Sarmaşık Zamanı 16. Bölüm
00:07Sen hair görmüyordunuz deli değilsin sen o adam gerçekten var bak
00:15Arzu gerçekleşen her eylemin bir sonucu olur değil mi?
00:21O sonucunda nesi olur?
00:26Her şeyi bildiğini sanıyorsun değil mi ama yanılıyorsun sen hiçbir şey bilmiyorsun ne demeye çalışıyorsun sen Ali Arzu'ya
00:36Aşık anne hem de hastalıklı bir şekilde aşık o kadın arkamdan iş çevirmenin bedelini ödeyecek
00:48Başaramadı dayı izin vermedik ona
02:06Buyurun iyi geceler münevver hanım mı hayır ben değilim sesleneyim lütfen
02:14Münevver hanım
02:28Oğuz'cum sen
02:30Gel Oğuz'cum
02:32Ne oldu?
02:33Oğlunuz Kerem Bey Oğuz'u size bırakmamızı istedi kendisi karakolda da
02:39Eşeği Ezgi hanım Kerem Bey hakkında bir cinayet ihbarında bulundu
02:44Cinayet mi?
02:46Arzu Yalçın öldürüldü
02:52Benim oğlum
02:54Karıncayı bile incitmez
02:58Ezgi böyle bir şey söylemiş olamaz mümkün değil
03:04Sakin olun
03:06Sakin olun münevver hanım sadece ifadeleri alınacak
03:08Ben de gelebilir miyim?
03:30Nereye gidiyoruz?
03:34Nasıl buldun?
03:36Defne yardım etti
03:38Münir mi diyorsun peki?
03:42Cinayetten iki gün sonra bir bilet almış
03:44Her ihtimali göz önünde bulundurmamız gerekiyor
03:47O kadar beklemezdi değil mi?
03:51Kerem mi?
03:56Her şey hazırlıklı olmalı
04:02Kıyafetleri getirdim
04:04Yolda bir yerde üstünü değiştirsin
04:17Her şey tamam
04:19İmza etti artık sen de Kerem
04:37Peki Metin
04:39Çocukların vaziyeti nedir?
04:45Arzuları çocukların
04:49Yetiştirme yurduna yerleştirildiler
04:55Şimdi şöyle yapıyoruz
04:59Leyla'yı biz evlat ediniyoruz
05:01Büyüğü de
05:03Neydi adı Mert mi?
05:05Mert de 18 yaşına geldikten sonra
05:09Vakfımızın himayesine girecek
05:11Maddi manevi destek olacağız
05:15Anlıyor musun?
05:17Mert'te problem yok ama
05:19Leyla'yı evlat edinmek için
05:21Ezgi'nin durumu bize çok ciddi yasal problem çıkartır
05:27Ben anlatamadım herhalde Metin
05:31Bu iş ya olacak ya olacak
05:35Benim için son derece önemli
05:37Ailemiz için öyle
05:39Anladın mı?
05:41Ha eğer tabi
05:43Ben beceremem diyorsam da
05:45Artık o zaman
05:47Aile avukatımız olarak
05:49Seni azlederim
05:51Anladım yine ben
06:13Anladın mı?
06:43Ne işin var senin burada?
07:15Ne yapacağız şimdi?
07:17Bilmiyorum ki sana bağlı
07:19İstediklerimizi anlatırsan buradan çıkar gidersin
07:29Arzuyla ne alakam var?
07:34Ezgi iki dakika izin verir misiniz?
07:38Ne yapacaksam?
07:40Şu anda burada olacakları görmene gerek yok
07:42Tamam tamam
07:44Tamam anlatacağım gel
07:48En çok duymadın mı?
07:50Ne yapacaksın?
07:52Ne yapacaksın?
07:54Ne yapacaksın?
07:56Ne yapacaksın?
07:58Ne yapacaksın?
08:02En çok da onun bilmesi gerekiyor
08:12Neden kaçtın?
08:14Ben polisten kaçmadım
08:18Arzuyu Kerem öldürdü
08:20Suçu da benim üstüme atacaktı ondan kaçıyordum ben
08:22Ne işin var senin Kerem'de?
08:24Beni Kerem tuttu
08:26Ezgi'yi takip etmemi istedi
08:30Para verdim
08:32Söyledim sana o tehlikeli bir adam
08:34Arzuyu da kesin Kerem öldürdü
08:40Ne malum senin öldürmediğin
08:44Arzu benim kardeşim mi?
08:50Kardeşim gibiydin
08:52Aynı yurtta büyüdük biz onunla
08:54Nasıl yapabilirim ona bir şey
08:56O kardeşim ayağını bir şey tızıyla geç devam et
08:58Ben yapmadım
09:00Size yemin ediyorum
09:02Yapsaydım kaçardım burada ne işim var
09:04Gidin sorun bakayım ben ne zaman tutmuşum burayı
09:06Arzunun öldüğü gün geçtim ben buraya
09:08Katil olsam durur muydum?
09:12Kerem ile nasıl tanıştın?
09:16Arzu tanıştırdı
09:28Çok beklettin mi?
09:36Sana bir arkadaşımdan bahsetmiştim
09:46Münir ben
09:48Memnun oldum Kerem
09:50Ben de memnun oldum
09:52Sonunda tanışabildik
09:55Arzu Bey bahsetmişti
10:03Nasıl ne zamandır sevgiliydiler?
10:07Üç yıldır anlatayım ben size her şeyi
10:11Dedim ya Arzu ile biz kardeş gibiydik
10:13Yıllardır beraber çalışıyorduk
10:15Bu gidiyordu zengin adamları
10:19Ben de kocası ayağına basıyordum
10:21Çövüştüyorduk lavuklara Kerem'e de aynısını yapacaktık
10:23Ama ilk kez Arzu plana uymadı
10:25Neden biliyor musun geri zekalı
10:27Çünkü gitti Kerem'e aşık oldu
10:31Vazgeçemezdi de artık
10:33Neden vazgeçemezdi?
10:41Arzu Kerem'in çocuğuna hamileydi
10:49Leyla Kerem'in çocuğu mu?
10:55Ben nasıl farketmedim
10:57Ben ne kadar aptalım
11:01Çok mutluydular biliyor musun?
11:03Boşanacaktı senle
11:05Neden boşanmadı?
11:07Boşansa beş kuruş alamazdı çünkü Arzu bana her şeyi anlattı
11:09Bu bütün mal varlığın her şey işte
11:11Ezgi'ye ve onun
11:13Emrindeki bir vakfa aitmiş
11:15Geldi anlattı her şeyi
11:17Yalvardı yardım istedi benden
11:20Benden kurtulacaktınız yani
11:22Öldürecektiniz yani Ezgi'yi
11:24Hayır hayır asla öyle bir şey yok
11:26Hem önce bile bütün her şeyi vakfa kalacaktı
11:34Oğuz'da 18 yaşına gelene kadar
11:36Bana bir şey olursa
11:38Mal varlığının yönetimi vakfa kalacaktı
11:40Mahkeme kararıyla akli dengenin
11:42Yerinde olmadığı ispatlanırsa
11:44Paranın bütün kontrolü Kerem'e geçecekti
11:46Beni delirtmeye çalıştınız
11:48Yemin ederim her şey Kerem'in fikriydi
11:50Ben sadece plan oydum
11:52Karakolada kitabı yollamamı
11:54O istedi
12:00Ezgi sen bunların hiçbirini hak etmedin
12:18Bir oyunun içindeymişim ben
12:20Bomboşmuş benim hayatım
12:24Eşim arkadaşım kimsem yokmuş
12:26Ben buradayım
12:32Kandırmışlar beni
12:34Ezgi bunu denediler
12:36Ama yapamadılar
12:38Sen çok güçlü durdun her seferinde
12:40Şimdi bırakamazsın kendini
12:42Sen çok güçlü durdun
12:44Şimdi bırakamazsın kendini
12:46Şimdi bırakamazsın kendini
12:48Bak oradaki herife ben de günahım kadar güvenmiyorum
12:50Ama söylediği şeylerde doğru noktalar var
12:54Cinayetten sonra beklemesi
12:56Kaçmaması mantıklı değil sen de biliyorsun
13:00Kerem yani
13:02Anlamanın tek bir yolu var
13:04Kerem'i buraya getirip
13:06İkisini yüzleştireceğiz
13:36Ne var ne istiyorsun
13:38Görüşmemiz lazım
13:40Kafayı mı yedin sen
13:42Git peşimden
13:44What the hell is going on?
14:13Calm down.
14:16Calm down.
14:28My wife.
14:34Don't give me a chance to hit you.
14:37I'll shoot you.
14:39Come here.
14:55You know it's not my fault, right?
14:58Shut up.
15:01It's not like you, my wife.
15:04I know everything.
15:06Your relationship with Arzu.
15:08Your child.
15:09You know everything.
15:15It's not like you think.
15:17I don't know what he told you.
15:19The truth.
15:21You told me the truth.
15:23You set me up.
15:25Don't lie to me.
15:27Everyone knows your real face.
15:29I'll kill you.
15:31Is that so?
15:33The money is in the trunk.
15:37Because you threatened me.
15:39He threatened me.
15:58In this case, the control is only going to you in one way.
16:01Your wife doesn't have the ability to run the foundation.
16:05Well, that's not possible.
16:07I told you that.
16:09It's possible.
16:12Münir has a plan.
16:16Arzu told me about your wife.
16:18How can I say this?
16:20Her past is a little troubled.
16:23What kind of trouble?
16:25She's going to the psychologist.
16:34You're going to tell me everything about your wife.
16:35I'm going to follow you.
16:37We're going to play a little game with her with this information.
16:43You're aware that you're talking about driving my wife crazy, aren't you?
16:48You're talking about driving my wife crazy.
16:51Are you imitating that?
16:54We'll do it together.
16:56That's not going to happen.
16:58It will.
17:00It won't.
17:02It will.
17:04Think about our baby.
17:13I'll help, too.
17:15We're not going to do any physical harm.
17:19Kerem, never.
17:21We're just going to confuse him a little bit.
17:24Until he gets his signature.
17:26Then we'll get out of his life.
17:29He'll go back to his old life.
17:30He won't be harmed.
17:32He won't be harmed.
17:47I didn't want any of this to happen. I'm so sorry.
17:50I was going to finish this game.
17:52I don't believe you.
17:54Look, Arzu didn't leave me. He tried to take the money from me.
17:57I gave him the money, but he didn't leave me.
18:00What are you talking about? Arzu was going to tell me everything.
18:03What was Arzu going to tell you?
18:05The only thing Arzu wanted to do was to take revenge on you.
18:08Because I gave up on him. That was it.
18:23What are you trying to do?
18:25Why did you send flowers to yourself?
18:29What? I love myself. I can't send flowers.
18:33You sent them from Ezgi's shop.
18:37You're crazy.
18:41You did it to meet me.
18:47Because you don't give up on my wife.
18:50I'm sorry.
18:55I saw how you looked at her, Kerem.
18:58I had to see how she looked at you.
19:01We've talked about this many times, haven't we?
19:03I brought you here and I won't regret it.
19:20You killed Arzu.
19:23I didn't kill Arzu.
19:32I didn't kill Arzu. I have a witness.
19:35Who is your witness?
19:39I met Sofia on the same day I met Münir.
19:43Call her.
19:49Call her.
19:59You're lying.
20:01I'm not lying.
20:05I'm so sorry.
20:07Shut up.
20:09I'm so sorry.
20:19Hello, Defne.
20:21Kerem said he was with Sofia at the time of the murder.
20:24You have to talk to her.
20:43Get up.
20:50Özgür, stop.
20:59Calm down, Özgür.
21:01Drop the gun.
21:03Calm down.
21:05You took my son from me.
21:07Calm down, please.
21:09You ruined my life.
21:11Özgür, drop the gun.
21:14It's all your fault.
21:19You're right.
21:21I'm sorry.
21:23Forgive me.
21:40I love you so much.
21:47I love you too.
21:55Are you sure, Defne?
21:58Yes, I'm sure.
22:07Okay, thanks.
22:17I love you.
22:47I love you too.
23:17They will be judged because of the trap they set up for you.
23:20Of course, Kerem's file is even more complicated.
23:22But neither of them is a murderer.
23:24What do you mean?
23:26Kerem was telling the truth.
23:28He was really with Sofia at the time of the murder.
23:30They put the woman's child in the country illegally.
23:33Of course, Kerem is currently trading illegal drugs with the men who did this.
23:38Metin was with them.
23:40Don't worry.
23:42He will be punished for everything he did.
23:47I'm sorry.
23:54Ezgi, I know it's been a hard day.
23:56I'm so tired.
23:58But I have to ask you one last thing.
24:03I told you about someone who has always bothered you.
24:06Do you remember?
24:12Kerem's new Ali?
24:32Mrs. Adnan.
24:38Bring him.
24:40Where are you taking me?
24:42Mrs. Adnan, calm down.
24:44My grandson is innocent.
24:45Why are you giving me a hard time?
24:47Wait in line, we'll meet you too.
24:50They're here.
24:52Are you okay?
24:54Come sit.
24:56Why are they calling this boy?
25:00I need to tell you something.
25:02About Ali.
25:08The night Arzun died.
25:10Ali came to my hotel.
25:12We talked about everything.
25:13Ali knows everything now.
25:15What are you talking about?
25:17Calm down, mom.
25:19I was talking to Arzun that night.
25:21Ali was at Arzun's house.
25:35Did you tell anyone?
25:39You won't even open your mouth.
25:41Okay, mom.
25:55Where were you between 20.30 and 22.00 on the night of the murder?
26:02I was at home.
26:44When will my dad come?
26:46I don't have a mom.
26:48My dad is gone too.
26:50They'll come, Oğuz.
26:52Don't worry.
26:57The police found my mom.
27:03Brother Ali.
27:07What happened?
27:09The police took my dad.
27:11The police took my dad.
27:14He came late.
27:16At that time.
27:17He wasn't at home.
27:18I'm sure.
27:19I was in my room.
27:20I didn't go out.
27:21He didn't see me.
27:22What were you doing in your room?
27:23I was lying down.
27:24I was looking at my phone.
27:27While passing through the corridor,
27:29I saw that the room was empty.
27:31He can't see.
27:32The door was closed.
27:33Do you remember whether the door was closed or not?
27:35No, not because of that.
27:36I always close it.
27:37I don't leave it open.
27:38It was open.
27:39The window was narrow.
27:41I understood from there.
27:43He always runs away from that window.
27:44I used to run away.
27:46I don't do it now.
27:48You were in the room.
27:52The police came to the house.
27:54You were at your uncle's police station.
27:56He said that a murder was committed on the site.
27:59And you didn't look at the door, Ali.
28:01I didn't hear that they were coming.
28:05I didn't know.
28:06Didn't your mother tell you anything when the police were taking her?
28:10She didn't.
28:13You didn't hear anything.
28:15Didn't you see their lights when the police were coming?
28:21I didn't see.
28:28How can we do this, Ali?
28:30How can we do this?
28:32You're lying, son.
28:34You're lying.
28:36If you were in that room that night, you would have seen the lights of the police, Ali.
28:41Where were you?
28:44I was sleeping.
28:45Am I remembering wrong?
28:46Or didn't you say that this boy was looking at the phone in front of us?
28:49Brother Özgür, I was looking.
28:50Fuck your brother Özgür.
28:53Where were you?
29:01Ali, look at me.
29:02Look at me.
29:05Where were you, son?
29:09I was with Nesrin.
29:11Yes, he was with me at the hotel, Ali.
29:14How long did he stay there?
29:16Now, of course, I can't tell you the exact time, but it's a long time.
29:21It's a long time. We talked a lot.
29:24What did you talk about?
29:26I told him everything. My past.
29:30I told him that I was his mother, Özgür.
29:33You left the hotel at 19.35.
29:36When the police came to your house, it was 21.37.
29:40Where were you in those two hours, Ali?
29:43I walked.
29:44You walked.
29:45Where did you walk?
29:46Were you alone?
29:47I was alone.
29:49I don't know where, but I walked.
29:51I don't know where, but I walked.
29:54You just walked for two hours, right?
29:59I wanted to disperse myself.
30:01I was depressed.
30:03Because someone I thought wasn't there came to me years later.
30:22Anyway, he told you that he was your mother that night, right, Ali?
30:28You felt relieved.
30:31You were right to be angry.
30:34You walked.
30:36You walked to ease your anger.
30:39But your anger didn't subside.
30:44You wanted to ask him for all these years.
30:47But you couldn't, right, Ali?
30:48I didn't want to look at his face.
30:50He wasn't like my mother.
30:53He was like a stranger.
30:55There was someone you wanted to look at, right?
30:58Someone you could look at,
31:00someone you could talk to,
31:04someone you could settle accounts with.
31:07Was it your mother?
31:09It had nothing to do with her.
31:10It had nothing to do with her.
31:11What she told you was too heavy for you.
31:13She was a mother to you.
31:15It had nothing to do with her.
31:16What she told you was too heavy for you.
31:18You knew you needed a mother,
31:20but you couldn't accept her.
31:22That's why you went to Arzu.
31:23No, I wanted to be alone.
31:25You followed Arzu.
31:26You were obsessed with her.
31:27I wasn't obsessed.
31:29Son, he tried to sneak into the woman's house.
31:36I thought he was at home, okay?
31:38I went to see him.
31:39I thought you entered the house without permission.
31:41Maybe you wanted Arzu.
31:42But Arzu didn't meet your demands.
31:45He saw you as a child.
31:48He saw you as a child.
31:50He hurt you, Ali.
31:52I think he hurts everyone.
31:54He hurt me, too, son.
31:57That's why you wanted revenge.
31:59No, I tried to stay away.
32:00What did I say?
32:01I tried to stay away.
32:02You couldn't, you threatened him.
32:04It wasn't a threat, Özgür.
32:05There was no threat there.
32:06He's sick of you, son.
32:08It wasn't.
32:10No, it wasn't.
32:11He wanted me.
32:12Son, the woman complained to your sister-in-law.
32:15She said, I was afraid of this boy.
32:17How many people did you flirt with?
32:18What are you talking about?
32:19I complained to your sister-in-law.
32:22How many?
32:24I didn't think it would be like this.
32:25I swear I didn't think you'd go to something like this.
32:28I never guessed.
32:31I didn't want it to be like this.
32:33I swear I didn't want it to be like this.
32:35You have a woman in your mouth, Arzu Yalçın.
32:38It's all her fault.
32:40All of them.
32:42It's all her fault.
32:46It's all her fault.
32:49How would I know who would come here?
32:56I never guessed.
33:01I didn't expect it to be like this.
33:03I never guessed.
33:06I didn't want it to be like this.
33:08I swear I didn't want it to be like this.
33:10You have a woman in your mouth, Arzu Yalçın.
33:13It's all her fault.
33:15All of them.
33:17It's getting worse, Ms. Münevver.
33:21I don't think you can handle what you're going to hear.
33:31Your grandson confessed to killing Arzu Yalçın.
33:37It's impossible.
33:41My grandson can't be a murderer.
33:45I know.
33:47It's hard to accept.
33:49But unfortunately, that's the truth.
33:52No, no.
33:58Where is Ali now?
33:59They're working on it right now.
34:01When he gets out of here, he'll go to court.
34:03Then to jail.
34:06Don't worry about me.
34:08I'll help you see him one last time before I go.
34:21Did Ms. Münevver know Ali wasn't home?
34:25Ms. Münevver came home just before you arrived.
34:30Where was she?
34:31I don't know.
34:32But when she got home, she didn't have a single shoe on.
34:37She was covered in mud.
34:47Wait a minute.
34:48You need to put this on.
34:58She's so sensitive.
35:00I'm sure Ms. Münevver is the murderer.
35:03If we can find where the mud came from... could change her statement.
35:10We need to make her confess somehow.
35:12How are we going to do that?
35:15Münevver has a great weakness for her children.
35:17If we tell her that she confessed to Ali...
35:20...she'll tell the truth to save her grandson.
35:28I'm sorry.
35:30It's over.
35:31I killed him.
35:36I killed him.
35:47I know you're doing this to protect your grandson.
35:50I'm sorry.
36:01I killed Arzu.
36:08Are you confessing?
36:125 March, 23.20.
36:15Commissars Defne Tekin and Münevver Yılmaz are in the room.
36:21Did you kill Arzu Yalçın?
36:28How did it happen?
36:36I went to your house at night.
36:465 March, 23.20.
37:12Why did you come, Ms. Münevver?
37:15I came to talk. Can I come in?
37:17I'm not available right now.
37:19I don't have time. We'll talk.
37:35Can I look?
37:40My son won the tournament.
37:46He's a smart kid.
37:48I guess he's attracted to his father.
37:52What were you going to talk to me about?
37:54I won't say much.
37:58I learned about your relationship with Kerem.
38:00Get your shit together and get out of here.
38:04You're used to doing everything people tell you to do, aren't you, Ms. Münevver?
38:10I don't care what you say.
38:12Don't worry about it.
38:14I learned everything.
38:17I also learned about the baby.
38:20Look, sometimes men get confused.
38:25It's obvious that Kerem is also confused.
38:28But fortunately, he saw the truth.
38:31This is over.
38:33You're getting out of here.
38:35Men get confused like that.
38:37Isn't that right, Ms. Münevver?
38:39Is this confusion?
38:42Your son is the father of my child.
38:44I know.
38:45It's ridiculous.
38:46There's no need for us to talk about this.
38:48I'm leaving anyway.
38:50I'm going to take my kids and leave.
38:52I don't want anything from you.
38:54You don't take your kids and go anywhere.
38:56You're going.
38:58You're going.
38:59You eat whatever you eat.
39:01You live whatever life you live.
39:05But you can't take Leyla.
39:07Do you understand?
39:09She's my granddaughter.
39:10She's my blood.
39:12I'm going to leave Leyla with you.
39:18So you can drive her crazy?
39:20I don't care what you say.
39:22I know what you did to Ezgi.
39:24Would you let me?
39:26What did I do to Ezgi?
39:28Everyone will find out.
39:29Everyone will find out what kind of person you are.
39:31Everyone will find out how crazy you are.
39:33Everyone will find out what kind of maniac your son is.
39:35I don't care what you say.
39:37Speak properly about my children.
39:39Am I the problem, Ms. Münevver?
39:41I'm not the problem.
39:42What will change if I go?
39:43You're the problem.
39:45The problem is that you're crazy.
39:47The problem is that your son is a monster.
39:50The problem is that your grandson is a pervert.
39:52And you did all of this.
39:54Shut up.
39:55First I was very angry with them.
39:57I was very angry with them.
39:58Then I understood.
40:00You're the culprit.
40:02You're crazy.
40:04You ruined people.
40:06You know it very well.
40:08You're a terrible mother.
40:10And you know it very well.
40:11Will I learn motherhood from you?
40:36I love you.
41:06I love you.
41:36I love you.
42:06I love you.
42:36I love you.
42:38I love you.
43:06I love you.
43:08I love you.
43:36I love you.
43:38I love you.
44:06I love you.
44:08I love you.
44:10I love you.
44:12I love you.
44:14I love you.
44:16I love you.
44:18I love you.
44:20I love you.
44:22I love you.
44:24I love you.
44:26I love you.
44:28I love you.
44:30I love you.
44:32I love you.
44:34I love you.
44:36I love you.
44:38I love you.
44:40I love you.
44:42I love you.
44:44I love you.
44:46I love you.
44:48I love you.
44:50I love you.
44:52I love you.
44:54I love you.
44:56I love you.
44:58I love you.
45:00I love you.
45:02I love you.
45:04I love you.
45:06I love you.
45:08I love you.
45:10I love you.
45:12I love you.
45:14I love you.
45:16I love you.
45:18I love you.
45:20I love you.
45:22I love you.
45:24I love you.
45:26I love you.
45:28I love you.
45:30I love you.
45:32I love you.
45:34I love you.
45:36I love you.
45:38I love you.
45:40I love you.
45:42I love you.
45:44I love you.
45:46I love you.
45:48I love you.
45:50I love you.
45:52I love you.
45:54I love you.
45:56I love you.
45:58I love you.
46:00I love you.
46:02I love you.
46:04I love you.
46:06I love you.
46:08I love you.
46:10I love you.
46:12I love you.
46:14I love you.
46:16I love you.
46:18I love you.
46:20I love you.
46:22I love you.
46:24I love you.
46:26I love you.
46:28I love you.
46:30I love you.
46:32I love you.
46:34I love you.
46:36I love you.
46:38I love you.
46:40I love you.
46:42I love you.
46:44I love you.
46:46I love you.
46:48I love you.
46:50I love you.
46:52I love you.
46:54I love you.
47:20Why did you do this?
47:22I did it for you, for us, for you, to protect our family.
47:33He had a family too.
47:35He had a mother too.
47:37My mother.
47:41My mother.
47:43Do you understand?
47:47My mother.
47:49I protected my children.
48:19I protected my children.
48:21I protected my family.
48:23I protected my children.
48:25I protected my family.
48:27I protected my children.
48:29I protected my family.
48:31I protected my children.
48:33I protected my family.
48:35I protected my children.
48:37I protected my family.
48:39I protected my children.
48:41I protected my family.
48:43I protected my children.
48:45I protected my family.
49:04It's the pretty thing to think of you
49:10The hopeful thing to think of you
49:16I'm the most beautiful voice in the world
49:21I'm the most beautiful singer
49:24I'm the most beautiful thing in the world
49:46I'm the most beautiful thing in the world
49:49I'm the most beautiful thing in the world
49:52I'm the most beautiful thing in the world
49:55I'm the most beautiful thing in the world
49:58I'm the most beautiful thing in the world
50:01I'm the most beautiful thing in the world
50:04I'm the most beautiful thing in the world