• la semaine dernière
Aux Etats-Unis, pendant la Grande Dépression, au début des années 30. Cecilia se débat entre un mari ivrogne et violent et des petits boulots de serveuse. Malheureuse, elle se rend souvent au cinéma du quartier, qui est sa seule évasion et qui lui permet d'oublier son quotidien sordide. Cette semaine, on y passe une nouvelle romance, "La Rose pourpre du Caire". Cecilia, qui est subjuguée par l'acteur, s'y précipite et reste plusieurs séances d'affilée. Soudain, Tom Baxter, le héros du film, interrompt sa scène et apostrophe Cecilia, pour finalement s'échapper de l'écran et descendre dans la salle. Il entraîne la jeune femme avec lui. Une magnifique histoire d'amour commence...
00:30Come away with me to Cairo.
00:33But you just met each other.
00:35Love at first sight doesn't only happen just in the movies.
00:38You coming for a costume party?
00:40No, I'm just back from Cairo where I searched in vain for the legendary purple rose.
00:44How about that?
00:45I wonder what it's like out there.
00:47Hey, what the hell kind of movie is this?
00:49Why don't you stop yapping? We've got problems of our own.
00:51I told you I'd do him.
00:53You're a liar to me!
00:54Obviously your marriage has come to an impasse, sir.
00:56I'm not Tom. I'm Gil Shepard. I play Tom.
01:00How do you know Tom?
01:01You can't... Oh my God, I don't believe it!
01:04Where is he?
01:05Why? Do you want to tie me up?
01:07What kind of a club is this, anyhow?
01:08We've got to get him back in the picture.
01:10Then we turn off the projector and burn the prints.
01:13And the negatives.
01:14See, there you go, Tom. You're ruining everything.
01:16You are. You're the one...
01:17I saw the movie just last week. This is not what happened.
01:20I'm confused. I'm married. I just met a wonderful new man.
01:24He's fictional, but you can't have everything.
01:29© BF-WATCH TV 2021
