• 3 hours ago
Focus shifts to recovery in the aftermath of ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred in Queensland and northern New South Wales.


00:00As you can see behind me, I'm on the edge of the Bremer River here in Ipswich.
00:06The water is starting to recede quite fast, even as we've been standing here.
00:11The cars you can see behind me, we can already see more of them, so that water is coming
00:14down quite rapidly.
00:17In terms of power, power's been returned to most homes now.
00:21There's about 58,000 homes still without power.
00:24The majority of those are actually on the Gold Coast.
00:26There's about 26,000 without power there.
00:29Energex says about 95% of homes should have their power back by Friday, and 100% by Sunday.
00:36All right, so thoughts must be turning now to insurance claims to cover damage.
00:42What do we know about the amount of claims being made?
00:45Yeah, the Insurance Council has declared this an insurance disaster.
00:5022,000 claims have already been lodged, and they're expecting thousands more to come in
00:55the coming weeks and months.
00:57I suppose in comparison to this cycle in Jasper about two years ago, that ran to a
01:02bill of about $400 million, and that was about 10,500 insurance claims in total there.
01:09Let's go to northern New South Wales now.
01:11Reporter Nick Dole is in Lismore.
01:13Hi there, Nick.
01:14The focus has shifted from the emergency response now to recovery.
01:20That's right, Ros.
01:21Here in Lismore, the Wilsons River continues to drop, and it's a similar situation across
01:27the region.
01:28There have still been a few showers coming through, but no heavy falls that would threaten
01:32And so, as you say, the focus really is switching to recovery.
01:37Power supplies, they are coming back online, but there are still about 4,500 businesses,
01:44mostly between Ballina and the Queensland border, who remain without power.
01:48And in certain circumstances, it's really hard to reach properties because they're still
01:51surrounded by floodwaters.
01:53Now, the government says that there is an opportunity for people to claim disaster relief
02:00There'll be $180 available for business for individuals from today, and up to $900 for
02:09But Superintendent Scott Tanner, who's the recovery coordinator, he says his teams are
02:13already out on the ground, and they are assessing the damage.
02:16And so far, they have found a number of homes that people just can't live in.
02:21My priorities over the next few days are to get our teams in place and out there in
02:26the community assisting.
02:28We will not be sitting behind desks.
02:29We will not be holding meetings for the sake of meeting.
02:31We'll be out on the ground speaking and interacting with people and finding out firsthand what
02:35their needs are.
02:36And Nick, the government isn't backing down from its plans to demolish homes there in
02:41Lismore that have been occupied by squatters.
02:46That's right.
02:47The Parsons River behind me back in 2022, it swallowed up large parts of Lismore.
02:53And as a result, the government bought back homes that they deemed to be unsafe.
02:58There have for months now been squatters living in some of those homes, more than a couple
03:04of dozen squatters at times.
03:07Yesterday, the premier said he wanted to see the homes that those people were living in
03:12Now, some of the squatters say they've got nowhere else to go.
03:15We spoke to one gentleman yesterday who was homeless, who had been living in his car,
03:20but he said those homes at least provided a roof over his head.
03:23But nonetheless, the planning minister, Paul Scully, who's been in Lismore today, says
03:28the government won't be changing its stance.
03:30We've got people who are illegally occupying homes that we bought back because they're
03:34in dangerous locations, right?
03:37This is not a sport.
03:38This is not a game.
03:39This is not a free accommodation provided by the New South Wales government.
03:44These sites were identified because it's dangerous to live in.
03:49And the government says it has made offers to try to get alternative accommodation for
03:53those people, but it says it's simply not safe for them to stay.
