Location (-33.38, -139.01) at the place near the rainbow area on St.Patrick's Day event (King of the Green Bay). Use hook 2/0 with either Drunken Worms for Leprechaun fish or Bully Grasshoppers for Rowdy Bass. These baits can be purchase by using your baitcoins at the shop during the event. 1 Rowdy Bass or Leprechaun caught will yield 1 baitcoin. If you want to save your baitcoins, you can use Shiners (Rowdy Bass only) as substitute instead, but the results will not be as good as those like Bully Grasshoppers. I use bottom rods with Ambusher 9000 Spin reels, and you can also use such setups in other locations where such fish are available such as Mudwater River or Tiber River. Pls tk note that at times you will catch some White Bass instead, so several attempts on the fish are often needed.