• yesterday
Video details:
Mhow, Indore – A victory procession celebrating India’s win turned violent late last night as two groups clashed, leading to arson and stone pelting in the town. Several shops and vehicles were set on fire, and petrol bombs were hurled, prompting police to intervene with a lathi charge and tear gas to control the situation.

The unrest reportedly began when participants in the procession, chanting "Jai Shri Ram," reached near Jama Masjid. Tensions escalated after some individuals were stopped and allegedly beaten, triggering stone pelting from both sides. The confrontation quickly spiraled out of control, resulting in widespread violence.

Authorities have been deployed to restore order, and further investigations are underway.

#Mhow #Indore #India #VictoryProcession #Violence #Arson #StonePelting #PoliceIntervention #JaiShriRam #PublicOrder

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