• hier
Une romancière solitaire débarque au Maroc, dans une prestigieuse résidence pour écrivains, en espérant y surmonter sa panne d'inspiration. C'est là qu'elle fait la connaissance d'un jeune homme qui accompagne sa petite amie écrivaine. Tandis que celle-ci se laisse fasciner par ce milieu enivrant - tout nouveau pour elle - d'intellectuels mondains, le garçon trouve refuge dans son amitié naissante avec la romancière solitaire. Une relation qui cède la place à une histoire d'amour ravageuse bouleversant leur vie à tous les deux...
00:00Madame, welcome to the writer's retreat.
00:07You think if I just took the smallest room, I could skip all the group activities?
00:13I just need a quiet place to work.
00:16Oh, hey.
00:20I'm Owen.
00:24Catherine. Are you having a great trip?
00:26It's fine, I guess.
00:28Do you like fiction or non-fiction?
00:31Neither. I'm just here with my girlfriend.
00:34She only reads Sports Illustrated.
00:38Why do you fly thousands of miles?
00:40I'm finishing a book.
00:42How's it going?
00:45Fine, I guess.
00:50I don't know who you are here.
00:53Are you threatened by this?
00:55Are you serious?
00:58How come you can't finish your book at home?
01:00Long story.
01:02I've got time.
01:04I think the point of travel was to show us the tiny place we occupy in the world.
01:09How does your guy deal with all this?
01:11Who said I had a guy?
01:14Oh, right, of course.
01:21You followed me yesterday?
01:23I just wanted to make sure you were safe.
01:26Am I?
01:33When you're stuck in life,
01:37you need to do something irrevocable.
01:49Be careful there.
