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Using Cameras to CHEAT in Hide & Seek with our BABY PLUSHIES..(Brookhaven)
In todays video, we used Cameras to CHEAT in Hide N' Seek with our cute BABY PLUSHIES in Roblox Brookhaven RP..

⭐Roblox group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/9231114/Angelazzs-Group#!/about

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#Roblox #Brookhaven #BrookhavenRP
00:46Today we are going to be playing hide-and-seek with our baby plushies
00:50So bean ref see are you guys ready to win? Well, yes, I've got my private helicopter coming soon
00:57I'm gonna be hiding in the skies. I hope you know that I've played these games before
01:02What's that on your board? Well guys, I am opening a new tacos restaurant
01:06So I need your support if we can get 8,000 likes I can officially open beans tacos restaurant
01:12Oh, and there's one thing I forgot to mention the winner of this challenge wins
01:1810,000 robots. Wait a second. How much?
01:2110,000 you heard that right bean baby plushies. Are you ready?
01:25They were soos like yes, we are ready. Are you ready? Baby bean, by the way, we did the drip masters
01:31We never lose angels like I'm going to win baby angel
01:35You need to win it for mama paper soos like I am going to win
01:39All right, baby plushies since you guys are younger than us
01:43You will go and hide first and me being a ref see we'll go and count and see easy peasy
01:49Drop the babies baby plushies. You have exactly five minutes to hide
01:55Go go go and the fun part is no rules. Maybe ever soos like let's go and hide in the moose impossible
02:02Please baby beans like let's go cousins and look at them running off. Oh, there's one thing we forgot to mention
02:09We are going to be secretly cheating by using a free cam
02:19Feel bad for doing this. Come on. It's just for the video. Let's go
02:23We don't want the baby sit down. So we need to go to a secretive spot, right?
02:27I don't think that will come and check out this bridge
02:29So let's go and use our free time and cheat in the side and see look at them run around
02:34Right, where did they go? I see a little and and that is baby angel. Look at baby angel. She's speeding. She's running
02:42To find me here. Oh, she doesn't know that we see everything right now
02:46Okay, baby angel is going behind the secret alleyway
02:50Okay, I'm gonna follow baby angel first cuz I feel like she takes hide-and-seek very serious. Oh
02:56Guys, she went inside the secret bunker. There. She is with baby ref see paper
03:00If soos like hey, baby raps and baby angel hiding the same spot. Guess what? I didn't follow you
03:06What I will private message you oh, no, they are so smart
03:12All right, follow me baby reps. He's IQ is this next level. He knows if he messages something we can see it
03:18All right, they are going up the hill baby. Angel's is managing to catch up with the little legs
03:24Look at how tiny they look when they run. Oh, they really want this 10,000 robux
03:29But little did they know being angel and Rousey wanted more angels like I have an idea. Oh
03:36She just turned a skin color to red
03:39Russell's like oh
03:41They're going to disguise himself as a fire hydrant. We can camouflage. Oh, she's just removing her hair her koala hat and all her
03:49Accessories be russell's like nice
03:51Wait, baby, RFC might camouflage into a bush. Oh, that's smart
03:56All right, where's baby RFC going? He's going near the black hole community sign and he's trying to fit in
04:01Wow, that's such a good hiding spot. That is so genius. I would have never guessed that
04:06Please all right being RFC now that we know where baby angel baby RFC are hiding now
04:11We have to go secretly spy on baby beam. We do. Let's see what he's up to and right now babies
04:17There is one minute left
04:19So secure your positions cuz mama bean RFC are going to be here to hunt you down
04:26Hey bean since baby bean is your child. Do you have any idea where he could be hiding?
04:30Well like his dad, I'm assuming around toilets or because he likes to be rich
04:36Maybe money where money belongs banks. Ah, baby bean loves money and because there's no toilet around here
04:43I think he might be inside Brookhaven Bank. That's true. He has to cash out all the likes he's been getting
04:48Why do I feel like baby bean might have taken the elevator to go downstairs to hide in the secret spot?
04:54Cuz baby bean is very clever. All right, has he gone over here? Nope. All right, let's go through this area
05:01Is he behind the safe? Nope. He isn't. Hmm. That's strange. Wait angel. What you've got to check the aircon van. Ah
05:08How do I not see that and this goes this way and then we need to go down here and huh?
05:14That's it. So, where is baby bean not there?
05:18Maybe let's just check the safe. Oh
05:21He is so cheeky just like bean he is stealing money as he hides well kids
05:28There's five seconds left. Bye
05:32three two
05:34One ready or not. Here we come. All right being refs
05:38He take out your skateboards put the speed to 35 because we are here to hunt the babies down being refs
05:44He should we immediately find the hiding spots or should we give them some time so they don't doubt us?
05:49Then give them some time or else. They're gonna doubt us. All right, fair enough
05:55Don't mind us we are just checking st. Luke's Hospital because they could obviously be there
06:02Your bike. Yeah
06:05We have to convince the baby plushies that we are not cheating. All right
06:08We're just gonna do a fake false check in this hospital. Just quickly skim through this area. Ah, look at this
06:14They aren't in the hospital, right?
06:16I'm gonna use my shift cam to see how the baby plushies are doing. They will never find me here
06:22And just like Shh baby rice and baby angel so locked in guys
06:26I feel so bad for them because these are such good hiding spots
06:29I know right if we had never cheated we would have never guessed they were there
06:33All right. Do you think it's time to find them?
06:35I think it's time to first find baby bean because he is hiding in a pretty obvious spot. He is let's get him
06:42All right
06:44Here we are in Brookhaven Street and look at this the Brookhaven Bank is a first store in this street
06:50Yep, beans one is so obvious. He's either in the toilet or with money. Well being about time. Whoa
06:56Okay, I have my flashlight out
06:59Everyone go get your magnifying glass out and your flashlight because we are here to win right open up the door
07:04La la la la la is baby being here behind this plant or maybe he's behind this aircon vent. Nope
07:11He isn't that's because we know where baby bean is secretly hiding guys. Should I place it now?
07:16Yeah, do it now. All right, then you'd be the first one to face him. All right, three two one
07:22Boom got you. Well, well, well, where is baby bean? Cuz when we use our free cam, we saw him in here
07:30Hmm, there's an unusual amount of money guys. Look
07:37That's baby bean spot
07:41He's like no
07:42Got you. We would have never found you if you hadn't fighted. Haha that far cost you
07:4910,000 buy box. He's like, can I at least take $10? Sure. I mean you lost 10,000 robux. I feel so bad
07:56It's like yay
07:59Guys I'm locked in I've got a card I give it to him. Um, please open the door. Thank you
08:05All right. Now that we found baby bean and he seems to be pretty excited with his money
08:09I'm taking 20,000 baby bean baby bean give daughter some. All right, baby bean just ran away with
08:17$20,000. Well next is baby refsie and baby angel and the good thing about their hiding spot is that they are very close to one
08:24Another I'm not mistaken. They should be here. Yeah, that's exactly the spot, but we don't look too sus right now
08:31Oh my god guys. We only have two minutes to find them
08:33Let me check behind the street just to make it look very realistic. Let me check down here
08:38Oh, I just know baby refsie is just shaking. Baby refsie is like
08:43I know baby angel is getting really mad at baby refsie. He's going to expose his hiding spots
08:48All right, now that me and bean fake searched the roof. It is time to go and expose their hiding spots
08:55Hmm, wait, wait, wait, wait. Did I make it too obvious? Okay. Oops. I just fell here
09:00Angel we found you!
09:03Man if you hadn't sneezed and if you hadn't shown your little arms, we would I've never caught you
09:09Baby bean's like we caught you. You guys are cheating. Uh, no. What about cousin refsie?
09:15Well, that's pretty obvious cuz he is there. Oh, wait. I mean, um, where is he? Wasn't he here? Huh?
09:20This is embarrassing. Baby refsie, if we're going to cheat we have to cheat properly. Where did baby refsie just disappear?
09:27Is he gonna actually win 10,000 robux? No, let me climb up this billboard. Baby refsie, where'd you disappear?
09:34Refsie is too smart for us though. Yeah, baby refsie probably thought something was fishy
09:38Baby refsie probably thought we came too close to his hiding spot. So he made a run for it
09:43Uh-huh. I see something up there. I see a little minion walking up on the airport and
09:50Wait a second. They are running out
09:52It's a good thing I caught him early cuz now I am following him with my shift cam. Oh, he's in a hurry
09:58He's jogging. I've never seen baby refsie run this fast before guys. I found his spot. Let's go
10:04He may have escaped but he did not go away too far. He went from a bush hiding spot to another bush hiding spot
10:11We don't want baby angel and baby bean to doubt us. So let's just check this bus area. I'll check the airplane
10:17I'll check down here. All right, I'll just check the airport quickly skim through it
10:22Oh, man, this is so difficult. Let's check the motel. We'll go check the motel
10:27I don't want baby bean to be raising doubts on me. Let me just quickly skim through it. Oh my god
10:32There's only 30 seconds left. Oh, well time to find him. Wait, was it this bush or was it that bush?
10:37I think it was this one baby refsie we found you
10:44We found you baby refsie we found you babies just on time
10:48Baby refsie was like, how did you find us so quickly? Well, I know Brookhaven in and out. They are cheating
10:54How is it our turn now? Wait mama don't tell me you used free cam. Uh, baby angel. Why would I use free cam?
11:01That's a cheating, right?
11:03We will never cheat but no rules
11:06Well, it's our turn to hide now. Good luck babies. Oh, thank goodness I escaped that confrontation
11:12Very quickly. All right bean refsie where you guys planning on hiding a place where they should not expect me
11:18I know the perfect hiding spot. I'm just gonna teleport here. There is a secret underground tunnel in this area
11:24All right, so we're gonna go over here and guys I just decreased my size
11:28So more smaller you are the harder it is for anyone to spot you. All right, we're gonna go inside the secret tunnel
11:33Oh so spooky and this is it. I'm gonna hide right here in pitch dark blackness
11:39Let me go use free cam and spy on the others. All right guys, this is the biggest brain move
11:45I've ever done in my entire life. I'm gonna hold my breath underneath the swimming pool. No one will ever doubt this place
11:51I am winning 10,000 robux. Let's go
11:54Alright bean, where are you hiding? Well, I'm in the ice cream shop behind the counter. Are you sure that's a good hiding spot?
11:59Well, I've got a trick up my sleeve. I'm covering my face. Oh
12:03What do you mean by that? I've got a paper face paper hat and apron
12:08All right bean as long as you are camouflaged and hidden
12:11Well, because we are not losing to our baby plushies. All right guys
12:14I'm using my free cam to spy on the baby plushies. BabyRapster was like, let's spot something before we start searching
12:20BabyBean's like cousins. What about we check the city cameras?
12:24Uh, who gave that idea to BabyBean? That is a great idea. BabyBean's like it's in the police station
12:30No, no, no guys, if they are going to use the cameras to spy on us, then we are going to be losing
12:36What do we do, what do we do? I saw UncleRapsy going near the pool. Uh, Rapsy
12:40I'm secretly spying on the kids and it seems like BabyAngel knows your secret location. So if I were you I would change
12:46All right, I'm out. Thanks for letting me know. BabyRapster's like hmm. I see someone inside the pool. Rapsy run, run, run
12:54I'm running for my dear life. They are coming for you. Oh my days, relax
12:59They are coming straight for you. Oh, no, wait, they are checking the wrong pool
13:03Oh, they are going inside the secret spot. You made a great breakthrough. There is no way they are going to find you
13:09All right, they are going up here and then that's gonna take them to the bank. All right, BabyRapsy
13:14is just frantically checking the spawn area. Oh, no, BabyRapsy is coming very close to the ice cream store
13:19Bean, do not move a single muscle. Bean, he found you. Why were you hiding in such a silly spot?
13:25BabyRapsy was like, are you serious right now? I found Bean. Oh man, Bean
13:31I thought you were meant to be good at this challenge
13:34I thought I was hiding in a nice place as well. Bean, you were laying flat down in the floor. BabyBean's like dada
13:40It's so obvious. I even covered my face. Let's go find Angel. No, they're coming for me. I think I'm hidden pretty well
13:47There's no way they will find me and even if they do I'm just gonna jump for it
13:51All right, they are going up the hill. Hey Bean, make sure you don't help them with the spots
13:55Well, I can't see anything with a paper face. Oh, no, they are so close to the secret tunnel. Is that BabyBean?
14:02Oh, no, whenever he eats his blueberry muffins, he has a smart plant up his sleeve. Oh, dada
14:09I got blueberry muffins. Oh yum yum cookies. Mama, you like cookies, don't you?
14:15I'm so tempted to eat that. Huh, Bean? Can you distract them? They are getting very close to my secret tunnel
14:21I need to make a jump for it
14:24I think I escaped just on time. Oh my god. Oh my god. I have to quickly go somewhere before they spot me
14:28Ah, I'm just gonna go quickly hide here. Angel's like she jumped. Oh, no, they saw me. They also jumped
14:35That's why they are in the spawn area. Well, it's a good thing. They are going in the wrong direction
14:39And it's a bad thing. They're getting close to me. Wait, Rusty. Where are you hiding? Angel?
14:44Even though I know you're on my team. I don't trust anyone in this challenge. Okay, look at them
14:49They are frantically looking all around Brookhaven. Little did they know they have only one minute left
14:56If I were you babies, I would start panicking cuz it looks like the parrots are in the lead
15:02Look at baby Ruffsy on his hoverboard. No fair. Oh wait cousin Ruffsy. No mama equals we can drive
15:09Baby Ruffsy was like, where are they? We're going to lose
15:13No, baby Angel's going to drive. And secondly, there are no rules for this challenge
15:17Huh? Baby Bean is already driving his car. He he. Oh mama, you told me driving
15:22Ah, you guys remember what happened the last time they drove a car? Oh, no, they really want to win this challenge
15:28Baby Bean's like, let's paint auntie's car. No, not my golf car!
15:32They really want me to get out of my hiding spot. Look at them recklessly driving around. Whoa, baby Angel's car is on fire
15:40Five, four, three, two, one. We won the first challenge
15:46Let's go
15:53We are in the lead, whoa, I shrunk so much baby Angel relax
15:58Fine, we will definitely win this last round. Well, good luck guys
16:03You really do need the luck cuz we are in the lead
16:06Baby Bean's like if you guys can switch hiding spots, then we will too. I'm going to be at the pool. That's a hint
16:12Okay, thanks for the hint. All right, baby plushies go and hide
16:16Go go go! Baby Rexy's like I have an idea. All right guys
16:19Let's just quickly scoot down over here so they don't think we are fully cheating. Oh, man, Bean and Rexy
16:25Can you believe this? They haven't even found us cheating. Well, I think they're getting suspicious. Yep, but we haven't gone on court yet
16:32That's the main thing. All right, now that we are a bit far away from them. Let's go and cheat
16:37Hehehe. Now baby Angel, baby Bean and baby Rexy are going to take this last round serious
16:42Cuz they want to have a tiebreaker with us
16:44They are going to be hiding in very good spots, but nothing can beat the power of free cam. Well, that didn't work
16:49Hmm, where's Angel trying to hide? What? Who's that up there? That's baby Angel. She went flying. How did she do that?
16:57Rexy, look at what your son is doing
16:59That is so smart
17:01What? That's like 1000 IQ brain move. I need to go to a doctor and look at baby Rexy's IQ
17:07I know what he's going to do
17:09He's going to be up in the sky and then he's going to remove all his chair props and we'll never ever doubt that he will
17:15Be up in the sky. He's a genius
17:17All right, while he is doing that we have to go spy on Bean and baby Angel. Baby Bean is inside the airport
17:23He's going to the private jet. Oh
17:26My god, he opened the private jet. Oh, no, he's gonna use the private jet and fly. Oh baby
17:32Rexy's also doing the same thing. They weren't lying when they said that we're gonna take this next round very serious
17:37This is next-level smart. Look at him go. Oh, no, he's coming close to us. Go run
17:42We can't let him know we are cheating who we saw that private jet baby Bean
17:47Phew that was close if he had caught us secretly spying on them on our iPads who would have gotten eliminated
17:53I wonder where he's going
17:55He's probably just going to be traveling up in the sky
17:57But obviously we'll be able to see the private jet shadow on the ground
18:01So he needs to hide in a better spot. Wait a second, baby
18:05Rexy just disappeared baby Rexy. Oh, there he is. Oh my goodness. He's so high up right now
18:11He's so high up that I thought I lost him. Whoa, that's a big fall
18:15This feels like he's in a flying magic carpet. It was like you'll never find me here. Oh, but we will
18:22Alright now that we know baby beans and baby Rexy's hiding spot. Where's baby angel?
18:27We have to know where baby angels hiding. Otherwise, we won't win this challenge. All right, one thing I know about baby angel
18:33Yep, is that she copies baby Rexy a lot?
18:36So maybe we need to look up in the air in birds eye view. She's definitely flying up here somewhere
18:44Oh baby angel, even though there's one minute left in the timer
18:48We are going to find you baby angels favorite spot is the ocean. So I'd be looking there
18:54I mean the ocean is right over there. So I guess we are pretty close here. Where could she be?
19:00We just need to find a little ant on the street and then bingo we will have found angel. Oh, baby angel
19:08We're going to find you. Oh, no be Rexy. Yes times up. Oh, man
19:13Oh, we know what bean and Rexy are hiding, but we don't know what baby angel is hiding
19:18She was too smart for us. All right, let's go this time
19:21I'm gonna take out my motorbike and I'm gonna put the speed all the way up to 70 ready or not kids
19:26We are here to find you being just hop on to my bike. It's way faster than your little bike. Whoa, let's go
19:33All right, make sure to keep a lookout for baby angel. I'm enjoying my tacos while looking out
19:39All right be make sure you don't focus too much in the food
19:41Look around be a bit observant and see where they are. Wait a second. I saw something. Wait, what'd you see ice cream shop bean?
19:49You're meant to be looking for the kids not for ice cream guys. Come here. I have an idea. Yep
19:53All right, you see the blue Lamborghini. Yep. All right, follow me this way. Okay. All right. I'm right behind you Rexy
20:00All right, we won't catch baby Rexy too quickly. All right. All right
20:03I'm gonna jump out of the car and I'm gonna aim this basketball up into the air. What are you trying to prove Rexy?
20:09I'm trying to scare baby Rexy right now. Don't he's gonna change his locations. Oh, yeah, you're right. Hey bean
20:15Look, do you see that shadow on the ground? That's a big giveaway, but we're not gonna catch him now act like we're looking around
20:21La la la la la la la guys come to the trees. Wait, what'd you see the one near the ocean?
20:28All right. I see a blue car. We got tricked so bad here. What do you mean? Did you find someone?
20:32No, I found something very very smart. Wait, I see something here as well. I'm in the trees. Wait, what bean quickly?
20:39Look, no, no, no guys. I fell for the same trick. There is another sign here. Huh? They tricked us. They are to the trees
20:47They are so clever
20:48Alright, let's see. What's up. Look at this sign. Haha get tricked. I'm not in the trees
20:53What if they are just lying? Let me use my free cam and check each individual tree
20:57Maybe they think we wouldn't check the trees because there's a sign saying that okay. Nothing here. Nothing there
21:04They aren't there chop-chop. Hurry angel. We're running out of time
21:08All right, how about we go first find Rexy so we can put a lot of stress on them, baby Rexy, huh?
21:14What's that strange shadow doing here? We found you baby Rexy get down. Come out baby Rexy. Hurry. Hurry
21:21What is he doing? He just placed a bed baby Rexy. You can't get away Rexy drop the bed
21:26It was like I'm gonna just take a nap Rexy. Hurry up. We found you. It's like oh, man
21:31We caught you, but guys, let's all celebrate. We have to find the others. How did you find me here?
21:36Wait, did you guys just see an explosion? Yes. Wait a second
21:41I think I saw some movement in the daycare. Come on get searching. I found you. Oh
21:47My god, this was my first try. My first guess was right. I don't know how I figured this out
21:53Come on, we've got no time to waste. We have to go find baby bean now
21:56Baby bean was on a private jet. All right bean keep your eyes up on the sky guys
22:01I know what to do. If he's using a private jet, I'm gonna use a helicopter
22:05Smart let's go check there. We haven't checked the school yet
22:08Alright, but what did you need the private jet for then? Okay, I'm gonna use my free cam to quickly look all around
22:14Hey, there's a toilet here. It's not in here. Let me try to trick him. We have unlimited tacos
22:21I see a flight of jet really mean he's right here. Where are you guys? Yeah. Oh my god get in
22:28Come here, baby bean. I see you quick quick quick quick angels. Whoa
22:33Whoa, look up at the sky. I see them. Hey being quickly. I know what to do
22:37I see his private jet quickly get on found you baby beam. All right, I'm gonna jump as well. Three two one
22:46Bro, I missed that. Hey guys get down here. We found you. Come on down. We've got you guys just on time
22:53We want this challenge
22:55We won this challenge fair and square. Hey, we spotted you like a long time ago
23:00Maybe it's like good game. Also, don't ask how I got this jet baby bean baby angel, baby
23:05RFC we won paper. It's just like but how did you manage to find me up there?
23:11Well, we saw a shadow on the ground
23:13Hey guys, the only time that kids will find out we're cheating when we upload this video on YouTube
23:20Haha. Yeah, we won the game of hide-and-seek
23:23Guys, if you want to see more videos like this give it a big fat like
