauba.
05:25Sometimes He forgives without Tauba as well.
05:27He forgives, He deletes.
05:29And we should,
05:31as we like Allah to forgive us,
05:34we should also forgive others.
05:36Indeed, He is Most Forgiving and Merciful.
05:38Say, O My servants who have transgressed against yourselves,
05:40do not despair of the mercy of Allah.
05:42And we should repent and forgive.
05:44Don't they like it?
05:46Don't you like Allah to forgive you?
05:48We want Allah to forgive us,
05:50so we should also learn to forgive others.
05:52What do you have to say, Qibla?
05:54How many minutes are left?
05:56One minute is left.
05:58Allah is Most Merciful.
06:00O my Prophet,
06:02inform my servants
06:04that I am Most Forgiving and Merciful.
06:06He did not say, inform them that I am
06:08Jabbar and Qahar.
06:10Such is the forgiveness,
06:12such is the forgiveness,
06:14that Allah does not forgive
06:16those who do not forgive.
06:18And He forgives those who do not forgive.
06:20Don't make anyone stand
06:22like me.
06:24Don't do shirk.
06:26He is also forgiven with repentance,
06:28but shirk without repentance is not forgiven.
06:30I will forgive all other sins whenever I want.
06:32He is so Merciful, so Forgiving,
06:34that He even tells us the method of repentance.
06:40How will repentance be accepted soon?
06:42If you present the means of my Prophet,
06:44I will surely accept your repentance.
06:46I will surely accept your repentance.
06:48I will surely accept your repentance.
06:50And you will find me
06:52Forgiving and Merciful.
06:54And the last thing,
06:56according to the Hadith,
06:58the first ten days of Ramadan is Rahmat.
07:00If you receive Rahmat,
07:02you will receive forgiveness.
07:04If you receive forgiveness,
07:06you will be free from hell in the next ten days.
07:08Thank you very much.
07:10After the break,
07:12we will be back with Adhan Fajr.
07:18The time of Sahari in Karachi and its suburbs is over.
07:20People of other cities,
07:22according to their local time,
07:24should intend to fast.
07:26Pray for fasting.
07:28I intend to fast tomorrow
07:30from the month of Ramadan.
07:32I intend to fast
07:34from the month of Ramadan.
07:36I intend to fast
07:38from the month of Ramadan.
07:40I intend to fast
07:42from the month of Ramadan.
07:44I intend to fast
07:46from the month of Ramadan.
08:16I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah.
08:36I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah.
08:56I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah.
09:18I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
09:42I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
10:06Come to Prayer.
10:24Come to Prayer.
10:44Come to success.
11:00Come to success.
11:20Prayer is better than sleep.
11:44Allah is the Greatest.
12:00There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
12:18I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
12:46I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
13:06I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
13:26I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
13:48O Allah, why did you make Ramadan so painful for us?