Maya Vargas, la quarantaine, travaille dans un supermarché et lorgne un poste de cadre qui finalement lui échappe. D'après son patron, elle n'est pas assez diplômée. Mais Maya veut avancer. Le fils de Joan, sa meilleure amie, prend les choses en main en lui créant une page Facebook où il ment sur ses relations, ses compétences et son parcours académique. Elle décroche alors un emploi dans une grande compagnie de cosmétiques à Manhattan. Trey, son mari qui croit en elle, insiste pour qu'elle dise la vérité. Quand des clients chinois arrivent à New York, Maya est prise au piège car elle est censée parler mandarin et gérer le contrat...
Court métrageTranscription
00:00You know, you're not supposed to buy your own birthday breakfast, that's against the rules.
00:06But you want some?
00:07Yeah, when I get out of the shower, babe.
00:09I was talking about that.
00:10Yeah, you're thirsty.
00:11Yeah, uh-huh.
00:14I'm done.
00:17Yeah, this looks great in those jeans, by the way.
00:20You know, I'm not a piece of meat...
00:22Okay, fine, but we're gonna have to make this quick.
00:24No, no, no!
00:54Arthur got his MBA from Duke. He's the best man for the job.
00:57No, sir.
00:59I am.
01:02I just wish we lived in a world where street smarts equal book smarts.
01:07The educated people in their fancy houses who name their kids after fruit and climb Kilimanjaro.
01:14Somebody called for you.
01:15Something about a job interview?
01:17Oh my God, Franklin and Clark?
01:18Your resume interests me. Wharton Business School?
01:21I'm sorry, what?
01:22And, of course, you have got to see her Facebook page.
01:24My Facebook page?
01:28I gave you a completely new identity.
01:30You said you wanted to be fancy, so I just, like, Cinderella-ed your ass?
01:33Well, I got you in the door.
01:35But you got the job, baby.
01:37Who's the champ? Let's go.
01:38Who's the champ?
01:39I'm the champ?
01:40You're the champ.
01:42It's not easy getting a job for a woman your age.
01:45Watch me.
01:54You need to wear anything other than that.
01:56You look like Mrs. Doubtfire.
01:59Wow, this is my office?
02:02They gave you an apartment?
02:03And credit cards?
02:04I'm going to take these off your hands.
02:06Don't you dare.
02:07And I'm going to take these clothes off.
02:11You're going to come clean, right?
02:12I can do this.
02:15Is that Maya Vargas?
02:16These are my friends from Norton.
02:19We did some time in the Peace Corps together.
02:21We save whales.
02:24Don't confuse this Facebook thing with who you really are.
02:27I really admire you.
02:29You're kind of who I want to be when I grow up.
02:33You were always good enough.
02:34You're the only one that ever doubted.
02:37We're looking at a new Chinese distributor.
02:39The only employee we have who speaks Mandarin is me.
02:43I got an idea.
02:44Our cat's a veterinarian?
02:45Speak Mandarin.
02:46We would love to schedule a tour for you.
02:48But we have to wait for the deal to be closed.
02:50I think she's very smart.
02:52Oh, she's going to be in the news?
02:54She's going to be in the news.
03:00I like her.