00:00I'll never surpass my best dongo at this rate.
00:10What if I've already peaked as a chef?
00:14Come on!
00:15Now's not the time for a pity party!
00:17On to the next batch!
00:20Aren't you gonna sleep?
00:24Though they're not coming out as well as I'd hoped.
00:29Don't worry.
00:30I'm working hard to make something you'll love.
00:34Fresh dongo for sale!
00:37Wash them down with some piping hot tea!
00:40I only manage to achieve what little I have because I admire everything you do.
00:46How could I ever throw in the towel when you're practically carrying the whole world on your
00:53I feel the same way about you.
00:56Your smile means everything to me.
00:59I always come back for one more glimpse.
01:04So, I've still managed to help you in my own way.
01:09I know I'm being greedy here.
01:11I don't have much to offer you.
01:14Still, I want to give you the strength to succeed, so...