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Volcanoes are powerful enough to change the world in an instant, and some could trigger global chaos if they erupt! πŸŒ‹ Everyone knows about Yellowstone, the sleeping giant in the U.S. that could blanket the sky with ash, but have you heard of Campi Flegrei in Italy? This massive underground supervolcano has been showing signs of waking up, and an eruption could affect all of Europe. In the past, little-known eruptions like Mount Tambora in 1815 caused the "Year Without a Summer," bringing famine and freezing temperatures worldwide. Even the eruption of Laki in Iceland (1783) poisoned the air and caused crop failures as far as Egypt! Scientists keep a close eye on these ticking time bombs, but if one of them goes off, the world could be in for some serious trouble. 🌍πŸ”₯ Animation is created by Bright Side.
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