Short filmTranscript
02:05Oh, no you don't.
02:06Give me those plans.
02:28Quick, Mr. Craig, this way.
02:40What happened?
02:41Where's Clayton?
02:42Gone with Dick Tracy.
02:53Get the wing ready.
03:13Take your positions.
03:14Ready to fire.
03:24Blast them out of the sky.
03:29That's got them.
03:31Let's get the motor.
03:36We'll have to bail out.
03:42All right, let's go.
03:44Hang on to the chutes.
04:03We'll make them wish their plane had ended it quickly for them.
04:07We'll make them wish their plane had ended it quickly for them.
04:32Time quickly.
04:33Get out of the range of that machine gun.
04:47Stay at that altitude.
04:48We're too high to expect any further interference.
05:18Are you all right, Mr. Baden?
05:19I'm all right.
05:20But for a while up there, I was afraid the spider had us.
05:23If Steve hadn't come along, we'd have looked like a couple of thieves.
05:25Afraid your plane's a wreck, though.
05:27Oh, that's all right.
05:28It's a long time alive to build another one.
05:30I saved the plan.
05:32Thanks to over there in the trees.
05:37I'll investigate the wreckage, and as soon as Steve lands,
05:39you tell him to wait here with you.
05:41We'll be waiting for you.
05:50Calling Location 3.
05:52Calling Location 3.
05:55Go ahead, Gordon.
05:57The speed plane crashed at Drury Field,
06:00but I think the motors might be salvaged.
06:02Recover them, Gordon.
06:04Then contact Durst and Zeppelin and put the motors aboard in midair.
06:08I must have those motors at any cost.
06:10The dirigible has taken me back to my country today.
06:13I will contact it at once.
06:15The dirigible has taken me back to my country today.
06:17I will contact it at once and wait for word where to meet you.
06:21Very well, Durst.
06:25Stay in the stratosphere until you're above Durry Field.
06:27Then descend.
06:31Calling ZQR 6.
06:34Calling ZQR 6.
06:41Get it, get it.
06:42ZQR 6 standing by.
06:44ZQR 6 standing by.
06:46Return to appointed rendezvous immediately.
06:51I will contact you in plane.
06:54Very well, Excellency.
07:15ZQR 6
07:21ZQR 6
07:26ZQR 6
07:30ZQR 6
07:35ZQR 6
07:39ZQR 6
07:44The motors don't seem to be hurt a bit.
07:55Come on, fellows.
07:56Up she goes.
07:57All right, men.
07:58It's no use sticking around here any longer.
08:07Pick up the mortar loaders.
08:23What could have happened to him, he seems to be taking an awful long time.
08:53The way.
09:06That was a bit of a mistake we're going to get that way down.
09:23Rise to 35,000.
09:27We meet the Zeppelin above the channel off San Francisco.
09:31Stand by to transfer those motors
09:35as soon as we contact the Zeppelin. Everything's in readiness, sir.
09:53There's an airplane with a machine gun attacking it, sir.
09:57Shall we return to fire?
10:01No. We'll soon be above his ceiling.
10:05We can easily out-distance those G-men.
10:09Increase your speed.
10:17My ship has reached its ceiling, but I want to follow him as long as I can.
10:21I want to follow him as long as I can.
10:33Calling ZQR-6.
10:37Calling ZQR-6.
10:41Calling ZQR-6.
10:45ZQR-6 standing by. Proceed.
10:49Both motors in good condition. Advise position for contact.
10:53Refer to code book 6-2-11.
10:57Acknowledged. Verifying 6-2-11.
11:01Verifying 6-2-11.
11:11The Zeppelin!
11:15The wing is going to contact it!
11:27Level off and hover over them.
11:31I thought I told you to stand by and transfer those motors to the Zeppelin.
11:35Yes, sir. Everything's in readiness, sir.
11:45All right. Lower away.
12:05As soon as I'm aboard the Zepp, hoist away.
12:15All right.
12:31All right. Store that motor aft of the other one.
12:35Hoist away!
12:45We're cut loose. Rise.
12:59It's not the wing, but I want to follow that Zepp!
13:07ZQR-6 signing off.
13:11Don't make a move.
13:15Stand up.
13:23Turn around.
13:27Hands up.
13:45S.O.S. All radio stations stand by.
13:49S.O.S. S.O.S. Dick Tracy calling.
13:53Attention, Harbor Police, Federal officers, stand by.
13:57I'm in a dirge below the ocean off San Francisco.
14:01I'm going to try to bring it back to land.
14:05S.O.S. S.O.S.
14:09S.O.S. Don't know where the dirge below will land.
14:13Contact the shore patrol in case I don't make it back.
14:17Dick Tracy calling Federal office.
14:21Something's happened. He stopped talking.
14:25Lift me up. That's it right there.
14:29Federal 6400.
14:33Commander Brandon, please. Dick Tracy's office calling.
14:37Hello? Yes? Oh, we just received his call.
14:41I'll send him at once.
14:45All departments, general alarm.
15:07Soon those marvelous motors will be in our country.
15:11Hard to disappoint you, gentlemen.
15:15I don't think my government wants those motors to leave the United States.
15:19All right, turn your back. Head back to the mainland.
15:23You heard me. Back to land.
15:27Hard at port.
15:31Drop her down to 10,000 feet.
15:35Drop her down to 10,000 feet.
15:39Come on, nose her down.
15:55Look, they're coming back!
15:59They won't get away this time!
16:13Steve! Hold her.
16:17Any way to contact that plane by radio from this cabin?
16:21No, only from the radio room.
16:29All right, let's go.
16:33All right, let's go.
16:37How did he get in here?
17:07The port motor!
17:11Get out of my way!
17:15We're trying to get a parachute!
17:19Get out of here!
17:37Get out of here!