Brit Eaton and Scott Glaves hunt for treasures by following the faded trails of ancient settlers. They explore old ghost | dHNfUTFWUV92Wk13dWM
00:00Early Nevada prospectors risked it all trying to tame the big empty.
00:12Oh, Jesus Christmas, it's dynamite!
00:15150 years later, things aren't that different.
00:17This is it, man.
00:18This is where you go if you're in big trouble.
00:20Scott and I are heading to the part of the state where nobody ever goes.
00:23Look at this bad boy, dude!
00:24But where nobody goes, I see potential.
00:29That's going to cost you some money.
00:31Oh, man, I'm in heaven.
00:32Got to love Nevada.
00:34I feel lucky out here.
00:36I'm Brady.
00:37$9,325 selling some old treasures.
00:40I make a heck of a living tracking down the treasures of the Old Wild West.
00:45My trail partner, Scott Glaze, is an antique guns expert.
00:51We've taken cowboy history and have built it into a business, buying and reselling to
00:57avid collectors.
00:58500 bucks a pair.
01:00Our hunting grounds are run-down ranches and abandoned mines.
01:03And our prize, ghost town gold.
01:11It's thanks to these hills that Nevada is known as the Silver State.
01:14With one mining rush after another, countless Nevadans stake their lives on these lonely
01:18valleys, leading them to a better life.
01:20But living out here is hard, and the house usually wins.
01:27Scott and I are following in their footsteps and looking for our own unpicked gold mines.
01:32I think this is it, man.
01:33It's a rough pass, but I think, you know, it's a typical Brady Shortcut.
01:39We're heading to a tiny mining camp up in the Tyobe Mountains that's too small to even
01:44It's a hard scrub of life that not many people are up for.
01:47150 years ago, these valleys were crisscrossed by the Pony Express, a job so dangerous that
01:53only orphaned teenagers were encouraged to apply.
01:58But it was a gamble that paid out.
01:59Riders made a year's salary with just a few weeks of work, running mail across the Big
02:02Empty between Missouri and California in just over a week.
02:07There was nothing here back then either, but Third Grit paved the way for mining camps
02:10like this one just down the road.
02:13Well, look, check this out.
02:17Ooh, hey, there's some old buildings right here.
02:20I like the looks of that place, actually.
02:22To the untrained eye, these old garages and sheds look like they went up just 20 or 30
02:26years ago.
02:27But this mining camp has been inhabited since just after the Pony Express.
02:31We're just going to pop in and see who we meet.
02:35Whenever I see old galvanized tin buildings, old stuff like this, my car just naturally
02:40pulls over.
02:41All my instincts are popping.
02:51There's some cement poodles.
02:53I actually sell the heck out of those things.
02:55Oh, there's people.
02:58When we go introduce ourself, they're a little bit cautious, but that's completely understandable.
03:03Hey, how's it going, guys?
03:05I have no idea who this guy is.
03:07None whatsoever.
03:09We didn't know if you had anything that might be for sale.
03:11Are you guys into the dust-buying business?
03:14We're kind of rolling the dice when we go talk to Jack in Virginia.
03:17This is a complete cold contact.
03:19First impressions can last a long time.
03:22Asking folks about their family history is a great way to make them feel at ease.
03:26So your parents had this place.
03:27What did they do for a living?
03:29They had the mail, StarRoute mail carriers.
03:32They delivered mail six days a week.
03:34No kidding.
03:35On Saturdays.
03:37First there was the Pony Express, then came the StarRoute.
03:40For more than a century, these guys went where the post office couldn't hack it, braving
03:44blizzards and floods to get the mail out to the loneliest stretches of the West.
03:49Even in the 40s, Virginia's dad was still pulling 1,000 miles a week out here,
03:53saving everything he owned behind these doors.
03:55And when I notice the locks, I start seeing dollar signs.
04:00I see some great things right off the bat.
04:02I see an old trap hanging along the wall.
04:06Oh, my.
04:07Look at this box here, Scott. That's a pretty cool box.
04:11I immediately see an old Berman bird bit in there.
04:15They call this a bird bit because it looks like there's a little bird head right in here.
04:18A little bit fancy.