INSTAGRAM @elleswift
TIKTOK @ellenorswift
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INSTAGRAM @elleswift
TIKTOK @ellenorswift
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00:00Good morning everybody. Oh my gosh, you know we're besties when I literally come on camera like this
00:06Hi, I feel like a huge traitor this morning. Oh my gosh that I actually did not even mean
00:12to say that
00:14It must just be seen so deeply ingrained. You must have enjoyed that first episode. So yeah
00:19We've started watching traitors UK last night guys. I've seen so many of you all rave about it
00:24Yeah, we were like, let's look for something to watch watch the American version five minutes
00:29Brandy from house swives in and I said I was scared but like not amazing
00:37American house what's going on?
00:39So we switched over to the UK one and now we got a few few faves
00:42I'm literally half an episode in and we are so hooked like we don't quite go so well. I am
00:48It's the kind of show that makes me want to literally just like cancel my plans and sit down in front of the TV at
00:5411 o'clock in the morning. That's literally what it's like. It's just like yeah
00:58The good old reality TV, yeah, like a British reality TV program
01:02Yeah, like the first ever seasons, you know love island season three vibes. Yeah. Yeah
01:07Anyway, as I was saying, I feel like a total traitor this morning because it's actually pancake day today guys
01:11I don't have my breakfast cook. I'm not having a pancake for breakfast
01:16But it's okay because we promised the kids we're gonna take them to I hop for lunch
01:22Yeah, I mean I hop in Texas away
01:27When we first landed there's almost a year ago
01:29I know I was put up on a socials yesterday that he was a year ago yesterday
01:35that we had
01:37Announced what we've got a big move. I know and what year it's been what crazy. You know, what's really cute
01:43I didn't actually watch like the real I posted on my so on my stories back
01:46But obviously some of you guys did they were like, oh like the reason all along was honey
01:52And I was wearing pink in the video
01:55And you know my lot always love to point out them right deeper mean isn't that you guys like me
02:01We love that together. Don't we were spiritual galleys? Oh my goodness
02:16She always feels so bad whenever she's in her chair. I'm like, are you okay?
02:23This is my anxiety
02:44Hey guys, it's about
02:46That time in this postpartum period where I have finally ordered myself some new clothes, I can't lie
02:53I literally have actually had
02:59about it
03:04This is my first piece of new
03:06Claven I bought in the past. Yeah, I decided to treat myself finally
03:11Eddie gave me
03:15Connor don't the haters will actually take that like for real
03:23Well, then give us a fashion show
03:33Got a clothes shop guys
03:36because I've been just so sick and tired of literally living in my pajamas and
03:42Comfy clothes. Well, actually, I don't think I'll ever get sick and tired of living in comfy clothes, but
03:47It was just getting to the point where I felt
03:50So like feeling like you look nice in postpartum is like a hard thing to do and I just feel like it's harder if you
03:56do that in sweatshirts and jogging pants and
04:00Cycling shorts all the time, you know, so I feel like there's such a huge thing about fitting back into your pre-pregnancy jeans
04:07Okay, and I was just like, do you know what? I've actually had enough
04:10I am NOT striving to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans whatsoever
04:15I'm not just gonna buy myself some frickin new jeans actually fit me so I can wear them, you know
04:20And I asked you lot on my Instagram stories
04:25like where we're shopping nowadays because I feel like I've just been so out of the loop with my style and my fashion for so
04:30Long having three kids back-to-back. I'm like
04:33This is gonna be a real era for me like finding my style back
04:36You know lots of you said Abercrombie because they do a curve love range. I'm actually not even exaggerating
04:46You just have to make the show all about you
04:58My god, I literally thought you'd give me the middle finger then I was actually gonna go mad because I would have been so rude
05:06Yeah that you never wear
05:08Connor actually prefers his rubber wedding rings. Yeah
05:22Did not cost 20 grand, I don't know who you think you are today. I'm just talking about my jeans
05:26I've been really excited to share this for everyone
05:36They do a curve love range and I am NOT exaggerating when I say wow
05:41I obviously haven't tried any of it on yet, but they have definitely the biggest
05:46Range of like curve ranges that I've ever seen. Oh my god, like for denim like shorts and jeans
05:52I was actually so blown away at how many options there were
05:55so I
05:57Bought a pair of shorts and I bought a pair of jeans
06:01And I want to try them on I'm gonna this is like exposure therapy. Okay, guys
06:06I've been honestly so anxious about trying on new clothes. Like I just really kept it. No secret at all that I
06:12Am the least body confident I've ever been like I really am surviving not thriving at the moment and
06:21It's definitely a real
06:25Postpartum season up here for me. Like I am just I'm not myself and
06:31It's really horrible to just like not love the skin you're in like I do love the skin I'm in of course and
06:38It's amazing
06:39to be like so empowered by other women and on the internet and
06:45it's just amazing that
06:47The narrative I feel like so many of us grew up with has shifted
06:52of like what we should look like, but I'd be like I wouldn't be being authentic if I like sat here and said that my
07:00My confidence about myself was through the roof at the moment, but I just was like, you know what?
07:03I'm gonna do it for my other postpartum mums out there because it's it's just not a nice feeling and
07:09I mean literally shopping for like denim stuff gives me anxiety anyway, because I've got wider hips and it's never been that fun
07:19So I was like, let's give it a go. I've gone for a UK size 14 in these
07:25Because I tried some size 12s on in Zara the other day and literally I never actually want to walk into Zara ever again
07:31Like why is Zara changing rooms just like such a traumatic experience?
07:52What's that supposed to mean
08:01I know, we used to do them all the time
08:10I like that, I thought it was a shirt
08:13Got an outfit
08:16Now these are the mum short high-rise they look like this
08:22Let's try and copy a pair of blue denim shorts. Oh, I like these as well. Oh
08:29My gosh, it's so nice to actually feel like I'm wearing a pair of shorts that
08:35Like I like, you know
08:38It's actually a really nice feeling. They're very comfy and I really like the length like the length for me is
08:48Just right. Perfect. I love them. Oh my gosh, it feels so nice to be in shorts. Yeah, come on. Let's get picky together
08:57This is mum and dad going out on a
09:00Pancake day
09:08What a gorgeous day in Houston, Texas today everyone someone weeks me pretty good someone dm'd me this morning saying
09:16Houston, Texas weather confuses me so much one minute in your stories. It's like
09:20So freezing and then another minute. It's boiling hot
09:23Honey you saying because can I just tell you one thing?
09:26This morning about two hours ago. It was literally a windstorm, wasn't it?
09:33like if you look on our weather app, it literally says severe weather warning for about two hours and
09:40Then it's blue skies like this. It's just so crazy
09:45Yeah, you know what they say in Texas they say if you don't like the weather go inside for ten minutes
09:51Why are you giving me a little smirk as if like a good dad joke, so they say in Texas
10:00Yeah, I'd say majority of time it's like this but then there is the occasion
10:05understorm rainstorm
10:09Etc. Tornado severe warning. Yeah
10:14You want to see those ones
10:17I'm gonna get
10:19Wouldn't be pancake day in America
10:24Pancake say me pancakes or French toast or omelets
10:38Me as well, I've ordered a hot chocolate. Do you know why?
10:43Courtney Kardashian said on the Kardashians
10:46It's the best hot chocolate she's literally ever had so
10:54All is yummy
10:59It's so deep in there mum
11:32I'm gonna be having some of that and some of that. I got an omelette as well because the omelettes are so yummy
11:45I've come to the park
11:47For a little bit of afternoon sunshine. It is so nice. It's very windy
11:53so I hope you'll be able to hear me, but I
11:56Was just getting everything out the car and I wanted to show you guys this
11:59I have actually made a tick-tock about it because it's actually just changed my life so much
12:03but I got this trunk organizer off of Amazon and
12:07I wanted to show you guys in action because when I
12:10Put it on my Instagram and tick-tock loads of you guys like oh
12:13but like how do you fit the pram in the back and stuff and
12:16There's so much room enough room for everything. It just helps keep everything really organized like honestly with having
12:22three babies now I
12:25Actually swear leaving the house
12:27Genuinely takes like five working days to leave. I was so crazy how much stuff you have to remember
12:33even just things that you don't think about like
12:36Packing a football in case we end up going to the park
12:39Or like sun cream and just like snacks and
12:44Honestly, it's helped me so much. So yeah, just wanted to recommend it. I've all of this linked on my Amazon storefront
12:50Which I always leave in the description box below
12:57I have nappies and wipes in here. I have a spare outfit for everybody in here
13:03We have a changing pad at the bottom of there. Hoover. This is actually life-changing
13:08It's wireless. You just charge it. It's just like fab. So so good
13:17Sun stuff which obviously because we live somewhere that is mainly sunny
13:23Then it works out. Well, I guess like if you live in England
13:27Somewhere that's rainy or it's winter or whatever. You can just swap this out for weather-dependent stuff
13:32But I've got a little sun hat, some sun cream, we've got
13:37This first aid kit from Welly, which is literally so good
13:40There's some really cool band-aids and plasters and stuff in there. We've got some crocs
13:44This is a little dummy box for honey, mouth stain treater, which is so good. A couple of spare toys in here as well
13:52Um, this is a busy book that Romeo absolutely adores. They're so good
13:56There's so many on Amazon. Favourite of Romeo's the leapfrog
14:00Um, like interactive books and then I just have a tote bag in the bottom of there
14:07And also
14:08This is a little bum bag that I keep in here for Saint
14:11Who is just at the stage at the moment of where he like loves to have
14:15figurines of all sorts like Hot Wheels cars, Paw Patrol figures
14:19things that get lost and
14:21He's always grabbing
14:23Ones to bring into the car anyway, so I just thought if we get a little bum bag
14:26He can pop them all in there. I'm gonna go and enjoy some fun in the sun with the babies
14:42Romeo is the epitome of a younger brother who just is obsessed with everything his big brother does
14:56Baseball field
14:58Iron man called after him. Really Hulk? This is no time to be playing games, but Hulk wasn't playing
15:05He grabbed the metal fence that enclosed the field and tore it loose
15:09He held up as the other Avengers guided the dinosaurs towards it
15:20Romeo get your guitar now
15:22Get your guitar
15:42Good morning, everybody. It is a brand new wonderful day. Honey is down for her first nap
15:49Boys are eating breakfast. Connor's in the shower. I've had a shower. I faked tan last night
15:55Done my skincare today. Honey is sleeping through the night. Oh my gosh, everybody
16:02Where do I even begin with that? Last night was the third night in a row that she slept through the night
16:07Well last night she did have a little like 10 minute feed at about four o'clock in the morning
16:13But for the two nights previous she literally slept from seven till seven I actually couldn't believe it
16:19I was so shocked and you know when your body still like
16:22anticipates to be woken up
16:24so I was led awake for like literally half the night because that's just what i've been used to
16:29And I just can't believe it. Like I actually can't believe it. I feel so so chuffed. It's just crazy what
16:35Like lack of sleep can do to you because I actually just feel like a different person and i've had
16:39Three really good nights sleeps. Yes, sweetheart. If you can hear a noise in the background as well, by the way, that is our
16:46Hoover. Anyway, as you guys know, I am
16:50on a bit of a picnic up now all sorts was running through my mind like
16:53How can I be?
16:55More energized. How can I be like the best version of me? How can I just start to feel a little bit more like myself?
17:00Okay, go on then
17:01How can I just start to feel a little bit more like myself in this postpartum period now ended up giving myself a whole new
17:06supplement routine
17:07Which is something i've actually been wanting to do for a really really long time
17:11Don't mind the state of my nails the state of my nails is literally how I feel about myself
17:15And I was taking a couple of other things to my pregnancy
17:17but now i'm just like no I really am just like on a
17:21Hunt to just like be doing everything I can to just feel good from the inside out
17:26obviously i'm not a doctor and if you are considering adding any supplements or anything into your
17:31diet, you should definitely um
17:34speak to a doctor about it, but
17:36Yeah, I just wanted to share what I am having in case it gives any of you guys any expo
17:44Yeah, i'll put it into a cup for you guys to share yeah, oh my gosh romeo's literally pouring himself a cereal
17:49excuse me
17:51First thing in the morning i'll take my levothyroxine which is my underactive thyroid tablet
17:56Many of you guys will probably know that I do have my underactive thyroid. I will have one of these i've been absolutely
18:01obsessed with these they're the chobani protein like
18:05Drink because I wouldn't I don't know if it's really a protein shake
18:09so I don't want to call it that but it's
18:11Just like a protein a high protein drink and it's really really good. They've got loads of yummy flavors. This one's vanilla ice cream
18:21Yeah, the boys really love them as well
18:24We get them from
18:26Well, actually we get them from all over the place these ones we got from target
18:30Pardon, baby. Yeah, i'm gonna bring it over
18:33Um, but we're gonna go to costco today
18:35And get like loads in a pack at costco. So i'm very excited for that because I need a top up
18:41It's a sunday today
18:43We need a bit of a reset
18:45And where is the best place to do that other than costco I usually do is i'll usually have one around this size
18:51This is literally double the size of that one though. So i'm gonna pour some into a cup
18:57What I take with
18:59That drink in the morning
19:01Is a couple of these colostrum sachets, these are by the brand armour these are meant to be
19:09Amazing, like it has literally so many benefits, which I won't list
19:15Here and now but if you want to go and look it up then look it up because it's honestly
19:20It's meant to just be like this incredible superfood
19:23So I do two sachets of that in like a little protein drink and these are unflavored as well
19:29So you literally can't taste them at all and usually even with unflavored stuff i'm a bit like
19:35Okay, it's unflavored but are you actually gonna be able to taste it?
19:38You literally can't and then I take that with an alglutamine. So i'll take two of these
19:44And that is my
19:47Concoction later on in the day usually when I have a bit of a proper meal. These are the ones I then go on to take
19:53So obviously my postnatal at the moment. I am getting the brand's ritual
19:57Loads of my supplements. I I just have gone for like good quality ones
20:02But i've not gone for really expensive ones
20:04so the ones that I do spend more money on because I don't think that you can beat them in terms of
20:10Just the quality of them are the ritual ones because they are so well made
20:16the armor colostrum and then my neutrophil, which is my
20:20Postpartum hair loss habits, which i'll talk to you guys about in a minute the postnatal
20:23Some choline which I was also taking through my pregnancy. That's really good for like brain development when you are pregnant for the baby
20:31and then
20:32um, kind of like just mum brain fog, um, and then I take my
20:36prebiotic, um, I take my
20:39Vitamins d3 and k2 and then I take some fish oil then at lunchtime. I will take my
20:47neutrophil tablets, which are my postpartum hair loss tablets
20:50Um, i've only started those about a week ago, so I don't know for sure but apparently they are meant to be like the best
20:59Supplement for postpartum hair loss. Yeah, I'll let you know what I make of those. Yeah
21:04I love you
21:06I love you
21:10Special boy I take some iron I take
21:13Some vitamin c which helps with iron absorption I take collagen and then
21:19in the evening, I will take some ashwagandha and some magnesium glycinate which are
21:27Really good for sleep and relaxation and lowering cortisol, which is a stress hormone
21:32And then finally I do also take milk thistle. That is everything i'm kind of rejigging my system with
21:38Um, it's only been a few days i've been taking all of these together, but I have to say I don't know if it's just
21:44Like the miracle of honey also sleeping through the night, but I do feel tons better
21:48My digestion is really good. I feel a lot less bloated
21:51I don't know. It seems like an awful lot of tablets to be taking but also
21:55Each one of them has a really good purpose. And so yeah, hello, mrs. Gorgeous
22:03You look just like your big brother's saying in the queen's room
22:09Obsessed with
22:10this gorgeous
22:12ballerina photo frame that I found on amazon
22:15I just think it is so pretty just like you
22:19We're going to put a beautiful picture of you in there, aren't we?
22:23Because you're so beautiful all the time
22:27And your name is honey and you're just so perfect and I love you and you're a special girl
22:35You're a special lady
22:41We nearly got our first giggle the other day
22:45So that was very exciting
22:48Growing up so quickly sleeping through the night
22:54Nearly laughing at mommy
22:57What are we gonna do?
23:04How's my baby
23:08You're so scrummy you're so special
23:16Oh my word, I love our chats together so much look at my baby girl
23:22Look at my baby girl
23:25Look at my baby beautiful girl
23:29Mom life
23:31Is making your daughter?
23:34Look like a princess
23:36When you
23:37Are in a tracksuit
23:38Come on over to honey's closet
23:41I'll also
23:42Loads of you guys have noticed this mark on the back of her head
23:46And have told me it's called an angel's kiss, which is a very lovely thing to think
23:51That your nanny daddy gave you a kiss
23:55Before you came down
23:58Right, it's actually going to be very chilly today i'm talking 12 degrees
24:02So I think that we should maybe go for a knit set
24:07She's like whatever mom she's just starting to fit into zero to three months now
24:10She's a very tiny lady, so we've still been in newborn for quite a while
24:15This one
24:23This one is cute. Oh my word
24:31Am I gonna do
24:34With this beautiful girl, you are an absolute vision bunny girl
24:42Absolutely beautiful. I can't believe three month old clothes fit you
24:50My word who's ready to see honey's outfit today
25:16Of your sister don't you
25:22Where are we guys?
25:32Then we're gonna see your friends, aren't we
25:34Costco has become one of our favorite places to do our food shops
25:40Thought I could take you guys along what we get as a family of five the fruit so far and veg
25:48Just the usual they do these yummy salads
25:56I am obsessing over this apple berry pie
25:59That looks so delicious but it's also
26:03To feed about 20 people and we won't that looks like it's straight out of the movie, doesn't it?
26:09Their loaves of bread are literally the best thing in the entire world. These ones are my favorite the rosemary rosemary parmesan
26:15english mature cheddar
26:17Nice, do you reckon that would give us a hint of home?
26:24That's why you were born
26:27Me too
26:34Chicken patties are so good. The kids have them for breakfast. I love them as well
26:38Egg bites for the kids again for breakfast and chicken traumatized to have in wraps easy lunch
26:44Little spider watch out here comes the spider
26:52Close your eyes and open your hands out
26:56Close your eyes close your eyes and open your hands out
27:00Close your eyes
27:03Close your eyes
27:06Close your eyes
27:13One for you one for you and one for me we're all boys, aren't we?
27:40For me, thank you
27:45Some more mango, please
27:49Yeah worth it the energy
27:57Da da da look how happy she is
28:03You're doing it 20 bucks cheaper than we came last time
28:07And it's going in the basket. I have a rule of myself
28:11And my compulsive spending habits, okay
28:14If I see something I really like
28:17I'm, like, okay. I'm gonna park that
28:20If i'm still thinking about it two weeks later
28:22You buy that
28:24You know you park it for two weeks and then you buy it
28:28What have you found?
28:34Our kids who get comfy anywhere
28:39Is that fun guys don't need a library
28:44Oh my gosh, dude
28:49How cool do you look
28:51You look like a little cowboy guy and your shoes I know they look so nice don't they
29:04You look so lovely where we're going today
29:08Rodeo, okay guys that's gonna go ahead and finish off today's vlog. I really hope you guys enjoyed it
29:17Are these people at the rodeo
29:22Oh, yes. Yeah
29:25Why just because I was gonna get a snack there. Yeah
29:31He's my son starting a whole new vlog today because it is spring break
29:35So we have a full week of really fun activities and things to do kicking off with the rodeo
29:40Of course can't remember how much I actually ended up vlogging of costco, but i've done a whole tiktok
29:45Um of like everything that we picked up and taking you guys through the shop over on there
29:50If you actually wanted to see what we got as a family of five and make sure you head over to my tiktok page
29:54But yeah, love you guys so much so many exciting things coming so soon. Um
30:00Love you guys and we'll see you in the next vlog