• 1 hour ago
Dawn Gracie’s Dickie Bows & Petticoats Club has celebrated a hugely successful first year in Chichester.


00:00Good morning, my name is Phil Hewitt, Group Arts Editor at Sussex Newspapers. Always lovely
00:07to speak to Dawn Gracie. Now, Dawn, you're celebrating a first anniversary of the Dickey
00:12Bows and Petty Goats Club, and it's been a fantastic success with a very serious underlying
00:19motive. It's all about ending and tackling isolation and loneliness in older people,
00:24isn't it? And you've really struck a chord.
00:27Absolutely, yes. Yeah, it really has. I can't believe it's just been over a year since we
00:32launched it, yeah, January last year. And it's just been an amazing, surprising, in
00:39many ways, success. And it's doing its job.
00:43Yeah. Well, before you tell me why it's worked so well, what's the format?
00:49The format is, it is a monthly daytime cabaret club for sassy seniors. That's the tagline.
00:56So we provide a two-hour daytime opportunity for those of a senior age, the golden eras,
01:03the golden girls, as we say, to come and enjoy some grown-up entertainment in the middle
01:07of the day. And it's low cost, but really high value. And it's a cabaret show, afternoon
01:13tea, bingo, singing, music, and it's just something very different.
01:18And the fact that it's during the day is what makes it accessible, isn't it?
01:23Exactly. So it starts at midday, ends at 2pm. We do override sometimes, but we're having
01:28too much fun. So yeah, the daytime is the key. Yeah.
01:31And you sell out every time, which suggests that there really is this need, isn't there,
01:36that you're meeting?
01:37Yeah. I mean, the first few months, it took a little bit of getting the word out there
01:42and it built and built. And now we have a lot of regulars. We have people who come sort
01:46of every other time. But it is selling out every time. I wish we had a bigger place to
01:52do it, but it is what it is. But it's, yeah, it's been a huge success. And I'm so, so proud
01:58of the group of 25 volunteers that give their time up, including myself, every single month
02:04to make this happen.
02:05Brilliant. And where does it go from here then? Is it a question more of the same? You
02:10were thinking about maybe more outreach somehow, weren't you?
02:14Yes. I mean, moving forward, I mean, the event is a success because of the numbers that we
02:20attract. I would really like to do more outreach and reach more people who are socially isolated.
02:26And just because people might live with a family or live in a care home or retirement
02:32home doesn't mean to say they're not isolated and lonely. So it's really reaching those
02:37people. And we've had so much feedback from our guests saying, you know, it is a reason
02:42to smile every month. It's pure joy and completely different as well. So if you like entertainment
02:50a bit cheeky, then Dickie Bowes & Petticoats Club is definitely the place for you. And it happens
02:55at the Palance Suite in the heart of the city. So yeah, it's very, very easy to get to.
03:01And we'll be part of the Festival of Chichester once again this summer.
03:04And exactly, yes. Our one that falls in June is part of the Festival of Chichester. So we're
03:11very, very proud to still be associated with the wonderful festival. And we'll be featured
03:15in the brochure and on the social media. So do keep an eye out for that. But if anyone's
03:20watching this who lives out of Chichester, but has relatives in Chichester, they're the
03:25people, bring them along. This month, we had a lady who moved to France, but her mum lives
03:31locally. She popped back, brought her along, and we've introduced her mum to a whole load
03:35of new friends. So she's got a new social life. And that's just exactly what it's about.
03:40Fantastic. Well, congratulations on creating something that sounds truly special.
03:45Lovely to speak to you. Thank you.
03:47Thank you, as ever. Thank you for your support. Thank you.
