Un jeune homme, qui n'a jamais connu son père, part à sa recherche mais finit bloqué dans un magasin de spiritueux avec cinq autres personnes le soir du réveillon de Noël.
Court métrageTranscription
00:00Christmas Eve has turned into a nightmare for a group of people being held hostage in the liquor mart behind me.
00:07Put that away!
00:08No, no, no!
00:09I ain't putting it down!
00:11Here's what we know for certain.
00:13Vicente Santos is the owner of Vicente's Liquor Mart.
00:16Merry Christmas, Larry.
00:17Yeah, spare me.
00:18Kate Daniels is working the counter today.
00:20You're holding two old men and my child hostage right now.
00:22Carl's patrol vehicle's down the road and it appears to have been in some kind of altercation.
00:31And then we have Eric Norris.
00:33He may or may not be the hostage taker.
00:35Close the blinds!
00:36Sit down!
00:37You're starting to act like a damn police officer.
00:40Thank you, sir.
00:43What are you doing here, anyway?
00:44My father used to live here, so I came here to try to find him.
00:48Him and his partner arrested me for no reason.
00:50That ain't true!
00:51He had weed and crystal meth paraphernalia.
00:54He had Drano.
00:55The weed was his.
00:56No shit?
00:57I got backup coming!
00:59It's a bunch of dumb shits out there.
01:01The suspect was released?
01:03He escaped?
01:07Stand down!
01:08Man down?
01:10Stand down, stand down!
01:15What do you want for Christmas?
01:16To get out of here for a while.
01:19We want to get everyone out of here safely and reunited with their loved ones.
01:22What are we gonna do?
01:23We're gonna get a time machine going.
01:29No, no and no.
01:32Fuck off.
01:33You got yourself in a real mess here.
01:35You can't negotiate with a crazy person.
01:41It's not a damn movie, Billy.
01:44You're not Samuel fucking Jackson.