00:00We're looking at a lot of things.
00:03We have big meetings coming up, as you know, in Saudi Arabia, that's going to include Russia.
00:08It'll be Ukraine.
00:09We'll see if we can get something done.
00:10I'd like to get something done.
00:12A lot of people died this week, as you know, in Ukraine.
00:17Not only Ukrainians, but Russians.
00:20So I think everybody wants to see it get done.
00:22We're going to make a lot of progress, I believe, this week.
00:25Is President Putin disrespecting you by attacking Ukraine when you're trying to make peace there?
00:29Is President Putin disrespecting you by attacking Ukraine when you're trying to make peace there?
00:33What did he do?
00:34Well, he's attacking Ukraine.
00:35Is he disrespecting me?
00:37Who are you with?
00:38I'm Michael Bernthal, Washington Post.
00:39You've lost a lot of credibility.
00:40Go ahead.
00:41What else?
00:42Mr. President, what do you say to Americans who have seen their retirements and accounts
00:43fall in recent days, who are getting very nervous about these kind of conversations?
00:44Oh, I think the tariffs are going to be the greatest thing we've ever done as a country.
01:00It's going to make our country rich again.
01:02We have many companies, as you know.
01:04Auto companies are opening up plants now.
01:07We've had four or five announced already, but many more are coming.
01:11And we're basically going to take back the money, a lot of the money that we've given
01:15away over many decades.
01:16We've lost our jobs.
01:17We've lost our factories.
01:19We've lost 90,000 factories since the beginning of NAFTA.
01:23It's not that long ago.
01:2590,000 factories.
01:26Think of that.
01:27And we're going to get them back.
01:29And they're coming back.
01:30And they're coming back in records.
01:31Look at what happened with the big chip company, the biggest in the world.
01:35By far the most powerful chip company in the world, from Taiwan.
01:40And they're going in with $200 billion of money, and they're going to build something
01:44that's going to give us 35, 40 percent of the chip market in one — just in one company.
01:49No, it's going to bring it back.
01:51And I think it's going to make us — bring us to a level that we've never had before.
01:55Is there going to be a government shutdown this May?
01:56Mr. President, many of your supporters are concerned about conservative — your supporters
01:57are attacking SCOTUS Justice, naming Kony Barrett.
01:58You put her on the bench.
01:59They're saying she's a DEI hire.
02:00Do you regret putting her on the bench?
02:01Do you regret putting her on the bench?
02:02Look, she's a very good woman.
02:12She's very smart.
02:13And I don't know about people attacking her.
02:14I really don't know.
02:15I think she's a very good woman, and she's very smart.
02:16Is there going to be a government shutdown at the end of this week?
02:17Could happen.
02:18I mean, the Democrats want that.
02:19They want to destroy the country.
02:20So I can't tell you.
02:21But it could happen.
02:22It shouldn't have happened.
02:24I think the CR is going to get passed, we'll see.
02:35But it could happen.
02:38You never know.
02:39The Democrats are out of control.
02:41You saw that the other night during the speech, when they wouldn't stand up for — two of
02:47the young ladies were killed by illegal aliens.
02:50with the cancer, the young man with the cancer, and
02:53all you want to do is stand up and applaud the man.
02:56And they — the boy, the young boy.
02:59And nobody has ever seen anything like that.
03:03They're out of control.
03:04They've lost their minds.
03:05The Press.
03:06Are you alarmed by escalatory rhetoric from
03:08the Chinese response to your tariffs?
03:10And are you planning to make a decision, I think,
03:12about trade anytime soon?
03:13No, they took that rhetoric back, as you know.
03:16They were very tough.
03:17And I said, Whoa, what's that all about?
03:19That rhetoric was taken back.
03:21You know that, right?
03:23My question to you is, are you —
03:24I mean, but if you know that, why would you ask
03:25that question?
03:26Are you planning to meet with Xi Jinping
03:27anytime soon?
03:28Yeah, at some point, I will.
03:29I have a very good relationship with
03:31President Xi.
03:32Very good.
03:33And at some point, I'll be meeting with him.
03:35Sir, do you think there's going to be a deal on
03:36TikTok soon?
03:37There could be.
03:38We're dealing with four different groups.
03:41And a lot of people want it, and it's up to me.
03:44So there could be.
03:45Who are you leaning towards?
03:48The four are good.
03:50Mr. President, you have said there's no feud
03:51between your Cabinet members and Elon Musk.
03:54He even had dinner with you last night at the
03:55Secretary of Defense.
03:56However, tensions are high between your Cabinet and
04:00Mr. Musk.
04:00How are you going to simmer down tensions?
04:02Does Mr. Musk need to back off?
04:04Well, I don't think the tensions are high.
04:05Look, Elon is a very special person.
04:08And these Cabinet people are special people.
04:10You know, these are very successful people, or
04:13they wouldn't have gotten — you know, they've
04:14attained the highest heights of government.
04:18They — I think they have a fantastic relationship
04:22to Elon.
04:23And Doge has been incredible.
04:24You know, hundreds of billions of dollars of
04:26waste and fraud and abuse has been found — already
04:31And that doesn't mean they don't have a little bit
04:33of an argument here and there about something, or
04:35maybe personnel arguments.
04:38There's not too many contract arguments.
04:40You know, contracts have been found.
04:41This is much more than just personnel.
04:44And we found hundreds of billions of dollars of
04:47fraudulent contracts or — very wasteful, but I
04:51think fraud.
04:52I think it's fraud.
04:52And I think — I actually think — I actually think
04:56they — I think, really, the Cabinet, for the most
04:59part, I think they get along really well with
05:01The Press Well, that has nothing to do with the
05:15That was a small plane, and that would've happened
05:18whether you had a big department or a small
05:20department, as you understand.
05:22It's just they're in a — they have space like
05:25You know, they have times when things happen a
05:28little bit more often than normal, and then it
05:30goes back, and you go many years without having a
05:33I'll tell you, I think the Southwest pilot did a
05:35fantastic job last week when he lifted that plane
05:39off the air, because if he put the brakes on, that
05:40wouldn't have been good.
05:42And I think the license should be maybe revoked
05:44for the plane that got it away from the pilot.
05:47Revoked for the plane that got in its way.
05:49But the way he immediately stepped in the gas and
05:52lifted up, as opposed to, you know, thinking for
05:55about three seconds when it would've been too late.
05:57The Southwest pilot or pilots were — they did a
06:00great job.
06:01The Press Russia, China, and Iran are doing
06:03military exercises together.
06:04Does that concern you?
06:06The President No, not at all.
06:07Not at all.
06:08The Press Why not?
06:08The President Because we're stronger than all
06:10of them.
06:11We have more power than all of them.
06:13I rebuilt the military.
06:14Unfortunately, Biden did nothing with it, but I
06:17rebuilt the military.
06:18But we don't want to even talk about that.
06:21I think if you look at what's happening and if
06:23you see what we've done and if you see where we've
06:25come — and let's see what happens with the whole
06:27Russia-Ukraine thing.
06:28I think you're going to have, eventually — and
06:30maybe not in the distant future — you're going to
06:33have some pretty good results coming out of
06:35Saudi Arabia this week.
06:36The Press Are you going to resume aid to Ukraine if
06:39they sign the minerals deal?
06:41The President Well, I think they will sign the
06:43minerals deal, but we want them to — I want them to
06:45want peace.
06:46Right now —
06:47The Press How do they show that?
06:48How do they show that?
06:49The President Well, right now, they haven't shown
06:50it to the extent that they should.
06:51I think, right now, they haven't.
06:53But I think they will be.
06:54And I think it's going to become evident over the
06:57next two or three days.
06:59I think, eventually — look, we have to have
07:01And I'm doing this — money is one thing.
07:04We're going to lose — they've spent $350
07:06billion on this.
07:08But the big thing — human life.
07:12Thousands of people — this week, thousands of
07:16young soldiers died this week.
07:18Hundreds of people died in cities in Ukraine.
07:23And we got to get it stopped.
07:25It would have never happened if I was
07:26President, and it didn't happen.
07:28This was not going to happen.
07:29By the way, October 7th wouldn't have happened.
07:32Inflation wouldn't have happened.
07:35The Afghanistan — the way they — not that they
07:37left, but the way that they left — it looks so
07:39Probably the most embarrassing day in the
07:41history of our country.
07:43That wouldn't have happened.
07:44A lot of things wouldn't have happened.
07:45But it is what it is.
07:46I think we're going to have a good time.
07:48I think we're going to have a good result in
07:50Saudi Arabia, meaning they're hosting the
07:53various talks.
07:54And we have a lot of good people going out there.
07:57And I think Ukraine is going to do well, and I
08:00think Russia is going to do well.
08:01I think some very big things could happen this
08:04I hope so.
08:05Two thousand people — at least 2,000 young
08:07soldiers — have died this week.
08:11And this is almost on a constant basis.
08:13A couple of thousand soldiers a week.
08:15It's a killing field, and we got to stop it.
08:17And if I can stop it, I'll be very happy.
08:20The Press.
08:20Would you consider lifting the intel pause on
08:24What does Ukraine have to do?
08:24Well, we just about have.
08:25I mean, we really just about have.
08:28And we want to do anything we can to get Ukraine
08:31to be serious about getting something done.
08:36You know, I say they don't have the cards.
08:38Nobody really has the cards.
08:40Russia doesn't have the cards.
08:41They don't have — what you have to do is you
08:43have to make a deal.
08:45And you have to stop the killing.
08:47It's a senseless war, and we're going to get it
08:51The Press.
08:52You had a meeting with Maria Bartiromo.
08:53Where are we?
08:54Are we just about —
08:55Yes, sir.
08:55We're leaving.
08:56We're close.
08:57We're just about ready to land.
08:57Are you worried about a recession?
08:59Maria Bartiromo asked you, and you kind of
09:02I'll tell you what.
09:03Of course you hesitate.
09:05Who knows?
09:05All I know is this.
09:06We're going to take in hundreds of billions of
09:08dollars in tariffs, and we're going to become so
09:11rich, you're not going to know where to spend all
09:13that money.
09:14I'm telling you.
09:15You just watch.
09:15We're going to have jobs.
09:16We're going to have open factories.
09:18It's going to be great.
09:19And the plane is landing.
09:20And thank you for a lot of good questions.
09:22Thank you very much, everybody.
09:26Thank you, everybody.
09:27Thank you all.
09:28Thank you, everybody.
09:28Hi, everybody.
09:29How are you?
09:30Very good.
09:30Wow, that's a lot of people.
09:31That's a lot of —