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Tyler Perry's Sistas Season 8 Episode 22 | Before You Walk Out My Life | Full Episode 720p HD (March 12, 2025)
00:00If you want me to stay here, let me know before I leave.
00:04I'm gonna come get you or Tamara ever again.
00:07No black guy's gonna be belly up at Lake Lanina.
00:10I love that guy.
00:15Well, let's just say that I've been making some pretty life-changing decisions lately.
00:21Really? Okay. I'm intrigued.
00:26I want to become a mom.
00:29A mom? Sabrina, that's fantastic. You're gonna be a great mom.
00:34Thank you, Calvin.
00:37But why do I sense that you're not happy about this?
00:45It's just really complicated, you know?
00:53I decided to fertilize my eggs.
00:57Yeah, and then my boyfriend, Rich, he offered, you know, to donate his sperm.
01:03Okay, okay. I know you were geek.
01:06Yeah, I was. Ecstatic.
01:09And unfortunately, we found out that his sperm is ineligible.
01:16So, hold on. I'm confused. If you didn't get rich to fertilize your eggs, then how?
01:25Yeah, that's where d*** comes in.
01:28Okay. Pun intended, or you just...
01:32No, I...
01:33No, no, no. It's just this guy that I work with, he had offered his sperm before Rich said yes.
01:38You know, and I accepted it. For good reason.
01:43Okay, and what did Rich say when you told him?
01:46He didn't take it the best.
01:49I understand, you know, it's a difficult situation to be in.
01:53Sabrina, I haven't seen you like this in a long time.
01:56Yeah, it's just, I'm so close to my dream.
01:59And it just feels like every time I get closer, something gets taken away.
02:02Sabrina, you always put yourself last. And I encourage you to do something.
02:07Yeah, but I just... I don't even know what choosing me looks like in this situation.
02:12No, Sabrina, yes you do.
02:14Take your power back.
02:16And if this rich guy can't see that you had to do what you had to do...
02:22Then he's not worthy of your time, your attention, or that beautiful heart of yours.
02:33Thank you, Calvin.
02:36Ah, I didn't know how much I needed this visit.
02:39Hey, I'm just being brutally honest.
02:42You know, that's what happens when you decide to walk in your truth.
02:46And I'm glad that I can be of service.
02:50And, uh, thank you for letting me just pop in.
02:54I mean, I know you weren't expecting me.
02:56I surely wasn't.
02:59But, uh...
03:02I appreciate you.
03:10Hey, Sabrina.
03:14Rich, what are you doing here?
03:31Am I interrupting something?
03:33No, this is Calvin.
03:34Um, her friend.
03:36How you doing?
03:39Nice to meet you, man.
03:40Nice to meet you too, man. I'm, uh, Sabrina's man.
03:43It's nice to have friends.
03:46Um, I'm, uh, I'm gonna go.
03:48It really was good to see you.
03:50It was so good to see you too.
03:52I'm just getting a nice meeting, bro.
03:54Yep, yep.
04:06So, Calvin?
04:08It's not what it looked like, okay?
04:10He was just in town getting a few things and he wanted to see how I was doing.
04:13That's cool.
04:14I mean, there's no need to explain things to your friend, right?
04:16What else was I supposed to call you, Rich?
04:19Yeah, man. Still, I hope.
04:21I mean, that's why I'm here.
04:23I didn't like the way I left things at the restaurant.
04:25And I've had some time to think and I miss you.
04:29Look, I'm sorry about getting out of pocket with you.
04:31But I just saw red when I found out you used the money storm.
04:34You know, that really hurt me.
04:36But you know what hurt me more?
04:38Is when you really sat there and you didn't answer any of my messages.
04:42Look, I know I left you feeling unsure about us.
04:46I needed to figure out how I felt.
04:48And I closed you out.
04:50You ghosted me, Rich.
04:54I thought I was never going to talk to you or see you again.
04:57No, Sabrina, I still love you and you're still my girl.
05:00Not just my friend.
05:03That's if you still care about us.
05:08Of course I care.
05:11You know, I said that I wanted a good man.
05:17My heart has to go to the right one.
05:20One who has the right intention about me.
05:22And I thought you were that man, Rich.
05:26And you just acted like my feelings didn't matter.
05:28Like we didn't matter.
05:33And now you want to know how I feel about us.
05:36And now you want to know how I feel about us.
05:41Honestly, I just don't even know right now.
05:44It breaks my heart to know you feel that way.
05:46Look, that wasn't my intention.
05:48I just, I felt betrayed.
05:51And I didn't know what to do, okay?
05:53There's no handbook on what to do when your girlfriend decides to use another man's sperm to fertilize her eggs.
06:00I understand that.
06:02I do.
06:04But you should have talked to me about how you felt then.
06:07I know, I know. It was just some shit I had to deal with.
06:13I guess I felt inadequate.
06:15About not having usable sperm.
06:19Thank you for admitting that.
06:23I really wish we would have talked, because then we would be in a different place right now.
06:26Look, hey. I'm trying to get us back to where we were.
06:30I'll be sleeping next to you.
06:32I can't say that I didn't miss you.
06:36I'm glad I didn't spend some of my time at Turk's thinking about you.
06:42I'm sure it wasn't enough time to keep Damani's ass away.
06:47About Damani?
06:50Did something happen between you and him on your business trip?
06:57I can't lie to you.
07:00We got close.
07:11When you say close, exactly how close did you and Damani get Sabrina?
07:24You got a moment?
07:25Yeah, what's up?
07:26I need your phone.
07:29And why do you need my phone?
07:31Just trust me.
07:33I trust you, but I'm still perplexed.
07:37I am going to send your location to my phone.
07:42Fatima, is that really necessary?
07:45All the trouble you find yourself in, yes.
07:48Good point. I guess I never really gave it much thought.
07:52All right. I'll share mine too.
07:54And listen, with this new managing partner gig, the target on your back is even bigger.
08:05No need to worry about it. Here's your bag.
08:08I appreciate you, Fatima.
08:10Of course.
08:18I talked to Robin earlier. He said he was leaving tonight.
08:23You good with that?
08:26I don't know.
08:30Fatima, I know you're not too keen on Robin with everything that happened, but I honestly think that he didn't mean to hurt me.
08:38I agree.
08:40You do?
08:42I mean, he did make my work life a little more stressful than I prefer, but it seems that his intentions surrounding this firm and his feelings for you are pure.
08:53And if you ever wanted to give him another chance, I approve.
09:03Fatima, I really just, I don't know. And it's not because I don't have feelings for him, because I still have feelings for him.
09:12It's just, with everything that happened with Gary and Jordan, I don't know if I'm relationship material.
09:18You know, I don't know if I can be in...
09:20No, no, no. Don't even finish that statement, Andy.
09:24Look, you deserve love, whether it's with Robin or someone else.
09:31I just don't know.
09:33Well, what I do know is that Nan is about to leave town, and London ain't around the corner. So, tick tock.
09:50We got pretty close.
09:54Did, um...
09:57Did you and him, um...
09:59No, no. Nothing like that.
10:03So what does that leave us?
10:08I still care about you and all that.
10:12But you don't deserve a woman who's confused, right?
10:17So I think that maybe we should see other people.
10:31This is a waste of time.
10:34No, save it. I'm good.
10:36I'm good.
10:48Oh, thank God you're okay.
10:50Yeah, I've been better, but I'm just grateful to be out there.
10:54Thank you for bailing me out.
10:56Of course. You did the same for me.
10:59This all feels like deja vu.
11:01Hey, don't worry. I'm not leaving town. Just let me know when the court date is.
11:06I actually head back to the UK tonight, but a different attorney from the firm will reach out.
11:10Well, I really appreciate all your help.
11:12No problem.
11:14You ready to go?
11:16Yeah, I'll be. I'll be a second.
11:21You are a godsend.
11:25I didn't want to believe it, but I am so thankful you came into our lives.
11:34Penelope, we can't.
11:38I'm sorry.
11:40Let me guess.
11:44I'm sorry.
11:47No need to apologize, Robin.
11:49You are a good man.
11:52And I pray that Andy does not ruin your life like she did my brother's.
11:58Have a safe trip.
12:09Hey, Fatima, I need you to make sure that you handle everything for the rest of the night.
12:15Andy, Andy.
12:17Slow down. What is it?
12:20I want to try again.
12:22And I want to try again, Robin.
12:25Life is too short for regret, and I don't want to regret not trying.
12:31You said I'm deserving of love, right?
12:34Yes, you are.
12:36Then I want to go after what I want.
12:43Fatima, say something.
12:47I knew it.
12:49I knew it.
12:51I thought you were going to judge me.
12:54Judge you?
12:56Andy, I am engaged to Zachary Taylor.
12:59All the shit we done been through, you know firsthand.
13:02But listen, if I had to listen to all the outside noise and the judgment, I wouldn't be happy.
13:09And Andy, you deserve to be happy.
13:12Go get your man.
13:15I'm going to try to meet him in person.
13:18I want to catch him before he leaves.
13:21Wish me luck.
13:22Good luck, girl.
13:23Go get your man.
13:24I'm going to go get my man.
13:26Go get your man.
13:32I don't know about that.
13:41Hey, Fatima.
13:42Hey, Karen.
13:43I think I know why you called us.
13:45Yes, I need to sign a copy of the new addendum adding the sales box and send it to the contract.
13:51I got Pam's and Aaron's, but yours didn't seem to come through.
13:54I know that's because I didn't do it yet.
13:56Girl, are you trying to get bad or not?
13:58Of course I do.
13:59I tried to do it on my phone, but it just wasn't working.
14:01Aaron was supposed to show me, but it slipped my mind.
14:04I'm going to get to it.
14:05Okay, well, we got to get this done sooner than later.
14:08Can I just stop by the law firm and sign a hard copy?
14:11I would, but I'm actually about to leave.
14:14How about I bring a hard copy to the house and you just swing by and sign it?
14:17Would that be okay?
14:19Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
14:21Okay, yeah, you're right.
14:23I'll come by.
14:24All right, sounds good.
14:54Yes, I will spend the rest of my life talking to you, just how perfect you are.
14:59If you want me to stay here, you better know before I leave.
15:03If you come near me or Tamara ever again, your black ass is going to be belly up and licking me.
15:09I love that guy.
15:14Well, let's just say that I've been making some pretty life-changing decisions lately.
15:20Really? Okay.
15:22I'm intrigued.
15:25I want to become a mom.
15:27A mom?
15:29Sabrina, that's fantastic. You're going to be a great mom.
15:33Thank you, Calvin.
15:35Look, why do I sense that you're not happy about this?
15:44It's just really complicated, you know?
15:52I just...
15:54Pac, you know we're done with this.
15:57I know, I know. I heard you. It's just...
16:00I just can't believe it. I don't. I don't believe it.
16:04Look, babe, I honestly don't think Jordan did it either.
16:09I mean, you're good, I'm good, Andy's good. We can move on with our lives.
16:16No, something is up. I can feel it. I'm telling you, I can feel it.
16:21You can feel it?
16:23Okay, Sherlock, homeboy.
16:25See, you're playing. I'm not playing no games.
16:27You don't think the cops just rushed to put somebody away?
16:29They do that all the time. They did it to me.
16:32I'm just trying to think about it.
16:34Everybody here had a reason to stab Gary, right?
16:37Everybody, right? But what about the people that we don't know?
16:40He's lived like triple and quadruple lives.
16:42So there's like a whole bunch of other people not on this board that could have killed him.
16:46Or tried to.
16:50Zach, you're right.
16:52I know.
16:53No, no, no, no, no, no. Listen.
16:55We've been looking at everyone who's been around.
16:58But Gary's been a lying psychopath since way before him and Andy started dating.
17:05He was...
17:19Yes. Yes.
17:21Yes. Yes.
17:22Where you going? Where you going? Where you going?
17:23Whoa, whoa, whoa.
17:24Wait, Zach.
17:27Andy's phone's saying she's still at the office.
17:29She left hours ago.
17:32Okay, well, did you call her?
17:33Yes, I called her. Look, Andy and Gary are still in danger. Come on.
17:40Uh, groceries.
17:41Just walking in. Hey.
17:44We got eggs.
17:49I totally forgot. I told her to come over.
17:52You can't blame me this time.
17:53I just came to sign some papers. Relax.
17:57What about that thing that he was about to go do?
17:59Right. Could you go do that thing and I'll meet you?
18:03By myself?
18:04Yes, by yourself, baby, and I'll catch up.
18:07Okay, I'm good.
18:08All right, I love you too.
18:16Yeah, Danny, it was pretty bad.
18:18He didn't like what I had to say and then he just stormed out of here.
18:21Hey, I'm going. Sorry.
18:23I thought you and Orange Julius was broke.
18:27I know.
18:29I know, I know. Me too.
18:32It's just so ironic.
18:33The moment that Rich agreed to have a baby with me, our whole relationship fell apart.
18:40The moment you decided to make a baby with the man that was not your boyfriend
18:44and then go on a trip to Turks and Caicos with that second man.
18:49That, my friend, is when your relationship was on the rocks.
18:53I don't know. I just felt like it was right to tell him that we should see other people.
18:57If that was true, you would not be packing up your stuff right now.
19:00I don't know. I just...
19:03I feel like it was the right thing to do to break up because I just didn't want to lead him on.
19:10I know that smell. I know you're not over there sniffing at me. Don't.
19:14Stop it.
19:15No, I'm not.
19:17It still smells like shit in here.
19:21I'm gonna miss him.
19:23But don't judge me, okay?
19:25Sabrina, you're over there acting like a sea-eyed poodle.
19:27That is beneath you. Don't make me sit creature on you.
19:30There is a man all over Atlanta with no hands.
19:34And the surrounding area.
19:35Besides, you broke up with him.
19:37God damn it. She's single. Y'all two should hit the town.
19:39Yeah, I guess. Maybe you're right.
19:41I guess she does seem happy after she broke up with Jordan.
19:44Because she knew it was the right thing to do.
19:46Real talk, he was doing his *** for me.
19:48Yeah. Well, girl, you know that they did go through a lot.
19:51And plus, sometimes couples just don't make it to the other side.
19:54I can't believe me and Tony are still together after all we've been through.
19:58You feel stronger together?
19:59I let that man down.
20:02We came out stronger on the other side, though, but...
20:06He just felt like he had to fix me.
20:08Like, he didn't feel like I was enough the way I was.
20:11He took it upon himself to, you know, make me his project.
20:16Well, how'd you get past that, though?
20:18Her *** creature came in and blew through my life.
20:20She got me to see things that I wanted to work on for me, not Tony.
20:25So, it benefited us both.
20:29At least one of us is happy.
20:31Yeah. Oh, good, Karen.
20:33I mean, her.
20:34I just might get her back blown out by a preacher man right now.
20:38Well, at least she's happy.
20:40She's been through so much.
20:41I just want her to have some peace.
20:43Me too.
20:44But we'll see what happens.
20:45She is still carrying babies by two different *** and dating a man with ***.
20:51Okay, so that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to end up bad.
20:55Keep looking up there in the clouds, friend.
20:57You seem happy up there.
20:59Oh, girl, that's my man.
21:01Let me hit the door. I gotta go meet him in our dry zone.
21:03Okay, girl, I did not need to know that.
21:05Okay, well, hang up then if you wanna know more.
21:15Hey, babe.
21:17You know what I'm thinking?
21:18Why don't we order some sushi?
21:21And, uh, we can have that mermaid fantasy.
21:23I got some seashells.
21:25Let's make it a ball.
21:27Babe, I'm not really...
21:30What's wrong?
21:35Tony, I don't like the look of this. What's wrong?
21:39I need to talk.
21:56Babe, babe, babe, babe, babe.
21:59Babe, babe, babe, babe, babe.
22:02I knew it. I knew it.
22:09She got the baby.
22:11I'll do myself.
22:18Why is your face all scrunched up like that?
22:24So, I, um...
22:25I met with some of my bosses today.
22:28I'm with HR.
22:30They were...
22:32They were pinched about the settlement as I knew that they would be, so...
22:35That's because they were trying to get rid of a real bitch.
22:38And you don't even see it that way.
22:56Whether we were together or not,
22:58they feel like I should've nipped the situation when she went Leonard in the butt.
23:03Why are they going after everyone except for who is the actual problem here?
23:08That's what I said.
23:09If Leonard hadn't gone around spreading all these lies, this whole thing could've...
23:13This whole thing could've been avoided.
23:15That didn't work? That didn't...
23:18They agreed, but...
23:21They couldn't say it, but...
23:23I know they still need a small guy, and...
23:26Baby, no one fired you?
23:29Oh, good, because I was there for, like, shit.
23:31No, but they did blame me for the situation.
23:34They couldn't prove enough to fire me, but...
23:38These corporate motherfuckers are so spiteful, you know?
23:41You know what, babe? The suspense is killing me.
23:43Will you please just tell me what happened?
23:47Tell me what happened.
23:49I'm being transferred to Alaska.
23:53Wait, wait. Alaska?
23:59Anchorage, to be exact.
24:02Up there where... past Canada? Alaska?
24:05Yes, Danny. Alaska.
24:07Do they even have... up there?
24:10I guess now it's just me.
24:17It's, like, dark six months out of the year there.
24:22Hey, what are you gonna do?
24:26I don't know.
24:29I could try to refuse. Fight it, you know?
24:33Maybe go to another company, but...
24:35Like, I worked my way up here, you know?
24:37Good jobs like these, they're hard to come by.
24:42What are you gonna do, Tony?
24:48I don't know.
24:49I don't know.
24:51I really don't know right now.
25:07We're part of fire, don't you comprehend?
25:10You're not calling the shots anymore.
25:12You haven't been for a long time.
25:15I don't have time for this.
25:18Don't bother me.
25:20I gave them the night off.
25:22They're all gone.
25:27You looking for this?
25:35What are you doing?
25:37You really thought that you could toss me out like garbage?
25:40Listen, this...
25:42This can't be about me firing you.
25:44Oh, you're correct. I don't give a... about you firing me.
25:49So what is this?
25:51You really don't remember me?
25:53I'm sick and tired of people testing my memory.
25:58I know who you are.
26:00Your name is Hudson.
26:02You used to work for me, and you did my bidding.
26:05Now give me back my gun.
26:07No, before that.
26:11Before what?
26:13Think a little before that.
26:14Let's say give or take about 18 years ago.
26:18What's wrong with you? What?
26:2018 years ago?
26:22Was I in high school?
26:24Why would I need to know what happened in high school?
26:26Because your life may depend upon it.
26:33What is this about?
26:35Is this about money?
26:37You need money?
26:40You name your price, and I'll write you a big, fast severance check.
26:47How much is it going to take to get rid of you?
26:50Everything, dear to you.
26:52Including your life.
26:54You know, it makes sense to me that you don't remember me from high school.
26:58Little Oswald Hudson was nothing but a joke to you and your jock friends.
27:11And the only person that was nice to me,
27:15and treated me like an actual human being,
27:19was Kimberly Potter.
27:21And you took her from me.
27:23Okay, listen.
27:25Don't move!
27:27You don't understand.
27:29That's not what...
27:31Shut the f*** up!
27:33I'm the one in control.
27:35I've been in control a lot longer than you realize.
27:41I will say,
27:43you are a resilient mother.
27:45You just don't die.
27:47Even when I was pushing you cocaine-laced with fentanyl.
27:51You did what?
27:53I've been waiting for this moment a long time.
27:57You may think that you've suffered enough.
28:01But tonight,
28:03Gary orders.
28:05You pay for your sins.
28:08But first there's somebody I want to introduce you to.
28:11Or better yet, reintroduce you to.
28:16The Grim Reaper herself.
28:33Jasmine! What the f*** are you doing here? Get out of here!
28:45Ooh, bitter.
28:48Now, Gary.
28:50Is that the way you want to greet your ex-wife and mother of your children?
28:58I remember.
29:01It was you who stabbed me.
29:05Sure did.
29:08And it's about to get worse.
29:10For you, not me.
29:21Get back!
29:25I'd like to introduce you all to my Beyoncé.
29:35The Grim Reaper
29:43Whether we were together or not,
29:44they feel like I should've nipped the situation when she went Leonard in the butt.
29:49Why are they going after everyone except for who's the actual problem here?
29:54That's what I said.
29:55If Leonard hadn't gone around spreading all these lies, this whole thing could've...
29:59This whole thing could've been avoided.
30:01That didn't work. They didn't...
30:03They agreed, but...
30:06They couldn't say it, but...
30:09I know they still need a bald guy, and...
30:12Baby, no. They fired you.
30:15Oh, good. Because I was going to feel like shit.
30:17No, but they did blame me for the situation.
30:20They couldn't prove enough to fire me, but...
30:24These corporate motherf***ers are so spiteful, you know?
30:27You know what, babe? The suspense is killing me.
30:28Will you please just tell me what happened?
30:30Okay, okay.
30:31Freedom from jail.
30:33Freedom from everything.
30:44Alright, one more.
30:46I think you're good.
30:48You are right. I am good.
30:50I am good without Andy.
30:52You are good without Sabrina.
30:55We are all fantastic.
31:01I'm sorry, bro.
31:03No, no, no, Jordan.
31:05Let's get you to the car.
31:07Rich is right. You've had too much to drink.
31:09You've had enough. Let's go.
31:11Keep your head up, bro.
31:13What's up?
31:14You can do whatever you want.
31:16That's a great idea.
31:17I love you.
31:18I love you.
31:19Love you.
31:20I love you.
31:29Oh, man.
31:32Yeah, I know.
31:34Hold up, hold up.
31:35You don't have to help me with any of this.
31:36You know that.
31:37Rich, you know me way better than that.
31:41I see you're not that same little girl
31:42with pigtails and braces that I knew growing up.
31:47I would say you're not the same big-headed little boy, but um...
31:51Okay, okay.
31:52If I recall, in high school,
31:53that's all you dated was big-headed boys.
31:55Other than me.
31:56If I recall, in high school,
31:57that's all you dated was big-headed boys.
31:58Ugly ones.
31:59All right, Rich.
32:00The girl who was just chatterbox all the time.
32:03So annoying.
32:04Remember her?
32:05With the bow leg?
32:06That one.
32:07Okay. Touche.
32:09I guess I don't have good taste in women, apparently.
32:13Look, I'm sorry.
32:16You know how things happen with Sabrina.
32:18But if she's anything like her friend Andy,
32:22you might have dodged a bullet.
32:24Funny you say that.
32:25I feel like I've been shot.
32:28Where does it hurt?
32:37How's that?
32:38How's that?
32:52That's my fault.
32:53My bad.
32:56All right, let's get this place cleaned up.
33:09I'm sorry.
33:10I'm sorry.
33:16I'm sorry.
33:17I'm sorry.
33:18I'm sorry.
33:19I'm sorry.
33:20I'm sorry.
33:21I'm sorry.
33:22I'm sorry.
33:23I'm sorry.
33:24I'm sorry.
33:25I'm sorry.
33:26I'm sorry.
33:27I'm sorry.
33:28I'm sorry.
33:29I'm sorry.
33:30I'm sorry.
33:31I'm sorry.
33:32I'm sorry.
33:33I'm sorry.
33:34I'm sorry.
33:35I'm sorry.
33:36I'm sorry.
33:38I'm sorry.
33:43I'm here.
33:49What is that?
33:50What is that?
33:56It's all right.
33:59Oh, f***.
34:04Want to have a seat?
34:05Oh, yeah.
34:06Yeah, I was actually just about to ask.
34:08Okay, yeah, and I will...
34:09I'm exhausted.
34:10Go get the papers.
34:17You know, I pray this ain't your future, but this fatigue, it just might be.
34:21Girl, I try not to look at my ankles.
34:24I don't even recognize my feet. I look down, I'm like, who's this?
34:33I think I got everything.
34:36All right, I will get this filed.
34:39Thank you so much.
34:40Ooh, there they go acting up again.
34:43Are you ready?
34:44For these twins?
34:46To get these little monsters out of my stomach?
34:52It's kind of exciting.
34:54Ain't they heard you talking about them?
34:57All right, then.
34:58I'll go ahead.
34:59Yes, I'll get this filed for you.
35:00And you can come up.
35:04You good?
35:07I think my water just broke.
35:09Wait, what?
35:11In my kitchen?
35:13I mean, if it did, it's fine.
35:14It did.
35:15Are you for sure?
35:16I'm for real.
35:17Because last time you...
35:18Can you call the ambulance, please?
35:19Okay, okay.
35:20Okay, she's for real.
35:21Oh, my God.
35:22Okay, it's okay.
35:23It's okay.
35:24Just breathe.
35:25I am breathing.
35:26Nobody's picking up.
35:27Nobody's picking up?
35:28It's Atlanta.
35:29Take me to the couch, please.
35:30Oh, my God.
35:31Okay, just breathe.
35:32I got you.
35:33Come on, pick up.
35:34Oh, my God.
35:35It's okay.
35:36It's okay.
35:37I'm not having this baby in this house.
35:38Oh, God.
35:39Oh, my God.
35:40Okay, just breathe.
35:41Just breathe.
35:42Just breathe.
35:43Close that.
35:44Close that.
35:45Okay, all right.
35:46Hang up.
35:47Close that.
35:48Okay, okay, okay.
35:49Hey, Andy.
35:50I was hoping that I was going to see you before I left, but I just didn't know I did.
35:57I'm calling because I'm calling for the same reason I came back.
36:06Because I love you.
36:09And if I don't get a chance to tell you this in person, at least I would have said it here.
36:16I know I've talked a lot about wanting what's best for you and wanting to protect you.
36:23But what I didn't say was what I want for us.
36:29And how I would love to spend the rest of my life with you.
36:33At this point, I only wish that you felt the same way.
36:37It was clear now that you don't.
36:39So I want all that against you.
36:47Me and you, we're a lot.
36:50You know, no matter how special it is, you have the right to choose you.
36:59So I guess I will see you when I see you.
37:06Please be safe.
37:19Oh, thank God. Oh, my God. Thank you.
37:29Surprise, surprise.
37:32Did you miss me?
37:33Jasmine, I thought you were in prison.
37:38Bitch, you were wrong.
37:42Anything you think that you're going to say to me right now, if you think that it's going to save your little ass,
37:47that'll be two things you thought wrong.
37:51Andrea, are you okay?
37:52Don't start that shit, Gary.
37:55You know you only care about you.
37:57And besides, she did all of this all on her own.
38:00All of what?
38:01All of what?
38:02All of what?
38:03You ruined my marriage with Gary.
38:06You ruined my children's lives, all so you can jump on the ass of a married man.
38:12Now you're with him?
38:16Unlike your trifling ass.
38:19He knows what it means to be loyal.
38:25I wish you could have seen your face when I walked through the door.
38:29Almost the same as when I crashed your little wedding.
38:32You sucky.
38:33Not hard enough, obviously.
38:35You know what, Gary?
38:37You're like, up-throat.
38:40You know, the ones with wings?
38:42Yeah, because every time I try to kill you, you find a way to survive.
38:47You know, I even rolled up to the hospital and put air bubbles into your IV.
38:52But best believe...
38:56Ain't no rubber bullets in this mother...
39:00That's good.
39:06You think that you can just throw me off a parking garage and everything's going to be okay?
39:10I'm just going to let it slide?
39:14I'm finally going to get rid of both of y'all.
39:17Once and for all.
39:20And me and my man here...
39:23We're going to go to Cuba or some tropical island where there's no extradition treaty.
39:28And we're going to live happily ever after.
39:31What about our kids?
39:32Now you want to worry about our kids, Gary?
39:34Now you want to worry about them?
39:38They're going to be well-provided for.
39:41Courtesy of all the cash that you embezzled from your clients.
39:45Ain't that right, baby?
39:46Will you just shut the...up already?
39:52Oh my God! Doctor, please, you don't have to do this!
39:55What are you doing?
39:57I don't know how you dealt with that woman for so long.
39:59Jesus Christ.
40:01Anyway, where were we?
40:04Oh yeah, that's right. I was going to kill you both.
40:06Please, you don't have to do this.
40:08Shoot me, okay? I'm the one you love.
40:12I want you to feel the same pain that I did when you took Kimberly from me.
40:18Look who decided to join us.
40:20I guess one more body won't hurt.
40:23Ah! Ah!
40:25Ah! Ah!
40:27Ah! Ah!
40:28Ah! Ah!
40:29Ah! Ah!
40:30Ah! Ah!
40:31Ah! Ah!
40:32Ah! Ah!
40:33Ah! Ah!
40:34Ah! Ah!
40:35Ah! Ah!
40:36Ah! Ah!
40:37Ah! Ah!
40:38Ah! Ah!
40:39Ah! Ah!
40:40Ah! Ah!
40:41Ah! Ah!
40:42Ah! Ah!
40:43Ah! Ah!
40:44Ah! Ah!
40:45Ah! Ah!
40:46Ah! Ah!
40:47Ah! Ah!
40:48Ah! Ah!
40:49Ah! Ah!
40:50Ah! Ah!
40:51At Jervis J, Marilyn has created more than 200 useful inventions
40:56through the process of research and application of creativity.
41:02His method is certainly an interesting thing for those who are interested in achieving the current status.
41:10Although rarely known in the world of science,
41:14he is one of the great scientists.
41:18I told him to close his eyes and listen to the music, but he didn't listen.
41:22He didn't listen.
41:33What is this fruit?
41:35I don't know.
41:37It's so green.
41:40My shirt is missing.
41:42I don't know.
41:43I don't know.
41:46In his laboratory, he has established a spiritual communication space for himself.
41:53It is a quiet room with no light.
41:58There is only a small table, a pile of paper and a switch to control the light.
42:06When doctors want to use the energy that needs to pass the creative imagination,
42:11he will go into this room, sit on the table, turn off the light and focus on the research that has taken shape.
42:18Keep that posture until the idea starts to shine in his mind about a new invention.
42:24I'm going to the bathroom.
42:27Yes, this morning ...
42:34Once the idea came too fast,
42:36he was forced to write for nearly 3 hours.
42:40As the lines of thought became slower and slower,
42:44he checked his notes to see a detailed description of the principles.
42:51Surprisingly, these principles did not take much time to describe,
42:56but had never appeared in science before.
43:00This discovery helped him to solve problems.
43:04In this way, Dr. Gates has completed more than 200 inventions.
43:09Things that were soon to be started but were not completed by half-baked brains.
43:15Evidence of the truth of these statements is kept in the office by the American Invention.
43:22Dr. Gates has made a lot of money by finding ideas for individuals and corporations.
