I'm back in #humanfallflat as I attempt to beat a new level that makes me hate my friends!
00:00It's finally happened me and my friends Craner and Finn have been sent to all I can say is some sort of asylum
00:07But whoever decided it was clearly wrong. I shouldn't be there the other two, maybe but anyway
00:11We need to figure out how to get out in human fall flat
00:14Give me some skin
00:19Are we in a mental asylum? This is my home. Welcome everybody
00:25Stop there, that's a window Finn. This is what I do on my days off Josh
00:32That actually makes a lot of sense
00:34Yeah, yeah, I see
00:36Can we maybe get out? This is kind of like portal II wait here
00:42Yeah, it's portal guys
00:45Work together to to do it. I'll be fit drop it on me dropping now. Oh
00:51Look at those muscles now the key thing is we have to you stay right here, buddy
00:56We have to set this up so we could all get out
00:59You did what's wrong bucks? Maybe put it on them one more. Oh, we need another
01:05No, he just didn't put it in properly. I didn't put it in properly. Just like your mom said, okay
01:11So what do we go here? So you click that button and
01:15button click
01:17Wait, oh
01:19Wow, it's shooting out of there. This is sick. Whoa
01:23Wait, you stood on it like the right time. How have people made this?
01:28Am I holding my head freak because I need it. I need a friend. All right, let's make sure we're doing it properly
01:34Okay. Oh, hi. See you later. I'll be darts. What? Okay, so we're gonna
01:44What does that do for us do you hear the timer yeah, I hear it ticking but why
01:49It raised that platform over there. Have a look at the laser Craner. All right, how about you?
01:54Have a look at the laser fit wait. Oh, yeah that platform raises, okay
01:59So now with it wait, what's the heck do it hit the laser, bro?
02:04You guys definitely did. No, we didn't. No, we didn't you did did we yeah. No. All right guys get it quick right up guys
02:16Okay, wait, how am I supposed to get Oh
02:21Seriously, dude, oh I just jump. Okay guys, please you can do this
02:26Okay, Finn, if we put together our hats, we are almost as modest Josh. We've got this
02:31Why are you holding? I'm like average level of smartness guys. You're just really below average. Hi
02:37Well, well, well, well at least I'm below something, huh?
02:44Finn Finn you're walking too close to the lasers
02:50If you grab my butt, oh, I've been waiting grab my butt grab my little
02:59Grab them
03:01My guys, where's the platform you the whole point was that you had to click the button and get there in time
03:07Use your cute little toes, buddy
03:10I'm pulling you up
03:15Don't go there don't go there. We need to see this guy make it. Yeah, I understand. All right, don't say
03:20Don't say anything. Okay, you can do it, bro. You were the only one that didn't know there we go
03:25There we go. Look at him. Take the corners really tight. Okay. Yep. Yep. Yep, bro. I'm proud of it. Look at it go
03:32Come on, Fiddy. Put your hands up
03:40Oh wait, this is like a laundry mat, yeah
03:58What is it gonna crush me let's wait for him right here
04:03All right, there we go, I don't know but he's an idiot, okay, that's just
04:07Okay, there's a box there
04:11All of you here with the box. How do we get?
04:16I think one of us got a jump off and get on that button
04:21Then we got to bring the box back. I think to get it to the end the books
04:26Okay, we got this. So you want to go we'll both go because we both need to take the book
04:30I guess we don't what do I do with the box now? You've got to put bring it up here. Really?
04:35Yeah, really? There's no other way to do this. No, why are you trying to slack? I don't know
04:41It's my it's my big corn is I cut corners. I'm a crater cutter
04:46Oh, oh, you didn't make it here in time. Bye. Oh, man. Come on Josh. You gotta wait it we can jump off
04:57Point us crater. You've got this I would never
05:02All right now just all you have to do is do nothing let's see if you can do that
05:06Doing nothing is my specialty makes me nervous seeing him playing with a box. Okay. All right now put it on and we're good
05:22That was like getting flushed I think what is that a up the fan up the Duff what do we do up top?
05:29Wait, wait, okay. There's a weird like thing over there. I'm press it. Press the button
05:37Well, this is getting a lot more visually complex what what did I do? What did I do you did this? Oh
05:43I think is that like a limited time thing?
05:47All fun Josh. Well, or is it like an on-off switch?
05:51No, it's an on-off suit I just need to click it I think we just got a Oh box
05:58Okay, I found you back. I think we're gonna be careful to not drop. It's no point
06:03Oh, no, no, no, you know, what is it there?
06:07Yeah, you hand someone needs to turn the fan on
06:11Bad don't drop the box. Okay. Pass me the box. I don't think that's how you do it
06:17Okay, I don't think that's how you do it it's supposed to be doable single play
06:22We need to turn the fan on it's pretty obvious grab the box. Yeah
06:28Josh we're doing it our style. All right fine. Okay, I
06:32Don't even know how
06:34To do it though, but okay. Well, isn't that make us even better? Oh, wait. Now the fans are on
06:39We did it, right?
06:42That's weird
06:43Now we jump on the fan. Whoa
06:53Finger make it fit. Okay. I'm just climbing. There. Yes
07:03What is this Oh
07:06Finn found a ramp. Well, or it could be a triangle or I think we need to put it in there
07:13I think
07:15No, I think we need to bring that with us. Okay, that's what I was saying Josh cuz the button goes here
07:21You can't just mumble a couple of words and then be like that was my entire plan. Wait
07:26What's going on? I thought you wouldn't be able to bring it through this. Oh, wait, we need to take the oh
07:32No, we need a bounce. Whatever comes out of this towards
07:35So put it on inside
07:38Yes, Josh gap Finn get out of the way
07:41I don't get it. Well, no, I actually think I'm wrong. I don't know
07:49Yes, I see so we need to bring this back down guys I got the box
07:55Bring in the box through
08:00Turn that way to me to me
08:03No, wait, so what I do with the box. It's like this you
08:10What do we do with the box? Oh, oh who killed me Josh you just I think the laser killed you
08:17Ready? Yep
08:21Okay, no you just change the angle now it's not even worse been okay, it needs to be straight
08:31Did you adjust it or something Oh Lord me dude, oh, sorry. Oh
08:38Okay, that's oh
08:40Okay, what if we bring it back a bit? Yeah bring it back
08:45Sing it back. It's great. Oh, come on. Oh
08:50Here we go
08:53Needs to be that bloody accurate seriously, okay. Yes. Oh, okay. Don't do another one. Did I say?
09:07This is the moneymaker, that's it. That's it
09:11There he goes boys
09:13I'm the box man. I'm the box man. Fine. You can vote. Why don't you share take it in turns?
09:17Well, no, I don't want to share with the kid. What's a gift? Never mind, right?
09:23Okay, wait, we need a crater you just dragged a step. Oh you drag me down
09:31Immediately drop the bottle fit is way too heavy. I thought you were the box guy. You've immediately left the box
09:39I'm not box guy anymore. You will you could you inform us? Yeah, I'm not
09:49Up here, okay. Thanks Craig. I should probably just put the box in but out so just the box ready. Yeah
09:59We need the box there you offer
10:02Then can you stop? Oh wait
10:05Guys wait, I need to climb over here
10:10There we go
10:12Be careful
10:14It call I think you're gonna go through now. No because there's a big thing here, right? We can't well, how do I disable that?
10:22Whoa, then be careful. The box cannot go through the blue. So we climb this
10:28I'm pretty sure I don't think that was the help. Maybe I need to disable this over. Oh, yeah
10:33I'll pass you the way guys guys guys. No, no
10:38Guys guys, it'll be fine. Now go
10:42okay, oh and
10:44then I climb over here and
10:48I do the next thing we
10:50Ready? Yeah
10:53Look, I'll let Josh do this
10:57That should open the door is open now you guys just need to get here to
11:08Know you just decide the direction
11:11What a jump was that was sick man. You're a disappointment. Can we leave him behind?
11:16He didn't get the checkpoint. All right, can we leave him behind? Yeah
11:21It's an elevator, all right up we go
11:26Wow nice dude, just you and me like the good old days Josh. Yeah, I don't know about good old days. I mean where oh
11:33I wanted to see what would happen. Okay checkpoint. Yeah, we go. Okay
11:40Blacks, I don't like you did quite well on the last one though crane. That's a pop
11:45Or did you use up all of your remaining brainpower on that one? Yeah, I think I'm getting tired now. Okay
11:51You literally did barely did anything. Well, it's enough for me. Okay wet. So this is gonna shoot the laser ball. I think
11:58Nope hey guys
12:00I'm just putting boxes on buttons right now
12:04Okay, so it is so click that one. Click the tower. We need to change the angle
12:09Okay, that's good that's good wait no now what do we need to bounce off of oh, no, I need to click the laser
12:14Okay, so yeah, so you click the red one. Oh
12:17That's you dad. Wait, how does take the box off and put it back on over there?
12:23Okay, you don't be that dramatic about it back on back on
12:28Okay, now okay press it now Oh
12:32It's okay
12:40First guys, we nailed it. Yeah, but we still do it needs to go through the middle. I think I accidentally did it
12:47You did well done Josh. I wasn't even thinking and I
12:52Now you know what it's like to be Craner, what do you mean me you said you weren't thinking oh
12:58Yeah, I was about to say cuz I just did it
13:02Guys where are you?
13:07Supposed to go down here
13:10Okay, here we go
13:15Hi Josh, okay button button
13:19Button button. I think that's gonna turn off the fan. Maybe if you could figure out a press there you go
13:24Yeah, there we go. Wait, it's moving at full. Oh, it's changing the angle. Oh, yeah jump Craner
13:32There's another hamster wheel here hamster wheel
13:36Do you know what happens the wheel is? Well, the hamster tube. Yeah, not a wheel like okay, we got another
13:43box here, maybe
13:45But I think we need to open the door to maybe get the other box. Wait for me
13:50How would we do oh we need to bounce the laser up there
13:55Okay, I need to get another box for that. Oh Finn. You're so late to the party all the time
14:03That was great to go to the other side
14:06Can I go to the other side? Okay, I'm going you gotta figure out
14:10I'm going through the hamster tube. What could it possibly be though?
14:15Hamster tube hamster tube hamster tube hamster tube hamster tube. Wait, is this door not open?
14:21It looks like you put it on there
14:25There are no more boxes here guys lift the box up and put it back down again, what is the red for?
14:30What does it do you go? I don't think you could fit that through the tube. Can you or do you maybe you can
14:35I mean, I'm trying maybe two of us need to be on the buttons. Can you fit that through the the tube?
14:40I'm going through the hamster tube
14:43No squaring. This is circle
14:47Yeah, we all know squares don't fit in circles no matter what that does not work sorry Crona
14:53If we try it from a different angle, yeah
14:57Like it works, I don't know it does work. We just need to fit it. Oh
15:01Oh, yeah, it does work guys. This is like it reminds me of your your me your me me and your mom
15:12Good job guys. Hey, good job guys. Good job. He gets really upset fit when you
15:18That's not where it's supposed to go
15:20On that
15:24There we go, wait, I think it still needs a box over we've not achieved anything. What are we doing wrong?
15:30Why is it lighting up when I'm standing here? I
15:34Where are we missing a box? I think so. What's in the box? Where would we need to get out a box?
15:40Wait, is there another button that we didn't see do we use the box to direct the laser ball? I
15:47Have no idea what we're doing. Let me click this you wait. That's for the fan anything behind
15:52Maybe we could use the box to direct the laser ball. What if we just step you think it's as simple as that
15:57Oh when you go into the red you don't you can't activate the wire
16:04Huh, I don't know what that means but it's a thing so how do we get around that then I don't know
16:12Does that do anything
16:14Was it a mistake to bring the box over here? I don't really know what's going on
16:18I don't know what the problem is
16:19Why don't we just try and like hit the ceiling with the box at angle? Is that just impossible?
16:24I mean you could try to hold up the box and direct the ball of light
16:28Yeah, I'm gonna try that
16:30Are we clearly doing it wrong? So like let's just experiment. Oh
16:35I kind of work. Okay, don't adjust the box
16:40I didn't say anything you don't know. It's not about you say
16:44Who's gonna be the shooting? You didn't even adjust it. Oh, it's minor adjustments. Oh
16:51That was a bit worse
16:53Ben stay away from the box. Okay ball coming. That's maybe too soon trainer. Oh, yeah, that'll do it. I
17:03Need to like angle all coming. Okay, I'm serious stop
17:10I don't know because we never opened the middle door. So