SPEND THE DAY WITH ME!! Life update... Moving house?
SHOP FUSSY HERE - https://bit.ly/4gAYbUs
I have the pink case & the Parma violet scent!💜
• Instagram: Erinbowyer https://www.instagram.com/erinbowyer/?hl=en
• Home Instagram Account: berinhome https://www.instagram.com/berinhome/?...
Business Enquiries: simon@wmgmt.co.uk
user friendly , family friendly , brandonio , erin bowyer
SHOP FUSSY HERE - https://bit.ly/4gAYbUs
I have the pink case & the Parma violet scent!💜
• Instagram: Erinbowyer https://www.instagram.com/erinbowyer/?hl=en
• Home Instagram Account: berinhome https://www.instagram.com/berinhome/?...
Business Enquiries: simon@wmgmt.co.uk
user friendly , family friendly , brandonio , erin bowyer
00:00good morning everyone welcome back to another video i'm filming again on brandon's camera
00:06and i'm trying really hard not to look at the screen and look at the camera instead
00:10but i find it really really hard i'm not gonna lie um but i thought i would do another little
00:14vlog again today and then i thought i'd do like a big catch-up at kind of the end of this little
00:19video maybe with brandon it depends if he's in or not um just like answering loads of questions
00:23have a big catch-up because i feel like i've been a little bit absent on youtube recently
00:27and i thought it would be good to have a big update ignore the big pile of stuff in the
00:32background brandon is actually going on holiday um on monday so this is all his stuff that he's
00:36got to pack so ignore that in the corner but um yeah he's actually going to la for 10 days
00:41he's going with paul um so it's just going to be me and ro ro which i'm a little bit not nervous
00:47like i know i'll be fine but i'm actually going to go and stay with leonelli for like most of
00:53the trip because it's so much easier to parent together it's just an excuse for me to go up there
00:59and yeah basically just so i'm not on my own so that's going to be the plan but anyway i thought
01:04i would get ready and yeah just do a little vlog of the day today and a little update that's what
01:10i'm going to do i'm going to um style my hair i'll show you how i use this because i've been
01:15loving it recently it's the beauty works um hot brush so i'm going to use that but also really
01:19quickly before i finish getting ready i just wanted to show you guys my deodorant that i've
01:23been loving recently this is the fussy deodorant and one of the best things i've done this year
01:28is switch from an antiperspirant to a natural deodorant i'm going to show you how easy it is
01:32to refill your natural deodorant you can order the refills on their website they have so many
01:37different sets and they are compostable so once you're finished with them you can chuck them in
01:40the garden and they will decompose i've got a little refill here this is one of their new scents
01:45palmer violets and if you guys know me well enough you guys will know my obsession with
01:49palmer violets it is ridiculous i'm obsessed with it it smells absolutely incredible it literally
01:54smells like i could eat this obviously i'm not going to but it smells that good all you have
01:58to do is take off the lid of your deodorant you take off this little bit here pop in your refill
02:04pop this back on and then you just twist and there you go you are literally good to go taste is
02:10beautiful as well it's so sleek they have loads different colors to choose from as well what i
02:14love about fussy is the ingredients are natural vegan and cruelty is obviously completely natural
02:19there is no nasties and it's just filled with good stuff obviously it smells super good but it
02:23actually does a really good job at literally just eating away your sweat and it makes you not smell
02:28at all if you guys want to try it fussy for yourself i'll leave the link down below in the
02:32description you guys can use my code erin15 for 15% off your fussy deodorant okay i'm gonna um
02:38do my hair and do a little bit of makeup like literally like next to nothing i really hate this
02:45room guys it's my desk has literally been just shoved in the corner and obviously brandon's got
02:49this whole desk space and it is always so messy so i hate filming up here because he always just
02:56leaves it in such a mess but anyway i'm going to quickly show you guys how i use this tool so i
03:02actually got this for christmas the beauty works is it the xxl hot brush i think that's what you
03:07call it um i am actually enjoying it to be honest guys i um i obviously have extensions and i do
03:18feel like it does work better on extensions um but i feel like to be honest like a lot of curlers
03:25like a lot of the beauty work stuff um seems to work best on hair extensions because they're a
03:31hair extension company um also my hair is a little bit greasy so i'm gonna pop a little bit of
03:35deodorant uh deodorant i'm gonna pop a little bit of dry shampoo in this is the living proof
03:43advanced uh clean dry shampoo it's actually really good it's quite pricey um they actually
03:50sent me this one um but it's a really really good deodorant to be honest why do i keep saying
03:56deodorant am i like obsessed it's because i'm so obsessed with my deodorant guys it's actually a
04:00really really good um dry shampoo so anyway let me show you guys how i use this i'm definitely
04:07no hairdresser and the way i see people use it is so much better than the way i use it but
04:13i like to create it so it does like a little flick at the ends let's sort this hair out it
04:19is hair wash evening tonight so it's obviously not looking the greatest um it's got like a
04:25temperature thing as well i do put it on 200 degrees and don't hate me but i have like run
04:31out of heat protectant so i do need to order some um but i'm going to just show you briefly
04:37how i get it to work but what i tend to do is i just kind of run the hot brush down it
04:43first to kind of straighten it out a little bit before i do this so there's no kind of knack to
04:50it and i'm trying i'm literally like pretending i'm literally doing like a tutorial but i basically
04:53just like fiddle around with it so i flip it over like this drag it down and then i basically just
04:59go over the end so i just twist twist twist like that sometimes i hold it there don't think you
05:05need to but sometimes i do so can you see it's done like a little flick like that and then i
05:10just go over it again like that and there we go there's my little flick so that's why i love it
05:18i just think it's really nice at creating little flicks i just really enjoy it
05:25i actually enjoy it i just think it's a lot easier than like fully straightening your hair or
05:32curling it you know sometimes you just have to go over a few times
05:37you hear the baby crying hold it for like a few seconds like the baby's not had a nap today so
05:43it's all fine oh that's a very curly one so there you go i'm gonna do the rest of my hair guys
05:48pop a little bit of makeup on and i'll come back to you guys but i just wanted to show you that
05:52because this is what i've been finding the easiest way to style my hair recently obviously like being
05:59a mum at home you know it's haven't really got the time to be doing full glam you know so yeah i'm
06:05just gonna finish um my hair and my makeup and i will come back to you guys well that was a change
06:10of plan guys change of plan rome is winding downstairs so i need to go down and sort him out
06:16so i've literally shoved my hair out quickly honestly mum life um i've literally just got
06:20a fake tan line so i've just got my pale face with no makeup on but it's fine you know i'm
06:25not doing anything today i was just going to try and make myself feel and look a little bit better
06:29but you know rome needs me so i've just literally popped on some lineage lip balm and done my
06:37eyebrows oh dear he's coming up this is what happens guys can't ever get ready in peace
06:45i'm coming to see my mommy
06:49haven't we heard that one before guys daddy needed a shower too if you know you know
06:54just popping on some lineage water bang hi guys moisture oh baby's dribbling everywhere
07:00moisturizer and then i'm just gonna call it a day at that because
07:05rome needs attention this is clearly my outfit of the day now this is my outfit
07:10no makeup hair slip back dressing gown on it's as good as it's gonna get really
07:17we're gonna um pack brandon's suitcase because it's the mess in the corner of the room is just
07:22put it all out ready look i know but you just ignore my plate from this morning there's a few
07:27of your t-shirts downstairs on the line as well that you're gonna want yeah i've got a couple
07:30there that i bought brandon we're just gonna sort this room out because the house is a mess as per
07:35hello baby oh that's brandon's butt thanks for that can i have that uh currently eating a cable
07:42all right let go please right right this is his favorite thing to do ready it's get the
07:48dog bowl and bang on the floor like a freaking maniac and just make as much noise as possible
07:59lovely music and then the other one is to grab the bin the thing is this is so loud
08:04downstairs if in the mornings brandon brings him up here and i'm having a lay-in
08:07that's all i hear lovely that'll keep you entertained
08:12won't it oh that is fresh ro-ro check this stud out and i'll say into the space if i have to hear
08:21that one more time i honestly swear guys he honestly mentions los angeles 10 times a day
08:30super badger california oh my gosh guys guys i literally can't this is my life now we have
08:39a moving child and he's not even walking yet hey excuse me yes you
08:47do we're gonna pack daddy's case come on in and then this is his big one which is actually
08:57we we put a bottle of a packet of milk yeah a tub of milk in the suitcase and it exploded
09:07so it's still got milk down there so i love that but yeah these are brandon's suitcases
09:11and that's mine obviously i'm not going because i was uh nfi so oh shut up not flipping invited
09:18i've just literally packed all of brandon's stuff up for rachel on because he's missed his nap so
09:23he is literally holding on for dear life to be honest he's eating a cable again packed
09:29brandon's case he's got all his clothes and socks and that in there he's got i don't know why he's
09:34packing all these cables for but he needs to put his box of socks and shoes and that in there and
09:39then this is his hand luggage so all good to go ryan can you stop eating cables ryan please
09:47yeah we're just having a little clear up in here and just sorting out right guys i've literally
09:51just put ryan to bed this afternoon i've literally not been able to pick up the camera ryan basically
09:58missed his afternoon well he didn't have a single nap today so as you can imagine it's been hell
10:06this today um looking after him he's really not been happy by the time he actually wanted
10:10a nap it was too late for him to nap otherwise he won't go to bed tonight
10:13what's going on my hand so i've literally just put him down and he is fast asleep
10:19literally fast asleep he drank that milk and is out like a light um and i need to crack on with
10:24the housework because it is horrific i'll show you the kitchen this is me being honest guys okay this
10:30is what my kitchen looks like right now okay so this is all clean washing i've done like three
10:38loads today that's why there's so much of it so i need to take that upstairs and put that away
10:42this is the dog food that has been delivered today that i need to put away this is all washing that's
10:48currently drying i'm about to put another load on i just like like the washing is just out of
10:55control so that's why there's so much washing i need to throw my valentine's day flowers away
11:00because they're just yeah gone as you can see and then i've got this washing up to put away
11:06i need to empty the dishwasher and put this away so this is what my kitchen is looking like currently
11:10guys it's not too bad but it needs some tlc so i'm gonna get cracking i'm gonna sort this kitchen
11:20out and then later on i'm gonna have some dinner and i'm gonna sit down and i'm gonna do a big
11:25catch up with you guys so guys it's actually a few days later i was gonna um vlog at the end of
11:31that night i can't remember what the last thing was that i vlogged um but i thought i'd do this
11:37little like sit down section now i feel like i'm a big catch up is way overdue like especially on
11:42youtube like obviously i've not done like a sit down catch up view with you guys in a while a
11:47lot's actually been going on so i thought i would answer some questions i asked you guys over on
11:51instagram to send in as many questions as you want me to answer and i thought i'd answer them
11:56for you i'm gonna go on to my instagram and see what you guys have asked me we actually just did
12:02some questions over on brian's channel so i won't i won't answer the questions and not be answered
12:08on there have you met winnie yet and what do you think about levy and adam i have met winnie
12:12i met winnie a few weeks ago now three weeks yeah maybe a month ago now um we went up there for like
12:19a few days but actually i'm going up to stay with them for a week because brian has gone on holiday
12:25so i'm going to stay with them for a week um to obviously spend time with her for volume to meet
12:30her and yeah and levy and her dad he is absolutely smashing it and he's doing so well okay how is the
12:36house hunting coming along yeah the house hunting situation has been a bit of a disaster to be
12:41honest um we're not on the market anymore we're not selling we're actually going to sleep up
12:46it's just too expensive guys the interest rates are just sky high for the house we want it's just
12:50so much money not had much interest in this house either we had an offer but they literally went
12:54cold turkey um and there was just a few things that just weren't adding up so we're gonna say
12:59put in this house basically just do a few things to this house maybe change the lounge uh make the
13:05downstairs toilet kind of like a utility maybe make the top floor playroom yeah that is the plans
13:11for the house but yeah we're not moving okay dream holiday any holidays planned so my dream
13:18holiday to be fair is after seeing holly and harrison in the maldives i would absolutely
13:23love to go to the maldives um so i think we definitely will like to do that maybe when
13:28rome's a little bit older um and then holidays we've got planned for this year so we're actually
13:32going to florida in may for two weeks um and then we're actually going to la manga which is
13:39brandon's family like where they live um in june but that's all we've got planned so far um we
13:45weren't going to do any holidays um because we were planning on moving but obviously we're not
13:48moving now so it might be a little bit different i like this question what would rome's name have
13:53been if he was a girl so girls names i love boys names for girls names um but to be honest i've not
14:01actually looked at my baby names list in a while so let me just get it out quickly um so i absolutely
14:06loved marnie uh i love romey so obviously he's called rome but for a girl uh romey was up there
14:14i think that's what he would have been if he was a girl he would have been romey
14:18um also loved piper and i loved river and i also loved sunday i loved sky i loved miley and i loved
14:28meadow i still absolutely love meadow and i also love mabel and i love ocean so there's a few little
14:35baby girls saying how are you finding it with rome in nursery it needs to put my son in and
14:39he's 21 months so nervous don't be nervous honestly the first few days of rome going to
14:45nursery weren't the best obviously it's a whole new environment for him he's obviously only ever
14:50been at home with me uh but now he absolutely loves it and he is thriving like i'm pretty
14:56sure he enjoys it more at nursery than he does at home i think because he's so mentally stimulated
15:01all the time they're doing like messy play sensory like they're always doing something
15:04different he absolutely loves it uh yeah when he comes home he's absolutely exhausted he just
15:11absolutely loves it he's thriving like he's really chatty he just loves it so i'm so super happy that
15:17he's in nursery it means that he gets to socialize with other kids and like really thrive and grow
15:23and it just means that i get a little bit of time at home to you know like reset relax sort the house
15:29out do some work all of that kind of jazz so yeah i've absolutely loved putting him in nursery he's
15:34doing amazing oh this is so cute it says how are you truly doing i'm really worried about you
15:39guys i am absolutely fine i honestly i feel like i've just been in my own little bubble i'd say for
15:45like a good few months um to be honest i think since just having rome like being a mum or a dad
15:54like if any parents are on here it's so tough and like but it's really tough like mentally and i
16:00think like not even just physically tired like i'm always so mentally tired i feel like i'm
16:06constantly just thinking you know when the first thing i do when i wake up is like right rome's
16:11awake what's he gonna have for breakfast what we're gonna do today i need to pack his bag he
16:15needs to have a bath i need to get dressed i need to get my hair done i need to tidy the house i
16:19need to get my work done i need to get him in the car he needs to go for a nap what's he having for
16:22lunch i feel like my brain never stops and i don't know if anyone else can relate to this but i feel
16:26like my mind is constantly ticking and ticking and ticking i feel like it never shuts off
16:30until he's in bed at six o'clock and i know that's it like my day kind of starts if that
16:34makes sense so i feel like that's why i'm so mentally exhausted because i feel like
16:40and maybe that's a little bit of my personality as well i feel like in my
16:43foreright and i can't very much like have a plan in my head and i'm constantly thinking about the
16:48next thing um so maybe that's a bit like a problem that i have but yeah being a mom it's definitely
16:55really hard but i absolutely love it like i love him so much and i honestly wouldn't change it for
17:00the world but honestly i'm doing absolutely fine guys does your pregnancy slash labor experience
17:04with rhymes scare you to have another baby i briefly i briefly just woke up this on brandon's
17:09channel um it's really hard because i'm constantly going back and forth in my head and like honestly
17:14it just it it plays on my mind all the time like when i think about future children i think oh that
17:20wouldn't be it'd be amazing to have another baby or like another sibling for rome and then i think
17:26like oh my god like i just could not go through that again like i don't want to go through that
17:31traumatic birth experience i don't want to go through rome being small and poorly and having
17:37to be in hospital for three weeks and be away from him i really don't want that experience
17:41because that's really traumatized me and it does well on the mind i think like
17:46they really do scare me like the thought of that happening again but i also do know that i'd be
17:50really carefully looked after next time if i was to have another baby if we were lucky to lucky
17:55enough to have another baby i know that i'd be really looked after and i'd be monitored extra
17:59carefully but i think i think pregnancy in general is really like your anxiety is high anyway so i
18:08just think having a not so great experience previously i think it's just going to heighten
18:14your anxiety even more um but i wouldn't say it's put me off no i wouldn't say it's put me off at
18:20all i think it's just maybe opened up my eyes a little bit and you know like this is why i talk
18:27about it so much because i want to spread awareness about how important it is to go and get checked
18:31when you're pregnant like if you have any suspicions if you have any worries like always
18:36always always go and ask and go and get checked because it's so so so important um but no it's
18:41definitely not put me off it's just made me a little bit more anxious i think that is all of
18:46the questions i'm going to answer for this evening obviously Rome only has ripped up a football on
18:51the floor and it's just covered in fluff all of my living room and i'm hoovered and everything
18:56tonight so that's really wound me up to be honest but anyway yeah that was my little catch-up that
19:02i wanted to do with you guys i feel like i never sit down and just chat to the camera anymore
19:07um so yeah i might pick up the camera and vlog tomorrow i'll see how i get on
19:15so i'm not sure when i'm gonna upload this video um but i might see you tomorrow i might not but
19:19if not i'll do a little outro tomorrow and catch up with you all there guys i just wanted to remind
19:24you about my fussy discount you guys can get 15% off your fussy deodorant with my code erin15
19:30i'll leave the discount code down below in description and the link so you can head straight
19:34to their website and shop one for yourself it's actually a few days later now and i just wanted
19:40to run this vlog off because i felt like otherwise it was just a very like cut like it didn't make
19:45sense like while i was ending the vlog um but yeah i'm gonna run this video off here i am gonna be
19:51vlogging this week because i'm going to stay with leonelli so there will be a vlog of um my trip up
19:57there so yeah i'm gonna run this video off here but i really hope you guys enjoyed it and yeah
20:04i'll speak to you all very soon bye