• yesterday
00:00Aloy meets world and we are back with another one today. We are playing Naraka blade points
00:04And I'm really excited to be cracking this game out. I've been jamming a little bit over the past two days
00:12I think I've got like some five hours of gameplay
00:15Maybe a little bit more right now, and I'm really really getting into Naraka blade points
00:20The game is quite difficult, but it's something I've decided to take up
00:24It's a battle royale, and this would be the first time I'm actually taking up a battle royale
00:29You know what it is like I'm gonna
00:32Pretty much be try harding in terms of trying to get this game down learn the game
00:37Because I'm so used to playing games like League of Legends like isometric top-down
00:43This whole thing of playing 3d is very very perplexing for me
00:48But with that said I really miss with this game in particular kind of reminds me of Naruto you're moving around ninja style
00:55Yeah, it's really just my vibe
00:59There was ever a vibe for me Naraka blade points is it so far anyway
01:04We'll see how it goes and people have been asking me for gameplay anyway like y'all have been like
01:10Lloyd you need a jump on and show us what you can do so
01:14Here's one of those game plays
01:18Let me know in the comments
01:20After this if you guys have been playing this and what you think about it, and whether I should do more of these game plays
01:29But for now, let's just enjoy the fact that we are seeing my lovely face again
01:33I just like to apologize for like
01:36Promising that I do content and then not be able to like at the end of the day life just gets hectic sometimes
01:43I'm really just trying to go to a point where I can't do this full-time
01:47Right now that is not the situation our spear is what I want all days boys
01:54All day
01:56So the character I'm playing is Viper Neck, she's kind of like the tutorial character, but look at her vibe. She is shiny
02:18Okay haven't bumped into any trouble yet
02:21Things seem a little bit quiet
02:24Which is never a bad thing, but always a suspicious thing
02:29What I am gonna do is I'm gonna go finish up. There is
02:37We are not going to give this person a chance to get away they are playing a character that is
02:57Use my grapple too early there, I think this person's going to be able to skirt me a little bit
03:03They're still gonna be low though
03:07Where would she have went
03:19The shadow will shortly begin to spread yeah, I think I lost her also lost the quest
03:25So big sad, but we move we move
03:34Thing about not getting the kill on someone in a battle royale is that when they come back for you
03:40Or when they third party you later, you're just gonna be looking foolish
03:44So that's why I was chasing it so hard. I really wanted to get that
04:07Wonder if praying works even if you don't have a quest usually you can pray for stuff
04:12But I just want to see whether it works without a quest. Oh
04:16Wow, okay, it does it does
04:18That's pretty badass, I didn't know that you could do that. All right, cool. So you don't actually need the quests to
04:26trigger those
04:29Basically you can pray and get some stuff
04:33Can also ring bells so it means that the bowls should also give you stuff when you find them
05:05Don't know
05:15First kill boys, let's go
05:18First of the game. I'm glad I've got some momentum. The last one had me a little bit upset. I'm not gonna lie
05:27Okay, let me just get my armor back actually
05:43Prickly pears just getting that attack up. I'm now shining. I'm glowing. I'm red
05:49I'm excited ate my pears
05:52Got strong. Oh big fail
05:57And it's so funny because I was like i've been working on my movement guys
06:02Oh, man
06:08I'm actually going back to the starting area
06:13I don't want to be there. I'm in the safe zone. So even when the shadow moves i'm not going to get forced out that much
06:33I love spear as an item, especially on ning. I don't know why it just fits the vibe
06:41Ning is pretty cool. You can use her to outplay charge attacks like her basic ability
06:46Which is pretty strong like I won't lie
06:54A lot of the game revolves around people kind of
06:59Using those, uh charge attacks against you
07:03Dagger's not a bad item either
07:09I should probably repair
07:18It's another thing just remembering to do the right things
07:20Okay, we're top 30. I won't lie my goals for every game is just to make it top 20 for now
07:27Kind of small expectations, but i'm building up
07:31so we have
07:33Almost done the goal for the game
07:38Just a little bit more surviving to do I think the prickly pear yeah runs out now
07:45I want to see if there's anyone i'm going to bump into
07:50I'm, really just trying to find anyone or anything some activity happening on the map
07:59Pretty quiet. Not gonna lie
08:05Let's see if we can get an upgrade across here yo lots of noise on the map all of a sudden
08:13All of a sudden
08:20Yo, has anyone been actually playing the rocker blade point by the way
08:27Because if you have you gotta let me know
08:37Dude dandelions make you quiet
08:40I'm quiet f dude. You can't hear my steps. Oh, i'm a ninja for real
08:47You know, this is actually so crucial because I won't lie the the audio cues are so important in this game
08:54I wonder if you lose it on attack
08:57Like as you attack someone or as someone attacks you do you lose the dandelion?
09:02Oh, I thought I saw someone here. It was this shiny thing
09:20Where are the peeps at
09:22Only two people have died since I counted 30
09:24So it's not just me who's not getting these engages like everyone's just in a weird part of the map right now
09:31I've literally run a whole circle around this area or semi-circle right now, but still not just finding anyone
09:38Okay, someone else went down
09:41I won't lie. The no footsteps thing is tripping me out just a little bit
09:50But this is also powerful because you'll never mistake your own footsteps or your own noise for someone else when you've got the dandelion thing
09:59It just makes it awkwardly quiet
10:08Did I see someone no
10:19The shadow will shortly okay i'm gonna head towards the water stuff stop fooling around
10:28So there's these chests which give you free stuff what does firefly do now i'm curious about all of this stuff
10:35large amounts of rage
10:42So I figure if I want to take fights a lot of people are going to be there
10:48I mean i'm not the strongest but I figure a lot of people are going to have the items I need anyway
10:55Uh, okay
10:58So yeah, these things basically these chests they give you free items and it's like legendary stuff
11:05So pretty crucial that you get them
11:08Got a quest to ring a bell
11:12Which is 300 meters away from here, it's actually pretty far away
11:31I see my target
11:35I'm gonna kind of flank them
11:38Because they're assuming i'm gonna be up there
11:51I'm just gonna stay moving because I hear shooting and I don't see who's shooting at me
12:03Man there's another person i've just got a piece out of here. Oh, that's tragic
12:11Okay, we landed the parry but there's someone right behind us
12:16So we've kind of just got to get out of this engage this is not safe
12:22I hate
12:232v1s like this
12:27And we are in the top 20 so we've achieved our goal
12:30I know I kind of ran away from that fight
12:32But it's really bad to take a fight where you can't see what's going on
12:36Especially with the shadow i've died to the shadow before like I was recording a video yesterday
12:41Uh, the quality was bad, but I died to this corrupting shadow thing
12:47Basically I took a fight I had no grappling spools after it and yeah
12:55Okay, this is bursting apparently in a bit so i'm gonna have to be out of this area in a bit
13:06Lots of things to avoid
13:16So, yeah, we're not getting that belt
13:18Haha, that's a thing we're not making it there
13:27Wow, okay, that is a big boy item
13:42Okay, just dropped my item because of a parry panicked
13:49That is not the first not the last
13:55Damn boys
13:57Beauty under fire me menuing during that fight is also just legendary
14:04I want to see this person how they played out
14:07It was pretty good. She parried me, uh halfway through my combo. So that wrecked me a bit
14:15Let's see how she takes this fight
14:23Oh get bodied, okay use the stealth ability
14:32Oh, but she's being trailed by this guy, I think this is the guy who is on me as well with that, uh grenade launcher
14:44Dude where does someone get this outfit bro? This is what I want
14:48Haha, anyway, that has been me. Just playing the raka blade point for a little bit
14:57The same thing happened to me boy now, what are you gonna do now? What are you gonna do?
15:01Oh, you have to switch your items. Oh parry again
15:06Oh get bodied
15:09Oh, she is a beast
15:12Neko moza
15:14Neko moza. Welcome to roy means world
15:17You popped off. I hope you see this video. Anyway, this is your boy. No, he's not signing off
15:21I hope you enjoyed the video. I'm out. Peace
