• 2 days ago
The 90s were wild. Stay tuned for the Pizza Hut Book-It! program.

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Hidden Agenda Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

End Music by Mark Jay

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00:00Alright, now for those of you that don't know, I just did a cartoon on school punishments
00:05from back in the day.
00:06You know, like when we had to write stuff on the chalkboard over and over again until
00:09our hands went numb?
00:10Remember that?
00:11That was a real rootin' tootin' time, wasn't it?
00:12Well, after doing that episode, it got me thinking about other aspects of my school
00:15days that may or may not be a thing anymore.
00:18Like for example, coat rooms.
00:20Are those still a thing?
00:21Do they exist?
00:22You see, I went to one of those old-ass public schools back in the day, that looked like
00:25a fuckin' King Koopa castle from Super Mario Brothers, and all those old-ass schools had
00:29a separate coat room attached to the classroom where you'd hang all your shit up at.
00:33We didn't have any of those stupid-ass little cubbies that they use nowadays.
00:36Alright, little children, let's put our mittens away in our little cubbies, shall we?
00:41No, back in my day, you put your shit in the coat room because your teacher didn't want
00:46to look at your stupid-ass, obnoxious, angry beaver's book bag.
00:49Put it away.
00:51But the cool thing about the coat room was that was the place where all the shady shit
00:54would go down in your kit.
00:56Like if you had Pokemon cards to trade before class, or a fuckin' Newport menthol to smoke,
01:00you did that shit in the coat room where the teacher couldn't see ya.
01:03Hell, I've seen entire fuckin' fistfights go down in the coat room.
01:06I've seen a kid catch a missile dropkick to the teeth, and then five minutes later,
01:10he was sittin' at his desk takin' a spelling test.
01:11Not to mention the time where a kid took a piss inside of the coat room, and we all got
01:15to go outside again for a bonus recess while the janitor cleaned that shit up.
01:19What a fuckin' time to be alive.
01:20You definitely can't pull that shit off with a fuckin' cubby.
01:23You're askin' to catch an indecent exposure charge.
01:25So what I'm sayin' is bring back the coat rooms.
01:28They're fuckin' cool.
01:29Hashtag fuck cubbies.
01:30Now another thing that seems to be disappearing from schools these days is having your own
01:34I don't know what the hell's goin' on, but it sure seems like schools these days
01:37just throw a bunch of tables and chairs in there for kids to sit at.
01:39And I think that's a pretty big mistake, because having your own desk was part of your
01:43identity back then.
01:44That was your desk.
01:45That was your little piece of the classroom.
01:47Don't touch my desk, goddammit!
01:49I pay the property tax on this motherfucker!
01:51Get away!
01:52Don't even look at it!
01:53It was basically an extension of your student self.
01:56Like, if you got in trouble in class, chances are your teacher would send you and your desk
02:00out in the hallway as a punishment.
02:02Why are you sitting out here?
02:04Because me and my desk were bein' obnoxious little assholes during a spelling test.
02:08That's why.
02:09Now, how orderly you kept your desk depended a lot on if you were a little boy or if you
02:13were a little girl.
02:14Because little girls tended to be cleaner and a little bit more organized.
02:17They'd have, like, all their books neat and orderly.
02:19All their Lisa Frank folders would be in rainbow order and shit.
02:22But then you'd check out a little boy's desk, and holy hell, that shit would look like an
02:26active crime scene.
02:27There'd be shit crammed in there, all haphazard-like.
02:29There'd be, like, a fuckin' half-eaten moldy Pop-Tart sittin' there, a dead hamster in
02:34the corner and shit.
02:35You didn't know what the fuck you were gonna find in a little boy's desk.
02:37That shit would look like a goddamn I Spy book from back in the day.
02:41I spy with my little eye six boogers and nine toenail clippings.
02:47Fucking sick.
02:48But hey, it was your desk.
02:49You got to keep it how you wanted it.
02:50Hashtag fuck tables and chairs.
02:51Okie dokie.
02:52Now the next thing that I want to talk about is student graders.
02:55You remember back in the day when your whole classroom would get finished with, like, a
02:58science quiz or something, and your teacher would be sittin' there like,
03:01Well, I don't feel like grading your guys' bullshit right now.
03:04Everybody pass your paper to your neighbor and pull out a red pen.
03:06I'm gonna read off the answers, and you guys are gonna grade your own shit.
03:09Well, having students grade papers could be a good thing, or it could suck ass completely.
03:14Like, if you were grading one of your friend's papers, instead of marking something wrong,
03:17maybe instead you'd change their dumbass answer and penciled in the right one.
03:21And then maybe, you know, at lunchtime they gave you their chocolate milk, and it was
03:24a win-win for everybody.
03:25But then the other side of the coin is, you'd have somebody like, Natasha's fuckin' forthright
03:29goody-two-shoe ass grading your test, and she'd be like,
03:32Nope, fuckin' wrong!
03:33Photosynthesis isn't the first layer of the atmosphere, ya stupid asshole!
03:37You suck!
03:38Minus two points.
03:39Aw, you suck ass, Natasha, with your always-by-the-book ass!
03:42I hope you get headlights again, like you did last winter, ya fuckin' narc!
03:46But hey, you win some and you lose some.
03:48Student graders were still the shit.
03:49Hashtag fuck Natasha.
03:51Alright, now there's one last little thing that I want to talk about today.
03:54And that, of course, is pencil sharpeners.
03:56Or more specifically, THE pencil sharpener.
03:59You know, the one that was at the front of the classroom, bolted to the fuckin' wall
04:02so nobody could steal it?
04:03Is that still a thing these days?
04:04Are there still kids in this day and age, that go up to that pencil sharpener in the
04:07middle of a quiz, and just sharpen the shit out of their pencil for like, 45 minutes straight?
04:16You're sittin' there, trying to focus
04:17You're fuckin' up your science quiz, six ways to Sunday and shit
04:20But that little asshole just keeps on goin',
04:22because every time he pulls out his pencil it would look like this shit right here,
04:26which would just repeat the cycle over and over again.
04:30Eventually your teacher just snaps and she's like
04:40Look, I don't know if THE pencil sharpener is still a thing,
04:44but God I hope it is, what a time to be alive!
04:46Hashtag, fuck mechanical pencils.
04:48Alright, so those are just some of the things that I wanted to talk about today.
04:51And really I could just go on and on and on about certain shit.
04:54I mean, I didn't even talk about the fucking Pizza Hut Book It program, for Christ's sake.
04:58You know, when they used to give us personal pan pizzas for reading five frog and toad books?
05:03Neat, cool, alright.
05:04So if you guys want to hear more, or if you have any suggestions,
05:07why don't you drop a comment down below?
05:09Or don't, I'm not your dad.
05:10I can't tell you what to do.
05:12The end.
