• 11 hours ago
At today's House Republican leadership press briefing, Speaker Johnson slammed Democrats' claims about the CR.

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00:00Thank you so much, Mr. Leader.
00:02Thanks for these extraordinary members who are behind us and participating this morning.
00:07I think the leaders stated it well, and others have said it well this morning.
00:11This is a moment of great change in Washington.
00:14It's also a moment of clarity and real contrast.
00:18The contrast was on display last week on the House floor.
00:20It was a shameful display by the Democrats.
00:22They are flailing, as is noted.
00:24They have no leader, no vision, no plan, no platform they can run on, because that was
00:29repudiated in the election.
00:31And they're in a panic mode right now, and so you see them lashing out.
00:34You see increasing profanity.
00:38There are many stories many of you have written about this new track they've taken, the new
00:42strategy where they just scream and shout and curse at everyone.
00:46I don't think that's going to be very productive either.
00:48And you also see the contrast going on this morning.
00:50They either have an issue with reading comprehension, or they are attempting to run one of the most
00:54shameful misinformation campaigns that we've ever seen in our lives.
00:59We filed that – the CR, the continuing resolution, on Saturday, and as was noted,
01:05they had already come out panning the bill that literally had not yet been seen.
01:12They said, quote – this is the House Democrat leadership team's statement on Friday – remember,
01:17the bill was filed on Saturday afternoon.
01:20On Friday, they said, quote, Republicans have decided to introduce a partisan continuing
01:25resolution that threatens to cut funding for health care, nutritional assistance, and
01:29veterans' benefits through the end of the year.
01:32Every single word of that is a lie.
01:33Every single – they just made it up.
01:35They didn't read the bill.
01:36It's nonsense.
01:37People are not buying this.
01:38And you see the contrast between one party, which is leading, moving the ball forward
01:43for the American people, and the other that is just screaming.
01:46Then the Democrats start parroting this talking point in interviews all weekend on CNN.
01:50They said, quote, it's so harmful to the American people.
01:54You know, cutting Medicaid, cutting Medicare, threatening Social Security, cutting veteran
01:57benefits – it's all a lie.
02:00You can all read the bill.
02:01It's 99 pages.
02:02This clean CR contains no poison pill riders, no policy riders there at all.
02:09No cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security, zero.
02:13No cuts to veterans' benefits, zero.
02:15In fact, as was noted, we plus up the accounts for veterans.
02:20And respectfully, I'm just going to say this to every reporter in the room, that if
02:24you're allowing Democrats to make these intentionally false, scurrilous claims without
02:28pushback, then you're aiding and abetting the spreading of this misinformation.
02:33I would just ask you to call them on it.
02:35The American people deserve that.
02:36They deserve that clarity from our press corps.
02:39Make them point it out to you.
02:40They can't, of course.
02:42And now, after weeks of trotting federal workers up to Capitol Hill and onto cable news shows
02:46to protest President Trump's efforts to make the government more efficient, now they're
02:51planning to vote down this simple bill.
02:52They are going to try to shut the government down.
02:54Every House Democrat will participate in this, it looks like.
02:57That would be a shame if it's true.
02:59I hope some of them will have a moment of clarity themselves and do the right thing.
03:03But it looks like they're going to try to shut down the government.
03:05It's a striking new posture for Democrats, who have always said they've just been apoplectic
03:11about the prospect of government shutdowns.
03:13I put a video out about an hour ago on social media.
03:16I encourage you to go see that.
03:17This is their – they have been their own words.
03:18You don't need to trust us on this.
03:21But Catherine Clark, here's one little zinger from her, quote, not only is it irresponsible
03:25and purposefully misleading, but it's also a dangerous precedent to be threatening a
03:30shutdown, unquote.
03:31Now, remember, this is in the last year, years past.
03:34Pramila Jayapal, quote, the tragedy here is all the civilian employees.
03:38It's the employees who are going to suffer, unquote.
03:41AOC, quote, it is not normal to hold 100,000 workers' paychecks hostage.
03:47It is not normal to shut down the government when we don't get what we want, unquote.
03:51I don't think I've ever agreed with her before.
03:53She's exactly right.
03:54Jerry Nadler said, quote, shutdown is really an extremist policy designed to appeal to
03:58an extremist base and hold the whole country hostage.
04:01Yeah, we agree.
04:03So they and all their colleagues need to do the right thing.
04:05Democrats have been insisting they're fighting for federal workers.
04:08You're about to see, again, on vivid display, very clear the contrast.
04:13You will see one team that is working to fund the government and make sure we do the responsible
04:17thing, and you're going to see another posing the CR because they've now exposed the truth.
04:22They're not for federal workers.
04:23They're not for anyone.
04:24All the people they've said in the past that are going to be harmed would be by their votes.
04:29They're using federal employees as props.
04:30They're using Medicaid benefits and Social Security checks as cudgels in this thing.
04:34The threat of government shutdown, they're using it as some sort of attempt to wrestle
04:38power away from the President of the United States, who overwhelmingly won the popular
04:43vote, the Electoral College, in every single swing state.
04:46Here's the bottom line.
04:47If congressional Democrats refuse to support this clean CR, they will be responsible for
04:54every troop who misses a paycheck, for every flight delay from reduced staffing at TSA,
04:59for every negative consequence that comes from shutting down the government.
05:03I understand they have an important retreat this week.
05:06Boy, I'd love to be a fly on the wall at that party.
05:09Comes at a critical time since they don't have a leader, a message, or a platform.
05:13I'm just going to say this.
05:14If our Democrat colleagues want to increase their 21 percent approval rating with the
05:18American public, they ought to start by doing the right thing and keeping the government
05:22I think that would be a great first step.
05:24So I'll stop there.
