• 2 days ago
The latest in a trilogy of videos detailing the exploits of a metal band made up of Batman heroes Batman, Robin, Red Hoo | dHNfYjZqTDVDdUxDbVU


00:00France is under Nazi control.
00:19British Prime Minister Winston Churchill wages a secret war to free France from the Nazis.
00:37Churchill recruits agents who are banned by law from the front line.
00:49They are led by spy master Vera Atkins.
00:54Are you prepared to take the fight to the Nazis?
00:58As a spy?
01:01If you're caught, the chances of survival are slim.
01:10But Vera's agents all begin to disappear.
01:14Who has betrayed them?
01:18Well, I think you know.
01:21Did you pay him?
01:23Everyone has their price, don't they?
01:40How long can she hold out?
01:43There is a cover-up, but after her death, Vera lets the truth be known.
01:53Now, for the first time on television or film, the true story of Vera's search for her lost women spies.
02:03This is our best chance of finding our agents, women agents, alive.
