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Dragon Ball DAIMA Episodes
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episodes
Dragon Ball DAIMA
00:00The end of Dragon Ball Daima has arrived. And what an ending. We had a fight truly worthy of Super Saiyan 4.
00:06We saw one of the best Kamehamehas ever fired by Goku. And we also got a fun and quite surprising ending.
00:12However, there was also a lot of disappointing stuff in this episode. And more, now it's official.
00:19Dragon Ball Daima threw Dragon Ball Super in the trash.
00:23Let's talk about this last episode now and do an honest analysis of the things that happened.
00:29Stay connected in the channel. And let's go to the video.
00:42The episode starts with Goku in full brutality. Summoning an absurd amount of ki using Super Saiyan 4 and charging against Gohma.
00:50Landing a punch with Mastodonic Force.
00:53But Gohma manages to tank the punch and starts to counterattack and then the two start going at it hard.
00:58Goku still manages to have the advantage, landing some good hits on Gohma.
01:03But once again, the third eye revitalizes Gohma and strengthens him even more, giving him a slight advantage.
01:10Gohma summons his scepter and uses it to summon several energy balls, which he sends toward Goku, who now has to deal with all these attacks.
01:19Goku handles the energy balls, resumes trading blows with Gohma, manages to strengthen himself a bit more and lands some stronger hits on Gohma.
01:27But the Demon King gets stronger again. But to Gohma's surprise, Goku actually enjoys the fact that Gohma keeps getting stronger.
01:35The two then continue fighting, with each attack becoming more intense.
01:39Despite Gohma's increase in strength, Goku still has the advantage, landing multiple hits on him.
01:45Gohma gets stronger again and uses the third eye to send several attacks at Goku.
01:50But Goku once again manages to handle it and goes back to hitting Gohma, giving him a real beating, cornering him and even knocking him down.
01:59But Goku doesn't stop there. He begins to invoke even more power, messing with the entire environment around the arena.
02:06His energy is so immense that Gohma can't even believe what's happening.
02:10Gohma begins to panic and fires several attacks, but none of it works, and Goku repels everything just with his ki.
02:16After concentrating all that energy, Goku launches a massive Kamehameha.
02:20Gohma tries to repel the Kamehameha with an energy blast powered by his own third eye, but even so, he can't stop it.
02:27Goku then increases the power of the Kamehameha even more, and interestingly, at this moment, Goku's interior is shown.
02:35And an image of him shouting appears that, at least for me, really resembles the legendary Super Saiyan in a moment of rage.
02:42So, is Super Saiyan 4 really connected to the legendary Super Saiyan? Wouldn't be too surprising, right?
02:48Well, after boosting the energy, Goku pushes Gohma's attack aside and simply goes through him with the Kamehameha.
02:55And the Kamehameha is so powerful, but so powerful, that the energy simply passes through the three worlds.
03:02The energy goes from the first demon world, through the second world, and then all the way to the third world.
03:09Even the sea in the second world ends up spilling into the first world.
03:12Guys, what an insane Kamehameha. I think this one will at least make it into the top three Kamehamehas.
03:19Seriously, after taking that brutal attack, Gohma is left completely dizzy, and then Piccolo tries to take advantage of the chance to remove his third eye.
03:27Piccolo lands the first strike, the second one, but before hitting the third, he ends up being accidentally hit by the dying Gohma, knocking him out.
03:37Man, what a screw-up from Piccolo, seriously.
03:40Also, I don't know why Vegeta didn't go help. The two of them together would definitely have succeeded.
03:46But I already expected that Piccolo wouldn't succeed, since it would be too predictable for things to go according to their plan.
03:53Well, after Gohma realizes what Piccolo was trying to do, he gets even stronger, and it looks like this time things are really going to get bad.
04:01Everyone tries to join forces to stop Gohma, but an electric energy barrier forms around him and pushes everyone away, even Goku.
04:08Gohma is fully healed from the wound caused by the Kamehameha, and is more powerful than ever.
04:14Now, no one will be able to stop this guy. I mean, no one except Majin Koo.
04:18That's right guys, Majin Koo manages to defeat Gohma.
04:22It turns out that Majin Koo ends up falling near Gohma's head, so he simply takes the chance and lands three big hits with the magic book on his head.
04:31With these three blows from Majin Koo, Gohma's third eye pops out of his forehead, and he returns to normal.
04:38Man, that caught me off guard. The third eye falls near Glorio, who simply steps on it, and the eye disappears.
04:45Wow, for such a powerful magical artifact, that eye was pretty easy to destroy, huh?
04:50It's probably why Abura kept it locked in a safe.
04:53After the third eye is destroyed, everyone is happy and starts praising Majin Koo,
04:58but what he really wants is the praise from Arinsu, who ends up giving her approval to him too.
05:04And finally, he has Arinsu's approval, poor guy.
05:07Goku is also very happy that everything turned out fine, but Vegeta and Piccolo don't seem as happy.
05:13Piccolo must be a bit frustrated that he didn't land the final blow on Gohma,
05:17and Vegeta is definitely bitter with Envy that Kakarot did much better than him again.
05:22Gohma is imprisoned, apparently by Neva, who mocks him, saying that Gohma's reign was very short.
05:28Soon after, Arinsu arrives with Marba, both ready to seal poor Gohma.
05:33They're looking to give him a sentence of 100 years in prison.
05:37But Piccolo advocates for Gohma, saying that since he didn't try to kill Dende,
05:42his sentence could be reduced to just 99 years.
05:45Arinsu, who interestingly had Degezu trapped in a magic of hers,
05:49releases him and asks Marba to imprison him with Gohma, so they can keep each other company,
05:55and then both Gohma and Degezu are sealed in this magic bottle.
05:59After all this trouble, the group starts to think about who will be the supreme king of the demons.
06:04Shin ends up suggesting that Arinsu take the throne, since it's what she wanted,
06:09and also, she seems to have some remnants of conscience.
06:13But Arinsu refuses the position, saying that if she takes the throne
06:18without gaining more power through the Dragon Balls, they will easily take it from her.
06:23Neva then reminds everyone that the one who defeats the demon king
06:27is the one who should become the next demon king.
06:29At that moment, everyone looks in shock at Majinku.
06:33Majinku then agrees to become the supreme king of the demons,
06:36and he immediately chooses Arinsu as vice king, which surprises her.
06:41Majinku says that he knows how to evaluate people better than anyone thinks,
06:45and he claims that although Arinsu is very ambitious, she's not as bad as she seems.
06:50Also, she's very intelligent.
06:52He also decides to choose Majindu, Marba, and Neva as ministers.
06:57He says that Marba and Neva are smart, talented, and have magical power.
07:02Plus, they know the demon realm like the back of their hands.
07:05Majinku also appoints Glorio as a minister,
07:08because it's rare to see a Majin with good sense and a heart like his.
07:13He also decides that King Kadan will be a minister,
07:17as his courage in fighting for the realm was admirable.
07:20King Kadan says that he's from the third world,
07:23and has never seen anyone from the third world receive such a position.
07:27But Majinku insists, saying that he will be the first.
07:30Majinku then goes to the people from the outside world,
07:33asking if anyone wants to be a minister.
07:35Goku replies no and says they're going home.
07:38Majinku asks if anyone else wants to be a minister.
07:40Hybis says he does.
07:42And then, Majinku finishes his work for the day, being cheered by everyone.
07:46Majinku also calls Arinsu, saying they're going to make the demon realm
07:50a scary yet good place to live.
07:52She agrees.
07:53And then they're both cheered side by side.
07:55Piccolo then comments that here comes the new supreme king of the demons,
07:59King Ku.
08:00Later, over in the third demon world,
08:03Pansy gives Bulma some Majilite stones that she had promised earlier.
08:08Meanwhile, Majinku is handing out cookies for everyone to take on their trip back.
08:13Vegeta is still pissed, saying that he could've won the fight against Goma.
08:17And now comes something that really confused me, guys.
08:19Vegeta accuses Goku of hiding that transformation of his.
08:23Goku finally gives a name to the transformation,
08:25which will be Super Saiyan 4.
08:28However, from what Goku says,
08:30it's clear that he had been training to use this transformation,
08:33but wasn't sure it would work.
08:35In other words, this statement from Goku suggests
08:38that he had already been training to use that transformation
08:41and didn't just gain it through Neva's power.
08:43And that's complete madness.
08:45Why the hell didn't Goku use this transformation in Dragon Ball Super then?
08:50What's the explanation for that?
08:52Honestly, it's getting hard to say
08:54that Dragon Ball Daima is consistent with Dragon Ball Super now.
08:58Well, continuing on.
09:00Goku says that Vegeta managed to achieve Super Saiyan 3,
09:03but Vegeta says that wasn't Super Saiyan 3,
09:06it was Ultra Vegeta 1.
09:08But the name is so lame that Goku doesn't even give it much attention.
09:12After that, we see the farewell moment of the Namekians.
09:15Neva asks if Dende would like to live in the Demon Realm,
09:19saying he could have a peaceful life there.
09:21But Dende says no, and that he has his responsibilities on Earth.
09:25Then Neva asks the same thing to Piccolo, who also declines.
09:29Dende says he will contact the Namekians who lost planet Namek
09:33and became nomads to see if they would like to live there.
09:36Neva likes the idea and says he'll wait eagerly.
09:39Poor Neva, hopefully some Namekians will come to keep him company.
09:43King Kadan tells Goku that because of the hole he made,
09:46gas is leaking into the third world,
09:49which is making the air lightier,
09:51and he thanks the people from the outside world for helping them so much.
09:55Pansy and Glorio will take everyone back to the outside world,
09:59and the others say their goodbyes, everyone very happy.
10:03Then we see the credits and some special art,
10:05and after that, there's a post-credit scene.
10:08While everyone is being taken back,
10:10Goku asks Glorio about the store where they bought the revive bugs,
10:14asking if they can stop by.
10:16Goku says he wants to buy several of those insects,
10:18since they've run out of senzu beans.
10:20While Goku is asking this to Glorio,
10:22Bulma is looking at herself in the mirror, not too happy,
10:26probably because her skin has aged again.
10:28They then stop by that store,
10:30and the salesperson is very surprised when she sees grown-up Goku and Shin.
10:34Bulma takes a look at the insects and is disgusted,
10:37but when she finds out that there are insects that rejuvenate the skin,
10:41she immediately wants to buy them all.
10:44Pansy, while looking around the store,
10:46simply finds a jar with two evil third eyes for sale.
10:50The salesperson says she had three of them,
10:53but sold one a long time ago.
10:55So the whole time there were two third eyes in that store.
10:58Man, that's absurd!
11:00And the anime ends with everyone completely shocked to see
11:03that there were still two of those eyes for sale.
11:05And what can I say about this last episode?
11:08Guys, the episode was absolutely amazing.
11:11The fight between Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Goma was really good,
11:15and I'd say this fight truly gave the Super Saiyan 4 transformation
11:19the recognition it deserves.
11:21And that Kamehameha Goku landed on Goma, in my opinion,
11:24is one of the best in the entire franchise.
11:27And the whole thing of Majin Kuu defeating Goma
11:30and becoming the Demon King was a pretty surprising and cool twist too.
11:34I liked it.
11:35Overall, the episode did a good job of being exciting and emotional.
11:39I think it managed to do everything just right,
11:42but I had some disappointments too.
11:44First, the anime ended and we didn't see the join bug in action.
11:48In other words, it was a concept they introduced into the plot
11:52that generated a lot of hype among fans,
11:54but ended up being a huge letdown because it was simply forgotten.
11:58That was really disappointing.
12:00Another thing that was very disappointing
12:03was the lack of explanation about Super Saiyan 4.
12:07Like, they basically threw out the coherence of Dragon Ball Daima
12:10with Dragon Ball Super.
12:12It just makes no sense at all
12:14for Goku to have gone through all of Dragon Ball Super
12:17without using or even mentioning Super Saiyan 4,
12:21especially in Battle of Gods,
12:23where Goku clearly should have used Super Saiyan 4
12:26against Beerus instead of Super Saiyan 3.
12:29Another thing left unresolved in Dragon Ball Daima
12:32was the fact that Shin and Kibito are separated,
12:34which is another big contradiction
12:36with the beginning of Dragon Ball Super.
12:38I don't really know what to think about all of this.
12:40Basically, either we'll have to deduce
12:42that Dragon Ball Daima isn't a canonical anime
12:45or this anime is a huge plot hole.
12:47I don't think there's much else to say.
12:49And what bothers me the most is that
12:51it wasn't hard to make this anime
12:53in a way that would be coherent with Dragon Ball Super,
12:56but it seems like the guys just didn't care about any of that.
12:59I think, in the end,
13:01the fans care much more about the Dragon Ball story
13:04than the producers do.
13:06The other option is that the Dragon Ball Daima anime
13:09came to start a new timeline in Dragon Ball
13:12to have a separate continuity from Dragon Ball Super,
13:16but that doesn't make much sense either
13:18since the various universes and even the Kaioshins
13:21from DBS were mentioned in this anime.
13:23Anyway, I think we'll have to wait and see
13:26if the DBS manga mentions anything related to Dragon Ball Daima.
13:29If the manga doesn't mention anything,
13:31I think we can consider this anime filler.
13:33But if the manga does mention it,
13:35we can consider it a huge plot hole.
13:37Well, to sum up, the episode was really fun,
13:40but these inconsistencies ended up bothering me a lot
13:43and what bothers me the most is that
13:45if they wanted this anime to introduce other things,
13:48like new transformations,
13:49this anime could have perfectly been a Dragon Ball Super story,
13:53perhaps coming after the superhero arc.
13:55It would have been perfectly possible
13:57to fit a story in the demon realm in DBS
13:59with the proper changes to the plot.
14:01But no, they decided to make a story after the Majin Buu saga
14:05just to add things that clearly contradict Dragon Ball Super.
14:09I can't understand these guys.
14:11Now, speaking of the Dragon Ball Daima anime in general,
14:15I'd say it was a 6 or at most a 7 out of 10.
14:18The anime had excellent moments,
14:20like the battles against the Tamagamis
14:22and especially these last two episodes,
14:25but it also had a lot of bad stuff,
14:27like several inconsistencies and some subplots
14:29that didn't make much sense and were kind of boring.
14:32I think a 6 or 7 is a good average for this anime.
14:35But now, tell me what you thought of this last episode of Dragon Ball Daima
14:40and also of the anime in general.
14:42Give your rating for episode 20
14:45and for the anime as a whole in the comments.
14:47Don't forget to like the video,
14:49subscribe to the channel
14:50and share this video with a friend who's a Dragon Ball fan.
14:53A big hug to you all and see you in the next video.
