Watch the official “Complex Problem” clip from the CBS new medical drama Watson Season 1 Episode 5, created by Craig Sweeny.
Watson Cast:
Morris Chestnut, Eve Harlow, Peter Mark Kendall, Inga Schlingmann, Ritchie Coster and Rochelle Aytes
Watch Watson Season 1 now on CBS and stream on Paramount+!
Watson Cast:
Morris Chestnut, Eve Harlow, Peter Mark Kendall, Inga Schlingmann, Ritchie Coster and Rochelle Aytes
Watch Watson Season 1 now on CBS and stream on Paramount+!
00:00According to the journal, Taryn Quentin has been hospitalized five times in three months.
00:06I'm sorry, that is too many times.
00:08Even for a sickle cell patient, she is 26 years old.
00:11Her symptoms are presenting as sickle cell, but maybe that's a misdiagnosis.
00:15If hers was picked up on a newborn screening, methods back then were prehistoric.
00:19This could be hemoglobin SC disease.
00:22She has sickle cell.
00:23Taryn Quentin has sickle cell disease, in fact.
00:26Let me help.
00:31This is a rare case where an exclamation point is necessary.
00:35I looked up her peripheral smear today in the lab, and she has sickle cell.
00:40Okay, so opioids, fluids.
00:43The mystery here isn't what's wrong with Taryn Quentin, no.
00:46The mystery is why do we live in a world that could cure her, but won't.
00:51Because we do?
00:54And what do we do about that, aside from the obvious answer?
00:56There's an obvious answer?
00:58Of course there is. We have CRISPR.
00:59We can easily replicate a cure with a day of focused work.
01:03Honestly, we could beat it.
01:04Sorry, science cured sickle cell disease, and you are unimpressed.
01:09No, the science is impressive, but that's neither here nor there.
01:12We can't duplicate the cure, because of course that would be illegal.
01:16I don't think you need air quotes for that.
01:18We can proceed on three fronts.
01:21Make sure there's nothing else wrong with Taryn that's causing the escalation of her symptoms.
01:27Twins, you two supervise a high-performance liquid chromatography test.
01:31Monitor Taryn's recovery from this crisis.
01:34Decrease the frequency of the episodes so she's eligible for clinical trials.
01:39Dr. Darien, Dr. Lubick, that's on you.
01:41You can also look through her journal for more clues while you're at it.
01:44You held up two fingers.
01:46You said we'd proceed on three fronts. You held up two fingers.
01:50There's a cure for sickle cell.
01:53The science is mediocre. The cost is $3 million out of pocket.
01:57And it's the property of a lawyered-up monolith, but it does exist.
02:02Our patient will have it.