• last week
Clash of Clans is completely removing Training Time for Troops, Spells, Siege Machines, Heroes...Everything! This change will be coming later this month, following the next update and will see unlimited armies, since you don't have to wait for training. This news was shared as part of a Blog Post which Judo Sloth fully explains because there will be changes to multiplayer and donations due to this. Clash On!

Everything Wrong with Legend League and How to Fix It: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZqs5j-HcRc

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#ClashOfClans #CoC #SupercellPartner

Video Chapters:
0:00 Training Times Removed
1:37 The Solution to More Clouds
3:20 Training Potions and Perks
5:05 Donation Changes
8:02 Trophy Changes
9:48 Legend League
11:01 When will it release?

► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile gaming channel focused on Clash of Clans. You will see a variety of videos focused on being Educational but Entertaining! You will find Informational Guides on Everything in CoC. Attack Strategies, 3 Star Attacks, Farming or Upgrade Advice, Lets Play and Update News - you'll want to Subscribe to see it all. Clash On!
00:00The biggest change to Clash of Clans ever is coming
00:03later this month, but there's a lot of changes
00:06due to the knock-on effect from this.
00:08Army training time is being removed.
00:15Troops, spells, siege machines, your heroes,
00:19they will all be instantly available.
00:22There is no training time whatsoever.
00:25So, you can attack as many times as you want.
00:28As long as you're not in Legends League.
00:30Clash of Clans released a blog post to announce this
00:33and discussed clouding issues,
00:36what is happening with the training portions,
00:38and donations, for example.
00:40So, let's go through everything so you know what to expect
00:44once this change happens later in the month.
00:46So, I've already kind of gone over the first paragraph here,
00:49but they do acknowledge that training time
00:52has been a major complaint for players for a long time.
00:56And years ago, when they removed the resource cost
01:00for training troops, they seen an increase
01:03in the enjoyment from Clash of Clans players.
01:07This gave them the confidence to make this bolder change.
01:10Clash of Clans was released in 2012,
01:13but today it feels outdated to wait 15 minutes
01:16between each attack.
01:18So, shortly after the next update,
01:19we'll be able to attack as much as we want,
01:22stream for hours.
01:23It will help players to learn battle mechanics faster,
01:27which I think is very important.
01:29But being able to attack unlimited in multiplayer
01:34could have its drawbacks.
01:35And the first one that comes to mind is clouds.
01:39More people online, less bases to find.
01:41Clash of Clans explains that when activity is high,
01:45for example, whenever there's events going on,
01:47Hammer Jam being a primary example,
01:50then players can get stuck in the clouds
01:52where they cannot find a base.
01:54As part of this update, we are working on a new server tech
01:57called Match Anytime.
01:59If we run out of eligible bases,
02:01you will have a chance to attack a snapshot base
02:04of a real player.
02:06So, this will be exactly the same
02:07as how Legends League works,
02:09or even Clan Wars, for example,
02:11where a screenshot of the base is taken,
02:14but that player could actually have a shield.
02:17Whenever you attack them,
02:19you would still gain the loot and trophies,
02:22just like normal,
02:24but that player would not lose them on defense.
02:27This would only happen if they run out of bases.
02:31So, a plan B,
02:32because since you don't have to wait of troops training up,
02:36and you can just instantly attack again,
02:38we could see longer play sessions from people.
02:41And likewise, that's where clearly
02:43there'd be a lot of clouds, which is frustrating.
02:45So, this is an ideal solution.
02:47Since as a defender,
02:49you don't lose any loot or trophies,
02:51you won't actually know
02:53if someone attacked the snapshot of your base.
02:56However, they have said that in a future update,
02:59they are looking to add this to the replay log.
03:02I'm assuming it would be clearly displayed
03:05that you didn't lose any loot or trophies,
03:06and it was a snapshot attack.
03:08But what this allows you is to learn from defenses
03:12so that you can tweak your layout.
03:13Clouding isn't the only issue
03:15they could run into with this change, though.
03:17There's actually quite a few others.
03:19Let's go over first.
03:20Training potions, treats, and perks.
03:23This is, I'm sure, one of the main reasons
03:26that this announcement is happening prior to an update,
03:29because they said, as of today,
03:31we are no longer selling training potions
03:34in any in-app purchase bundles,
03:36since obviously once this goes live,
03:39they said it'll be a little bit after the update,
03:41but still within this month,
03:43then those would go to waste.
03:45Or I guess not necessarily to waste,
03:47you would actually get the gem conversion for them,
03:50but it is 10 gems per potion,
03:53and I have a lot of them.
03:55So quite a few of mine will not be getting used.
03:59However, for those players that at the moment
04:02do find training potions useful,
04:04then you will still be able to access them
04:07through the trader and the gold pass,
04:08but clearly it's not really fair to sell them
04:11for money right now when that feature
04:14is being removed in the future.
04:16And I think this is,
04:17before we move on to a couple of the other issues,
04:19they will have a really good thing,
04:22because when you think about it,
04:24they are actually taking a hit on monetization here
04:28with gemming armies, selling of training potions, et cetera.
04:33Clearly, if they can increase the enjoyment of the game,
04:37then there's a chance they can offset that.
04:40But this is one of the things of where they have said,
04:43if they can increase monetization through cosmetics
04:46and other aspects,
04:47then they can try and make the game better.
04:49I feel that is clearly one of the things
04:52that we're now finally seeing a benefit of.
04:54Within the gold pass though, there is the training perk,
04:57which typically has allowed us to train troops a lot faster.
05:02That will be replaced, which brings us to donations.
05:06Obviously right now there is no cost to cooking up a troop.
05:11So you really just have to wait of the troop cooking up
05:14before you can then donate it.
05:16However, if there is no training time,
05:20then you could just instantly donate troops.
05:22This is why the donations are being changed.
05:26So with this update,
05:27all donations require Elixir or Dark Elixir.
05:31So the troop cost, if you will, is coming back,
05:34but only for donations.
05:37They're still considering exactly how much Elixir
05:40and Dark Elixir it would be per troop spell siege machine.
05:44But hey, there's nothing stopping you from attacking now
05:47to just go out and get some of that loot very easily
05:51to then donate those troops.
05:53They are reducing the clan castle request timer
05:57to a flat 10 minutes for all players,
06:00because previously it was even as high as 20 minutes
06:03if you were in a level one clan,
06:05which clearly is a bit counterintuitive
06:08when they are removing training time altogether.
06:11I understand where there has to be
06:12some drawback and limitation,
06:15but hey, you don't have to have your clan castle troops,
06:18especially if you're not in Legends League
06:20or trophy pushing.
06:21So being able to have training time completely removed
06:25is a good trade off.
06:27However, you can reduce this 10 minute request time
06:32via the gold pass.
06:33And this is where the training perk that is being removed
06:37is being replaced via a donation request timer reduction.
06:42Obviously that is a key perk when it comes to the gold pass
06:46and the amount of value you get from purchasing that.
06:49Another key part of the gold pass is the one gem donation.
06:54And if there wasn't some sort of cost to donating troops,
06:59then clearly the one gem donation
07:01would be basically worthless as well.
07:04So by having this,
07:06what it means is the one gem donation
07:08allows you to still donate the troops exactly the same.
07:11It just means you wouldn't have to use
07:13the elixir and dark elixir.
07:14But with the gold pass, you also get the reduction.
07:18And I'm hoping that that basically gets us to the stage
07:21where once you've done one attack,
07:24you can virtually request to do another.
07:26So I think if they got it down to like three minutes,
07:29that would be ideal because you do one attack,
07:32come out, your troops, spells, siege machines,
07:35heroes, everything.
07:35You're just ready to attack right away again.
07:38And if you then had to sit and wait of the CC request,
07:43that would be annoying.
07:44Again, I understand the limitation.
07:47If you're not getting the gold pass whilst it's frustrating,
07:50it's definitely a huge step forward from where we were.
07:53But if I'm getting the gold pass
07:55and getting the donation request timer reduction,
07:58I would hope I get to the stage
07:59where I can almost instantly go out and attack again.
08:02They go on to discuss another couple of things changing
08:05or problems they could foresee happening
08:07because of this change.
08:09One of them being trophy curves.
08:11Now, essentially that is just because you are able to attack
08:15however many times you want,
08:17you could really quickly climb up trophies.
08:20And it would just mean there was huge inflation,
08:23which could become difficult down in the lower leagues.
08:27But in order to try and balance that,
08:29because previously they balanced things
08:31around a two attack play session
08:34in that of using both of your armies.
08:37Whereas now they are going to reduce
08:39the amount of trophies earned from all victories.
08:43However, the largest reduction occurs
08:46with just one star victories.
08:48So if you're farming and just quickly gaining the one star
08:52to maintain or slowly grow your trophies,
08:55you won't really get that many,
08:57which means that irrespective, as long as you win a battle,
09:01you will still get some trophies and climb,
09:03but it will be harder to do
09:05if you're only getting one star victories.
09:07So it seems like rather than trophies being evenly split,
09:11let's say it's a 30 trophy offer,
09:14typically right now there is 10 trophies for the one star,
09:1610 for the second star, and then 10 for the third star.
09:19Seemingly it's not an even split anymore,
09:22but they do want to emphasize
09:23that this is more of a safety measure
09:26to make sure that once this is released later this month
09:30and players can just attack as much as they want.
09:32They don't want everyone just instantly boosted
09:34up to Legends League.
09:35So they're kind of playing it cautious,
09:38which I think is wise.
09:39And then they will monitor how much people play day by day
09:43and they can adjust the values over time
09:46with simple server maintenance.
09:48Obviously we touched upon Legends League
09:51and there is a limitation of eight attacks per day for now.
09:55They did say we intend on fixing this in a future update,
09:58but current data shows that most Legend players
10:00do not complete their eight battles already.
10:03So extending unlimited attacks to Legends League
10:06was pushed to a later date this year.
10:09For now, enjoy being able to complete
10:11all eight Legend League attacks in a single sitting.
10:14I think this is wise because they need to be careful
10:17how much they mess around with the amount of attacks
10:20in Legends League, whilst yes,
10:22you don't have to wait of your troops training,
10:24so they could increase it slightly,
10:26but I think it's a difficult one
10:28because the higher you put that,
10:31it might actually mean that some players
10:33are just not able to be competitive higher up in Legends
10:36if they're not able to manage that amount of attacks
10:39in each day.
10:40However, that's something that again,
10:42I'm sure they'll be able to monitor and adjust.
10:44I think the number of attacks could go up,
10:47but as to how many, I guess time will tell.
10:50And I do have a video discussing my thoughts
10:53on Legends League, which I did with Bash and TK,
10:56that may or may not be released already,
10:58but I'll link you across to it after this one.
11:01However, they did summarize by saying
11:04this change is coming quite soon.
11:07All they've said is it is coming this month
11:10after the update, and we know from the season calendar
11:13that an update is coming in March,
11:15but they said, stay tuned in the next few weeks
11:18for an official video preview,
11:21followed up by sneak peeks from your favorite creators.
11:25So it seems like we will even get to see footage
11:27of this earlier than the sneak peeks.
11:30We have an action-packed next update for you,
11:33and we can't wait to reveal more.
11:36I mean, if you ask me, that is one amazing change,
11:40and I can't wait for this to be implemented.
11:43But if you do want to see my discussion
11:45about Legends League, where we discuss the issues
11:48and what I think could be improved,
11:50I will link it on your screen.
11:51Enjoy the rest of your day.
