What happened to the #Celtics ?! After the loss, are you worried about that potential #NBA Finals matchup? Did SGA lock up the MVP?
00:00the boston celtics and the outcome of last night's game i'm calling wiggins jinx on that one i know i
00:08was definite jinx in the building you were in the building yeah feet on feet on the floor last night
00:13feet on the parquet yeah um i know what you're gonna do is you're gonna sit here all morning
00:19like a like a a beach boy song and say don't worry don't worry baby but i uh actually greg
00:28wiggy's gonna say don't get it twisted don't get it twisted don't worry greg uh but i jalen brown
00:36last night was i don't think he showed up was not in not in the house him or peep which um
00:43the uh the fouling out with three minutes left is just not not what i want from jalen brown
00:49now in a big game now i it's i understand it's a big regular season game uh-huh and greg you get
00:57all worked up over nothing but uh you do you played you played him twice this season yeah
01:03and you lost both times you did lose both times so um it was a very good game uh the celtics
01:09love the three-point line we know that love it they shot 60 plus how many 63 63
01:18three-point attempts last night including jt in the third quarter from basically half court
01:26i i like i i don't i i am living great did you think at halftime though at halftime last night
01:32i was i was seeing the social medias as we put it and jalen brown had two points and that
01:41quiet reaction is why what tatum endures is far more than what jalen brown will ever have to do
01:48as long as he's teammates with jason tatum the best thing for jalen brown is that tatum's on
01:53this team yeah because if you flip those first halves x whatever it's called is going out of
01:58its ever-loving mind another national tv game where tatum doesn't show up what the heck's going
02:04on i thought he was supposed to be an mvp jalen brown didn't show up last night and it was hardly
02:10a blip in the reaction in terms of anger from fans yeah i mean i think curtis is spot on with that
02:15and that's kind of what we've known and come when we look at this team