Kejaksaan Agung RI menyerahkan lahan kebun sawit hasil sitaan seluas 221 ribu hektar kepada Kementerian BUMN
00:00The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Indonesia has handed over the land of Kabun Sawit
00:06as a result of the corruption case of PT Duta Palma,
00:09which covers an area of 221,000 hectares, to the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, BUMN.
00:15This step is part of the optimization of the land
00:18to support the national energy reserve and the supply chain.
00:23The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Indonesia, Jampit Suskejagung Febri Ardiansyah,
00:28announced that hundreds of thousands of hectares of sawit land that he manages
00:32will be handled by PT Agrinas Palma Nusantara,
00:36located in the province of Riau and West Kalimantan.
00:39The matter was conveyed when it was found at the end of a press conference
00:43on the disclosure of evidence in Jakarta on Monday, March 10.
00:48This evidence is an important instrument,
00:54not only in the process of enforcing the law,
00:57but this involves so many implications.
01:01There is a limit to the ability to manage this evidence.
01:07That importance is not only a component of the evidence in us,
01:15but the business that is run must continue to run.
01:21Febri added that hundreds of thousands of sawit lands
01:24are owned by PT Duta Palma Grup,
01:26consisting of 7 land areas of 43,824.52 hectares in the province of Riau
01:34and 21 sawit plantations of 137,626.01 hectares in West Kalimantan.
01:43The party hopes that the land can be managed well by BUMN,
01:48in this case PT Agrinas Palma Nusantara.
01:51From Jakarta, Pradana Putra Tampi, Kantor Berita Antara, reporting.