• avant-hier
Solann a joué deux titres pour Foudre en version acoustique, "Les Ogres" de son propre répertoire ainsi qu'une reprise de "Farewell Angelina" de Joan Baez. Deux versions inédites accompagnées par Waxx à la guitare dans Foudre.


00:00Farewell Angelina, the bells of the crown
00:06Being stolen by bandits, I must follow the sound
00:12The triangle tingles and the trumpets play slow
00:17But farewell Angelina, the sky is on fire
00:23And I must go
00:28There is no need for anger, there is no need for blame
00:34There is nothing to prove, everything's still the same
00:40Just a table standing empty by the edge of the sea
00:46Means farewell Angelina, the sky is trembling
00:51And I must leave
00:57The Jack and Queen have forsaken the courtyard
01:03Fifty-two chiefsies now fall past the guards
01:09In a space where the deuce and the ace once ran wild
01:15Farewell Angelina, the sky is falling
01:19I'll see you in a while
01:24The machine guns are roaring and the puppets heap rocks
01:30And fiends nail time bombs to the hands of the clocks
01:36Call me any name you like, I will never deny it
01:42But farewell Angelina, the sky is erupting
01:47I must go where it's quiet
01:53But farewell Angelina, the sky is erupting
01:58I must go where it's quiet
