00:00At 5 p.m. on May 12, 2005, an 18-year-old college student named Simon Ang sat inside
00:05of his bedroom in the apartment he shared with his sister Sharon in New York City.
00:08Simon was supposed to be doing homework, but instead he was doing something he loved,
00:12which was blogging. Simon would write on his blog just about every single day,
00:16and he typically wrote about his self-improvement journey he was on,
00:18because he kind of wanted to chronicle his journey so that in the future,
00:22when he was the best version of himself, he could look back and sort of see how far he had come.
00:26But on this particular day, Simon was not writing about self-improvement. Instead,
00:31he was blogging about something that was totally unusual for him. In fact,
00:35he had never written anything like this on his blog ever before. But Simon knew basically
00:39nobody read his blog, and so he wasn't really that concerned about writing something so off-topic.
00:44And so at about 5.05 p.m. when he was done with this very strange blog post, he just hit post.
00:49Five hours later, at about 10 p.m., an NYPD detective, along with some other police officers
00:54and first responders, arrived at Simon and Sharon's apartment. And there, they would find
00:59Simon. He was laying perfectly still on the ground, his feet were bound by duct tape,
01:03and he was covered in stab wounds. Very quickly, they discovered he was dead. They heard moaning
01:07coming from the other bedroom across the hall. And so they rushed in there, and they would
01:11discover Simon's sister, Sharon. She also was covered in stab wounds and laying on the ground,
01:16but she was still alive. They tried to rush her to the hospital, but in transit, she would die.
01:21And she would also die before she could actually tell authorities what happened to her and her
01:26brother. For the next three days, investigators could not make sense of Simon and Sharon's
01:30murders. But then, a detective discovered Simon's blog, and they found his final entry.
01:36That last post broke the case wide open. Right before Simon was killed, he wrote in his blog
01:42about what was actually happening in his apartment. Here is a screenshot of that blog post.
01:47It says, quote,
01:56Sharon's former boyfriend was a man named Jin Chong Lin. A year earlier, he and Sharon had
02:01gone through a really rocky breakup. Now, Sharon had moved on and kind of gotten over the breakup,
02:06but Jin hadn't. He was still furious about the way things ended, and so he ultimately went to
02:11Sharon and Simon's apartment to get revenge. And his revenge was murdering the brother and sister.
02:16When police confronted Jin with information from Simon's blog post,
02:20he immediately confessed to the murders. Jin was tried and found guilty of the murders
02:24and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Today, Simon's blog is actually still available
02:29online. However, what you'll really see if you go to his blog is the thousands and thousands
02:33of comments from people all around the world hoping that Simon and Sharon rest in peace.