Fedups is a Horror delivery simulator.
New HOT SAUCE: https://www.hungryboy.food
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sauceddie
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My friends:
Mully: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClS6zI81d6YaDy7yLjrCzEw
Juicy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_YkukM6o3D3GiKnFXLq0vQ
Josh: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK0VozPhniGe4Eb2zcju1uw
Narrator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAYfH3griedXBdJX0awJTCg
Gabriela: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ho8fNWiCNRvzD-CskZl7A
New HOT SAUCE: https://www.hungryboy.food
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sauceddie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sauceddie
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sauceddie
My friends:
Mully: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClS6zI81d6YaDy7yLjrCzEw
Juicy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_YkukM6o3D3GiKnFXLq0vQ
Josh: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK0VozPhniGe4Eb2zcju1uw
Narrator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAYfH3griedXBdJX0awJTCg
Gabriela: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ho8fNWiCNRvzD-CskZl7A
00:00Thank goodness you parked in my driveway. I thought I'd have to-
00:06Um, sorry, it's just your friend over there is creeping me out.
00:12What friend? Again!
00:18Welcome back for the first time to FedUps. Death delivery. Fed- I just realized it's FedEx and UPS
00:26on the same van. It's like two nightmares in one. Do I get to be the delivery driver? Because I'm
00:33gonna be late as hell to every single delivery. Let's try it. Let's see what happens. This is
00:37supposed to be a scary game but, um, yep, I can see why. I'm working at the factory. Everyone just
00:45parks their van. Is this how it works for everybody that's a delivery driver? Is this how it works?
00:49Like, you- oh, oh, oh, press E. Okay, here we go. Is this how it works? Like, you guys,
00:57this is not how it works. Everyone's got their own routes, right? Like,
01:02this can't be how it works. It's just a free-for-all on packages and that's why the packages are never
01:07on time. All right, here we go. Here we go. Hey! What, Matt? It's me, Matt. Oh, what's up, dude?
01:17Something came up recently. I have a feeling I'm gonna die tonight.
01:23What? But it's not just me. It's Arnold, too. What?
01:32Don't listen to him. Everything is fine. Matt is just insane, fool. You already know.
01:39Um, you were the other person, Arnold? The other person, what?
01:45So people are just meant to die tonight?
01:5110 p.m. we left the package. I know for a damn fact people aren't delivering packages this late.
02:03What just happened? Dude, my van broke down. Now the package is really late.
02:12Ay, cabrón. Okay, uh, listen. I was just trying-
02:16I was just trying to see how the wheel was like. The wheel moves funny. Okay, um.
02:22Okay. Really?
02:27Really? That's the killer. That's definitely the killer. Y'all know how those packages that go
02:32missing that, like, people steal all the Pokemon cards from? That's why there's a shortage.
02:37Press shift to exit vehicles. Here we go. I got that list back again. I just put in a new, uh,
02:44set of invisalign. It's hard to talk. I can't even whistle anymore. All right, here we go.
02:52We're delivering packages. Uh, let me make sure there's no porch pirates. Okay, I know how it is
02:58out here, man. What's good? Who's this? Place package first. Where's the package?
03:06Oh, over there. Oh, stupid. Stupid. I went to the wrong house. I'm really out here role-playing what
03:13it's like to be a delivery driver. Got the wrong address. How do I set it down? Hold up.
03:21Hold up. How do you- I don't even have a package on me. Bro, I swear. Okay, hold up. Hold up. Hold
03:27up. I'm not making fun of things here. Like, this is legit. My dumb ass not knowing how to grab a
03:34package off the back of the van. But look, I'm just saying. I've seen doorbell footage of UPS
03:39drivers doing this exact same shit. Shame shit. I need to relearn how to speak. Oh man, it's gonna
03:47be a long night. That's a lot of packages. Okay. Next delivery. Just double check my GPS.
03:58Oh, that's one of them circle shits. Sorry, I just crashed onto some shit.
04:05Cabrón! Oh, here we go again. Game mechanics getting in the way. Vámonos. Oh, wait a minute.
04:11There's numbers on the doors. I mean, on the houses. I just realized.
04:16So, uh, hold on a second. Did I- so, how do you-
04:22No? Yes, I did. Okay, hang on. Hang on. Hang on.
04:25260. 57. Hold up. Where's 257? Damn, I really messed up. Hold up, man. I'm not this dumb. I swear
04:37to God, bro. Pull over. Pull up first. Close the door first. I'm a terrible driver. I just realized
04:45I should put- No! I realized I should pull the vehicle up further closer up to the house. I'm
04:52losing my speech here. I've been talking to my baby for so long. Doing baby talk. I forgot how
04:56to do real talk. All right. All right. All right. All right. Here we go. 258. I'm still in the wrong
05:04side. Do I have 258 here? What do I have? 259. 260. 261. 250 and 251. I'm- Oh. Close the door,
05:18pendejo. Yo, get in the f***ing car. What are you doing? I really just did this, y'all. I really
05:25just went around the circle just to come back to the exact same spot I was already in.
05:33Which one's that one? 259. No mames, wey. All right, here we go. Number 259. Delivery.
05:42Yeah, yeah. Just throw that s*** on the door. F*** it. Who cares? I need to get paid more for
05:51this s*** anyway. Okay, so I delivered the- I delivered the package. I can't grab another one?
06:01Bro. Do I knock on the door?
06:06Huh? What's going on with this, bro? Bro, I was literally supposed to take pictures of the
06:11package. Yep, just take a picture of the whole house. Oh, and then ring the doorbell? Is that
06:14the next thing? Yep, yep. Let me just take a selfie real quick and then just- Oh, okay.
06:21A package at 11 p.m.? That's what I'm saying. You shouldn't be out this late. It's dangerous.
06:26Uh, this is my job, sir. I don't have to explain myself as to why I'm delivering a package so late,
06:38but if you would like to take it up with customer service, you can call 1-800-FED-UPS
06:42if you're actually fed up. You know what I'm saying? If I were you, I would quit.
06:48Who are you to judge, Kyle? I couldn't imagine working this late outside. Me personally,
06:53I have to get eight hours of sleep. Now I'm gonna go get some sleep.
06:58Unlike some of us. Kyle, you a bitch. That's all I'm saying. Actually, I can't survive without
07:06eight hours of sleep. 261, 261. All right. All right, here we go. Just have your camera ready.
07:20Yep. Yep. Bop. Chingon. Got the picture. I did. I took a picture, bro. How many goddamn pictures
07:27do you want? I have to go back to the menu and then come back in and then take a picture? Huh?
07:33Huh? What was the difference? I just took- It was okay. I just do it a bunch of times,
07:38all right? Man, sometimes technology just doesn't work, you know? Like, I just have to report it
07:44to my boss.
07:52A package? Yeah. Sick. Appreciate that, bro. Receiving a package when you least expect it.
07:59Love it. You're pretty cool for that. Let's stay in contact.
08:06As if I'm gonna give you my phone number, bro. No thanks. Bummer, dude. I thought you were like,
08:12cool, you know? It's all right. You're just missing out on the- my super epic party.
08:19See ya. Maybe I should have said yes. Maybe I should have been friendly towards Flynn.
08:25We stick with our choices. I got a job to do. That's right. I take my job very seriously at
08:31FedUps. All right. Let's just get in the car. Just get- close the doors. Goddamn it.
08:37I didn't think this would simulate actual delivery so well.
08:43All right. All right, yeah. I need to get the package first. Goddamn it. I'm getting used to
08:49my new job. $2.50. Even though I'm probably gonna die tonight from what I heard from Arnold and
08:55Mikey or whatever his name was. All right, here we go. Bop, bop, bop, bop. There we go. I just
09:00gotta get real close to it. That's what's happening. All right, here we go.
09:07Yep, gotta get a good picture.
09:14What are you doing here? I'm robbing you. I knew it. I'm calling the police. No, wait,
09:22it was a joke. It was a joke. It was a joke. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I broke my phone. Say,
09:27have you seen a package anywhere? Oh, you were being sarcastic. Yeah, I see now.
09:36Yeah, I'm just gonna take this. Yeah, just take it, bro. Maybe I shouldn't say that to people
09:41when I knock on their door at 11 p.m. You know, something bad might happen next time I do that.
09:46I go to the- I show up at the wrong house. All right, $2.60. All right, $2.60. Open the door.
09:54It's like I already know, but I just don't know when it's gonna happen. Like, they take-
09:58they're not predictable. Awesome. Yeah, that's not out yet, bro. I know. I know. I know. I know.
10:09I know. Disappointment. Yep. Yep. What? You scammed me. Wait, no. No, I didn't. I'm just
10:16delivering shit. I don't know what you ordered from, you know, scam websites. Never trust eBay
10:21sellers when it comes to games that aren't released yet. You're probably getting a fake
10:25copy of Clonoa 2 for the PlayStation 2 inside of a random DVD case.
10:32Oh, it's stupid. I'm just-
10:38Shut up. All right, shut up. I don't want to hear it. I'm doing a good job out of here.
10:42Post in the comments, rate my delivery service. It better be a five out of five.
10:48Yep. Yep. Yep. There it is. Picture's not even centered. That was quick.
11:01Barry. Uncle Barry? You're alive? Yo, what's going on, dude? Oh, package? Why are you yelling?
11:12Yelling me? I would never. That's not Uncle Barry.
11:18You're a bit quiet, though. Goodbye, quiet man.
11:24I think that guy's got me wrong. I'm not quiet at all. I've never been called quiet man before.
11:31If anything, I'm typically the opposite. We're going to role play quiet man. This is what it's
11:37like to-
12:37Oh, god damn it. I need a package. All right, all right, all right. I'm going to stop being
12:55quiet. I tried. I tried. You see? That's what quiet man sounds like. That wouldn't be very
13:00fun, would it? Let's go bust some quiet man, bro. Hello? Take the picture. Thank you. Okay.
13:10We got package for $2.52. Yeah, screw that other guy. Apologize? I'm not saying sorry to nobody.
13:17Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
13:25I'm out. Shit, I'm out. Shit, I'm out. I'm out. My heart. My baby's going to wake up.
13:43Sorry. I need to start playing horror games during the day when she's awake.
13:49Michael? Package? Yippee. I hope it doesn't explode. I have no friends. I don't want to
13:59die without friends. Do you want to be my friend? I have a feeling I should say yes
14:07to Michael because he might kill me. Yep, sure, buddy. Why not? Yippee. Thanks, man.
14:12Thanks, man. I really needed a friend. See you later, new friend.
14:18I'm a piece of shit. I just lied to him because I was scared for $2.58.
14:24Nine? I got to drive 200 houses down the road?
14:31I knew I should have sorted my packages out first before I grabbed a bunch off the conveyor belt.
14:35All right. All right. All right. All right. Here we go.
14:42Hola. Buenas noches. I got my camera ready, bitch. I was...
14:46Hey! Hey!
14:52It's the car from the beginning. The one that went right through my van.
14:56That mother... Bro, open the goddamn door.
15:02Can't move. All right. I got to start filming.
15:11Oh. I... Well, I didn't think you were still here. Just, um... Get in. Okay. See you later.
15:20Hey! I got your license plate. Yeah. Yeah. What are you going to do, huh? K-21. K-86.
15:35Yeah. Yeah. Wait till I file a police report. No. Shit. I ain't trusting no police.
15:43I'm going to drive right behind that fool. No. No. No. Get in the car. Catch him. Run into him.
15:51Run into him real quick. He should be at the end of the line.
15:55Yep. I see him. Crash into that bitch.
16:01Yeah. Screw you! Wait. What? What?
16:09I tried to defend myself. I hear the baby crying.
16:11Um... Hold up. All right. I'm back home. To-do. Watch TV. Go to bed.
16:24Oh, you must be one of those motherfuckers to have to write a list for those two things.
16:32I got to remind myself on a list that I've got to watch TV. Otherwise, I'll forget.
16:38Ah! All right. Let me see if I... Damn. I haven't done my dishes.
16:45What's in the fridge? We got bread. We got dirty eggs. $15 egg cartons.
16:56A pickle. Bread. Milk. And more pickles and ketchup. Yep. This is definitely an American
17:04fridge. Where's all the leftover frijoles, huh? All of the tortillas. Pickles and bread, bro. Come
17:10on. All right. Let's go in the shower. I got to... Maybe I should do that. Somebody broke my mirror.
17:15Or maybe I'm just that angry about the stuff in my fridge. I can't get over my pickle addiction.
17:20Hello? Wait. Is there gonna be somebody in my house? Why am I still carrying my phone?
17:28Let me get a picture real quick. Hello? All right. Somebody broke my damn mirror.
17:34I'm taking evidence. Somebody about to pop out of here. I just know it, man.
17:39Somebody in my house?
17:40What? Is this me watching TV?
18:03Yeah. We got brain rot on the TV. That's right. Should I take out the trash?
18:09Oh. I forgot it's trash day IRL. I got to take that shit out. Well, I mean,
18:13I tried watching TV and going to bed, but it didn't work. I'm scared.
18:19Who closed the door? That was not me.
18:25Okay. Just keep the TV on. I'm calling somebody. 911. No? Okay. No problem.
18:45It stopped. Oh, I just had to click on the bed.
18:51I tried that earlier. It didn't work. What the fuck is this?
19:11This looks like the shit that I get sent on the Scary Eddie subreddit from kids saying like,
19:18oh, this gave me chicken skin.
19:20Four reported abductions in the county of. These people are Sean Steves, Aaron McCool,
19:29Charlotte Viles, and Matt Miller. Sean Steves last seen wearing a suit and tie.
19:35Aaron McCool last seen wearing a yellow t-shirt and vest. Charlotte Viles last seen also in suit
19:41and tie. And Matt Miller last seen wearing a blue shirt and safety vest. If you have any
19:47information, please dial 911 and report what you can recall. I'm calling 911. I heard Matt's name.
20:01Yeah. Imagine trying to go to sleep to that. No way. Matt's gone.
20:10Yo, what was your name again? I forgot that dude's name. All right. Day two. Matt's gone missing.
20:16Shouldn't I be calling 911 and saying, yo, this motherfucker knew he knew he was going to die
20:20tonight. He said it himself. But if he knew, why didn't he just clock out? Call in sick.
20:27I mean, I feel like someone threatening you like that before you go on your job,
20:32like that warrants a day off. Hey, I noticed Matt's gone. You think he's never mind.
20:42I heard he found a couple of pictures in his house.
20:47But he didn't take them. And now I. Someone is after me. I'm afraid you're next. What?
20:55What? How do you know that? Oh, shit. Oh, come on, man.
21:04Is it the red car again? Yeah, they took pictures of me.
21:06He found a couple of pictures in his house. Someone's after the fed ups, guys. Someone
21:12must have taken in the red car, must have taken pictures of him. That's what happened.
21:17And then they dropped off the pictures of him. Kind of creepy.
21:21What a way it's a sidewalk, not a wall. Why is my voice cracking so much? I don't understand.
21:27That's OK. Puberty eventually comes for you.
21:32Um, what number is this? Seven to four. All right, let's see.
21:40Looking for package number seven to four. That one.
21:44Let me get the camera ready because I'm going to be efficient this time.
21:49Now that I know how to do this, Bob, Bob, you see that combo and then Bob.
21:56You see that combo and then Bob. I'm up.
22:02I'm going to pinch it, but I'm not even going to get scared of Joe Billy Bob Fisher. Hey,
22:06my package is here. I'm so happy I could eat a snickerdoodle in the middle of a hot summer
22:11with my billy goat, which my order back. Thank you, boy. Would you like a snickerdoodle from me?
22:19You know, if it's a. If it's been modified, yeah.
22:25Why don't you know?
22:33That hurt. That hurt me. This is why you accept you never accept cookies from strangers,
22:42especially crazy ones like that guy. All right. Being efficient.
22:49Yep. Oh, I forgot the. Seven to seven, I forgot the package.
22:55Well, I guess I need to go up to the door first anyway, because I can't see what the number is.
22:58Oh, it's on the mailbox, pendejo. My voice. I swear to God.
23:04Maybe I should just be closing the door after I grab the package anyway.
23:08I can't go up there. Hey. Hey. Hey, what gives?
23:14Hey. Bro.
23:25OK, fine. Can't go to the damn door right now. Why not?
23:30What happened? Why not? Why am I stuck?
23:38If I go sideways, I go up the. I must be a crab walking sideways and she like.
23:44I don't know. Is that the sound that crabs make?
23:49Hello. It's supposed to be being efficient. Six.
23:58Hey, get out of here. Why do you have a six on your forehead?
24:04Scram, porch pirate. Don't you see the van right out there? I'm not a shoe.
24:10Skedaddle. Oh, is that another cookie? Can I have one of those?
24:16Skadoosh. Oh, man, you keep naming all these good southern pastries.
24:20I got to have some. Go. Yep. He's just as selfish as the other guy.
24:25Doesn't want to share. Why can't I do the crab pose again?
24:30Crab, crab, crab. OK, yeah, it worked.
24:35Get the package. Wait, what number is it? Hold up before I.
24:39I just have to go up and look at it for seven fifty one. Yep.
24:44This one. Got it. All right. Here we go. Press. Got it. Yep. Got the picture.
24:53Oh, now, when there's no chance, it's 11 p.m.
24:55Your local FedEx guy here to deliver package.
25:00What are you doing at a time like this, young man? Personally.
25:04Personally, what?
25:09I wouldn't be outside at night alone, am I right? But this is my job.
25:15Oh, right. I almost feel sorry for you. Excuse me. I'm just working my ass off here.
25:24Why is everybody trying to feel sorry for me for doing work?
25:28I'm working. I'm making a living here just because you're sitting here
25:32all high and mighty being a housewife, earning off of your husband's
25:36mighty income from the construction company he owns.
25:39Doesn't mean you can sit there and feel sorry for me, Carol.
25:43Well, I did say almost. I'm going to keep living my best life.
25:52You know, I hope your husband doesn't buy you that coach purse.
25:56God, man, people around here, swear to God, like I'm just doing my job.
26:01I'm out here working hard.
26:03Oh, I forgot the package. 748. I'm doing my job terribly.
26:11There it is. Come here. Yeah, there you go. Efficiency right there. You see that shit?
26:15All right, let's go up. Yep.
26:22My boy, why aren't you in those pajamas?
26:26Ah, package, package. Oh, just a package.
26:32Hey, you should watch your back here. But at least you have someone with you.
26:39What? That guy. Which guy? In the house, of course.
26:48Yeah, that guy in the house who's not outside. Bye. What?
27:01Hey, hey, who is that? Hey, who is that? You see that?
27:05There's someone back there.
27:09Go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Get a picture of him. Hey, puto, I saw that shit.
27:24Hell no. I am going to die. Okay, but at least I'm not first, right? Is the other guy first
27:30and coming after? Not me. 732. All right, here we go. Efficiency, efficiency. Seriously?
27:39How am I supposed to be efficient? Efficient? When I got to walk into the- Okay, crap time.
27:48That's not Chase. I love toasters.
28:07Oh, yes. It's finally here. Thanks. Say, do you know how to use an automatic toaster?
28:14Um, no, I don't. But I need to know how to use an automatic toaster.
28:21I guess I'll watch a tutorial on YouTube or something. Okay, bye.
28:28I mean, he even had the sway too, like the-
28:35All right, I hope he gets his toaster figured out. Just be careful. Don't drop the toaster.
28:40Oh, okay. All right, I thought I was going to bump into that wall. Invisible wall. All right,
28:45here we go. We're out here in the thick of it, man. We're in the thick of this job right now.
28:49We're in the neighborhood. 734. Get that shit. Boom. Efficiency. Don't stop me.
29:01Crab walks and shit. 734. Bam.
29:16Is that my package? Yeah, yeah, that's your package.
29:20Well, it's not yours, so scram, punk. And so much same day delivery.
29:26Man, everybody out here complaining, dude. Everyone. Everyone out here looks inbred too.
29:40Let's go.
29:44Just doing my job.
29:51What package is it? Seven- I can't read that far. Oh, 738. Okay, good.
30:01I don't have my glasses on today.
30:02738. Delivered, baby. Hey, Martha.
30:13Yay, my tasers here. Oh, I mean cereal. Gotta have the fruity granules. Say,
30:19you're not delivering to Fred, are you? I'm not sure what's his address. 741.
30:25And if you're delivering there, don't park in front of his house.
30:30He once tried to get me towed away from parking there. Luckily, the tow truck couldn't pull me away.
30:36For some reason. Well, I mean, I've just-
30:40Maybe it's all that cereal. Maybe you should lay off of it, Martha.
30:47Just make sure to park in his driveway. 741.
30:53Wait, for real? I kind of want to see what happens. I kind of want to make this guy mad.
30:59No, I'm actually supposed to park here. It says- Okay, well. Screw it.
31:06I don't want to get killed tonight, man. It's not safe doing deliveries at night.
31:11Now that I think about it, I should be charging extra. Okay.
31:18Why is it quiet?
31:30Why is it quiet?
31:39Ah! Thank goodness you parked in my driveway. I thought I'd have to-
31:47Um, sorry. It's just your friend over there is creeping me out.
31:54What friend? Again!
32:10Please don't tell me I woke up the baby. Please don't tell me I woke up the baby.
32:20I think we're in the clear.
32:21I think we're in the clear.
32:26Man, shut up, Kennedy!
32:29The f- It's just an insurance salesman at 11 p.m.
32:32We're a small one-person non-profit organization. Want to donate? Man, no.
32:37What? Please, sir. Just $500. I'm $500 away from buying a new car.
32:43Carton of milk. I see what you did there. You see, I'm really poor and I'm-
32:48I don't care. You don't care- Yeah, I don't- I don't care. I just- Never mind.
32:59Was that the same guy that was like-
33:02Why is he going into the woods?
33:09All right. That scared the absolute shit out of me.
33:14Oh my god. Like, my vision went dark for a second after that scream.
33:19All right, we got 744 now. Efficiently.
33:23Was it 744? I just guessed because it's a couple doors down from the previous one,
33:26which was 741, and I remembered it. Take a picture first.
33:31Yep, got it. Hola.
33:37Cabrones, respondan, wey, Derek. Hey, thanks for the package. Yeah, yeah, take that shit, Derek.
33:42Just- Do you believe in ghosts?
33:49Yeah. Well, I heard there's a ghost in the woods.
33:54People say they see human-like figures stalking them in the woods.
33:58That's what I'm going to investigate tomorrow.
34:01If I die, then that means ghosts are real. Maybe. Derek, let me tell you something.
34:07Can I go with you? That sounds cool as-
34:10Now I'm gonna look in the woods real quick and make sure nobody's watching me,
34:13because that sounds fucked up.
34:18Now I'm scared.
34:21Shit. I don't like this game. This game is stressful.
34:26Whoa, what are you doing? Car!
34:33Where's the last one? Probably have to go all the way around.
34:35It said house eight something?
34:43There was nowhere to go, actually. Like, no particular GPS place.
34:49Like, no little arrow or something. Is it that way? What? Oh, yeah, it's right there.
34:56The GPS is right there, dude. There's, like, actually a blue line that tells you where to go.
35:02There it is.
35:05I made it to the spot, fool. Fed-ups is coming. Don't be fed up.
35:14What the f- Oh, no, this is where I die. No, this is the place. This is the spot where I-
35:19Eight seven eight. See, that's a weird number. Trash can's buried?
35:24Oh, no, we're deep in it now. Look at this house.
35:36This is where shit hits the fan in the game, doesn't it? Isn't it?
35:41A note. Sorry, I'm not home right now. Please do not rob my house.
35:44Also, packages go in the shed to the right of the house. Redacted.
35:54Okay, well.
35:59How about I, uh, drop off the package in the shed and then, um,
36:09go in and see what we can score inside the house, huh? Huh?
36:14Sounds like a fun idea. Maybe see a ghost or two.
36:21We'll walk away with some goodies.
36:24Okay, well, the shed's not over there. How the f- do I get to the shed?
36:30It said it's to the right of the house, so do I have to follow this path?
36:39Holy shed!
36:43That's a whole secondary house. Why is there- Yep, they kill people here.
36:47Yep, no, this- this is my- this is my end. This is where I meet my end. I'm just delivering a
36:54fed-ups package. Ah, I see. No, this is it. This is where- yep, this is my- this is the
37:01end of the game for me. Wait.
37:10In my Ms. way.
37:13Oh, shit! Hey, are you the guy that was wandering around here? I'm just delivering a package, dog.
37:21Oh, well, um, thanks, I guess. You don't seem to be dangerous. I'm my- my man.
37:28You scared the f- out of me, bro. Well, you're not the guy. I'm off to find him.
37:35Okay, so that guy must be getting stalked, too. But homie, first of all, my heart. Not as bad as
37:43the insurance guy, though, because I knew something was coming. When he- when- when I heard the steps
37:48outside, I knew I was prepared for it. I was prepared. My soul was ready to be taken.
37:53But not today. I'm going straight home. Yeah, I'm getting the f- out of here.
37:59I bet, uh, I bet the other dude is dead. My co-worker. Damn, I did a good job today.
38:05What's the brand of the car, it says? D- Dumb- Dumb- O-N-T. Demont. Demont. Demont. Fancy.
38:14All right, I'm heading home for the night. I finished that in, like,
38:18Okay, I'm back at home. What's my to-do list?
38:23Yeah, I'm still glad I brought a list. Oh, I got cereal!
38:29Fruity granules. I never liked fruity pebbles. I liked choco pebbles, and I only liked them for
38:36the first spoonful. I'm not a fan of the chocolate pebbles. I'm not a fan of the chocolate pebbles.
38:44I liked choco pebbles, and I only liked them for the first spoonful, you know, the crunchy one,
38:50before the rest of them just died and whittled away in the milk and just turned it into chocolate
38:54milk. Which is still really good, but that cereal has, like, a five-second lifespan before it turns
39:01to shit. Now what are we watching? I can't look at that. Nope, I'm going to bed. All right,
39:11who's dead now? That made me dizzy, bro. The spiral thing.
39:28Here we go.
39:28If you see someone that looks like you, run away immediately.
39:52That's Arnold. He's dead. Arnold's dead. Arnold got tooken.
39:59Black hoodie. The witness claims he saw Arnold walking down the street when the man popped out
40:04and pulled him into a red car, then drove away. If you have any information... The red car!
40:11That's, uh, number 741. That guy that said he would have killed me if I
40:14would have parked in front of the driveway. Uh-oh.
40:17Yo, how can you go to sleep after that? Hell no.
40:32They're both gone. Now who's gonna talk to me?
40:37Okay, I guess nobody. But I don't need nobody. I'm a lone wolf out here.
40:54He was kidnapped. Yeah, he was, dog. Both of them.
40:58And he said I was next. Why? What did I do? I'm just out here efficiently delivering packages.
41:05Doing my job. Fending off old southern ladies.
41:14All right, here we go. Right before midnight. About to start my job.
41:17I'm gonna get pulled into that red car. I know for sure. All these houses are crazy. What?
41:23Yo, we in the rich neighborhoods now. Maybe they'll have a cooler outside with some waters.
41:28Because it's hot. Man, all these houses look the same. Ugly ass houses.
41:33156. All right, here we go. Efficiently. Bam. All right, here we go. We're ready.
41:38No crab walks today, please. Thank you. Done. Yeah, uh, ma'am? Sir? Hello?
41:52Thanks for the package. I know you. Dennis? I don't know who this guy is,
41:58but I'm just gonna go with it. I've done this before in person. Even before I did
42:02YouTube and it was really funny. It's you. I have no clue who you are.
42:14You gotta have fun out there, right? Especially when you're the thick of it,
42:17delivering packages at midnight into people's homes and saying, I know who you are.
42:20All right. 315. This one. Got it. I got it. I got it. I got it.
42:38Oh, shit, bro. You took a picture of the door.
42:43It's him. It's the guy. It's the insurance guy.
42:46Hey, you can't deliver here. It's, um, haunted. Boo. Man, shut up. I have to.
42:56Oh, he took the package already.
43:08They got lights in the house. Their lights are on. Other people's lights are not on.
43:17Why did I get random chicken skin gins now? I don't have a good feeling about this anymore.
43:22I don't like the third day because I know my end is coming. I'm the one getting kidnapped next.
43:29What number was this? I'm not being efficient no more. 160.
43:33All the numbers are jumbled up. This doesn't even make any sense.
43:36One day, it's like 160. The next is 360. And the next, it's like Xbox Series X and S. And then it's
43:45all confusing. Just make them one, two, three, four, five. Take the goddamn picture like you're
43:49supposed to. Bye. It's here.
44:08Shout out to BlueRaspberry889 for sending me this package.
44:13Oh, he's, uh, streaming. Did you just dox yourself? And you too can get a personal
44:18shout out from me, Rhonda Legedly, if you send me fan mail. We're gonna open it on tomorrow's stream.
44:24See you later. What are you looking at? You're supposed to give me the package and scram
44:31people nowadays. Oh, so he's one of those that's like in real life.
44:39All right, let's get the out of here, bro. They got all kinds of people out here.
44:43Just look out for a red car.
44:48Oh, yeah, yeah. Cuidado, cuidado, cuidado. I'm gonna send him some fan mail.
44:52It'll literally be a fan in the mail.
45:01Okay, it wasn't funny. It was a dad joke. All right, I'm trying. I'm trying here.
45:08Do you know what? Just let me work.
45:14Open the door. Take a goddamn package.
45:19Linus. Oh, package. Thanks. And that guy, Ron, a couple houses down. He's so loud.
45:28He's so loud. I can hear him from here, especially when he's doing that live streaming thing he's
45:33always on about. He acts like he's on drugs. I've called the police on him multiple times,
45:38but they never do anything. It's like he's paying them off or something. Anyway,
45:43that's why I ordered the tape. Tape? What's that going to do? Shut him up, hopefully.
45:51What? Are you going to record him and expose him for who he really is behind the scenes?
45:57And don't tell anybody or else. Now, go on. Someone's getting canceled. I got four out of
46:04nine deliveries. Not too bad. Gee, I really hope a red car doesn't come out of nowhere and
46:11kidnap me. I don't know where. Who's next? 165. All right.
46:26This one. Who's next?
46:30This is for my sister, Mark. Oh, you're not Mark. Forget this happened. Okay.
46:55Yeah, I was going to say, I hope that kind of shit doesn't happen on
46:58deliveries, but I mean, rocking up to deliver a package and a guy pulls up with a shotgun.
47:06Yeah, it doesn't surprise me nowadays. All right, here we go. 322.
47:16Okay, we're getting closer to our doom and that's okay. I'm here for it. I'm here for
47:21it at this point. Bye. No package. This is my spider monkey pelt.
47:29How would I know? Well, you're delivering it. So to put it simple, it's your job.
47:36My job is to put the package in your porch and go home. Literally. I bet people are like that
47:42though. I bet people actually think that delivery drivers are supposed to know what's in the package.
47:47All right. Six out of nine.
47:54Okay. What number is this?
48:00324. I see it in the dark.
48:06Wait, I have 10 packages though. Okay. Well, you know, I'm going to die on the ninth one.
48:13It's like those movies where you already know how it's going to end.
48:18Wait, you're just there for the ride? It's like playing Halo Reach all over again.
48:26Sorry about your sister. I, uh, oh, that's Mark, the guy that was getting shot. Oh,
48:31you're not Hunter. I guess I won't be needing this then. Don't go to Hunter. He's got a shotgun.
48:37You should visit Hunter. You should visit Hunter. He's got a shotgun.
48:40You should visit Hunter. You should visit Hunter. He's got a surprise. No way. He must be ready and
48:47strapped as well. Let's see what happens. We'll probably hear about it on the news. You should
48:50visit Hunter. He has a surprise. Oh, I'm glad he isn't mad. I thought he would have a shotgun
48:56or something. Now I feel dumb. Well, I guess I should confront him and I'm excited for the
49:03surprise. See you later, stranger. I mean, I'm not going to find out about it, right?
49:10I'm getting kidnapped tonight.
49:18That's my, uh, traveling music. Radio is not working in the car. 170. Here it is.
49:24Put the thing first before you take a picture away. Haven't you learned?
49:40Salad, salad, salad.
49:44Yes, it is. It's definitely salad. I love me some salad. Thanks for the salad that's in here.
49:54It's a picture of his house, just in case. All right, here we go. The final package.
49:58Right over here.
50:02Number 174.
50:06I wonder who it is or what I did to them. About to find out.
50:13You know who else is going to find out? Mark. He f***ed around with Mark's sister.
50:18What the hell? I can't. There we go. All right. Hello?
50:30Why do I always? I get jump scared every time my eggs arrived.
50:35Cluck, cluck, cluck. I'm going to take them inside now. Cluck, cluck, cluck. Good night, human.
50:40What the f***? Bring that truck over there. Over here. Who said that? Who's saying that?
50:49Oh, s***. Okay. Yeah, why not? Run his a** over. Run his a** over.
51:00Who the f*** are you? Get out the way.
51:02Don't mess with me now. I'm Jackie Chan. All right, dude, look. I got the moves.
51:08I bet you that guy's roaming around here all willy-nilly. I bet he's homeless.
51:14Nah, this right here is what that no-no snow does. Yeah. Well, I guess that makes two of us.
51:21Anyway, shoot. Scram. You don't want to mess with the rest of us.
51:27Anyway, shoot. Scram. You don't want to mess with the retarded karate-retired karate master.
51:38Dyslexia. Go.
51:47Run his a** over. I can't. How do I? Okay, well, I'll just go this way.
51:57Ah! I just ran over a cat!
52:09What was that?
52:32Why was that not closed all the way?
52:45What just happened?
53:05Why did it? Why did it restart? Hold up. I'm calling 911.
53:15This is the police. What is your emergency? I don't have time for you. No, sir!
53:25Listen! I ran over a goddamn squirrel and a guy took advantage of that and he's in my truck.
53:30He's inside the box.
53:35Yeah! I'm going home, b****! He was in the box.
53:51How do I go home? Okay, just keep going. Just keep driving.
53:58No, I don't think he was in the box. I think he's just right behind me and
54:01um, maybe I'm just not supposed to look. Maybe they just needed my truck for something.
54:08Maybe he was in the box. Should I turn around?
54:11I think I'm just gonna keep driving until I reach the end of the street.
54:21Okay, good. Good. Yeah, he was in the box.
54:23But why? Why was he in the box? There's a guy in my box!
54:38Hold up.
54:41Make sure he's not in my goddamn drawers or something.
54:47Okay, we're good. We're good. No, we're good. We're good. We're good.
54:51Is he in this one? It's the pictures.
54:59That's you. Yep, that's me. Hide, hide, hide, hide. Go back, go back, go back, go back, go back,
55:03b****. Go back, go back. No, pendejo, get in there. Oh, s**t. Call 911. S**t, s**t, s**t, s**t, s**t, s**t.
55:10Get the- get- I have an achievement over the phone! Move the f**king achievement, Steam!
55:21911, there's a guy. 911, there's a guy. In my goddamn house.
55:46Oh, there's no microphone, so it doesn't f**king matter. Hello?
55:51I saw his foot. I saw his foot. He was wearing Timbs.
56:07I'm not going out there.
56:14The police finally arrived. After they entered, I walked out of the closet.
56:20They questioned me while looking for the kidnapper.
56:24I told them about the photos and my co-workers.
56:28After searching, the police never found him. However, due to the fingerprints left on the
56:38photos, the police were able to identify the kidnapper, and he was arrested.
56:46It turns out he was some deranged man that killed his family.
56:51When I looked on the news the next day, I saw his mugshot. It sent chills down my spine.
57:06Whoa. Yo. The serial killer causing the recent kidnappings has been caught. The
57:13man was identified as Walt Martin, who was previously accused of murdering his family,
57:17but was let go due to lack of evidence. The police say he wasn't-
57:23Well, that's creepy. I want to know what happened between Mark and Hunter, though.
57:27Using Unreal Engine 5. That looked like Unreal Engine 1.2, but that's neither here nor there.
57:32Thanks for playing, and thank you for watching FedUps. If you enjoyed this video, leave a like.
57:39That was a fun little game to kind of wet the palette again, like getting back into the indie
57:44horror games type thing. I feel like I've gone too long without getting those kinds of jump scares,
57:49and Garden of Banban and Poppy Playtime just did not do it for me. So I feel like my tolerance has
57:53actually dropped a lot, and I'm easily scared. Oh, hey, look. It's the first game I've ever
57:58100%ed with achievements. There's only four. Okay, that's it for me. Thanks for watching.
58:03I love y'all, and I'm gonna see you next time. Bye!