• la semaine dernière
Portrait des filles du groupe coréen Blackpink, qui a connu une ascension fulgurante. Quatre membres du groupe racontent leur enfance et leur parcours pour enfin se retrouver sur leur tournée mondiale. Elles-mêmes ne pouvaient pas imaginer qu'il était possible d'obtenir un tel succès. Leur secret de réussite : quand elles sont ensemble tout est possible et plus facile à faire.


00:00Ah yeah
00:04However you feel comfortable like ready for love I'm ready for love I'm ready for love I'm ready for love
00:11Our next guests are the best charting Korean girl group of all time
00:21We grew into something that we didn't even know it's possible
00:25I think what makes K-pop K-pop is the time that we spend as a trainee
00:31I was 14 such a kid. We all lived together sort of like a boarding school like a training version
00:38I had never even imagined myself living apart from my family
00:43Everything was counting that's that time
00:50But when it was the four of us the whole thing
00:54Moga happy time. I don't say all I wanted was people to see the potential in us
01:01How I'm getting that's why you don't stop
01:06First female Korean group perform at Coachella black tape like Jingle Bell. How do we live up to this time?
01:14So what I've imagined thousands of people singing in Korean and I know the fans want more and more and more
01:20It's just a beginning
