• last week
👉 En un reciente tuit, la expresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner atacó a Javier Milei por no viajar a Bahía Blanca tras las inundaciones. La exmandataria, condenada por corrupción, es acusada de aprovechar la situación para obtener ventaja política. El periodista reprochó que durante su mandato y el de su esposo, Néstor Kirchner, no estuvieron presentes en diversas tragedias nacionales.

🗣️ Antonio Laje
👉 Seguí en #OtraMañana
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00and news from the political downfall that has accustomed them, among others, Cristina Fernández.
00:07Directly, political downfall, you defined it very well, Cristina Fernández Kirchner tweets at 9 in the morning
00:13with the classic, there is my law, I swear I waited, I thought, I'm sure he's traveling to Bahía Blanca
00:19because what happened is apocalyptic, and no, nothing.
00:23Well, a direct criticism of the president, then it comes very long, as Cristina's tweets usually pass,
00:29reviewing her alleged feats as president, when she remembers, I really do not remember that it was like that.
00:37I do not remember. I do not remember, president, at home, no tragedy.
00:40First, first, it seems to me a tough face.
00:42Total, total.
00:43I said it early, my law should have gone to Bahía Blanca, there is no doubt.
00:47Now, one thing is that we say it, another thing is that I say it to get a political advantage,
00:52a lady doubly convicted of corruption, as Cristina Fernández,
00:57and she will be condemned many more times for the number of causes she has.
01:00Where, in addition, we are tired of seeing how both she and her husband were missing from any tragedy.
01:10Rio Turbio did not exist, Cro-Magnon did not exist, 11 did not exist.
01:1611, 52 dead, never appeared.
01:18So, the level of toughness, beyond the usual ordinariness that Cristina Fernández has, is incredible.
01:24Because, again, one thing is that we say it, because it is bad that Javier Mirey has not gone to Bahía Blanca.
01:30He has to, he should have gone, and he has to go.
01:34It is bad that a president, in the face of such a tragedy, is not, no matter how much his whole cabinet is,
01:40the figure of the president is irreplaceable.
01:42It is bad, now, that Cristina Fernández, who is desperate to be able to enter the electoral fight,
01:49which is getting further and further away,
01:51that she should not, even out of a little shame, with double condemnation,
01:56they should not try to continue in politics.
01:58Save yourself, you stole the country, you are already condemned twice.
02:03It is not that I say it, it is the justice, 17 more fiscal judges.
02:06It is not, plus all the causes that are behind.
02:09And on top of that, the most serious thing is that in the worst tragedies, she was never there.
02:15And now, political use of a tragedy.
02:17And this is political use.
02:18This has to be silenced.
02:20At this time, no one in politics, in general, is making political use of the tragedy,
02:24of what is happening in Bahía Blanca.
02:26We are seeing, luckily, that provinces, nations that kill each other, are now working together.
02:31So this lady has to appear, I insist that she did a lot of harm to Argentina,
02:35and obviously is willing to do so, to play politically on a tragedy.
02:42When, in all the tragedies that she had during her and her husband's term, she never appeared.
02:50Besides, do you remember two or three very specific cases?
02:54La Plata, with minimal appearance of Cristina, because it was one day.
02:59Being her city.
03:00Being her city.
03:01I think Mañón, what you said, the government of Néstor Kirchner, did not appear.
03:05And the tragedy of 11, which was a scandal.
03:08And the 14 miners of Río Turbio?
03:10And the 14 miners of Río Turbio?
03:12And so we can continue.
03:14But what a low!
03:16You know what? Sometimes I am surprised.
03:18I can not understand how it keeps falling lower and lower.
03:23Besides, it's time to stay out, say I run, I do not say anything.
03:27A couple of days I do not speak, I do not open my mouth.
03:30What a barbarism.
03:35We are coming.
