• 7 hours ago


00:00We are here with José Piñero, top Latin coach, business professional, he is going to give us some tips for 2025, and we started the year thinking about money, because then we spent a lot, Santa Claus went very far, and we are thinking about how we are going to do it, there are new projects, new plans that we bring, maybe a change in our lives and we need more money.
00:30Let's start with your tips to earn more, either with the same job we have or looking for a new job. What do you recommend to start?
00:43Fantastic, 2025 is a new opportunity for people to make more money. We all want to make more money. I don't know anyone so far, with whom I have done coaching, who has told me no, I don't want more money. So what I want us to think first is that we all have the ability to make more money. So let's see how we can do it.
01:06Look, I coach a lot of people who are in big companies, medium-sized companies, I also work with people who are entrepreneurs, who have their own business, but I also work with a lot of people who have their salary, who have their job in a big company, but they want to start something on the side, what the Americans call the business on the side, the side hustle. So I have a lot of experience working with both sides.
01:32So here I am going to give you the reasons or the different ways to make more money. Number one, diversify your source of income and that can mean several things. For people who have a job, who are happy with the job and they pay them well, start with the easiest part, which is to offer consulting or freelance services in what you already know how to do.
01:58For example, if you do marketing for a company and you have a friend or a friend who wants marketing for their business, you tell them, look, I can help you. And the advice is to look for someone to pay you the first $100. Because that's the hardest part. Once you get your first $100 that someone paid you, you're on the right track.
02:19So use your experience and your expertise in what you do every day. Offer help to someone who is looking for that, not for free. Ask for the first $100 for 1, 2, 3 hours or for a job. And that's how you start your freelance business.
02:39The second thing you can also do is simply open a company on the side of something that you are passionate about, something that you are good at and something that you enjoy doing. For example, this person, this client, she is a finance manager in a company, but she loves to do floral arrangements, flower arrangements for weddings, birthdays, quinceañeras.
03:02And she started that business on the side. And that business has started because people need it. People go to Google and say, I want flowers for a wedding in this geographic area. And they find it. And the nice thing about this is that that job, the vast majority of all the activity, is on weekends. So you don't have a conflict with your daily work.
03:24The other thing you can do is simply invest money, either in the market, in the stock market. I am not a financial analyst, but if you want to start, look for an index fund that are easy, put a little money and you don't have to do much. But that's the first thing, which is to diversify your income.
03:42The second thing is to learn a new skill. And here the phrase, I know you've heard it a lot, but my recommendation is artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence. That or something like data analysis or digital marketing, something that is needed and that more and more people will need and that will have more demand over time.
04:07And the last thing is for people who are in a good job and want to stay in this company, at the beginning of 2025, let's start the conversation with your boss to ask for a good increase when the time comes for the annual assessment.
04:22And that, as we have covered in other things and in many seminars, is not a conversation, it is not a request, it is a series of conversations that will take up much of the year. But at the beginning of the year, you tell your boss, I want to continue growing here, I want to continue increasing my impact in this company. How can we work, you and me, so that I receive a promotion or a good increase in salary when the time comes for the annual assessment.
04:52Hey, I have two questions for you too. For those couples with children who have a stable job, who are managing a lot, very busy schedules, who say, well, I can't open, I can't do another company right now, I can't dedicate the weekends because I'm taking the kids from here to there. What advice do you give them to improve that income? And for the newly retired.
05:18For couples who have little time because they have many commitments, I recommend something that acts mostly passively. That is what it means is something that does not require operations, that does not require a store, that does not require you to be there in person.
05:35Two things come to mind. One, investments. You put a little money in the bag, you don't have to do anything. The second thing is digital products. You create, for example, a calendar, a little book, a diary, something that you create once, you put it in a digital store and you don't have to do anything else.
05:59For example, my wife creates books for people who work as psychotherapists and who have clients who have a need for anxiety and other things. And people just go to a site like Etsy, write a book or workbook to work with children with anxiety, find her book, click and buy it.
06:20She worked her 20 hours or 30 hours creating the content once, puts it on and simply that continues to be sold alone. So digital products are very good because you create them once and they can continue to sell without you having to spend time marketing, operating the store or running things. So look for simple or passive things.
06:45So for people who have just retired or who are finishing their career in a company, my recommendation and my dream is that they find something super cute that they enjoy doing, that they are good at doing that and that they love the activity. Because people who are retiring have already worked for a long time, many of them worked on things that perhaps they did not love, so for me it is important that they find something that brings them happiness and joy.
07:12So for these people, I recommend the same, look for something that you enjoy doing day after day. Sometimes people see something and say, ah, this makes a lot of money, so I'm going to do it. And the question I ask them is, do you love doing those tasks and those activities? No, no, I don't like it, but it makes a lot of money.
07:32I tell them, that's not going to make you happy. Look for something else where the activities that you are going to do day by day bring you joy, bring you joy, you feel that you are in your area of expertise. Because if you manage to find something that brings you joy, something that you are good at and something that the world needs, you will succeed.
07:52Hey, I love that you say, because it's true, you can spend your whole life at a job that you don't like, so you don't have to waste the opportunity for the first time in your life to do something that we love. Or also share with others that experience and that wisdom that you have accumulated over the years, which is of great value for people who are in those golden years. Now we are going to ask you for your last advice that is applicable to all kinds of people to improve their finances right now.
08:22I would start a side hustle, and I would look for something that is easy to handle, something that is scalable, and something that you feel proud of having. Everyone has a gift, everyone has a gift. The one who is not an expert in one thing is an expert in another.
08:41The question then is, what do you have in your mind and in your heart that would help other people? And those other people have a need. So when you find people who tell you, you know what, I'm looking for this, you know what, I need this, listen to the signals, because that indicates a business opportunity and an opportunity for you to contribute.
09:06So start with something on the side, even if you have a good job, start with something on the side that brings you joy, where you are helping other people and that allows you to share your gift, your gift, your talent with other people. And there has never been a time in history where it is easier to start a business on the side than on the other.
09:26There are thousands of tools, there are thousands of systems, there are thousands of platforms. I help a lot of people, trust me, you can contact me. Don't wait. The best time to start a business was yesterday. The second best time is now. So let's move forward. Sometimes we are afraid, but take small steps, do a little research, and see what the world needs and how you can meet that need that people have.
09:55That's right. Words of wisdom. Thank you very much, José Piñero, as always. Remind us of your social media, please.
10:25Educate, raise, empower Latinos so that we all achieve more success and so that we can raise our community and our people. So here I am to serve you.
