• 22 hours ago
Découvre le secret pour améliorer ta garde-robe sans effort avec ces astuces vestimentaires hilarantes mais pratiques ! Que ce soit en transformant un vieux t-shirt en un crop top stylé ou en métamorphosant un pull ennuyeux en un modèle élégant à épaules dénudées, ces astuces ingénieuses te feront rire tout en te donnant une allure fabuleuse. Adopte l'art de la magie vestimentaire avec une touche d'humour, parce qu'après tout, la mode doit être fun !

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00:00:00There are many different ways to express yourself.
00:00:05And sometimes it happens when you don't expect it.
00:00:09Ah, it doesn't look great.
00:00:12But with a little imagination, you can turn your clothes into real masterpieces.
00:00:19Watch this video for more clothing tips.
00:00:26These ghosts don't know what to expect.
00:00:29These games are so exciting!
00:00:32I should clean up.
00:00:35I'm trying to focus, Mom!
00:00:38Ok, fine.
00:00:41There's a lot of dust on it.
00:00:46When did you get these socks?
00:00:49It looks like she lives at the farm.
00:00:51Your socks!
00:00:53These ones?
00:00:54They're horrible!
00:00:56To fix a hole like this, you just have to prick like this,
00:01:00keep circling the hole,
00:01:02keep turning again,
00:01:04until the hole closes.
00:01:06Put the thread inside the sock at the end.
00:01:09Ah, my sock!
00:01:11Pretty cool, I must say.
00:01:14Thank you, Mom!
00:01:17Don't hide any more holes, ok?
00:01:22Very good.
00:01:24Don't forget, Sofia, no one replaces a mother.
00:01:30Oh, this air is too strong.
00:01:33I don't have my jacket, so this blanket will have to do.
00:01:37Come on, little toes.
00:01:39This blanket is too small.
00:01:43Come on, warm up, little guys.
00:01:46Ok, fine.
00:01:48I'll get some socks.
00:01:50Here they are!
00:01:51Wait, no!
00:01:53A myth?
00:01:54Oh, hello!
00:01:56Are you eating my cashmere?
00:01:58You're dead!
00:01:59Get out of here, old myth!
00:02:02No one eats what's in my closet!
00:02:07Say goodbye!
00:02:09Now I have to fix these holes.
00:02:12Cut the sleeve to follow this fold.
00:02:14You can put the rest of the sweater aside.
00:02:16Then use the fabric to cover your favorite sandals.
00:02:19Fold the sleeve by passing it over the sandals
00:02:21and do the same with the other end.
00:02:23Now you have socks.
00:02:25Perfect to keep your little toes warm.
00:02:29Who needs socks when they have this?
00:02:35Now I can really be comfortable.
00:02:39And I'll be even better with a cup of tea.
00:02:44This thing is still alive?
00:02:47You won the battle, but not the war, human!
00:02:53If you say so, myth.
00:02:57Ah, let's go for a new Monday.
00:03:02Hey, who's this new boy?
00:03:05And he's riding a bike.
00:03:07He's even more handsome up close.
00:03:10I'm off.
00:03:12Hi, I'm Sofia.
00:03:14You're new here, aren't you?
00:03:17OK, I understand.
00:03:22It was the worst day of my life.
00:03:24I felt as invisible as possible.
00:03:27Boy problems?
00:03:28How did you know?
00:03:31It's him.
00:03:35Don't worry, let me do it.
00:03:37My magical powers are in this box.
00:03:41But first, let's get rid of this.
00:03:44And this.
00:03:45Now, look at me.
00:03:47Uh-huh, I can do something.
00:03:50A little lipstick.
00:03:52Now we're talking.
00:03:54My mission is accomplished.
00:03:56Let me look at you.
00:03:58I feel sublime.
00:04:02Here, you should put this on too.
00:04:07Cut, cut.
00:04:09A few cuts in the right place.
00:04:11And we end up with new sleeves.
00:04:16My outfit is perfect.
00:04:20Hey, thanks.
00:04:22See you later.
00:04:25Let's see if he ignores me now.
00:04:28Wow, who's that?
00:04:30Nice sleeves.
00:04:32Do you want me to take you somewhere?
00:04:34With pleasure.
00:04:36It worked perfectly.
00:04:38Safety first.
00:04:40Let's go.
00:04:43And they lived happily ever after.
00:04:48Ice cream and good music?
00:04:50It's a perfect Saturday.
00:04:52Oh, almost perfect.
00:04:54I won't let that spoil my good mood.
00:04:57Oh, it's so good.
00:05:00Is anyone there?
00:05:02Surprise, I'm at the door.
00:05:04Oh, that's great.
00:05:08Oh, I can't believe it.
00:05:10I need to get changed.
00:05:14Where are my clothes?
00:05:16Oh, wait.
00:05:20The washing machine.
00:05:22What am I going to do now?
00:05:26My old clothes.
00:05:28Do you think I can find something in there?
00:05:30It's an old piece of fabric.
00:05:34I hope it fits.
00:05:37What if she got kidnapped?
00:05:39What if she fell in the shower?
00:05:42What if she had a new boyfriend?
00:05:44Betty, I'm coming in.
00:05:49I have an idea.
00:05:50I can wrap it around my waist
00:05:52and tighten it with a pretty knot.
00:05:54But I'm not done yet.
00:05:56I also take the ends and make another knot.
00:06:00I pass it through
00:06:02and then I turn it around.
00:06:05I found the sleeves.
00:06:08And it perfectly hides the knot.
00:06:10So pretty, isn't it?
00:06:15I left my phone in there.
00:06:20Betty, are you still alive?
00:06:23I was just getting ready for you.
00:06:27Come on, let's go.
00:06:32These flowers are for me.
00:06:34Sorry to have kept you waiting.
00:06:36I'll do anything for you.
00:06:44This match was incredible.
00:06:47The others took a beating.
00:06:50It really changes everything to train well.
00:06:52What are you doing tonight?
00:06:56I think I have a hangover.
00:06:59Oh, with Theo?
00:07:01You're really in love.
00:07:03You could say that.
00:07:08But I meant to say that...
00:07:15I took a beating because of the ball.
00:07:18I can't go out like this.
00:07:21But hope is not dead.
00:07:23In fact, I even have the perfect solution.
00:07:29Two stickers.
00:07:30To put at the same time.
00:07:32Not bad.
00:07:34First, put on the stickers of the color of your skin.
00:07:36Once put on, put on the black stickers on top.
00:07:41Stand up.
00:07:42So, do you see any blues?
00:07:45No blues on the horizon.
00:07:47My legs are like new.
00:07:49Thank you, Betty.
00:07:52With pleasure.
00:08:00Let's go.
00:08:01Give everything you have.
00:08:04We have to finish it.
00:08:06This jean is mine!
00:08:10Look what you did!
00:08:12We can still get by.
00:08:14Oh, good idea!
00:08:17Wow, it's beautiful!
00:08:21It's cute.
00:08:23Wow, a jean dress!
00:08:26Your turn, Mia.
00:08:32Come on, hurry up!
00:08:33I'm trying!
00:08:38Why is it so hard to put on a skinny jean?
00:08:43Two minutes!
00:08:45It hurts me to look at this.
00:08:47I think it's good.
00:08:50Actually, no.
00:08:51I'm going to try with a different angle.
00:08:54What are you making?
00:08:56I don't have much time.
00:08:58You see?
00:08:59I'm doing my toes.
00:09:02That was hard.
00:09:03Okay, let's move on to the other leg.
00:09:08I don't like this noise.
00:09:10Oh no!
00:09:11Everything is fine.
00:09:12I can fix it.
00:09:13With these scissors.
00:09:17I just have to find the right place for the other leg.
00:09:20It looks good to me.
00:09:21This way, I can cut the jean.
00:09:23There, we cut everything.
00:09:26I didn't expect that.
00:09:28I have to even it out now.
00:09:30It's getting shorter.
00:09:32Okay, stop!
00:09:36Give it to me.
00:09:37If you hold it.
00:09:38But I'll manage on my own.
00:09:42Yes, yes.
00:09:43Put what's left of your jean on the table.
00:09:46And take a pair of scissors.
00:09:47Cut the longest part following a diagonal.
00:09:50That way, we have a short.
00:09:52I have little straps.
00:09:56I'm going to make some straps.
00:09:59And this is where we'll start having fun.
00:10:01We're going to personalize this short.
00:10:03We'll need a glue gun.
00:10:06I'm going to put a glue dot on the end of the short.
00:10:08And I'm going to glue on the strap.
00:10:12I'm going to do that on the whole short.
00:10:14With different colored straps.
00:10:16There, I'm done.
00:10:18Not bad!
00:10:19Not bad!
00:10:23I hope Mia likes it.
00:10:27Go on, try it!
00:10:29Oh no!
00:10:30It's so pretty!
00:10:32Thank you, Betty.
00:10:33With pleasure.
00:10:34You're the best.
00:10:38I'm good.
00:10:39One last touch and I'm ready.
00:10:43Look at this room!
00:10:45It's a mess.
00:10:47What a shame!
00:10:49There's make-up and clothes everywhere.
00:10:52Put that away, young girl!
00:10:55That's not so bad.
00:10:57Are you making fun of me?
00:10:59I can't even...
00:11:00Okay, I'll put it away.
00:11:03There's something in there.
00:11:05It gives me an idea.
00:11:08An idea to put it away better.
00:11:10I can use all these old jeans.
00:11:13It's worth a try.
00:11:15I'm going to make some room.
00:11:18Let's see what's in this box.
00:11:20There's a lot of jeans.
00:11:22At least they're going to be useful.
00:11:26Let's get to work.
00:11:27I took my good old scissors.
00:11:31I'm going to start with this jean.
00:11:34I'm going to cut the back pocket.
00:11:36The pocket needs to be intact.
00:11:42I'm going to cut two or three more.
00:11:44And now I'm going to take a jean fabric
00:11:46and I'm going to put a line of glue on the side.
00:11:49I'm going to glue this shoe lace on top.
00:11:51And the same on the other side.
00:11:54I'm going to make a knot with what's left over.
00:11:57Then I'm going to put glue on the back of the pockets.
00:11:59You don't need a lot of glue.
00:12:04I'm going to turn it over and fix it on the fabric.
00:12:06I'm pressing hard.
00:12:08It mustn't move.
00:12:09I'm going to glue the other pockets.
00:12:12This is the last one.
00:12:15So, where am I going to hang it?
00:12:18It's perfect here.
00:12:20It's a nice arrangement.
00:12:25Can you hear me?
00:12:26Put your make-up in there.
00:12:28Was it that hard?
00:12:30Oh, thank you, Mom.
00:12:31I don't want to see any more mess.
00:12:37I don't want to say anything.
00:12:40Wow, this drawing is beautiful.
00:12:42Oh, I can trap Mia.
00:12:48She doesn't suspect a thing.
00:12:58How did you do that?
00:13:01Wow, let me see.
00:13:06Mia, you're taking my pants off.
00:13:08I have a great idea.
00:13:09I'm going to personalize your jean.
00:13:11First, I'm going to trace my drawing on a normal pen.
00:13:16I like it.
00:13:17And now, I'm going to go back to the marker.
00:13:19I'm going to add some color.
00:13:22I don't want to overdo it.
00:13:28It's going to be so beautiful!
00:13:30You can let your imagination run wild.
00:13:32I'm going to add something to the bottom of the leg.
00:13:34I'm going to make a little dog.
00:13:36First, I'm going to draw it on a pen.
00:13:39And then, I'm going to color it.
00:13:41No need to say anything.
00:13:43I'm going to color it.
00:13:44No need to say anything.
00:13:45This jean is going to be super original.
00:13:50So beautiful!
00:13:51Let's move on to the back pocket.
00:13:53I should make it my job.
00:13:56I think it's good.
00:13:59But no!
00:14:00What do you think?
00:14:03I don't know what to say.
00:14:06You have real talent.
00:14:13It's good.
00:14:14I know what my favorite jean is now.
00:14:16It's so nice.
00:14:17Thank you, Mia.
00:14:23Are you serious?
00:14:24Come on!
00:14:26But you owe me one.
00:14:30Of course I'm going to the party.
00:14:32Hi bears!
00:14:34I hope there will be cute guys.
00:14:36Betty, are you playing with me?
00:14:38Go away!
00:14:39I'm on the phone.
00:14:40But no!
00:14:41Is he coming?
00:14:42I still love you, my teddy bears.
00:14:44I wonder what Betty is talking about.
00:14:46I have to be discreet.
00:14:48Oh, interesting!
00:14:49Back off!
00:14:50Oh, you're not funny!
00:14:52I have to be able to do something.
00:14:55I could pretend to be a fashion designer.
00:14:57Betty's clothes are super classic.
00:14:59I can make them more stylish.
00:15:01I just have to cut here.
00:15:04Oh yes!
00:15:05It's much better.
00:15:06It's too high.
00:15:08That's mine!
00:15:09What was that?
00:15:13You're really a kid.
00:15:15Give it back!
00:15:17I can put it in the bin.
00:15:18But I had a lot of fun.
00:15:21I may not have to throw it away.
00:15:23I can always put it back.
00:15:25First I have to fold it in half.
00:15:28And I'm going to cut in the middle.
00:15:31I have to cut straight.
00:15:33I'm going to remove the sleeves.
00:15:34And now I'm going to cut strips.
00:15:39I stop just before I reach the collar.
00:15:41It looks a bit like a pompom when I unfold it.
00:15:45I'm going to spread out all the strips.
00:15:48I'm going to take these two and tie them together.
00:15:51I'm going to continue to tie the rest.
00:15:53It's as if I were making a braid in my hair.
00:15:56I'm going to make knots all the way down.
00:16:00I want it to look like a net.
00:16:06Just what I wanted!
00:16:07But I can't wear it as it is yet.
00:16:09Now it's better.
00:16:12Oh la la!
00:16:13It's so cute!
00:16:17You're always so lame.
00:16:18I'm ready to party.
00:16:20I can maybe touch his bag too.
00:16:25Mia, no!
00:16:28I can't wait to be at this date.
00:16:29I hope he'll be here soon.
00:16:31He put a rabbit on me.
00:16:33Where are you?
00:16:36Why does this always happen to me?
00:16:41A delicious milkshake.
00:16:43Is that Mia?
00:16:45Mia, hey!
00:16:46How are you?
00:16:47It's nice to see you.
00:16:49It's been a long time.
00:16:57My skirt is torn.
00:16:59I have a wrinkle.
00:17:01Don't worry.
00:17:02I'll take care of it.
00:17:04I always have a spare outfit.
00:17:05It happens to me often.
00:17:07My top has no problem.
00:17:08It's my skirt.
00:17:10Try it anyway.
00:17:11Yeah, there you go.
00:17:12Keep going.
00:17:13Why am I doing this?
00:17:15It doesn't look like it's working.
00:17:19I'll help you.
00:17:20We have to get the suspenders through.
00:17:22What's the point?
00:17:24This way we can slide it.
00:17:27And turn it into a skirt.
00:17:29Take off the one underneath.
00:17:32A brand new outfit.
00:17:37Oh la la!
00:17:38You're the best!
00:17:41He'll be here soon.
00:17:44Good luck!
00:17:48My drink.
00:17:53Someone's calling me.
00:17:58Not again!
00:18:00I'm so sorry.
00:18:01I'm extremely clumsy.
00:18:04I have an idea.
00:18:05Maybe we can use this scarf.
00:18:07It's worth a try.
00:18:09I'm going to wrap myself in the scarf while keeping both ends.
00:18:12Then I'm going to pass both ends through my ring.
00:18:16I'm going to slide the ring down like this.
00:18:18It's going to tighten the scarf.
00:18:20I'm going to pass both ends behind my neck and tie a knot.
00:18:24Like this.
00:18:25You're great.
00:18:27It suits you perfectly.
00:18:30I'm so relieved.
00:18:31You're welcome.
00:18:32Have a seat.
00:18:34Here we go again.
00:18:38I'm a little stressed.
00:18:41Here I am!
00:18:43Sorry I'm late.
00:18:44It's for you.
00:18:51I didn't do it on purpose.
00:18:52Oh no!
00:18:54I guess we won't see each other again.
00:18:58I don't have any change left.
00:19:00I'm fed up.
00:19:01I'm going to stay single.
00:19:05Oh my God!
00:19:06I need a new look.
00:19:09I can take this off.
00:19:11No need for these glasses.
00:19:15And I need to fix this shirt.
00:19:20Hi, Mildi.
00:19:22Give me that, Mildi.
00:19:24Now the party can begin.
00:19:28It's going to be great here.
00:19:30Everyone loves watermelon.
00:19:32And it's going to give my party an exotic atmosphere.
00:19:35Let's close the curtains.
00:19:39Here we go.
00:19:40I think it's ready.
00:19:41Not bad at all.
00:19:46I almost forgot...
00:19:48my watermelon.
00:19:50It's so beautiful.
00:19:51I'm going to bring it to the living room.
00:20:05The world is so cruel.
00:20:09What am I going to do now?
00:20:11Oh, I know.
00:20:13The store is closed.
00:20:15But I need a watermelon.
00:20:18I'm going to get rid of...
00:20:21I'm not at the right place.
00:20:23Maybe I'll find one here.
00:20:25I think it was a bad idea.
00:20:32Two delicious watermelons.
00:20:34But how is my T-shirt?
00:20:36It's not the most important thing.
00:20:39I didn't bring a bag to carry it.
00:20:41But maybe I don't need it.
00:20:43If it enlarges the holes in my T-shirt,
00:20:45I could use it.
00:20:47It's broken anyway.
00:20:49It should be enough.
00:20:50I just have to remove it and turn it over.
00:20:53And then I make a knot here.
00:20:55It's going to be super convenient.
00:20:57It's the perfect size for this watermelon.
00:20:59And I can bring it home.
00:21:03It's really perfect.
00:21:05Let's go.
00:21:07I'm finally home.
00:21:09I'm going to put my watermelon right here.
00:21:13This T-shirt really saved my life.
00:21:16Hey, it's watermelon.
00:21:18I want a slice.
00:21:20It's really good.
00:21:22I love it.
00:21:26It's time to take out the trash.
00:21:28I'm so tired.
00:21:30I need a day off.
00:21:32It smells bad.
00:21:35Oh no!
00:21:36There he is.
00:21:38He can't see me like that.
00:21:40I'm covered in dust.
00:21:42I need a solution.
00:21:45Why is he sitting there?
00:21:47I'm going to hide until he leaves.
00:21:49Come on, Chris!
00:21:54Oh no!
00:21:55He's coming!
00:21:56What am I going to do?
00:21:58I have no choice.
00:21:59I'm going to dive.
00:22:01That's incredible.
00:22:02I'll be right back.
00:22:04Now I really look like a trash can.
00:22:06But at least I still have my dignity.
00:22:09No, that's a bad idea.
00:22:13Come on, think.
00:22:14There must be a solution.
00:22:16Maybe I can use trash.
00:22:19Big words, big solutions.
00:22:23It could have been worse.
00:22:27But that's incredible.
00:22:29Are you okay, friend?
00:22:30Uh, yeah.
00:22:31Go away!
00:22:32Wait a second.
00:22:33I know you.
00:22:35Hi, Chris.
00:22:36What are you doing?
00:22:37You look like a tramp.
00:22:39You don't have to be mean.
00:22:41You're really a scoundrel.
00:22:44You're so mean.
00:22:47It can't be that hard.
00:22:51It's starting to take a while.
00:22:54Hello, Ben.
00:22:56But what...
00:22:58I need this dress.
00:22:59Let's swap.
00:23:01That's crazy.
00:23:03I knew it wouldn't work.
00:23:06I think I found it.
00:23:08I'm going to pull my sleeves like this.
00:23:11And pass my arms through the collar of my sweater.
00:23:15Then I make a nice knot on the front
00:23:17and a nice knot behind my neck.
00:23:20It's super cute.
00:23:22Ah, my hair.
00:23:25That's much better.
00:23:28But that's incredible.
00:23:29I'll be right back.
00:23:30Uh, Chris?
00:23:31Hey, come back.
00:23:32Hey, hi.
00:23:33How are you?
00:23:34Hi, Luna.
00:23:35That's so cool.
00:23:37Oh, you're so nice.
00:23:40Oh, my God.
00:23:41He's so funny.
00:23:42Oh, I got a super cute message.
00:23:44No way.
00:23:46Chris wants to go out with me.
00:23:51But wait.
00:23:53Look at this.
00:23:54Chris wants to go out with me too.
00:23:57How dare he do this to me?
00:23:59Oh, men.
00:24:01There must be a mistake.
00:24:03You're right.
00:24:04Why would he want to go out with you?
00:24:06You're right.
00:24:07Why would he want to go out with you?
00:24:09Only the two of us can go out with him, okay?
00:24:13And it's going to be me.
00:24:17Yeah, that's it.
00:24:18Let's see.
00:24:20I'm going to put it in his eyes.
00:24:23Oh, yeah.
00:24:24You want to play with it like that.
00:24:26I was just going to put this lipstick on.
00:24:28Oh, too bad for you.
00:24:34Don't worry about me.
00:24:35I love these earrings.
00:24:38I wasn't going to put them on anyway.
00:24:41These are much cooler.
00:24:43And it makes you happy to think about it.
00:24:46And it makes you happy to think about it.
00:24:47I just have to take my bag.
00:24:49Me too.
00:24:52This one.
00:24:54Are you kidding me?
00:24:56It wasn't pretty enough for me anyway.
00:24:58This jean looks great on me.
00:25:01It's mine.
00:25:02No, mine.
00:25:03No, mine.
00:25:04Let go of me.
00:25:05I told you before.
00:25:08You first.
00:25:11Look what you've done.
00:25:14I'll keep it.
00:25:16Good luck.
00:25:19What am I going to do now?
00:25:22I can't put this on.
00:25:26I tear it a little more.
00:25:28And then I put my arms in my legs.
00:25:33And my head in the opening.
00:25:35There you go.
00:25:36Now I adjust it a little.
00:25:38Wow, that's really cool.
00:25:40And I'm ready.
00:25:42Not so fast.
00:25:44Not bad, huh?
00:25:45I admit you've surpassed yourself.
00:25:49Let me go.
00:25:52Who's with him?
00:25:54Hey, hi girls.
00:25:56Oh, twins.
00:25:58Let's forget all that.
00:26:00After you.
00:26:04The next day
00:26:09Yeah, I'm just waiting for Mindy.
00:26:11Ah, here she is.
00:26:12I'll leave you.
00:26:13Hi, how are you?
00:26:14Let's go.
00:26:17I can't get up.
00:26:18That's weird.
00:26:20You're not going to be happy.
00:26:22The paint is fresh.
00:26:24No, I didn't see the chalk.
00:26:26What did I do to deserve this?
00:26:29I can't move.
00:26:31I'm stuck at the bottom.
00:26:35It happens quite often.
00:26:38What can I do?
00:26:42By the way, did I use paint or glue?
00:26:47As if nothing happened.
00:26:49It's useless.
00:26:50I'm stuck.
00:26:53Wait, I might have an idea.
00:26:56I thought it would work.
00:26:58Pull harder.
00:27:00Come on, get off my bench.
00:27:03Phew, that was hard.
00:27:07I'm exhausted.
00:27:10Don't talk to me.
00:27:12Are you okay?
00:27:14Tell me the truth.
00:27:16It's broken, isn't it?
00:27:21But wait.
00:27:23I think I can fix it.
00:27:25I just need two or three things.
00:27:27Thank you very much.
00:27:31I loved this jean.
00:27:34Let's get to work.
00:27:36Trust me.
00:27:38I'm just going to add a little paint to your jean.
00:27:41I'm even going to use some handkerchiefs.
00:27:44You're going to look great.
00:27:46A few more lines here.
00:27:48And that's going to look great.
00:27:51I should get into fashion.
00:27:53That's it for this side.
00:27:55And now the front.
00:27:57Thanks to this piece of cardboard,
00:27:59you won't have any paint on your skin.
00:28:01I should get paid for this.
00:28:04Okay, a few more details.
00:28:09And that's it.
00:28:11What do you think?
00:28:13Wow, it's beautiful.
00:28:17And my jean is unique in the world now.
00:28:19You're great.
00:28:21You would have done the same for me.
00:28:24Come on, let's go.
00:28:28Where's my paint?
00:28:30I must have put it somewhere.
00:28:32I thought I had lost it.
00:28:35I just made a big mistake.
00:28:41Aren't clothes great?
00:28:43They can give you a relaxed, comfortable, stylish and serious look.
00:28:47But clothes can also cause a lot of problems.
00:28:53I love this.
00:28:54If only I could only eat chocolate.
00:28:57And ice cream, of course.
00:29:02Wow, that's a lot of junk food for one person.
00:29:05What are you doing?
00:29:07It's like you're eating sugar.
00:29:09If you keep eating like that,
00:29:11you won't look like that for a long time.
00:29:13You must be right.
00:29:15But would it be so bad?
00:29:20Yes, I finally got all the chocolate I was dreaming of.
00:29:23Phew, I don't want that for myself.
00:29:26What should I wear for sports?
00:29:31I'll stop wearing pajamas.
00:29:33There must be sportswear somewhere in there.
00:29:36Damn, it's the only leggings I can find.
00:29:40So, what's wrong with me?
00:29:43But look, I'm not okay.
00:29:47Listen, I'm sure we can break up.
00:29:50Listen, I'm sure we can do something to make it look like mine.
00:29:56That's a great idea.
00:30:00I'm going to flatten it.
00:30:02And then I'm going to need scissors.
00:30:04I'm going to cut it to shorten it.
00:30:06I'm going to go slowly to make sure I cut it straight.
00:30:09Just like that.
00:30:11Same thing for both legs.
00:30:13Perfect, it's ready, I can put it on.
00:30:15Wow, it fits me really well.
00:30:17And it's pretty.
00:30:19It's great.
00:30:21Thank you, let's run.
00:30:26I just have to finish my laces.
00:30:29I should probably throw this chewing gum away.
00:30:31I'm going to put it right here.
00:30:33Oh, someone sent me a message.
00:30:35Oh dear, this workout is super hard.
00:30:41No, I told you to stop.
00:30:43Why didn't you listen to me?
00:30:45What's the problem?
00:30:47What's wrong?
00:30:50It's chewing gum!
00:30:52I sat on a chewing gum!
00:30:54Why do you always leave your chewing gum all over the place?
00:30:58What am I supposed to do with this leggings now?
00:31:01You know what? It's up to you to take it off.
00:31:03Okay, but I don't really know how to do it.
00:31:07Don't push yourself too hard.
00:31:11Oh, that's stupid.
00:31:13I can't believe you did that.
00:31:15There must be something I can do.
00:31:16Wait a second.
00:31:18I have a pair of scissors.
00:31:21Never in my life!
00:31:23I don't want a hole in my leggings.
00:31:25Trust me.
00:31:27I know it's scary, but it's going to work.
00:31:29I promise.
00:31:31I'm just going to start by cutting your leggings.
00:31:33There you go.
00:31:35I'm just going to remove the place with the chewing gum.
00:31:37Yes, just as I imagined.
00:31:39Look, try it.
00:31:44What am I supposed to do with this?
00:31:46Calm down and turn around, please.
00:31:51You see?
00:31:53Now you just have to put them inside.
00:31:55Oh, that's pretty cute.
00:31:57But I still don't have any leggings!
00:31:59Here, you can take my shorts.
00:32:03You're super cute!
00:32:06Phew, I'm so relieved that it worked.
00:32:09Okay, yes, you can come in.
00:32:13Oh, it looks like we have to wait in line before entering.
00:32:16I hope we don't have to wait too long.
00:32:18Yes, the line is still moving.
00:32:22Wow, very pretty.
00:32:24Come in.
00:32:27Uh, no, no, not possible.
00:32:32Okay, I'm kidding.
00:32:34I didn't want to go anyway.
00:32:35People have to learn to dress better if they want to enter.
00:32:38And he's the one who says that,
00:32:40when his classic is boring to death.
00:32:43Wait, maybe I can try this outfit on.
00:32:49I said no!
00:32:54I must be able to do something to get in.
00:32:57Hair down, glasses down.
00:32:59Let's go!
00:33:06You again?
00:33:08No, no, no!
00:33:12Why can't she get it in her head?
00:33:15It's not fair, he's so mean.
00:33:19What if I used these scissors?
00:33:22Would it work?
00:33:24Wait, it could really work.
00:33:27Sorry, my bag, but I have to cut you.
00:33:31There you go, I've removed the bottom.
00:33:32Now, the next step.
00:33:34I wear it like a stripper.
00:33:36I need something else to make this outfit really stand out.
00:33:39My Creole should do the trick.
00:33:46Now I'm sure I'm coming in.
00:33:51Okay, you can come in.
00:33:53Yes, I knew it would work.
00:33:59I just have to go through my locker.
00:34:03He's so cute!
00:34:08See you later, my love.
00:34:11He's right there!
00:34:18He didn't even notice me!
00:34:20It's so unfair!
00:34:24Is she crying?
00:34:26I wonder if I can do something.
00:34:29I know she's into Jared.
00:34:33You know what? I'm going to talk to her.
00:34:36Hi, are you crying because of Jared?
00:34:39Listen, I think I can help you get his attention.
00:34:42Are you sure?
00:34:44Take my bracelet and do exactly what I tell you.
00:34:48Okay, I can do that.
00:34:51I really hope it works.
00:34:54Okay, first I have to unbutton and take off my vest.
00:34:58And then she said I had to put it upside down.
00:35:01Okay, that's good.
00:35:03Now the bracelet comes into play.
00:35:05This step can be a little difficult.
00:35:07I have to catch the two ends in my back and put them in the bracelet.
00:35:10Then I have to pull until it's tight.
00:35:13Now I have to tie the last button at the front.
00:35:16And I'm just going to fold the vest so you can't see the button.
00:35:21Now I take off my glasses and I untie my hair.
00:35:24Okay, I think I'm ready to start my new look.
00:35:28Wow, who's that?
00:35:31She's gorgeous!
00:35:33Hi, I bought you this teddy bear because I know you like stuffed animals.
00:35:36What's going on?
00:35:38And where did all these boys come from?
00:35:40Yes, it's true that it makes sense.
00:35:43Wow, I must be a little tired.
00:35:46Wait, what's that?
00:35:48No way!
00:35:50I won't miss this party for anything!
00:35:51And I can't go out in this outfit!
00:35:54Okay, calm down and think about it.
00:35:57I can put on makeup with both hands at the same time.
00:36:00It's bound to save me time.
00:36:02Oh, these earrings are so hard to put on.
00:36:05Oh, I broke my brush.
00:36:08And now I put on these red scarves from Tonnerre.
00:36:11Yes, I made the right choice.
00:36:13But what am I going to wear as an outfit?
00:36:16Too chic.
00:36:18Too relaxed.
00:36:19Oh, I think this is the perfect outfit.
00:36:22Yes, this is really the outfit I need.
00:36:28Hi, are you ready to go?
00:36:31Oh no!
00:36:33You're wearing the same dress as me?
00:36:36Oh no, what are we going to do now?
00:36:39We can't really go out like this.
00:36:42Oh yeah.
00:36:44Wait a second, I just had a great idea!
00:36:46I know how to arrange my dress so that it doesn't look like yours anymore.
00:36:49I'm just going to cross the suspenders like this.
00:36:55And now I'm going to have to use my good old scissors.
00:36:58I cut slots on each side.
00:37:03Wow, it has almost nothing to do with mine anymore.
00:37:06You're really going to be sublime tonight.
00:37:18Wow, it's beautiful!
00:37:20And I look, well, let's say, less beautiful.
00:37:23Too bad.
00:37:25Oh, she looks so sad.
00:37:29I think I know what could cheer her up.
00:37:32I'm sure I'm going to need these scissors.
00:37:34What are you doing with that?
00:37:36Are you starting to scare me?
00:37:38No! Let's go!
00:37:40Don't move, I'm going to make some arrangements.
00:37:42All you have to do is cut at the seam level.
00:37:43And there you go, I'm great!
00:37:45Now we remove the sleeves.
00:37:47Wow, what a change!
00:37:49But we're not done yet.
00:37:51Oh, my glasses!
00:37:53Okay, I'll take them off.
00:37:55After all, it's better to be pretty than to see clearly.
00:37:59I'm going to stretch the fabric a little at the cut level.
00:38:01And there you go!
00:38:03Hi, I brought the fruit juice as planned.
00:38:05And me, the goblets.
00:38:07But that's not all, you'll see.
00:38:09I also brought this delicious spread.
00:38:11Yum! I love it!
00:38:13I'm going to open it right away.
00:38:15Oh, look at all this delicious chocolate!
00:38:19I spread it all over.
00:38:21And there you go, here, it's for you.
00:38:23Great, thank you very much.
00:38:25I'm going to need a napkin to eat this spread.
00:38:27Mmm, it's so good!
00:38:31You're welcome, that's what friends do.
00:38:33I'm going to make myself one too.
00:38:35Oh no!
00:38:37I put it everywhere!
00:38:39Oh no!
00:38:41Here, take my napkin to wipe.
00:38:43Oh, I hope it's going to work.
00:38:45It's even worse!
00:38:47The chocolate spread all over!
00:38:49Oh no!
00:38:51We must be able to find a solution.
00:38:53Oh, look!
00:38:55We're going to use my ribbons.
00:38:57Um, I don't see how to solve the problem.
00:38:59Trust me!
00:39:01Come on, take off your hat and turn it around.
00:39:03Good, now we're going to pass the ribbons.
00:39:05I'm going to slide them through the straps, like this.
00:39:07Well, are you ready?
00:39:09Now pass the ribbon over your head.
00:39:13I'm going to pass it through the top.
00:39:15Same thing on the other side.
00:39:17Oh, I get it!
00:39:19I can manage from here.
00:39:21I just have to tie it around my back.
00:39:23Hi girls!
00:39:25We're here for the picnic.
00:39:29We saved your outfit!
00:39:33Your top is really nice!
00:39:35Oh, thank you!
00:39:37Go ahead, use it.
00:39:39There's a lot of things to nibble on.
00:39:41Let's see.
00:39:43No, I don't have a penny in my pocket anymore.
00:39:45And in the other one?
00:39:47A dollar.
00:39:49It's always better than nothing.
00:39:51Too bad.
00:39:53I'm going to get undressed.
00:39:55No, not that.
00:39:57Not that either.
00:39:59Certainly not.
00:40:01Oh, here you are!
00:40:03That's exactly what I was looking for.
00:40:05Oh no, my socks!
00:40:07How did this happen?
00:40:09How am I going to do this?
00:40:11Oh, I have an idea!
00:40:15Then I turn it around and cut it in the other direction.
00:40:17Here's the hole.
00:40:19I'm going to cut all around it.
00:40:21And there you go!
00:40:23I've turned my trousers into a super cute top.
00:40:25I'm a genius!
00:40:27You know what?
00:40:29I think I'm going to take a selfie.
00:40:33A good song and some paint.
00:40:35Let's go!
00:40:39I love this color!
00:40:40She's not here.
00:40:42I'm going to text her.
00:40:44I'm here.
00:40:46I'm waiting for you.
00:40:48Is it...?
00:40:50Oh no!
00:40:52It's not possible!
00:40:54Fresh paint!
00:40:56Oh no!
00:40:58I can't believe it!
00:41:00I have paint all over my hands now!
00:41:02Not that!
00:41:04Oh no!
00:41:06My pants!
00:41:08I sat on fresh paint!
00:41:10I'm going to try to wash my hands.
00:41:12It's not working at all!
00:41:14Maybe the fabric will do the trick.
00:41:16Oh no!
00:41:18This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me!
00:41:22This is getting interesting.
00:41:24I'm going to keep going.
00:41:26It looks like this girl is crying.
00:41:28Oh, poor girl.
00:41:30She looks so sad.
00:41:32I think I can help you.
00:41:34Who's that?
00:41:38There's only you and me here.
00:41:40I have nothing to lose anyway.
00:41:42Oh no!
00:41:44Stop crying!
00:41:46Here, take this.
00:41:48Oh no!
00:41:54Here's a real tissue.
00:41:56Oh no!
00:41:58Leave me alone!
00:42:00You're not helping at all!
00:42:04I promised to help you solve your problem.
00:42:06Don't move.
00:42:08I'm going to repaint your pants.
00:42:10Oh, that's beautiful.
00:42:12I'm going to do the other side.
00:42:14Yes, more paint.
00:42:18I can't believe my eyes.
00:42:20It's absolutely beautiful.
00:42:22With great pleasure.
00:42:24I'm quite satisfied with the result.
00:42:26Wait, I'm going to give you something for your work.
00:42:29Wow, thank you very much.
00:42:33I don't remember the amount she offered me.
00:42:38Sorry I'm late.
00:42:40I'm here now.
00:42:42Oh, I have bad news for you.
00:42:44Come on, let's take a little detour before we go.
00:42:46Oh, here you are again.
00:42:48Look, I made a new sign.
00:42:50Relooking, 10 dollars.
00:42:56It's a terrible weather today.
00:42:58Hello, madam.
00:43:00Here's our card.
00:43:04Oh, a dog!
00:43:06He's sitting right in front of me.
00:43:08He's looking this way.
00:43:10I'm going to say hi to him.
00:43:14Do I have something on my face?
00:43:16It looks like the lightning strike is not reciprocal.
00:43:18Oh, wow!
00:43:20She's so beautiful.
00:43:22Her hair is beautiful.
00:43:26Is that her style?
00:43:28Oh, I think it's one of my most beautiful cakes.
00:43:30Oh, it looks like I'm going to get a new order.
00:43:32I'm coming.
00:43:34Hello, sir.
00:43:36What would you like?
00:43:38Oh, well, thank you.
00:43:40It's nice of you.
00:43:42Did you make your choice?
00:43:44Yes, I'll take that, please.
00:43:46Did he just say that red is his favorite color?
00:43:48I don't wear any red on me,
00:43:50neither in my hair, nor on my clothes.
00:43:52It's not fair.
00:43:54How could I have guessed?
00:43:56She has all her attention just because she wears a red apron.
00:43:58Is she angry with me just because this guy flirted with me?
00:44:02Here you are.
00:44:04Enjoy your meal.
00:44:06I can't believe it.
00:44:10It looks delicious.
00:44:12All my favorite red vegetables on the same plate.
00:44:14Enjoy your meal.
00:44:16What is he doing now?
00:44:18He's only eating red vegetables?
00:44:20Oh no, another girl.
00:44:22And she's wearing red.
00:44:24She too, he found her.
00:44:26All because she's wearing red.
00:44:28Wait, maybe I could...
00:44:30Or I could...
00:44:32That's it, I think I've found the solution.
00:44:34Let's see what I could use.
00:44:36Oh, of course.
00:44:38Well, it's time to make a skirt out of this umbrella.
00:44:40Wow, I love the shape and the color.
00:44:42Oh, he's looking this way.
00:44:44Hi, how are you?
00:44:46Wow, I have to give her this pretty rose right now.
00:44:48This rose reminds me of you,
00:44:50because you are adorable.
00:44:52Oh, thank you very much.
00:44:54Would you like to go for a ride?
00:44:59What is that?
00:45:01An umbrella or something like that?
00:45:03What am I supposed to do with that?
00:45:05Oh, I'm starting to fall asleep.
00:45:07It's time to go to bed.
00:45:09A good night's sleep will do me a lot of good.
00:45:11Huh? Is that my phone?
00:45:13Where is it?
00:45:15Ah, there it is.
00:45:17What's his name? Hello?
00:45:19Hi, I'm at a party and it's great.
00:45:21Join us quickly.
00:45:23We all want you to be there.
00:45:26I'm exhausted.
00:45:29Oh no, what day is it?
00:45:31Oh no, I don't believe it.
00:45:32Today is the party of the year.
00:45:34How could I forget?
00:45:36What am I going to wear?
00:45:38It should be fine.
00:45:40Let me take a look in the mirror before I go.
00:45:44Hi Penny, I'm here.
00:45:46Hi everyone.
00:45:48Sorry I'm late.
00:45:50Honey, what's this outfit?
00:45:52Oh, I wasn't told there was a dress code for this party.
00:45:56Funny choice, but oh well.
00:45:58How awful.
00:46:00I can't let my target see this.
00:46:02I'm sorry to tell you this, but your outfit doesn't suit you at all.
00:46:06It's a bit too cute.
00:46:08You really need to change.
00:46:10I can't believe I made such a mistake.
00:46:12I must have something to fix this.
00:46:15No, none of these knots suit me.
00:46:17They all have the same style.
00:46:19No more earplugs.
00:46:21I found it!
00:46:23I have these two pliers.
00:46:25Yes, I'm sure it will work.
00:46:27I'm going to remove my braids.
00:46:29Now to work.
00:46:31Are you ready?
00:46:33Let's go.
00:46:35I'm going to take my hair up and put the pliers like this.
00:46:37Then I pass my hair around and put the pliers back.
00:46:39There we go.
00:46:41Then I pass my hair over it.
00:46:43And I put some pliers so that it doesn't move.
00:46:45There we go.
00:46:47Everything is in place and nothing moves.
00:46:51Now I have to do the other side.
00:46:53There we go.
00:46:55No more earplugs from now on.
00:46:57Hey Penny, I'm back.
00:46:59I can't believe you did that so easily.
00:47:01Wow, look at her now.
00:47:03Her hair is so much better.
00:47:05I absolutely have to take a picture of her now.
00:47:07Yes, go ahead.
00:47:09Take a picture of us both.
00:47:13We are all sometimes very busy.
00:47:15But that doesn't mean we can't have fun with fashion.
00:47:20Come on, jump!
00:47:22Wow, that's what we call a jump in fashion.
00:47:29When it comes to clothes,
00:47:31forget about the class.
00:47:33Let's have some fun.
00:47:37Hey, give me your money.
00:47:41Look at this girl.
00:47:43Oh, I have dust in my eye.
00:47:46It hurts.
00:47:48This bag is mine.
00:47:51Let's go.
00:47:55Phew, that's better.
00:47:57Don't turn around.
00:47:59That's right, stay distracted.
00:48:05Too slow, miss!
00:48:07I don't think so, sir.
00:48:13Oh no!
00:48:15I'm going to fall!
00:48:18Oh, I didn't think of that.
00:48:21Uh, excuse me?
00:48:23This moron destroyed my creator bag.
00:48:26Don't call the police!
00:48:30I can't believe it.
00:48:33What am I going to do now?
00:48:35Look at my clothes.
00:48:37They're all dirty.
00:48:41This is bad luck.
00:48:44My scarf.
00:48:46It looks like it's still in good shape.
00:48:48I think I can do something with it.
00:48:52A knot here.
00:48:55And another one in each corner.
00:48:59It's like a little pocket.
00:49:03Now I'm going to tie these two together.
00:49:06A double knot will be even better.
00:49:09And here are the handles.
00:49:12It looks like a brand new bag.
00:49:15Perfect for storing my stuff temporarily.
00:49:18It's even pretty cute, isn't it?
00:49:22It's not a little thief who's going to ruin my day.
00:49:29It's not over yet!
00:49:33Ouch, ouch, ouch!
00:49:36Oh, it's going to be okay.
00:49:38What a pamper.
00:49:40I'm almost done.
00:49:43Very good.
00:49:47It's over?
00:49:53It looks like a real rock star.
00:49:54I can't wait to show it to everyone.
00:49:57Oh, this sweater hides the sight.
00:50:01I refuse to have suffered so much for nothing.
00:50:05A sweater.
00:50:07Beginner's mistake.
00:50:09Would a knot work?
00:50:11I hate this thing.
00:50:16I can roll up my sleeve to keep the fabric up.
00:50:19I just have to put my arm back in this way.
00:50:24Like this.
00:50:28Like this.
00:50:30It doesn't go down so low anymore.
00:50:32My coolness has gone up a notch.
00:50:37I'm glad you like it, kid.
00:50:42Thank you, ugly tattoo artist.
00:50:45I mean, it's cool.
00:50:48Yes, I'm so happy.
00:50:51It doesn't look good.
00:50:54I've seen enough.
00:50:56You are...
00:51:02Let's see.
00:51:06I hope I won't throw up.
00:51:08I'm coming.
00:51:13The competition is getting tough.
00:51:16I have to get her out of the race.
00:51:18I just drink my coffee.
00:51:25What a clumsiness!
00:51:30Are you okay?
00:51:32Oh, I'm so confused.
00:51:35I can't present myself like this.
00:51:37I can't wear this anymore.
00:51:41My outfit is ruined.
00:51:43I can't wear this.
00:51:45I can't wear this.
00:51:47Except if I make a little adjustment.
00:51:50Let's think.
00:51:52I can use my strap to change the shape of my top.
00:51:58You see how it changes everything?
00:52:01With just a little imagination.
00:52:08Where did she find this top?
00:52:10Her outfit is more beautiful than mine.
00:52:12Oh no!
00:52:15I'll never be a model!
00:52:20Good luck.
00:52:22Come on.
00:52:28What's going on in there?
00:52:30I'd better get closer.
00:52:32Are they taking her?
00:52:35The audition is over.
00:52:37What do you want?
00:52:43You can call a taxi.
00:52:48Is it really happening?
00:52:54These chords touch me deeply.
00:53:00Another theme party?
00:53:02That's incredible!
00:53:06Where was I?
00:53:08Oh yes!
00:53:10Aloha, Betty!
00:53:11Ready for the Hawaiian party?
00:53:13Yes, of course.
00:53:15Let's go.
00:53:17You can't wear that.
00:53:19It's a party, not a funeral.
00:53:27You'll make all the guests run away.
00:53:30A few flowers should solve the problem.
00:53:37Follow me.
00:53:38Are these our only options?
00:53:45It's cold in Hawaii, isn't it?
00:53:47I'm kidding.
00:53:49I think we'll stay at home.
00:53:52Dirty flowers!
00:53:55I feel a little sick.
00:53:59Hey, Bella!
00:54:03OK, I'm fine.
00:54:05Will you forgive me?
00:54:06You forgive me?
00:54:08You know I can't stay angry.
00:54:11A pink T-shirt?
00:54:13It was under our nose all this time.
00:54:24OK, it won't bite.
00:54:27You see?
00:54:29It has a huge hole.
00:54:31It's not a problem.
00:54:36Did you find a T-shirt?
00:54:39Read it now.
00:54:41Now that you've cut it,
00:54:43we have something to work with.
00:54:46Look how cute it is.
00:54:48Use the excess fabric
00:54:50to make pretty fringes.
00:54:52Make a knot like this.
00:54:59It's actually quite cute.
00:55:01Well done!
00:55:03I'm really good, aren't I?
00:55:06How is it going?
00:55:08Are you sure it looks good?
00:55:15It's so cool!
00:55:17What a color!
00:55:21I don't like knitting needles at all.
00:55:24But it's nice to spend some time
00:55:26with my little daughter.
00:55:28Oh my God!
00:55:30What is it?
00:55:32There you go!
00:55:34It's perfect!
00:55:36Look what I made for you!
00:55:40Oh, you knitted a sweater for me?
00:55:42Thank you!
00:55:44Here you go!
00:55:46Wow, it's heavy!
00:55:48Do you like it?
00:55:50Thank you! It's great!
00:55:52If I wear this to school,
00:55:54people will make fun of me.
00:55:56It's not good for my reputation.
00:56:00Look how she's dressed!
00:56:03Watch out!
00:56:05No, I can't.
00:56:07I don't want this.
00:56:09Hey, granny!
00:56:11Oh, she fell asleep.
00:56:13What can I do?
00:56:15One second, I have an idea!
00:56:17It's time to try something!
00:56:19I'll make sure this sweater fits me better.
00:56:21I'll just change this rolled collar into a dress.
00:56:23Yeah, that's it!
00:56:25Now I just have to do something
00:56:27with these sleeves.
00:56:29I just have to tie them behind my back.
00:56:31Just a quick flat knot
00:56:33so no one can see them.
00:56:35And that's it!
00:56:37How to turn a super wide sweater
00:56:39into a pretty dress!
00:56:42Oh, granny is so cute!
00:56:44I'm going to let her sleep.
00:56:46She needs it.
00:56:48She's so thoughtful with me.
00:56:53Let's see if the others
00:56:55want to make fun of me again.
00:56:59This dress is so cool!
00:57:01Thank you!
00:57:06It's time to party!
00:57:10I brought you a present!
00:57:12Wow, thank you so much!
00:57:14You're welcome!
00:57:16I'm so hungry!
00:57:18I love receiving presents.
00:57:20I wonder what it is.
00:57:25This is so exciting!
00:57:27So, what is it?
00:57:29It doesn't make any sense.
00:57:30So, do you like it?
00:57:32It's a skirt.
00:57:34It's a bit too big.
00:57:37Actually, it's a pair of pants.
00:57:39I love the color.
00:57:41Oh no!
00:57:43It's horrible!
00:57:45Wait, we can fix that.
00:57:50OK, let's try!
00:57:52Come on, it's time to celebrate
00:57:54this anniversary.
00:57:56Here are some really big pants.
00:57:58I just need to take a pair of scissors
00:58:01and cut off a leg.
00:58:06There we go!
00:58:08And I take it off.
00:58:10It's not a pair of pants anymore.
00:58:12I put it on my head
00:58:14and this leg becomes a sleeve.
00:58:17There we go!
00:58:19This awful pair of pants
00:58:21has become a top!
00:58:25I'm back!
00:58:28I love this t-shirt!
00:58:31Oh boy!
00:58:38These holidays are going to be great!
00:58:41I can't wait to be all tan
00:58:43and I've done some crazy shopping,
00:58:45you'll see!
00:58:47Let's pack this suitcase.
00:58:52I can't forget anything.
00:58:56Especially my hat.
00:58:58I can't take my shoes off.
00:59:03I need sandals instead.
00:59:08Where did I leave them?
00:59:12A mouse!
00:59:14It nibbled my sandals!
00:59:16Give them back, you stupid rodent!
00:59:20I said give them back!
00:59:24Get out of here!
00:59:28It's good, it's gone.
00:59:30I have an idea!
00:59:33I can take these boots
00:59:35and cut off the end.
00:59:37There we go!
00:59:40It's clean!
00:59:42And now I cut all along here.
00:59:47And here's the result!
00:59:50I've got a new pair of sandals!
00:59:53I love it!
00:59:55Take this in your face, you fool!
00:59:58Watch out for the beach!
01:00:00I'm coming!
01:00:08It's laundry day!
01:00:11Luckily I don't have too much laundry to wash.
01:00:16Oh! My favorite jean!
01:00:18I love it so much!
01:00:21And here's just a little machine.
01:00:24Let's go!
01:00:26It should be quick.
01:00:28I'll sit down and wait here.
01:00:33Wow! We learn every day!
01:00:37Yes, I'm waiting for my laundry to wash.
01:00:40Oh, it's done!
01:00:42I'll call you back.
01:00:46Here's my skirt!
01:00:50But why is it so small?
01:00:52No, no, no, no, it's not possible!
01:00:55Not my favorite jean!
01:00:58Phew! It looks normal!
01:01:00I'll try it anyway to be sure.
01:01:02Come on, get in!
01:01:04I have to pull harder!
01:01:07Oh, it's useless!
01:01:09It must have shrunk too!
01:01:12My jean is ruined!
01:01:14I'm disgusted!
01:01:16My day is ruined!
01:01:19I feel like I've been betrayed
01:01:21by this washing machine.
01:01:23Hey, I have an idea!
01:01:25Maybe if I put it on backwards,
01:01:26I can raise my legs.
01:01:32I pull on it!
01:01:34Yeah, it worked!
01:01:36I'm in!
01:01:38Bye-bye, skirt!
01:01:40I don't need you anymore!
01:01:44Yeah, my favorite jean fits me again!
01:01:47And it's even closer to the body!
01:01:51I'll finally have a good day!
01:01:53I'll finally have a good day!
01:02:00It looks like it's the right address.
01:02:03Oh, it must be my package!
01:02:07Delivery for you!
01:02:10Yeah, I love receiving packages!
01:02:12This one comes from Australia.
01:02:14Let's open this box.
01:02:16Come on, I have to remove this tape.
01:02:19Oh, it's useless!
01:02:20But yes!
01:02:22Let's use scissors!
01:02:24It's more efficient to cut the stock.
01:02:27I cut the entire length.
01:02:29And there you go!
01:02:31I can open the box.
01:02:33Oh no!
01:02:35I cut my jacket!
01:02:38It's ruined!
01:02:40It's a disaster!
01:02:43Maybe I can do something.
01:02:46Come on, I'll put it on
01:02:48and see what happens.
01:02:50Let's see what I can do.
01:02:52I'll take the scissors again.
01:02:54I'll continue to cut
01:02:56where it's already torn.
01:02:58There you go!
01:03:00And I go all around.
01:03:02I can now use the bottom to make a skirt.
01:03:04The buttons will help me hold it.
01:03:06And there you go!
01:03:08It makes me a pretty little set!
01:03:13This look is incredible!
01:03:15I have to take a picture.
01:03:17These selfies will get me likes!
01:03:18And there you go!
01:03:20I'll post this one.
01:03:23Oh, I hope they'll like it!
01:03:26That's it!
01:03:28They think I'm so cool!
01:03:37I can't wait to get some rest.
01:03:39I deserve it!
01:03:41Come on!
01:03:43I just have to put on my swimsuit.
01:03:45Oh no!
01:03:46The fabric!
01:03:48Oh no!
01:03:50I forgot there was a chocolate bar in my bag!
01:03:52I can't wear it like this!
01:03:54What can I do?
01:03:56I think I know how to fix this.
01:04:00I just need this big piece of fabric.
01:04:04OK, it looks like there's a lot to do.
01:04:08I'll start by wrapping it around my waist.
01:04:12It's almost like a skirt!
01:04:14So cute!
01:04:16I'm not done yet.
01:04:18I pass it between my legs.
01:04:20I pass it under the knot I just made.
01:04:23Now I lower the upper edge a little
01:04:26and use the rest to make another knot behind my back.
01:04:31And there you go!
01:04:35My new swimsuit!
01:04:37Now I can tan!
01:04:40All I have to do is put on a lot of cream.
01:04:48This swimsuit is so beautiful!
01:04:50Stop looking at it!
01:04:52Move it!
01:04:54Swimsuit test passed!
