• 2 days ago
Today Omz and Roxy are hitting the GYM in Minecraft. But there's a Crazy Fan Girl there who has weird training methods... #minecraft #minecraftmod #omz
00:00Roxy make sure to get your protein in
00:04Oh, yeah, that's that good stuff boy
00:08We are so jacked and I'm gonna work out all night long
00:16It's already nighttime. Yeah, but I'm gonna work out until the morning cuz I'm trying to get even more jacked baby
00:23It's a lifestyle. Whoa, you are not making it to morning. Yeah, I am check it out
00:28This shulker box weighs a thousand pounds. I'm gonna
00:34Walk it all the way over here then I'm gonna go on this side and pick it up and
00:40Put it all the way over here then I'm gonna do the same thing until it's morning time
00:44Oh, you're gonna quit after 10 minutes. No way my boy. Oh, let me get a hit of my protein. Oh
00:53Yeah, that's that good stuff I own so see you in the morning we can work out at the gym
00:58If you want you can sleep next to me, dude. I'm not sleeping. I'm telling you. I'm working out until it's morning time
01:07Okay, perfect
01:17No way, you've been doing this all night. Oh, is it already morning time? Oh, yeah
01:23I've been doing it all night Roxy and I'm feeling super pumped up, dude
01:27You are insane. Yep. Come on. Let's take a hit of protein drinks on my boy
01:33Delicious, but do you want to hit the gym with me?
01:38Let's hit the gym, come on, let's go in our car and let's head on over there. I'm so I have to go to the gym
01:44I feel like we haven't been in such a long time. Yeah, let's go. All right
01:49Bruh, we weigh so much because of our muscles the car is spazzing out real
01:54I am gonna push so much weight up today Roxy. No, I'm gonna push more. Yeah, we'll see we can have some friendly competition
02:02I love working out with you. It's so much fun going to the gym and what the what nah
02:08They got a brand new ice cream stand at the gym who would come to the gym just eat ice cream at the same time
02:15Yeah, that's really silly and oh that a new vending machine. Maybe they got some protein shakes or something
02:21Let's go check out what they've got and brah cakes
02:25Pizza cookies who was eating cakes pizza and cookies at the gym
02:29Right crystal make sure to eat all your pizza. I should give you a nice amount of energy
02:34What is that mom feeding her daughter pizza at the gym? They can't do that
02:41Oh, yeah, that's good. Make sure to have some vegan pizza as well. Um
02:45Okay, mom, are you sure this is gonna give me energy
02:49Of course, it's gonna give you energy. It's a pizza. It has calories dummy. Oh
02:56Excuse me, miss lady. I don't mean to interrupt you guys, but um, that's not how eating works
03:01You can't just eat all day for energy. You're supposed to like get exercise and stuff
03:05Um, actually, no, don't you dare tell me how to raise my daughter mom?
03:10Am I supposed to get fit like this? Yeah, just keep eating for energy and you two leave my daughter alone you freaks
03:19Okay, you were saying something tons, uh, yeah, you're not really supposed to eat this much
03:24You gotta exercise and you can eat something after but like not
03:29Two pieces of cakes and three pizza pies. That's crazy, especially at the gym. Uh, are you sure? Yes, I'm sure
03:35Stop eating that dude. Yeah, you're gonna get sick. Oh
03:39All right, can I work out with you guys? Oh, yeah, I'd love to work out with you
03:43We love working out with new people. Come on. Follow us
03:46Crystal you're not going with those guys. It clearly takes to produce to look like how they do. They're not natural
03:53What we're totally natural. We just bring protein. No, no, that that's not allowed. It's not allowed. Come here crystal
04:00Come sit down for more energy. Um
04:02Okay, mom. I'll eat more that mom is not teaching her kid the right way to get fit real
04:07She's eating all the junk food in the world. Yes, sir. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, what's good Kevin? How you doing, dude, bro?
04:15I've been on the treadmill all morning long baby, dude
04:19You are looking so good right now, but I have a question. How long has that grown her mom been here for?
04:25Oh, they've been here all day, but she worked out for like 30 seconds and has been eating for the rest
04:30What? Oh my gosh, Roxy that mom's gonna make her kid dead soon. We gotta go and tell her to stop
04:36All right. Come here crystal. Here's more triple stack cakes for you. Get all the energy you need mom
04:42Are you sure I should be eating this? I feel really bad eat the food crystal. Don't be a baby. Oh my gosh. Hey
04:49This is no. No, I'm not letting you do this. No, no, no. No. Oh my oh my gosh
04:54I was listening a thousand pounds this morning and you're happy to me. Oh
04:58Okay, you're not gonna do all that you're gonna work out with us we're gonna teach you the ropes
05:03No, you're not crystal wait right here. I'll be right back with more
05:07Amazing energy food. What get her more junk food. Oh my gosh. No, that is not how you're supposed to do it
05:15Wait, why are you helping me? You're super big and jacked
05:19Because why not? It's so much fun at the gym. Yeah, pull up. Let's do some boxing. Oh, yeah boxing
05:26What are you doing? My mom said I need energy. So I need to keep eating these cookies
05:30What no, give me the cookies give me the cookies, ah, you're not eating any more cookies
05:36Holy smokes. Look at me chocolate. No, what are you doing? It's candy. I have sugar for more energy
05:42Give me the candy. Give me the candy. No more of that. Come follow me
05:46We're taking you to boxing now Roxy sure. I was done putting some work with the bag my boy. I watch this. Yeah
05:53Yeah, what's up? What's up? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Wow
05:56Very good
06:00No, you guys are awesome at this, all right crystal you ready to give me your best shot, um
06:06Okay, if you say so, let me try and hit the bag
06:10Yeah, okay. Yeah. Yeah, you're doing good. Oh, you're such a fast learner for real. Good job crystal
06:17Wait, you guys actually think I'm good at this? Yeah, you're awesome. You hit that bag like oh, I was very scared for the bag
06:23I did not want you to rip it apart crystal. Guess what? I got you. Oh, it's my mom mom. What's up?
06:29I got you some super delicious chocolate cake
06:32Oh, but mom my friend said that I'm not supposed to eat a lot for energy
06:36Actually, she's supposed to just eat a little bit and then work out and then she could eat after but just eating this many
06:42Chocolate cakes is crazy. One, two, three. What are you doing?
06:46Actually, the science shows that this is healthy. So crystal eat. Okay, mom. I'll eat
06:52And I'll be right back with some more food you better not talk to my daughter you sicko
06:57Hey, I'm not a sicko. I'm not a sicko. I'm just trying to help her out. Oh
07:02My gosh, Roxy. This is so sad
07:06Crystal is eating so much food. She's probably gonna get super sick from this. I can't eat anymore. Oh my god
07:12She does not look good. We have to figure out how to make her stop
07:17Hmm well Kevin, this is your gym, right? Yes, sir. Do you have like a fat camp or something? Oh, yeah
07:23Yeah, we just open one up. We could take her there. Oh, yes, we could take her there and she'll be away from all
07:30This amount of cakes. Oh my gosh. She almost finished it. We got to be quick
07:33I'm gonna ask her meet me over there. All right, Kevin. All right. Come on, Roxy. Let's go
07:37We'll be waiting for you. Make sure you bring her. All right, don't worry boys. I will crystal whole
07:43Least smokes no way you ate all of the cakes. Oh, yeah, I did
07:49My mom said it's good for me. So I
07:52Have to eat it all. Oh
07:55My gosh that had to have been like a year's worth of cakes crystal. That is not right
08:01How about this? My friend Kevin is a super good trainer. Do you want to go to his fat camp?
08:06You want to take me out to a camp? But why do you want to help me dude?
08:11Because we're awesome friends. Come on, let me carry you. Oh, let's go and you can even sit in my car
08:16Oh my gosh, really? Yeah, let's do this
08:19Let's hop on in and let's swerve all the way his fat camp is super duper
08:24Awesome. It has all the things that you need and you'll be away from all those awful junk foods
08:28Boom, Roxy Kevin, check it out. I brought crystal over. What you actually pulled it off
08:34Yes, sir. Now crystal. Welcome to fat camp here. We got you. Check it out
08:39We have all these machines. We've got the chest press and treadmills and over
08:45Here's rock climbing and even oh my gosh free weights that we could pick up
08:50Yep, and check it out. There's more people that's gonna exercise with us. So whoa, really? It's like a whole community
08:57Oh my gosh, this is awesome. Oh, well, I love this place. But how do I work out?
09:03Easy. Okay, check it out. We're gonna start off with this because this is a super duper little weight
09:07Look I could carry it with one finger
09:10Basically, what you have to do is you take this weight and you're gonna pick it up from here and then move all the way
09:15Down over here. Oh, all right. That's easy. I'll give my best shot
09:20Okay, go go go wait before I go. I'm gonna have a little snack just a little bite. What?
09:29No, pizza, give me that give me that pizza. Give me that pizza. What but my mom said I need pizza
09:35No, we're here to train you how to resist your urges. No, give me that. Give me I'm not you eat that
09:40What are you serious resist? All right, Roxy Kevin. We have to teach her how to resist her urges
09:46So let's go and let's grab her the juiciest looking foods ever. Oh good thinking. I'm gonna get her
09:51Oh, nah, bro. There is insanely busting cakes. Okay, crystal look chocolate cake
09:58Go. Yeah
10:00That looks so good focus pick up the weights pick up the weights. I'm grabbing ice cream
10:07Okay, I'm focused crystal. I know you want the ice cream
10:11Oh, I want it so bad. Come get it over. Here's some ice cream. Oh my gosh
10:18It's so good-looking right now crystal. We're not tempting you anymore. You already did it. Look at how far you got
10:23Wait, what I did all of this. Yep. Now pick it up and try and bring it back over here
10:29All right, I'm going crazy, whoa, whoa, whoa good job. Oh my gosh, that is insane progress
10:36Okay. Now here try this out. It's protein. It's basically just muscles in a bottle. Boop. There you go
10:41Wait, what's it made out of? It's really just like milk and stuff
10:44It takes out all this stuff from foods and then takes the protein part out and then just makes it into an easy drink
10:49sip it
10:53That's really good too, yep, and how does this look like to you that beautiful chocolate cake?
10:59I don't really want it. Yeah, because every time you eat a chocolate cake picture your abs fading away into nothing. Oh my gosh
11:05I'm motivated. All right, come follow us
11:07This is rock climbing if you're able to climb all the way to the top you can ring the bell
11:12Oh my gosh, I'm falling for it. Oh, you got this crystal go. All right
11:17I'm going up. Nice. Go go go. You got this side go crystal go then go all the way to the top
11:23Hit that Bell hit that Bell hit that Bell. I made it. Oh my gosh
11:28Let's go. You're the goat. Oh wait. Ohms. Why are you helping me?
11:33I'm not as awesome in a muscular and fat and stupid and ugly. Hey
11:38Stop, you are not any of those things. You're awesome. And you're super strong. Come on. Let's go hit this over here
11:45It's a treadmill with these dudes over here. They're grinding right now. Yeah. Okay, let's hit this one and you can hit that one
11:51All right. I'm on it. Nice guys crystals being some really really good progress. Yeah for real
11:58It's cuz her mom was force-feeding her. It was her problem in the first place. Yep, but at least she's not around anymore. It's a ready. Hello
12:06Where did those boys take my daughter? Oh my gosh, it's her mom and she's coming over quick. Um, she's going like insanely slow
12:14Wait, what? Oh, yeah, you're right. Oh, hi. Are you crystals mom? Yeah, where did you take my daughter? Mr. Ah
12:23Nowhere, she's totally not at that camp and what do you even want with her? Well, I've got her more nutritious things to feed her
12:30Check this out. Yeah, what is that? It's veggie pizza. It's pizza with veggies on it. So it's healthy
12:37Yeah, that's not how it works. It's still pizza. You just threw veggies on top and that is literally pepperoni pizza
12:42Yeah, that's not gonna help her at all. Well, how is she gonna get energy to work out idiot?
12:47What do you human just have energy what are you talking about? Wait, is that a fat camp over there? Uh,
12:54No, hold up. I think I see my daughter. I'm rushing over. Oh, she's really slow. Come on guys
13:01Let's go to the fat camp. Yeah, quickly. Come on. Let's go
13:05We gotta put some bars up. You're not coming inside. Hey, you won't block me off from my daughter
13:10Yeah, we will. I mean you're like very dramatically slow rocks. You got that side, right? Yeah on it. Nice
13:15All right, lady
13:16Look either you're gonna let crystal work out or you're not ever gonna see her until she's done with her training today
13:23You can't hide my daughter from me. I'll find a way in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Come on boys. Let's check up on crystal
13:30Oh, oh my gosh. I feel amazing right now. Whoa
13:35Crystal are you going crazy? I'm feeling so good. I feel like I can run forever. Oh, she's having a runner's high
13:41Oh, yeah, yeah when you run really fast over a long period you start getting a runner's high where you're like a super-duper fast
13:48And you can never give up. Let's go. Her progress is awesome. All right crystal now that you got that come over here
13:55We're gonna teach you something else. Oh, well, I'll show you gonna teach me
13:58Okay, what we're gonna do over here is we're gonna do squat jumps
14:01So basically you squat down like this and then you uh jump squat down like this and then you uh jump squat down it
14:08Jump oh my gosh, babes. I'm going crazy with it nice and to make it a little bit harder since you seem really strong here
14:16I'm gonna slide you the weight and then you could use it in your hand while you're doing it
14:20So here you go. Grab it and then start doing your squat jumps. All right. Thank you. Watch this one
14:26two nine
14:28Let's go
14:29This is awesome. Sweetie. Sweetie. I finally made it. How did you make it all the way around?
14:36Hi walk
14:38Actually that took a really long time. It's been like 10 minutes. You walk like 15 blocks. Well, I need some energy
14:44Wait a second. Let me eat this. Oh my lady. Oh
14:48Triple stack. Hey, no, you did not just eat that that fast. Yeah, that's one of my snacks for the day
14:55Anyways, sweetheart
14:57What is she doing? She's just working out right now. Hey back up back up lady. Hey, what are you doing back up?
15:04Making it to my daughter, you know, actually, it's a pretty easy way to have a conversation. We could just keep moving her back
15:09Yeah, for real sweetie. What are you doing? Yeah, thank you. Kevin, sweetie
15:13I stopped doing that. She's working out right now lady, but she didn't need any chocolate cake
15:19Where is she getting the energy from Brett? Oh my gosh. Thank you, Kevin
15:23She got the energy from being really good at working out. Look at her. What is she at right now?
15:28115 116
15:30117 holy smokes. Yo, Roxy. She's going crazier than us
15:35117 dude, that is insane. But my sweetie needs her food. Get out the way. Whoa. Oh my gosh
15:42Okay, she just charged through me. No, she what with it sweetie
15:48Mean men been hurting you. Oh, hey mom. I've been exercising. Check this out
15:53I can run from here to there super fast, you know, no. No, what is she doing?
15:58How is she jumping are you serious she's jumping because we trained her to duh
16:03Yeah, this super big strong muscular hot guy. Help me. What? Oh, thanks Crystal
16:09Yeah, Crystal's super duper awesome, and she's pretty
16:14No, I don't you didn't hear that for me sweetie. Here you go
16:17I'm gonna give you some nutritious food some veggie pizza and some cookies. Um, mom. No, thanks
16:24I'd rather drink some protein sweetie. What sweetie? No, no, no, no
16:28That's gonna kill you at a young age. Hey, lady lady. No, no, not on my watch. I'm putting her back over here
16:34Oh my goodness. I can't believe this. I'm making it back to my daughter. Yeah in like half an hour Crystal
16:41You are so awesome. Your progress is so cool. And um, um
16:47Let me get something, um, why are you acting so shy right now?
16:51Roxy do you think you could take a photo of us? I want me and Crystal to remember these moments forever
16:55Oh my gosh, I got you wait Kevin Brett bring her back. She's about a photobomb. Oh, I got you sweet
17:01No, don't take a photo with that man. He's crazy. All right, here's your buy us some time. Okay, um
17:08Okay, how should we pose? Can I hold your hand like like like like can I hold your hand? Oh my gosh
17:14Yes, let's do it. Okay cheese
17:17All right. Gotcha. Nice. Okay good, but um, my mom is not gonna approve of us being together
17:22You know this right? Um, who cares? You're awesome, and you're super hard-working. I love that about you sweetie. I'm back
17:30You're being mean to you mom. No, actually, he's my new boyfriend. No, no, no, no, no, that can't be true
17:37Do you even feed my daughter seven times an hour seven times?
17:41No, like three times a day breakfast lunch and dinner and it's really good food like eggs and meat and chicken
17:49Where's the cake, where's the pizza gosh, come on crystal, let's go and let's get to you
17:55Let's do some rock climbing. Oh, all right. Let's go and I don't think your mom's gonna be able to stop us
18:01Crystal get your butt back over here mom. Try and catch me
18:09We made it all the way to the top and that was an awesome adventure if you want to join us on the next click
18:16Right here
