अखनूर, जम्मू और कश्मीर: ऑपरेशन "सद्भावना" के तहत, भारतीय सेना ने सुनैल गांव में 20 युवा लड़कियों के लिए एक बुनियादी कंप्यूटर पाठ्यक्रम का आयोजन किया। इस पहल का उद्देश्य ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में डिजिटल शिक्षा को बढ़ावा देना और युवाओं को तकनीकी रूप से सशक्त बनाना था। स्कूल के शिक्षक सतपाल ने कहा कि मैं भारतीय सेना के प्रति अपनी हार्दिक कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करना चाहता हूँ, जिन्होंने हमारी वंचित लड़कियों के लिए 45-दिवसीय कंप्यूटर पाठ्यक्रम आयोजित किया। वहीं छात्रों ने कहा कि ऑपरेशन सद्भावना के हिस्से के रूप में, हमारे स्कूल को हाल ही में 45-दिवसीय कम्प्यूटर प्रशिक्षण पाठ्यक्रम मिला। मैंने सक्रिय रूप से भाग लिया और नोटपैड, माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेल, माइक्रोसॉफ्ट वर्ड और अन्य उपयोगी टूल जैसे कई बुनियादी कौशल सीखे।
#Akhnoor #JammuandKashmir #IndianArmy #empowersstudents #Sunailvillage #digitalskills #OperationSadbhavna #digitaleducation #computercourse
#Akhnoor #JammuandKashmir #IndianArmy #empowersstudents #Sunailvillage #digitalskills #OperationSadbhavna #digitaleducation #computercourse
00:00Er, hi.
00:04Er, hi.
00:09If anything happens, you have to compare it.
00:14If it's a positive point...
00:33What's your name in the board?
00:36What's your name in the board?
00:39Who's interested in engineering?
00:42No one?
00:44There's a course in engineering called Computer Science.
00:47It has a lot of use of computers.
00:50But if you know the basics, you'll be able to move forward.
00:54Be happy and always be happy.
01:03I hope the name of our panchayat will continue to shine.
01:19According to Satyabhavna, we received training in our school.
01:22It was a 45-day computer training.
01:24We have learned a lot of basic things.
01:28Notepad, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word...
01:31We have learned a lot of useful things.
01:35Our teachers have contributed the most.
01:37Our computer teacher has given us this training with a lot of hard work.
01:41The biggest contribution is of the Batra Sena family.
01:44We are poor children.
01:46We have never seen a computer or known about it.
01:49But with their help, we have been able to see it.
01:53It will be very useful for us in the future.
01:57After completing the 45-day training, we have been given a diploma.
02:01It is very important in our life.
02:04It will be useful for us in the future.
02:06Recently, a computer training was organized by the army.
02:13In this training, they taught us how to deal with computers.
02:16Computers are very helpful machines.
02:19We can do a lot of things with a computer.
02:25We can do a lot of things at once.
02:29Computers are very helpful for us.
02:31We can make a report card or a letter.
02:37We can make a presentation.
02:39It is very helpful for us.
02:41Computers play an important role in our daily life.
02:45Thanks to the army, we were able to learn how to use computers.
02:50Thanks to the teachers of our school.
02:53They appealed to the army.
02:55The army accepted it and taught us how to use computers.
02:58Today, our computer training is over.
03:02We have been given diplomas.
03:05These diplomas will be very helpful for us in the future.
03:07First of all, I would like to thank the Indian Army.
03:13They organized a 45-day computer course for poor girls.
03:23They taught the basics of computers to the girls.
03:29The girls gave their full response.
03:33They were also tested.
03:35They got a certificate today.
03:38The girls learned the basics of how to use a computer.
03:45Computers are a basic need today.
03:49Computers are a must in any field.
03:54Our phone is a small form of a computer.
03:59We use it as soon as we wake up in the morning.
04:02Computers are very important for the new generation.
04:10If you take a small form, you have to fill it online.
04:15If you go to the bank, you have to fill it online.
04:18If you go to the hospital, you have to register first.
04:23You have to use your phone or computer.
04:27Computers are a basic need for the new generation.
04:34Computers are a must for every child.
04:36The Indian Army organized a 45-day computer course for us.
04:46They also helped us with the infrastructure.
04:50They gave us decks, whiteboards, and other equipment.
04:59I am very thankful to the Indian Army for this.
05:06I hope they will continue to organize such programs for our children.
05:20For more information, visit www.fema.gov