Presiden Prabowo Subianto bertemu dengan delapan pengusaha besar di Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta pada Kamis (06/03). 8 pengusaha itu adalah Anthony Salim, Sugianto Kusuma (Aguan), Prajogo Pangestu, Boy Thohir, Franky Widjaja, Dato Sri Tahir, James Riady, dan Tomy Winata. Masing-masing dari mereka memiliki latar belakang bisnis yang berbeda.
Pertemuan ini menjadi ajang diskusi strategis antara pemerintah dan dunia usaha mengenai perkembangan ekonomi nasional serta program-program utama yang tengah dijalankan.
Pertemuan ini menjadi ajang diskusi strategis antara pemerintah dan dunia usaha mengenai perkembangan ekonomi nasional serta program-program utama yang tengah dijalankan.
00:00Thank you so much for being with us this morning, Mas Reza Priyambada, Director of PT Reliance Securities Indonesia.
00:12Good morning, Mas Reza.
00:13Hello, good morning.
00:16Thank you for being with us this morning, Mas Reza.
00:18There are two IPOs this morning, there is Mine and there is Kaki.
00:23If we look at the emittance that has just done this IPO in a sector or maybe fundamentally, what do you see it like, Mas Reza?
00:34Yes, so if we look at the two emittances, it is based on two different sectors,
00:42but what I see is that these two sectors or these two emittances seem to be preparing a number of expansions that will be done.
00:54And we see that in the middle of the macroeconomic condition, which can be said to be more or less up to now,
01:00these two emittances can still show the existence of expansion plans,
01:06so we hope that with the IPO processing later, it can make their budget better.
01:14So this is a corporate action that needs to be done by companies to be more expansive, right?
01:23Okay, but in terms of sectors, it's quite interesting, these two emittances, right? Or maybe in terms of potential?
01:29Yes, these two emittances are still quite prospective, if we look at it.
01:34For example, in the self-employment sector, they are in the field of additional taxes, right?
01:40Then the next emittance is also in the field of infrastructure, right?
01:49So these two sectors, from a perspective, if we look at the macroeconomic condition,
01:57we hope that it can be better in the future.
01:59Of course, the demand for goods and services in the mining sector and infrastructure should be able to experience growth.
02:10These two emittances can at least play a role in that growth.
02:15Okay, speaking of economic growth and also the growth of the capital market in Indonesia,
02:19if we look at the meeting between President Prabowo Subianto and 8 conglomerates
02:24that met in Jakarta, of course a number of issues were discussed,
02:31and one of them is related to how the consolidation between the government and the business world
02:36to make the economy stable.
02:40This is a recent dynamic that we have been witnessing day by day.
02:44A few days ago, we also saw the business authorities holding a meeting at Menho,
02:49an Indonesian fake business, with entrepreneurs.
02:53Actually, these meetings were responded positively,
02:57and if we look at the movement from the ISG on Friday, it was also supported by SAMSAM, the conglomerate.
03:04How do you see this meeting, and how does it look like it is needed by the market players,
03:16as in psychologically speaking, Reza?
03:20Yes, so if we look at it from a positive perspective,
03:25the meeting between the President and the entrepreneurs is actually more of a collaboration.
03:33A collaboration between the government and entrepreneurs
03:36to see how it can survive in the current macroeconomic condition
03:41that is being tested.
03:46Then how can our macroeconomic condition survive in the global macroeconomic condition
03:54which is currently not very good,
03:57with trade wars, with global conditions in some areas.
04:04Of course, it needs collaboration between one and the other.
04:08Meeting between the President and a number of entrepreneurs,
04:11this is a collaboration between the government and private sector
04:14to make our economy better in the future.
04:18Moreover, if we look at this meeting with entrepreneurs,
04:23their companies are already willing to contribute to the Indonesian economy.
04:32For example, the cooperation with the entrepreneurs from Bali Toher,
04:38with the Adaro Group, they have already contributed to our macroeconomic condition.
04:45Then, with the partners, like Pak Minstu, Pak Soemin Aka, and the Sinarmas Group, etc.
04:52These entrepreneurs have already made a lot of contributions to our economy.
04:58Therefore, the government itself wants a collaboration
05:06so that our economy can survive.
05:10Something like that, if we look at it from a positive perspective.
05:12Okay, psychologically, these meetings have a significant impact on the strengthening of the Indonesian economy.
05:18But then, what is expected from entrepreneurs and market players, I mean,
05:24what are the policies of the government pro-business world
05:29so that the efficiency that leads to layoff
05:33does not happen again and also affects the purchasing power of the community.
05:39And also, how we can face the consequences of the trade war
05:46which was just started, and then the war was crushed by Donald Trump
05:52and also various retaliation actions by countries
05:57which were then imposed an import tariff by the President of the United States, Donald Trump.
06:02Okay, we leave it, related to this discussion,
06:05we move on to the morning election.
06:07From you, Mr. Reza.
06:09And you can watch it on LINE Television for the election.
06:13This morning, among them are
06:19BRPT, then there is also MEDC, PNBN, and also SMGR.
06:24Recommended by BRPT with support at 7.70, resistance at 8.55,
06:30then MEDC with support at 9.70, resistance at 1.050,
06:35PNBN with support at 1.330, resistance at 1.475,
06:39and SMGR with support at 6.200 and resistance at 7.200.
06:44A brief analysis for your election this morning, Mr. Reza, please.
06:49Yes, okay, Mr. Geng.
06:51If we look at the first of BRPT,
06:53we see that the movement of MA20 is very positive.
06:59Moreover, the price has passed the MA20 and MA5,
07:03so we recommend it as a buy with entry at 8.15 and 8.30,
07:09then to support at 7.70 with a target at 9.85.
07:15Then next from the MIGAS sector, there is MEDCO.
07:19MEDCO, if we look at the introduction, it is above the MA5.
07:26So we can try entry buy at 9.85 to 1.015 with resistance at 1.050 to 1.090,
07:35support at 9.70.
07:38Then next for PNBN,
07:41almost the same as MEDC,
07:43where the movement is above the MA5,
07:47entry at 13.85 compared to 14.30,
07:53resistance at 14.75 and support at 13.30.
07:57Okay, Mr. Reza, with this correction,
07:59the sum that you recommend is PNBN, MEDC,
08:02then also BRPT and SMRA, right?
08:05Yes, SMRA.
08:06Not SMGR.
08:07We apologize for the confusion of the data we just mentioned.
08:10SMRA, buy recommendation with entry at 6.575 to 6.750,
08:15resistance at 7.000 to 7.325.
08:18Analysis for SMRA, Mr. Reza, please.
08:21Yes, for SMRA, if we look at it,
08:24the movement is also above the MA5,
08:30entry at 6.575 compared to 6.750,
08:35resistance at 7.000 to 7.325.
08:42Okay, those were some of the recommendations
08:44recommended by Mr. Reza,
08:46including BRPT, then MEDC, PNBN,
08:49and also SMRA.
08:52We have a very short time, Mr. Reza.
08:54It was nice to talk to you this morning.
08:57I hope you are always healthy and successful.
08:59What we discussed this morning
09:02can serve as a reference for market players
09:04in today's trading.
09:05See you, Mr. Reza.
09:06Okay, thank you, Mr. Reza.