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Welcome Back Yall!


Karens Social Media:
Instagram: :https://www.Instagram.com/karenmendoza__

Snapchat: https://www.Snapchat.com/karen_mendoza97

Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/karenmendoza_xo​​

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@karenmendoza_xo


Eddie's Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/_eddiezepeda

Snapchat: https://www.Snapchat.COM/eddie_zepeda24

Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/eddiezepeda36​​​​

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eddiezepeda24

Drew : @Rxalfredo

Frank : https://www.instagram.com/bigbanctank


Ash : https://www.instagram.com/_ashkilla_

Shanghai : @Shanghaiiiiii

FirstClassFlowers Insta:


edited by : https://www.instagram.com/lchechl


00:00What's up, everybody? Welcome back to a new video!
00:09As you guys can tell, Rocket's not here today.
00:11He's at the babysitter's house because we're going to leave in a few days on a trip.
00:14But, you guys already saw, we're here with our friends.
00:19I'm so excited.
00:20You guys see the title, you guys see the thumbnail.
00:22Today, this is our second time doing this, too.
00:24Today, we're going to be what?
00:25We're going to have emo night!
00:28Turn around and die.
00:31Let's turn my life into pieces.
00:34This is my last resort.
00:38No breathing.
00:44I feel like the most excited people to do this video are Amanda and Frank.
00:47Frank's been fucking itching to put this outfit on.
00:52I'm going to be a small.
00:54I'm going to be like this the whole time, right?
00:57Belly button showing.
00:58All you have to do is this.
01:01So, me and Karen went on a good little trip to Hot Topic.
01:03We have all the accessories right here laid out.
01:05Everything's labeled with everybody's name on what they're going to put on.
01:08We got chokers.
01:09We got leashes.
01:10We got leather pads.
01:12We got all kinds of shit.
01:14I just want y'all to know that when we went to Hot Topic, the lady was like,
01:16this is the biggest transaction we've ever had here and I've worked here for 15 years.
01:21She looked at us kind of crazy.
01:22She was like, are you guys okay?
01:24It's just a baby's mom.
01:27Literally, that's what I said.
01:28So, pretty much right now, I'm going to go ahead and give everybody their little outfits.
01:32We're going to go ahead and change and transform.
01:34No more of this outfit.
01:35We're going to turn into emo.
01:37We're going to do makeup and stuff and everybody's going to look cute right now.
01:40So, after this, we'll see y'all as emos.
01:43So, I was in charge of getting the guys clothes and the sizing.
01:45I thought I got the perfect shirt for Frank until he opened it in front of me.
01:50The shirt looked bigger next to me.
01:54That shit is small.
01:56Bro, it is.
01:57This is so small.
01:59How do you even see this is big for yourself?
02:01Bro, it's going to stretch when you put it on.
02:03But like, this is even small for you, bro.
02:06Nah, it's perfect size.
02:08Yeah, because you're small.
02:10I have like 80 pounds on you, dude.
02:13Frank likes his clothes a little tight.
02:15He likes a little buff in his shirt.
02:16Bro, this shit is about to hit my knees.
02:18What do you mean?
02:19I can't take him serious with the clothes.
02:22He's like waving his hands around.
02:25Why do you look like Ice and Frank from Focus Focus?
02:31The name is Ice.
02:32He likes his shirts a little tight.
02:34This is large though, bro.
02:35Of course it's going to be large.
02:39How do you think this is going to fit?
02:41Bro, it's going to look good, bro.
02:43This is a cool ass beanie, though.
02:44It is. I picked it on.
02:46This is actually a really cool beanie.
02:47Alright, I'm a little excited.
02:49I guess it'll go with the aesthetic.
02:52Is this a v-neck?
02:55Are you serious?
02:59You're so cleavage.
03:00This is a girl's v-neck.
03:01I think it might be a girl's v-neck.
03:03I'm not going to hold you.
03:04This is what kills it.
03:06Does it not look good?
03:08I have a choker.
03:09It actually might help.
03:10I want to see the beanie.
03:15Why does this look natural?
03:17I have a picture of Frank.
03:18He's long-haired, dressed exactly like this.
03:20Frank is in nature right now.
03:21I feel like I'd walk into Hot Topic
03:23and I wouldn't actually see this.
03:24How would you greet him if you walked into Hot Topic?
03:26Welcome to Hot Topic.
03:27Are you guys looking for anything specific?
03:28Yeah, brother.
03:29Can you show me where the crop tops are?
03:30Yeah, if our girls are men.
03:32Yeah, come on over here, dude.
03:35Right here, we actually have a selection.
03:37I don't know if you're into pants and stuff,
03:39but we got Metallica.
03:41Do you guys have Guns N' Roses?
03:42Yeah, we do.
03:43Let's see.
03:44We haven't heard that one in a while,
03:45so I'm going to take a look.
03:47There you go.
03:48It's so crazy how quick he gets into character with shit.
03:56Bro chose the smallest fucking shirt.
04:00Hey, what do you mean they get him that bad?
04:02I actually bought this.
04:03I went to a party yesterday
04:04and I had to dress as Emo,
04:05so I bought this boy yesterday.
04:07You bought me a fucking collar
04:08like I'm some kind of dog?
04:10I'm wearing one too, bro.
04:11You're his dog, that's why.
04:12He's going to choke the fuck out of me.
04:14Hold on.
04:15There's mine too.
04:16Wait, hold on.
04:18Hold on.
04:19It's not even touching the metal part.
04:22There's no way.
04:23Hold on, hold on.
04:24There's lock-in, lock-in.
04:27Yours actually has a size adjustment.
04:29Wear that one then.
04:30Well, let me see.
04:31Try it on yours.
04:33Let me see.
04:34No, bro, I can't.
04:35Yeah, it's too small.
04:37Let me see.
04:38You wear this one.
04:39Choke the fuck out of him.
04:42Hey, look at this shit.
04:43I don't know.
04:44I didn't even know this shit did this.
04:45Look, look.
04:46You ready?
04:51I'm fine, bro.
04:52Oh, shit.
04:53Let me see, bro.
04:54If this doesn't fit around your neck,
04:55it's for sure not fitting around ours.
05:00Chicken neck.
05:01I'm not going to lie,
05:02you're the only one that that fits.
05:03I'm not even kidding.
05:04Chicken neck is crazy.
05:05Chicken neck.
05:06That was crazy.
05:07And the other ones are the same size though?
05:09Do you feel back at home?
05:10I do, yeah.
05:11I'm back to my roots.
05:14Five seconds before the video goes out.
05:17It probably sounds so funny
05:18when no music in the background.
05:21Fuck, I'm out of breath.
05:22Hurry up.
05:23Like I'm trying.
05:28Maybe you can like tie each.
05:31I just tried it,
05:32but he's being an asshole.
05:33Put your head up.
05:34There you go.
05:36Oh my god.
05:42Shit's like the choke collar, shit's like into your neck.
05:44No, that shit's stabbing me. I feel like if I
05:46bark I'm gonna fucking get shot.
05:50Yeah that looks better like that.
05:52Damn, what the fuck, you have a hefty ass one.
05:54Am I gonna lie? I'm gonna keep this one.
05:56We have an extra choker bro.
05:58Damn that's crazy. I feel like Frank needs more.
06:00Or should I wear three and give that one to DD?
06:02Are you gonna have just a choker on, no outfit?
06:07Think sister came and she's just getting dragged into all this nonsense. I'm so sorry
06:34He's like
06:36There's like tally marks on it counting the days of which you can see I chose the most perfect people to do this your way
06:41Cuz you know this and I don't cry for you. Are you guys not only are we dressing up?
06:46But we're making Shanghai dress up to yeah, put that shit on bro. She's a small to
06:51Take it up on camera for free
06:54Oh, hey, you look like you'd wear it. Yeah, you came out normal
07:04That's a regular zoomies worker right here, okay, so this is me my co-worker Frank
07:09Sup, dude. Can you get my shit too? Yeah, just give me one second
07:13What is he doing? Yeah, turn around and die
07:19Adam any pity the other day in my first time getting a clear coat
07:30Hey the girls came out
07:34What it is, oh, what's the oh wait, that's wrong done. I want to kill my mom
07:43But you see you see I've met you guys
07:48Can we take a shot I want to numb the pain right now who's first you let me know
07:56It's Tommy Shanghai doesn't like
08:04Please wait, let me put it on you. That's not a necklace. That's not all it's your pants thing. Thanks, bro
08:17Hey my life like just like that, what's mine and came out Larry
08:22Yeah, like he's over there having fun with his being on lawyers. I just want to be accepted when my family to accept me
08:41Baby you're like putting that shit in my eyeball. You're putting that shit in my eyeball. You're like touching my eye
08:46So the email do it
08:52I am but just give me a sec. That's just thinking like
08:56Just taking that shit
09:00By himself
09:04That's exactly what I'm trying to do to you and you keep squinting
09:13My god, oh my god. Oh my god. Stop squinting, baby. You're putting that shit in my fucking eye
09:20I'm not even trolling you. Oh my god. Oh
09:23My god. Oh my god, babe. You're doing it on purpose. I'm not even trying to be annoying you
09:32It's not even on the lid, okay, they're just done you need some money I'm gonna count your fucking days
09:38Okay, we'll close your eye more
09:43Why are you doing that it's true life
09:49Okay, you need the other one you're more rough-handed than she was
09:56Just let her finish it
10:05Look up shit gets me squeamish bro. Like I don't know. I'm with your eyes. Look up
10:16Hold on let me take a break. Look I am
10:22I'm keeps my camera high like you want to have kids because you hate this
10:26I still think we'll be doing the shit like
10:29You did this. Oh my god, you're not doing it. Look up. There you go. Oh my god
10:35Touching your fucking eyelid. They're painting the inside of your eyeball, bro. Holy
10:48You ever seen the crow
10:50Why any Shanghai's and Drew's look good yours doesn't cuz you don't know yourself I have a way better eyelashes in them
10:59Yeah, I'm kind of jealous my I'm beating it doesn't do that it's pretty cool, huh
11:05He's official
11:09Shanghai's in this habitat Frank looks like
11:25Anybody else want to take a shot?
11:29Is this one good you're crying you look badass brother just lock him go
11:37Wait, that's inside why the pain is what feels good the pain is what drives you
12:03Want to go to like the grocery store right now I just buy milk for no reason
12:15What's your name, sorry, what's up
12:20What's your name Dark Knight Slayer 69
12:26So what it moves
12:28Like I need to go back and see for me like right now. I asked for what is your fucking vibes?
12:39Right, but like there has to be a certain point where everyone needs to get in character and we can't speak normal no more
12:52Feel like the one that's really fucking depressed
12:56We're all fucking depressed, that's why I fuck with you a bitch
13:05Better now, I'll get you bitch. We gotta drink our souls away
13:25Mean we won't get lost
13:45We got over and over is already looking at it's crazy. He doesn't understand that this is a lifestyle. It's not a face
13:59Since we're leaving the house, no one can talk normal now
14:08It's all black, I don't know where that came from that just came from the demon inside or something that was weird
14:36Stacy bitch, where you at?
14:47We made it I really don't know where
14:49These mom has got it going on
14:55So long Stacy, can't you see you're not the girl for me?
15:00I know I might be wrong, but I'm in love with Stacy's mom
15:06It's called knucklehead from what it looks like there's people who dress like this. I feel like we found the perfect one
15:14But like let me say like I don't know
15:18What's your car no, go ahead you like ass motherfuckers, come on purse
15:28Say I'm gonna say I'm not lying ass. I don't look things don't go well rocky. Yeah
15:35Cuz I'm telling you truth, but I don't know how to dance in there someone that's like this
15:47I've never felt more in place
15:58And then we threw up and then we said
16:23Guys I know we're going to like a rock bar right now
16:25I'm gonna be the first one to request from the DJ. I'm like keep it like Jonah
16:35Know we ended up coming to a bar. The main idea for this video was to go to a rock concert
16:40But I know exactly for the next time where we can get rock concert tickets quick word from today's sponsors
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17:18Don't ever say I didn't put you on don't say I didn't put you on. I just I said it right now
17:21What's your name?
17:25But I changed my name to Dawes kill so what
17:31You remember me toxic waste
17:35Hold on they're fucking playing like Shannon and Debbie. Yeah, I was like wait, it's not like
17:44Fantastic shit. He's a guy guys next movie. It's like wrong fucking night, bro
17:51I'm vibing right now. I'm scared
18:08Really nice vibe in here
18:29Got my rabbit blood right now. I'm gonna drink it
18:37Tell them I feel
18:41She's giving me one thing I don't like going up
19:27Thought this was a rock bar
20:10Feel like we're in a roblox game right now
21:24I will kill you
21:48Are you finishing it? Oh, oh don't play with him. Oh
21:55What's that one
22:15I want to drink so bad
23:53I found a couple here. I'm gonna go buy them a shock
24:29I'm drunk. Where am I at?
24:53That's a guy oh
25:00We're gonna go on a scavenger hunt to find my friend
25:15We parked on the corner street I
25:21Get all of us
25:39Right now I just paid for Shanghai to get his ship
25:52Take your shot
26:00He's basic we give the basic don't ask for too much just get a ship here
26:12I try to get my nipples pierced, but they said no
26:16It's already pierced you ready
26:30Like nothing my soul feels worse
26:37Get a one-inch stretcher off
26:42It's why I just went for my three to like three and a half
27:04I'll pay for it. What do you want?
27:08Okay, I'll pay for it you ready
27:13I'll do it. Oh my god
27:25Are you eating right now? What the fuck?
27:34I'll eat your ass bitch. I'll hold your hand forever bitch. You better eat my eyes
27:39I'll eat that shit. Yeah, that's just post-partum
27:43Postpartum ass. I'll eat both on you better eat that shit. Ash
27:47You up post part of my ass to or no part of math. Yeah
27:52All right. She wants us to hold her hand
27:59I'm throwing I'm next
28:03Cyber let's make out right now
28:07The fact that you didn't do it was weird
28:13Amanda show I'm gonna get both sides pierced right now
28:16I've already had both sides pierced, but I had to take my piercings out and then mysteriously they closed so both sides closed
28:25still have a
28:28And it closed so now I'm gonna get both on here right now, but I need a shot because I'm drunk I'm not gonna lie
28:33I'm drunk, but not drunk. You know
28:37I'll get your shot. Let's go get it. Sorry
28:45I need to hold your hand
28:53Where's my hair
29:02Hey, you're next
29:08All right guys welcome back to Jersey Shore I got both sides pierced Amanda already got one side pierced
29:14So she's gonna get the second side pierced because she loves me and I love her and she loves me and I manifested her
29:20I love you so much. I manifested you ever since I met Karen before YouTube before anything
29:25Karen was like I manifested you. I love you Brian. You're my bestie for life
29:29Let me see look at me
29:47Look at me now look at me open your eyes. Oh
29:53Pineapple like a motherfucker pineapple pineapple pineapple vanilla caught a watermelon
30:06We did it we we did it
30:11Thank you
30:13So proud of you, bro. Thank you buddy. You got your ears three beers because you look so good one of these earrings
30:21Eat this fucking door top
30:29Fruit salad
30:32Yummy, yummy fruit salad
30:38All right guys, so like me and Amanda
30:40We got both of our nose pierced
30:42Both of them right and left left and right
30:44Left and right
30:46Left and right
30:48Right and left left and right left and right right and left
30:50Tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and be like
30:52What the fuck happened up here
30:54One more shot though
30:56Alright you guys we are out this bitch
30:58I'm drunk as lit
31:00I'm drunk as lit
31:02It's so dark outside like my soul
