• 2 days ago
I Cheated with //COMBINE in Build Battle

Friends in video!

My Editor 🎥
00:00Today, I'm going to build battle against my friends.
00:03But, I'm secretly using slash slash combine,
00:06which will let me combine anything you can think of in Minecraft.
00:10We'll be combining different items,
00:12combining mobs together,
00:14and even combining my shell.
00:17Round one is minigame!
00:20Minigame, let's go!
00:23Let's go!
00:23That wasn't part of the routine.
00:30All right, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
00:33Ladies and gentlemen, welcome your faces to a build battle.
00:40I'm cheating.
00:41That's right.
00:42We're using slash slash combined,
00:45which is going to give us the hologram block.
00:48We're going to be combining anything in Minecraft.
00:51And the way it works is we open this,
00:53and you can see the three different ways that we're going to be combining things.
00:57Each one gets crazier and crazier,
00:59like the blend-o-matic.
01:00Is that a blender?
01:01And the gigapress.
01:02Win the next round of the build battle to unlock.
01:05Okay, so we have to win,
01:06but we have this one right here for free.
01:08So let's click on that.
01:09Yeah, the fusion piston box.
01:12And if we crack open this bad boy,
01:14we get two Skidzy Industries pistons,
01:17and we also have this remote right here.
01:19So the way that these work, I believe,
01:22is we put them down like this,
01:24so that they're facing each other.
01:26And then we put whatever items we want in the middle,
01:28and we click the remote.
01:30Oh my gosh.
01:32So now we just need to find a good item or block to combine.
01:35We can choose literally anything.
01:37What's going to happen if we do a pufferfish and TNT combination?
01:41Speaking of combinations,
01:43be ready to combine your fist and the subscribe button,
01:46because this is going to be crazy.
01:50All right, three, two, one.
01:52Oh, it's happening.
01:53It's happening.
01:55Oh, it worked.
01:57Okay, let's just pick this up.
01:58Sir Puffsalot.
02:00Do I really want to place this thing down?
02:03Certainly that cannot be a good idea.
02:06I placed it down.
02:07I placed it down.
02:08Is it going to blow up?
02:10Oh, he just got a little bit bigger.
02:11He's getting bigger the more I punch him.
02:14I guess I'm not surprised.
02:16Oh my goodness.
02:16Oh my gosh.
02:20Well, I was going to say pufferfish do puff up,
02:23but he got huge.
02:24He turned into a nuke.
02:26So you can keep punching him,
02:27but then you don't know when he's going to blow up.
02:30We could definitely make a mini game out of this.
02:32We first need to make a build.
02:34So let's do replace glass air just like that.
02:39So now we got this like giant dome thing.
02:41And now we just got to line up with the center of the dome.
02:44I think that should be good.
02:45And then we can make some walls like that.
02:49They're not quite tall enough.
02:51All right.
02:51I think that did it.
02:52This is supposed to be a Skidzee Industries factory.
02:55That's where I'm going to put all of our combined items.
02:57But it's looking a little tall.
03:00I chopped its butt off.
03:02And there we go.
03:03We have a Skidzee Industries lab.
03:06We also have that giant crater over there,
03:07but don't worry about that.
03:08We don't want to talk about that.
03:09But now we just got to give it a floor
03:11and let's give it a front entrance.
03:14There we go.
03:14And then we can actually make this look a lot better.
03:17We can like add in some tint in the glass to give it like a design.
03:21That actually looks really good.
03:22And honestly, let's just make this entrance like much more grand.
03:26Oh, okay.
03:27That looks so much better.
03:29I also went ahead and added some botanical vegetation.
03:33I added some leaves.
03:34I don't know why I talk like that.
03:36I have problems.
03:36I talk like Surf Puffs a lot.
03:38Or at least what he used to sound like.
03:42Nah, I'm just kidding.
03:43I got another one right here in my hand.
03:45And his new home is going to be this science lab.
03:48I'm sure he was really happy to hear that.
03:49I don't think anyone would ever want to hear that.
03:52But let's make this bedrock because we all know what he does.
03:55And then let's put him in the center.
03:57And we're just going to fence him off because he do be flopping around.
04:00Like I really, I don't like that noise he makes.
04:03Could you keep it down?
04:04All right, there we go.
04:05Level one for my mini game is complete.
04:07And the way that it's going to work is that Izzy and Kipley
04:10are going to take turns punching him.
04:12And whoever sets him off and blows up is the loser.
04:15All right, the time has come to combine our next item.
04:19Also, I just realized if we're going to be combining like anything in the game on round one.
04:25Oh, hey, Izzy.
04:27Hey, hey, hey.
04:28What's going on, dude?
04:30Do you see anything?
04:32Yeah, actually, I did see something.
04:34Nah, nah, nah.
04:35I think you didn't see anything.
04:39Hey, hey, hey, stop.
04:40Dance for me and I won't hit you.
04:45Do a spin.
04:49Now let's go ahead and combine our next item.
04:52Same thing as before, we could choose anything in the game.
04:55So let's find a good item.
04:57Ooh, okay, wait, I want a lightning rod for sure.
05:00Because if we could get something that's electrical, that would be sick.
05:04But then let's combine it with...
05:07Let's do slime ball.
05:08Three, two, one.
05:10Oh my goodness, the pistons are now kissing.
05:13Oh, oh, it's electrical.
05:16Nice, I see what you did there.
05:17Fun to play with.
05:18Okay, I threw it.
05:19Whoa, oh my gosh, it ricochets off the walls.
05:21Wait, oh, and it multiplies.
05:23Hello, can I come in?
05:24What's up, dude?
05:25Um, no, don't come in.
05:26Don't go in there.
05:28I have a stick.
05:29I'll hit you.
05:29I'll beat you with a stick again.
05:30Okay, okay, okay, I'm sorry.
05:31No, no, no.
05:32All right, you know what?
05:33You want to go in there?
05:33Go ahead.
05:35Yeah, you'll be perfectly safe, Izzy.
05:36Don't worry, don't worry.
05:37I just have to block this off for safety purposes.
05:40Wait, are they duplicating every time they hit each other?
05:42Izzy, Izzy.
05:46For this mini game, Capely and Izzy are going to have to dodge the electric slime balls.
05:51The more time that goes by, the more they keep duplicating.
05:54And the first one to die is the loser.
05:57No, the electricity killed Sir Puffs a lot.
06:04There we go.
06:05We now have a third platform over to the side over here.
06:09So the way that this game is going to work is there are going to be six boxes.
06:13Each box has TNT rigged above it.
06:16And I will be blowing up three of said boxes.
06:19So Capely and Izzy will have to hide in one of the boxes and hope that they don't blow up.
06:24So let's go ahead and make the boxes.
06:26If you guys couldn't tell already, I really enjoy blowing people up.
06:30Whoa, yo, this is getting out of control.
06:32Oh my gosh.
06:33Oh, there are so many in there.
06:37So you guys remember when I said I like blowing people up?
06:41Well, fireworks, they explode.
06:44We're going to try a firework and then let's combine that.
06:47Oh, what if we do a boat?
06:49They really should not have trusted me with this kind of power.
06:51Three, two, one.
06:54Yes, my pistons smooch each other.
06:57What am I, what am I saying?
06:59I have problems.
07:00Okay, what did we get?
07:01This thing is huge.
07:03Skidzy Industries title hyperboard.
07:06Dude, is that a face?
07:09It's like a surf's up face.
07:10It's like, it's like this.
07:13Okay, hold on a minute.
07:14If we make some water like right here and then can we, can we place this?
07:19I'm not sure I want to get on this thing.
07:20Is this going to be safe?
07:22Just kidding.
07:23My middle name is Danger.
07:25Oh my, we could do some jumps.
07:28There's a rocket thruster on the back.
07:31Oh, I failed that jump.
07:33Oh my, we have a hoverboard.
07:36Well, I think I know what the next mini game is going to be.
07:40We're going to make a giant water ramp.
07:42So let's go ahead and remove the wall here.
07:45We're not going to need that anymore.
07:46And now let's create our ramp.
07:48We're going to use blue concrete for now.
07:50And then we're going to replace this with water.
07:52So the objective for Izzy and Kipley is to shred upon the surfboard.
07:58And up here, I put a gold ring that they have to go through.
08:02And this one will be worth one point.
08:03And then this emerald ring right here, this one's going to be worth two points.
08:07And then the diamond ring, which is the smallest of them all.
08:11That one's going to be worth three points.
08:13So I put some barrier blocks along the edges here.
08:15And I think this is going to be the most fun part.
08:18Just putting all the water on this.
08:19And yo, look how satisfying that is.
08:22Oh no, oh no, it's going over the edges.
08:24I forgot to put the barrier blocks down here.
08:27All right, there we go.
08:28We have a water ramp.
08:30This looks so cool.
08:31I love it.
08:32And then it turns into a waterfall.
08:33That looks sick.
08:34We can even put sea lanterns at the bottom.
08:37Oh no, what is happening?
08:38Scram, get out of here.
08:39Kipley, we got us.
08:40Abort, abort mission.
08:42I got just the thing for these tadpoles.
08:45No, not again.
08:47Izzy, run.
08:48You may be invisible, but I can smell you.
08:55I can see you.
08:56You little rat.
08:58There's only five minutes left.
09:00Okay, there is a massive bald spot right here in the factory.
09:03But I think I have a pretty good idea for the next game.
09:07So what we're going to do is have a water drop right here.
09:10And then we're going to have a second one right here as well.
09:13And then real quick, I'm just going to go ahead and grab one of these barrier blocks.
09:17And we are going to cover one of these water drops.
09:21And I think I'm going to cover this one right here.
09:23So now when the contestants come to the very top of the ladder,
09:27they will have to make a choice of which water block they want to jump into.
09:31And if they choose the one with the barriers, boom, they die.
09:34Follow me to the Kipley Minigame Tower.
09:37It kind of looks like Dr. Doofenshmirtz Tower.
09:40Nope, this is Kipley Tower.
09:42Kipley Tower Incorporated.
09:45Yeah, this is sick.
09:47What is one?
09:48It's level one.
09:49Oh, level one.
09:51And level two is over there.
09:53Yo, what is going on in Kipley Tower?
09:55Why are they making out?
09:56They're spectators to watch you guys play squid games.
10:00Squid games.
10:00I didn't stutter.
10:01I think she stuttered.
10:02She definitely stuttered.
10:03I did not stutter.
10:05She can hear us.
10:06You thought normal squid games was bad?
10:08Now this is squid games plus parkour.
10:11She stuttered again.
10:12This is squid games with parkour.
10:14All right, set your spawns.
10:16Wait, are we against each other?
10:17Are we like teammates or what's going on here?
10:20You are fully against each other.
10:21There can be only one winner.
10:23Oh, he survived.
10:26Am I still alive?
10:27Oh my gosh.
10:28So if that was a fake, I'm going to guess this one is a fake.
10:31But that's what they would.
10:32All right.
10:35I'm going to guess.
10:36I'm going to guess that is.
10:38Oh my gosh.
10:38Wait, I was going to say that.
10:40We're big brain.
10:40So let's take these.
10:43I survived and he didn't.
10:45Don't fall Skizzy.
10:46Don't fall.
10:46Don't fall.
10:50I was going to punch him off anyways.
10:52What are these blocks right here?
10:54They're conduits.
10:55Go left.
10:55Go left.
10:56We have to work together for now.
10:59Well, I don't think it was left.
11:01I guess I'm going right.
11:06Hold on.
11:06If it's not left and it's not right.
11:08Wait, hold on.
11:09Maybe it's like only one of these things.
11:11Oh, it is.
11:12Have to do a bunch of little guesses.
11:14I can make this.
11:15I can make this.
11:15Oh, oh, it's looking good.
11:17The race is on.
11:18You better hurry Izzy.
11:19Oh, okay.
11:21Can I trust this chain?
11:22I definitely can't trust this chain.
11:24Can I?
11:25Oh my goodness.
11:25I made it.
11:26Did you though?
11:26I think it's whoever goes down this mini dropper.
11:29I might.
11:30Am I going down the dropper?
11:32All right.
11:33Don't hit the shorts.
11:34They were short.
11:38Oh my gosh.
11:39Oh my gosh.
11:40I made it past the spikies.
11:41I didn't even see them there the first time.
11:46What is this room?
11:48Well, you win one diamond block.
11:50Let's get Izzy.
11:51Oh, Izzy.
11:51So sorry.
11:52What is that noise?
11:54What is up with all these fricking villagers making out, huh?
11:58Don't mind them.
11:59They're still doing it.
12:00All right.
12:01Take your seats.
12:02Pick one.
12:02They each have different sounds.
12:03All right.
12:04This one.
12:05All right.
12:05Oh, okay.
12:06All right.
12:07Enough sounds.
12:09Geez me.
12:10You will be guessing whatever I'm making.
12:13Oh, it's Pictionary.
12:15Hold on.
12:15I need to bring up my little menu.
12:17I'm so sorry for the delay.
12:19She doesn't seem ready.
12:20Do not question my readiness.
12:22Oh my gosh.
12:23Izzy, I think she's building you, bro.
12:26What is it?
12:27Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
12:28If you get it wrong, aren't you out?
12:30You can guess.
12:31Unlimited guesses.
12:33You get three glasses.
12:35Three guesses.
12:38The reports are in.
12:39We get three glasses.
12:40You get three guesses.
12:43It's a turtle.
12:44How did you know?
12:46Let's go.
12:49Hey, hey, hey.
12:50Round two.
12:51What do you think it is, Izzy?
12:52Yo, if you call it in before me, you might win.
12:55Uh, Among Us.
12:58All right.
12:59That was good.
12:59That was good.
13:00I will give you that one.
13:01That was really good.
13:02No, he got that pretty early.
13:04That's kind of, kind of sus.
13:09Sorry, was that, was that not the sus noise?
13:11I don't know what noise that was, but.
13:14You might want to see a doctor.
13:16Next round.
13:17Oh my gosh.
13:18Wait, what if she's spelling out a message?
13:21A sideways T.
13:22What could it be indeed?
13:24Oh, over here, over here, over here, over here.
13:26It's a B.
13:27It's going to be a B.
13:27Now what about that looks like a B?
13:29This is his butt stinger.
13:31And then these are the stripes.
13:34Man, you didn't even let me put in the yellow.
13:37Let's go.
13:39All right.
13:40Last round, boys.
13:41Whoever wins this one wins it all.
13:42We've got to lock in.
13:44I'm going to power up my brain.
13:49Do you, uh, do you need a bathroom break?
13:50No, I'm good.
13:51I was just powering up my noggin, all right.
13:54Oh my gosh.
13:55Is it another B?
13:56It's a chicken.
13:57It's a chicken.
13:58It's a chicken.
13:58No, it's a chicken.
13:59There are two guesses.
14:00You only have one guess now.
14:02That's definitely a chicken if I've ever seen one.
14:04Yo, what is, what is wrong with this duck thing?
14:09What is that?
14:10Is it a giraffe?
14:11Are you sure?
14:12That's a giraffe if I have ever seen one.
14:15If you get it wrong, you are eliminated.
14:17It's a giraffe.
14:18I'm doubling down.
14:19It's a giraffe.
14:20Are you sure?
14:25Congrats, you win.
14:27Let's go.
14:28That is the most not giraffe giraffe I've ever seen out of any giraffe.
14:32I'm out of here.
14:33What is he?
14:35Level three.
14:38There's more?
14:39What do we do in this room, Kiply?
14:40All right.
14:42Oh my gosh.
14:45You guys are about to break each other's hearts.
14:48All right.
14:48We are playing a classic game of split or steal.
14:51You will be betting all your diamonds today, Mr. Skidzy.
14:55You can either split with Izzy and vote green or you can steal all the diamonds and vote red.
15:02You get the same vote.
15:03You can either steal or split.
15:05We need to work together.
15:06I've been saying it the entire time.
15:08Dude, I've been saying the same thing too, bro.
15:10We have to work together.
15:11It's the only way we get out of here.
15:12Unless this is a trick for me to have you put green.
15:17No, no, no, no.
15:18Don't do it, dude.
15:19If you both get steal, you lose the diamonds and never get out of here.
15:23All right.
15:24I've made up my mind.
15:25I know what I need to do.
15:26All right.
15:26I'll block this up.
15:27Can I trust you, Izzy?
15:29Bro, you can trust me.
15:30You can trust me.
15:31All right.
15:31Now, please hold out the block that you were choosing.
15:34I have my answer.
15:35Izzy, you're locking it in?
15:37I'm locked in.
15:38What did you choose, Izzy?
15:39What are you holding in your hand?
15:43Izzy has stolen the diamonds.
15:46You're out.
15:47I'm going to have to give you a nine.
15:51I think this is a solid nine out of 10.
15:54Izzy, come on.
15:55Winner of the Kipley Tower mini games.
15:57I'm going to give you a 10.
15:59Let's go.
16:01Follow me to your doom.
16:03I was already followed into my doom when you backstabbed me.
16:07You're about to get backstabbed again, buddy.
16:10In Bed Wars.
16:11I knew it.
16:12I love Bed Wars.
16:14Pick your color and you know how this goes.
16:16How come everyone gets a normal tree and then my tree is just...
16:22All right.
16:22We're starting.
16:24We get armor.
16:25We have a sword, a pickaxe, a shield.
16:27Let's take all this.
16:28Oh my gosh.
16:29We have blocks too.
16:30I'm going to be honest.
16:31The best thing is to go straight for the other islands in the distance.
16:35We just got to keep bridging.
16:37I am not the fastest bridger by any means, but I'm consistent.
16:41Oh no.
16:41They're already speed building, bro.
16:42Are you kidding me?
16:43I made it to the center island.
16:44Oh my.
16:46Yo, the gear here is cracked.
16:51Oh, perfect.
16:52Oh, he's distracted.
16:55She's an enderpearl?
16:57Break bed.
16:58Oh my God.
16:58How'd you get an enderpearl?
17:00No, not the TNT.
17:02The bed is gone.
17:04Oh my gosh.
17:05Wait, what?
17:07It's okay.
17:08I still have my bed.
17:09There's no way.
17:10I literally just watched her die in real time.
17:13Skinzy's got one life, Izzy.
17:14We can kill him.
17:15Izzy, I'm asking you now.
17:17I tried to team with you in the last level and you betrayed me.
17:20Just team with me this time.
17:21There's no trusting people in Bedwars.
17:22Look, take it.
17:23See, you can trust me.
17:25She's coming for your side.
17:26Get out of here.
17:28Yo, chill.
17:30Go for her side while I distract her.
17:33I'm almost there, Skinzy.
17:34Protect my bed.
17:35I'm mining it to her side.
17:36Oh my gosh.
17:37She's mining your bed.
17:38He's mining your bed, which means you're dead now.
17:41She's dead.
17:41She's dead dead, which means...
17:43Oh, where'd she come from?
17:45She respawned a second before I freaking destroyed it.
17:48I'll use the crossbow.
17:49I hit her.
17:50I'm chasing her.
17:50I don't care about stupid fire.
17:55You stay away.
17:56You killed my brother, who's not really my brother because he backstabbed me,
17:59but he was still my brother because I decided to team with him.
18:02One of us has to die.
18:03If I die, I'm actually out.
18:05Yes, Kipley's dead.
18:07Yo, you actually killed her, dude.
18:10Yeah, I guess that means there's only two left.
18:14You don't have a bed, do you, buddy?
18:16Oh my gosh.
18:16I gotta make it back.
18:17Get back here.
18:18I can smell your toes.
18:22I picked up TNT from Kipley.
18:23No, what are you doing?
18:24I should have given you that diamond chestplate.
18:27Izzy is so much better at PvP than me.
18:29This is so bad.
18:29Oh my God, you do so much damage.
18:31Yo, make the jump, bro.
18:32Just make the jump.
18:33I'm just gonna hold my shield, bro, the entire time.
18:37No, I missed!
18:38I missed.
18:38Oh my God.
18:39No, no, no.
18:40I need this.
18:40Come on!
18:41You backstabbed me, yes!
18:44Let's go!
18:45Mr. Izzy, I can't lie.
18:47That was too much fun.
18:49That was actually a blast.
18:50I'm gonna give this a fat nine.
18:53The build could have been, you know, a bit more detailed, maybe.
18:56You know, look at the little tree on his side.
18:58You know, it's beautiful.
18:59I mean, everything was beautiful.
19:00Yeah, why did I get the ugly tree?
19:03I told you it was ugly!
19:08Oh, great.
19:09Now you heard his feelings.
19:10It's a unique tree.
19:12It's got a top hat.
19:13Oh, look what you did, Gimpley.
19:15I'm sorry.
19:18It's a seven.
19:20Pink and green, right this way.
19:23This is the Skidzee Industries factory.
19:25Yo, one of your factory workers escaped.
19:28It's standard protocol that once you enter the factory,
19:31you're gonna need a Skidzee Industries hard hat.
19:33Yo, Izzy, do you even see anything?
19:35Yeah, wait.
19:37Yo, it's covering your eye.
19:38I can see if I look up.
19:39You got like one pixel hanging out.
19:42Hey, you can't laugh at him.
19:43You can't see anything at all either.
19:45Yeah, I can!
19:46Yo, what are these?
19:47Yeah, what is this?
19:48Nothing, nothing.
19:49You weren't supposed to do that.
19:50All right, so anyways, right this way, guys.
19:53Follow me.
19:54Inside of the Skidzee Industries factory, we are running multiple experiments.
19:59We have experiment number one right here.
20:02Sir Puffs-a-lot?
20:03Yeah, Izzy, you get close to it.
20:04What is it?
20:05Oh, I just punched him.
20:06Was I supposed to do that?
20:07Oh, it's a puffer fish!
20:09You guys are gonna punch Sir Puffs-a-lot,
20:11and he has a random chance of exploding on every punch.
20:14So Izzy, you just went first.
20:15Kipley, you're next.
20:18Oh, it got bigger!
20:19Hey, hey, hey, hey, try to keep it in the arena.
20:22I don't think he can stay in the arena, bro.
20:24He's too big.
20:26That was Izzy!
20:30You blew up my factory!
20:32I didn't mean to do that.
20:33This is gonna be best two out of three contestants.
20:36Are you ready?
20:37Does Sir Puffs-a-lot have a mustache?
20:39He does.
20:40What's it to ya?
20:41Oh, and he has a little monocle.
20:42Please kill Izzy!
20:43Kill Kipley!
20:44Please, Sir Puffs-a-lot, I love you!
20:46What is he doing?
20:47Why is he hopping like that?
20:48He's hopping so fast!
20:49Explode on Kipley!
20:51Oh no, oh no, oh no.
20:55No, I lost!
20:58Round three.
20:59I get first time this time.
21:00Yep, yep, yep, all right.
21:01All right, this is the last round for all the marbles.
21:04Izzy has one point, Kipley has one point.
21:06Who will win?
21:07Your turn, Izzy, no pressure.
21:09He already told me, Sir Puffs-a-lot told me.
21:12Well, Sir Puffs-a-lot lied to you!
21:14He hates you!
21:15Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
21:17Jump twice if you're gonna explode on Izzy.
21:22Oh no.
21:24Let's go!
21:26It's not fair.
21:28All right, this is level two.
21:30Why don't you guys go ahead and walk on in?
21:33Yo, there's no pressure plate on the other side of the door.
21:36Don't be worried about that.
21:37You got a helmet on, you'll be all right.
21:39All right, there we go.
21:41What is this?
21:42Yo, oh.
21:43And within this level, don't worry, it's just one little electrical ball.
21:48Don't let it hit you.
21:49It bounces off the walls and you don't know where it's gonna go.
21:54Oh, okay.
21:55Well, I already won.
21:56Yo, not fair!
21:56I didn't have full health!
21:58All right, well, I didn't-
21:59Oh, oh, sorry.
22:00I didn't finish explaining the rules, so I'll let you-
22:01I'll let you try again.
22:02This ball will multiply randomly, as you can see.
22:06I'm surviving.
22:06Ah, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
22:08Izzy's hit, Izzy's hit.
22:11Yo, you guys are not very good at this.
22:13Oh, I actually found a goated spot.
22:15Does Kipley ha-
22:16Do they both have the same-
22:17Get out of here, Izzy!
22:18You're gonna kill me, you're gonna kill me!
22:21Oh my gosh!
22:26They died so early!
22:28That game's rigged.
22:29Don't worry, this next game is just as destructive, if not more.
22:35So, I'm gonna turn around for 30 seconds.
22:38You guys get to choose a box, and I'm gonna blow up three out of six of them.
22:42So, choose wisely.
22:43Oh, Izzy, what do we do?
22:44What do we do, man?
22:45Five, four, three-
22:47I'm gonna hide in this one.
22:48Please don't explode, please don't explode.
22:51Where are you guys hiding?
22:55Why is he sniffing this one?
22:56Hmm, this blue box seems like it's a little smelly.
23:01Come on!
23:03He found me in the first one, that's crazy.
23:06There is only one player remaining.
23:08Will I be able to get them?
23:09I have two more tries.
23:11I'm going with red.
23:13I missed.
23:13I'm going with red.
23:15How did you know, you cheater?
23:19I demand a rematch, there's no way.
23:22Fine, you guys have five seconds, go.
23:23I will shoot two out of four remaining.
23:25I'm hiding, I'm hiding.
23:26Please don't shoot the pink, please don't shoot the pink.
23:28All right, if I were Izzy, I would definitely choose green.
23:34Are you in there?
23:36No, there's no way I got that right.
23:38I'm actually too good.
23:39You're cheating, you're a cheater.
23:41I'm never gonna tell you where she's at.
23:42Good, Izzy, don't snitch on me, Izzy.
23:44Not even for a cookie?
23:48He's totally gonna give me up.
23:50I'm switching boxes.
23:54He did try and rat me out.
23:56All right, Izzy, I'll give you your cookie,
23:59but something I know about Izzy is that he's a backstabber,
24:02which means he's lying, which means Kipley has got to be in the purple one.
24:08I have to be right about this.
24:09Oh, come on.
24:10There's no way.
24:10I was in the pink.
24:12I switched because I didn't want him to rat me out.
24:15All right, I get 10 billion points because I'm simply the best,
24:19but next mini game, go ahead and climb this ladder.
24:22Hey, you ratted me out though, Izzy.
24:24What the heck, man?
24:24I didn't rat you out.
24:25I saw you move first.
24:27Hey, hey, hey, stop your bickering.
24:30I'm one heart.
24:31She's disqualified.
24:32All right, so the way that this game is gonna work,
24:35I think you understand the rules already.
24:37One is real and one is fake.
24:40I can tell by the animation of the water.
24:42One of them is different from the other.
24:44Are you zooming in on the water pixels?
24:45Like they look the same.
24:47Is it the red one or is it the blue one?
24:50I put mine.
24:51Okay, I put my guess in.
24:52I think it's that one.
24:53Oh, okay.
24:54Kipley put blue.
24:55Izzy put red.
24:56Who would like to go first?
24:59I'll go first because I know mine's the right one.
25:01All right, Izzy, go ahead.
25:03Three, two.
25:07Let's go.
25:08All right.
25:09Why don't you go ahead and test yours out?
25:12Oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm so good.
25:14He couldn't tell for anything.
25:15He said he could tell.
25:18This is the final level.
25:19As you could see by Izzy,
25:21because he already got onto the board,
25:23you can ride these surfboards
25:25and you can launch yourself into one of the rings.
25:27Gold is one point.
25:29Green is two points.
25:31And blue is three points.
25:32So Izzy, if you get three points,
25:34you could come back from this.
25:35So you guys get one chance each.
25:38Do you feel comfortable on your boards?
25:40Oh, I'm comfortable.
25:42All right.
25:42You're going down, Kipley.
25:45Try not to slip.
25:45I'll make you frown.
25:47Did that rhyme?
25:48You're going down.
25:49I'm going to make you frown.
25:50Yes, it rhymes, dude.
25:51Can we get on with it?
25:52That last part did not rhyme.
25:53I thought you were going to drop some bars.
25:55He's only going to drop off the ledge.
25:57Oh, all right.
25:59Why don't you go first, Kipley?
26:01All right, I will go first.
26:02I know it didn't work out too well for you last time.
26:04Boosters, please!
26:05Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
26:08Oh, she just barely missed the gold ring.
26:12Come on!
26:13Kipley has two points.
26:15If you get the diamond ring, you get three points,
26:19making you the winner.
26:20You have to go for the diamond.
26:21No pressure, Izzy.
26:22Prove to everyone that you're the most Calabungy.
26:25That sounded kind of weird.
26:32You did it!
26:33Let's go!
26:34He said it here first.
26:36He said Kipley is going down.
26:39She's going to frown.
26:40Pooh is brown.
26:42Since I won, I will give you...
26:44Please, 10.
26:45Please, 10.
26:46A 10.
26:46Yes, let's go!
26:48I just need 10 points, Kipley.
26:49It's that easy.
26:50I don't know.
26:51Here at Skidzy Industries, we do our best for our customers.
26:57Yo, I died a lot at Skidzy Industries.
26:59This hard hat did not protect me at all.
27:01You signed the paperwork.
27:03All right, Skidzy.
27:04This is for Sir Puffsalot.
27:06You get a 10.
27:08Let's go!
27:10And the first round is...
27:14We got possessed by Mickey Mouse.
27:17All right, you heard the man.
27:18Dungeon, I guess.
27:20Oh my goodness.
27:22We unlocked the Blend-O-Matic 9000.
27:25Blend any mob together.
27:28Oh, so this is...
27:30So this could combine any item or block.
27:33But now we're blending mobs.
27:36Yo, I don't...
27:37Is that safe to do?
27:38Can we put mobs into a blender?
27:40That does not sound safe at all.
27:42Oh, it's huge.
27:44Okay, well, this looks easy enough to use.
27:46I think we just click that.
27:48Oh, okay.
27:48The top opened.
27:49Let's choose a chicken.
27:51How does this work?
27:52Do I just place him in the...
27:53Oh no.
27:54Yo, where did he get a blender from?
27:56I closed it.
27:58What kind of milkshake is he making?
28:00Oh, I started it on accident.
28:05No, they definitely know I'm up to something.
28:07Oh, abort.
28:08Run, run.
28:09Okay, I think I put the chicken in it.
28:11And then let's do...
28:13Let's do an iron golem.
28:14I am so sorry for what I'm about to do to you guys.
28:18It's for scientific purposes.
28:22Oh, they are blending together right now.
28:25What is going on?
28:26I'm so sorry.
28:27I feel like I'm making a protein shake.
28:34Oh, this is the iron chicken.
28:37He's got quads of steel.
28:39His back is ripped.
28:42Oh my gosh.
28:44He's coming towards me.
28:45He makes a thumping noise with every stomp.
28:47That's how you know he's heavy and meaty.
28:49Oh no, oh no.
28:50Oh, ow, ow.
28:51He just punched me with his giant fist.
28:54I have two families.
28:55Please don't kill me.
28:56Ah, ow.
28:57Okay, wait.
28:57I think I just saw him charging up for a special attack.
29:00Oh, great.
29:01He's going for the village next.
29:03No, not the cat.
29:04Don't punch the cat.
29:05What is wrong with you?
29:10What is that?
29:11I'm sorry.
29:12What is that?
29:14You weren't supposed to see this.
29:16Ow, help me, please.
29:17There's nothing I can do, buddy.
29:20What is happening?
29:21Izzy was slain by Goozzilla?
29:23You monster.
29:25Well, now that we have a giant Goozzilla, it's time that we give him a home.
29:31We're going to make a giant sand pit, almost like a gladiator's arena.
29:36I'm thinking right in the center there.
29:37We're going to make that air.
29:39And this is going to be the entrance where the Goozzilla comes out.
29:42And then let's set iron bars.
29:44There we go.
29:45And let's go ahead and give them a little bit more detail.
29:48And then before we continue with the arena,
29:50I just want to go ahead and add some texturing to it, just like this.
29:54There we go.
29:55We now have big rock spiked things.
29:58And now hidden around the rocks just all around the map are going to be multiple chests.
30:03And then I'm going to fill up every chest with just some random loot.
30:06I'm even going to hide a chest like in his den.
30:09If anyone's smart enough to come in here, I'm going to have a god apple right there.
30:13Now, I think the point of this game is to actually try to escape the arena, not kill him.
30:19I don't even know if you can kill him.
30:20I mean, look at this man.
30:21He's literally he's trying to bite me through the wall.
30:24So what I'm going to do is put an iron door right here.
30:27And all they have to do is find the key somewhere hidden on the map.
30:30And the key is just going to be a lever.
30:32And that's how they get out.
30:33So what I'm going to do is on top of this rock, they'll have to parkour up.
30:37Then at the top, we'll have a jump boost potion.
30:40They will then need to use that to get up on top of this rock.
30:44You can barely see the chest up there, but that is where the key is.
30:48Follow me for the deadliest dungeon.
30:51Oh, this looks crazy.
30:52There's some stuff on the roof.
30:54Oh, we're entering from the top.
30:55No way.
30:56We got some gear here.
30:59It's a dungeon tower, but each floor is going to get harder and harder.
31:03I'm ready.
31:04Put me in coach.
31:05No way.
31:05You just said that.
31:06You stole my line.
31:07I said it first.
31:08I'm going first.
31:09No, you didn't.
31:10Oh my gosh.
31:11Baby, baby in the dungeon.
31:12Oh, there's zombies.
31:13Yo, watch out.
31:13Watch out.
31:14Watch out.
31:14They're all out on you.
31:15I got a lever.
31:17Where do we put it?
31:18Get back.
31:18Yeah, you're doing great.
31:20You're doing great.
31:21Thanks for the help.
31:25I saved you.
31:26You're welcome.
31:27Give me the lever.
31:28All right.
31:28We could go together.
31:29It goes in this trap door right here.
31:32I think.
31:33Ladies first.
31:37Go down.
31:38Can you just...
31:39Yeah, there we go.
31:41I'm on my way.
31:43I'm on my way.
31:44I'm coming.
31:45I'm on my way.
31:46I'm coming to help.
31:47You're not coming down here at all.
31:49I am.
31:49I'm just really taking my time.
31:51I big brained it.
31:52They're fighting each other.
31:54Oh, no way.
31:54Oh, okay.
31:55Only some of them.
31:56All right.
31:56Hold on.
31:57Hold on.
31:57I'm coming.
31:58I'm coming.
32:00We're good.
32:01I've been hit.
32:03My gosh.
32:04Yo, are you going to share?
32:06No, there's nothing in this chest.
32:07It was empty.
32:08I thought you said we're in this together.
32:10It was empty.
32:11I saw the iron.
32:14I brought this with me.
32:15I brought this with me.
32:15Are you kidding me?
32:16All right.
32:17You're going down first.
32:19Oh, my.
32:21I'm going to die.
32:21Wait, what do you mean?
32:23I have two families.
32:25Oh, my gosh.
32:25I forgot.
32:26You can't use shields on these guys.
32:27Oh, there's so much stuff in the chest.
32:32I'm helping.
32:32I'm helping.
32:33Oh, my gosh.
32:35No way.
32:35I survived with two hearts.
32:37I left you something.
32:38Oh, let's go.
32:41We got upgrades, people.
32:43I can't see anything down there.
32:45All right.
32:45Time to find out.
32:46I'm going in.
32:48No sudden movements.
32:49I'm not moving.
32:50I'm not moving.
32:51I'm not moving.
32:51There's so many doors.
32:52I think he could smell the Cheez-Its in my pocket.
32:54You have Cheez-Its in your pocket?
32:57He wants the Cheez-Its!
32:58Give me all I have of heart.
32:59All I have of heart.
33:00He's going to pull my totem!
33:01Where's the final lever?
33:02He popped my totem while I'm dying.
33:04Get him!
33:05Get away from him!
33:06I got the final lever.
33:08I got it.
33:08I got it.
33:08I got it.
33:09I'll keep him distracted.
33:10Um, I guess I'll just wait outside.
33:14The door is literally open.
33:15You can just walk on out.
33:16You don't have to fight.
33:21We did it!
33:22You guys made it through the vertical dungeon.
33:26Oh, I'm still dying.
33:27Mr. Hizzy, I can't lie.
33:29That was actually so fun.
33:31I really enjoyed that.
33:32That is going to get a solid 8 out of 10.
33:35I also really liked that.
33:36I liked how all the floors were different.
33:38I like how the loot upgraded.
33:39I'm going in with an 8 as well.
33:41Let's go!
33:44All right, follow me into this dungeon.
33:46We are going inside.
33:47Go to the diamond blocks!
33:48Oh my gosh, what is that?
33:50No peeking!
33:52I'm half a heart.
33:53I'll die by fart.
33:54Don't, don't do that.
33:55Stop! I'm one heart.
33:56I'll die by fart.
33:57We're in enclosed space.
33:58No, no farting.
34:02There is a very good room somewhere in this dungeon.
34:06All right, the loot room.
34:07Your goal is to find it, but you must choose a wall to mine through.
34:11And then once you mine in it, you must defeat that room.
34:14Okay, we'll do this one because it's green.
34:16Green for Izzy.
34:16Oh my, oh, nice choice.
34:18We got the minefield.
34:20All right, buddy, you go first.
34:21All right, Izzy, Izzy, give me, give me a running boost.
34:23Punch me while I run.
34:24Okay, ready?
34:25Three, two, one, go!
34:27Oh my gosh, I think it worked.
34:28There's TNT?
34:29Your turn, Izzy!
34:31I'll boost ya!
34:36Sprint, sprint, sprint, sprint, sprint!
34:37Oh my gosh, we made it.
34:38We made it, we made it.
34:39All right, you guys can go to your left or forward.
34:42I say we go this way.
34:45Oh, do I have the full commit?
34:47You have to go in that room,
34:48but you can choose another room immediately if you want.
34:52Ah, I found a new room!
34:54I don't think I like it though.
34:55Izzy, get in here, hurry!
34:57I'm choosing this side.
34:58I'm choosing this side.
35:03Okay, dude, are we just picking every bad thing?
35:05You guys are actually severely unlucky, I will say.
35:09Okay, we got the next room.
35:11You entered the bunny room!
35:13Wait, I don't like these bunnies.
35:15They're mean bunnies.
35:16Let me in!
35:17Yo, what is wrong with these bunnies?
35:19I thought we got a good room for...
35:21No, no, no, and the blazers are coming in now too.
35:23I'm choosing this room.
35:24This has to be a safe room.
35:25What is this?
35:27It's not a safe room.
35:28Take a sword!
35:29This way, Skinny.
35:30Oh no.
35:30Oh, great.
35:31Take some armor!
35:32Izzy, Izzy, I'm mining it, I'm mining it, I'm mining it, I'm mining it, I'm mining it.
35:36Ah, I got it!
35:36Oh my gosh, a friendly room, I think.
35:38All right, you need to find the loot room, remember?
35:40Oh no, is that a polar bear?
35:42They're friendly, right?
35:43Unless there's a baby around.
35:44Oh, there is a baby around.
35:45There's a baby, there's a baby, there's a baby.
35:47Ah, they're mauling me!
35:48They're mauling me, help!
35:49I was able to mine the wall.
35:50What is that?
35:51Oh, it's a panda.
35:52Oh, pandas are nice.
35:53Okay, maybe we go this way now?
35:55Oh, oh, uh-oh.
35:56Oh, it's a water room.
35:57Oh no, okay, I'm breaking it.
35:58Help, help, help, help, help.
36:01Go, go, go, go, go, go.
36:02Oh my gosh, no way!
36:03No way you guys found it.
36:04You gotta get in there!
36:05Go, get in, get in!
36:06I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying!
36:08Go, go, go, go, go!
36:09Mine faster!
36:10Is he getting in?
36:11Congratulations, you guys have beat the dungeon!
36:15Wait, we can't even mine it?
36:18Oh yeah, I guess you can't.
36:20There was a cat room?
36:22Yeah, you missed all the cats.
36:23All right, Mrs. Kipley, I can't lie, this is a pretty sick build.
36:27This is gonna be a nine.
36:30There were kitties, and I've gotta give them a 10 for that.
36:33Yeah, I love how you didn't even go in that room,
36:34and I still get a 10 for it.
36:36All righty, follow me for the craziest dungeon you have ever seen.
36:41Wait, what is, this is a dungeon?
36:43What is that?
36:44I don't like how this looks like a gladiator arena.
36:46Now, as you guys can see, you are stuck in this giant pit,
36:51but this is no regular pit.
36:52This is Large Meaty Goose Pit.
36:56What does that even mean?
36:58It means exactly what it sounds like it means.
36:59Oh, Izzy found one of the chests.
37:01So all you guys have to do is locate the key to this iron door right here.
37:06It's a lever.
37:07Good luck.
37:08Um, Izzy, how long till the goose comes out of its cage?
37:11I don't know.
37:12Oh, I guess right now.
37:13Oh no.
37:16Oh my gosh, he's going straight for Kipley.
37:22Run, Kipley!
37:23Izzy, if you don't hurry, he's gonna kill Kipley.
37:26Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
37:27Kipley, Kipley, you have to get to the top of this rock.
37:31Oh, yo, he wants Kipley dead.
37:33He actually wants Kipley dead.
37:35Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
37:39No way.
37:42I'll help you out.
37:43Here, take a water bucket.
37:44You gotta clutch it.
37:46Oh my gosh.
37:47Oh my gosh, he made it.
37:48He made it.
37:48He made it.
37:48He made it.
37:49Look, he doesn't know how to get up.
37:51I would not make him mad.
37:52I would not make him mad.
37:54Come on, come on, come on, come on.
37:55Are you gonna make it?
38:02Why does the goose have a six pack?
38:04He works out every day and I feed him only protein powder.
38:07You fed him two humans.
38:09Can you tell that he's my child?
38:10I also have a six pack.
38:12And look at those muscles.
38:14I think they're 10 points worth of muscles, if we're being honest.
38:17I'm gonna have to agree with that.
38:19You get a 10 out of 10.
38:21You might have to get a nine.
38:24No, please.
38:24I need a 10.
38:25If you rename him Fluffington, I'll bump it up to a 10.
38:28Let's go.
38:30Yay, Fluffington.
38:32Who's a good goose?
38:33And the next round is...
38:36Oh my gosh, I get to make a dog.
38:37All right.
38:37Good luck, suckers.
38:40We now have the Skidzy Industries Giga Press.
38:44Merge anything with yourself.
38:46Oh my gosh.
38:47So this did items and blocks.
38:49This one does mobs.
38:51And now I can merge things with me.
38:54We have the box right here.
38:56Here we go.
38:57Oh my gosh.
38:59This thing looks crazy.
39:00All right, three, two, one.
39:02Oh, it's huge.
39:03Do I have to get into this thing?
39:05Is that how this works?
39:06Wait, maybe I should do like a mob.
39:09A frog.
39:10I want frog powers.
39:11Okay, so do I just spawn him there?
39:14And I'm just gonna walk into here.
39:15Hi, Mr. Frog.
39:16This is totally safe.
39:18Don't walk out of here.
39:19This is fine.
39:19You're perfectly safe.
39:21I promise.
39:21Or should I say we're perfectly safe?
39:25Oh, there it goes.
39:26There it goes.
39:27Oh, oh my gosh.
39:30Oh, I'm a frog.
39:32I'm a Skidzy frog.
39:34Nah, wait, hold up.
39:35Why am I built like that in the rear?
39:37Oh my gosh.
39:38My tongue shoots out of me.
39:40It's huge.
39:41I can lick the wall.
39:42Tastes like strawberry.
39:43What is that coming through the wall?
39:45What are you talking about?
39:46What is that?
39:47Wait, can I come over the wall?
39:49Wait, what is that?
39:50I'm just gonna sneak around the side.
39:52Izzy, it's staring at me.
39:54I think they see me.
39:55Why does that look like Skidzy as a frog?
39:57Wait, it's running at us.
39:58Guys, guys, it's me.
39:59What happened to you?
40:01What did you do?
40:03I've changed.
40:06Did you just lick me?
40:08I didn't mean to.
40:09I'm a frog now.
40:11Why are you a frog?
40:13I didn't choose this life.
40:14It just kind of happened to me.
40:17Get away.
40:20Wait, wait, wait.
40:20Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
40:22Zero out of 10.
40:22I don't like this.
40:23What do you mean zero out of 10?
40:26I have seen this frog power before.
40:28I know how Skidzy Industries works.
40:31If I look at the sun, I can eat it.
40:33There's no way your tongue goes that far.
40:35Look how far it goes.
40:36Do you see this?
40:37I can lick that village all the way over there.
40:39You can't eat the sun.
40:42Oh, so you don't believe me?
40:43Prove it.
40:43This is your last chance.
40:44I bet you can't eat the sun.
40:48You're not frog enough, buddy.
40:53Oh, um.
40:55I don't think you can make it, dude.
40:58Oh, oh my god.
40:59Oh no.
41:00Oh my god.
41:04I became a frog.
41:05I ate the sun.
41:07Honestly, not even the weirdest way that I've ended a video.
