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21 year-old Baylee Littrell is the son of Backsteet Boys' Brian Littrell. Baylee is coming to American Idol to start his own journey of becoming a worldwide-known singer-songwriter. Baylee sings a song he wrote called "Waiting On Myself To Die" and gets high praise from Carrie Underwood, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie. Then an unexpected duet happens between Baylee and his Dad Brian! Backstreet's Back, ALRIGHT...and gets a golden ticket to Hollywood!

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AMERICAN IDOL, the iconic series that revolutionized the television landscape by pioneering the music competition genre, returns on ABC.

American Idol 2025

Helping to determine who America will ultimately vote for to become the next singing sensation are music industry forces and superstar judges Luke Bryan, Carrie Underwood and Lionel Richie. Emmy® Award-winning host and producer Ryan Seacrest continues as host of the beloved series.


00:00Well, who are you? I'm Bailey Littrell. I'm 21 years old and I'm from Atlanta, Georgia. There's something about you that looks familiar
00:08My dad is Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys
00:18You must forgive me I didn't have your dad's posters in my room I
00:27Believe I get my voice from dad and
00:30Hopefully I can do him justice today
00:34I guess you could say music runs in our family dance moves wise. That's the one thing genetically that did not pass down
00:43Following in my dad's footsteps is scary because his career to me is one of the most extraordinary in music history
00:54No one can ever compare I
00:57I remember being eight or nine years old and they sold out this huge arena and I got to open up for them
01:03I just had my two little songs and I came offstage and when the guys went on
01:07Screams the lights went down and I was just mesmerized. I thought oh my gosh
01:14Like what is this?
01:16When you're a kid, you're not afraid but when you start to get a little bit older, especially a teenager
01:21You kind of get timid at least I was
01:26Was he growing up in the industry a lot of people would look at that as like such a perk
01:31But it's it's not easy. Hopefully I can go make y'all proud
01:35I've always told everybody that he's ten times more talented than I ever was
01:41It's got an original song for you guys today
01:43This one's a little bit emotional. This song is about me personally wanting to give up and not giving up yet
01:50Trust me. I wish I wanted to do something completely different, but if I'm not doing music, there's no way I can really exist
02:07The devil's on my shoulder
02:11As I try to brush by I know what he wants from me
02:20What I want for my own life
02:23I've been caged in
02:26And broken from the games that he likes to play
02:31If I hold on to my faith
02:35Will get me through the golden gates. I don't know what to do anymore
02:43I seem to be all alone in this
02:47Oh, he's by myself
02:56What to do
02:59It seems I have no tears left
03:03Crying misery takes my time. I'm waiting on myself to die
03:27You're really good, thank you like you're really good. Thank you so much
03:32I love the song and that's a risk too when people come in like singing their own songs
03:36That was great and you you went there emotionally and I think you could go
03:42Very very far in this competition. Thank you so much. He's the world. We're super proud
03:50He's he's obviously grown up in the business and
03:54You know, I think he's he's cut out for it. Does your dad ever sing with you? He does you think he'd sing with you?
04:00You never know. I
04:02Could see
04:09Have an audition
04:15What's going on guys you might do a little do that course with him yeah
04:24I don't know what to do anymore. I seem to be all alone in this war
04:32I'm always by myself. We know I'm by my side
04:40What to do what to do with my life it seems I have no more tears left to cry
04:48Misery takes my time. I'm waiting on myself to die
04:56That's it I
04:58Think that's like the second time I've ever done that
05:02Fantastic this was not a part of the audition
05:06No, it's like for your superstar singer dad to come in here
05:10I feel like for anybody else it would make you look bad
05:14But it didn't like you were right there with them. You didn't feel you didn't shy away
05:20Like you were like, this is this is my moment
05:24I'm very happy for you and very proud of your son
05:27He's got his own lane and I think you can go a long way very happy for you
05:32I mean, I'm a dad of boys and all you want your boys to do is blaze their own trail and when they want to
05:39Do the steps and the work I'm there to help them
05:42But it's up for them to want to go do it and you know, you've obviously took the time to really go
05:48Hone your skills in your craft. I'm in the second your voice. I hadn't seen Carrie here. He went she looked right at me
05:56So that's good, man. Congrats and let's load it up. Yes
06:01Yes, if there was a better word for yes
06:10I'm gonna cry. I'm crying. Thank you. Thank you
